As of My Last Knowledge Update in September 2021

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As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, I do not have specific

information about a journal titled "Journal of Risk Management in Sports." It's

possible that such a journal may have been established after that date, or it may have
a different name.

If you're looking for journals related to risk management in sports, you can consider
searching on academic databases like PubMed, Google Scholar, or specific sports
science databases. You can also visit the websites of academic publishers that
specialize in sports science and management to see if they have any relevant journals
in their portfolio.

Additionally, you can check with your academic institution's library or consult with a
research librarian for assistance in finding journals related to risk management in
sports. They can provide you with the most up-to-date information and resources for
your research needs.

出门前,彩心又算一算向阳花。 “一、二、三、四、五…… 奇怪,向阳花怎么少了一朵呢?” 彩心

重新算了一遍,发现向阳花真的少了一朵! 彩心看见向阳花的绿叶散落在地上, 想必有人把向阳
花摘掉了。 彩心又生气又难过。 彩心想:“要是让我知道谁是摘花的人, 我一定不会原谅他。”
translate to english
Before going out, Cai Xin counted the sunflowers again. "One, two, three, four, five... Strange, why
is there one less sunflower?" Cai Xin counted again and indeed, one sunflower was missing! Cai
Xin saw the green leaves of the sunflower scattered on the ground, suspecting that someone had
picked the sunflower. Cai Xin felt both angry and sad. Cai Xin thought, "If I find out who picked
the flower, I will definitely not forgive them."

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