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School of Computing and Informatics

MMU 111 – Fundamentals of Digital Competence
Some Topics -Some Tutorial/Revision Questions

1. Define the following terms:-

Raf has answered for you this just as a guide

(a) Computer - An electronic device that accepts data as input, processes this data based on
some instructions, and gives information as output

(b) Data - Raw facts, symbols and figures found in a user environment

(c) Information - Processed data that is meaningful (can be used to make decisions)

(d) Program - Set of instructions, written in a computer understandable language, that guide
a computer on how to perform some task

(e) Algorithm - Step-by-step procedure on how to accomplish a task using a computer


(f) Booting - Process of a computer starting when powered on - starts by a series of clock
ticks, CPU looking for the BIOS for instructions on where to find the operating system,
once the operating system is found, it loaded into the main memory (RAM)

(g) BIOS - Basic Input Output System - A memory chip in ROM which stores the basic

instructions that are executed whenever a computer starts

(h) POST - Power-On-Self-Test - Series of diagnostic tests done by the BIOS to determine if
the keyboard, RAM, disk drivers, display (screen) and other hardware are working properly

2. State the major technological development during evolution of computers

Major Technological developments


• First Generatio - Vacuum Tubes

• Second Generation - Transistors

• Third Generation - Integrated Circuits

• Fourth Generation - Micro Processor

• Fifth Generation - Artificial Intelligence

Dr. Raphael Angulu, MMU 111 SCI, MMUST, 2023: Revision Questions 1
3. State any five advantages of computers.

Advantages of computers

• Fast - They are faster compared to humans

• Versatile - can perform wide range of tasks

• Large storage capacity

• Accuracy -

• Diligence - Free from tiredness or boredom

4. What are the limitations/disadvantages of computers

Limitations of computers

• Has no Intelligence - Need instructions to perform

• No feelings

• Need clear and complete instructions to workRa

• Does not gain experience, even after doing same stuff for long

5. Identify the main four major components of the basic hardware of a computer
Four main components of a computer

• Input - Entering data and instructions


• Storage - Memory stores data and instructions before, during and after processing

• Processor - Does the actual processing of data

• Output - Presents information to the user


6. What is cache memory? Briefly explain the functions of cache memory.

Cache Memory

Cache memory are small high-speed memory cells closer to the CPU than RAM.

Cache memory is used to temporarily hold instructions and data the CPU is likely to


7. Explain the term hardware as used in computer system.

These are the visible and touchable components of the computer like the mouse, keyboard,
monitor, RAm modules, harddisk etc

Dr. Raphael Angulu, MMU 111 SCI, MMUST, 2023: Revision Questions 2
8. Describe any four characteristics of computers
Characteristics of Computers

(a) Speed - Computers can perform tasks faster than humans. A computer can perform 3-4
millions instructions per second

(b) Accuracy - Computers are accurate. Suppose a human calculates faster but commits lots
of errors, such results are useless.

(c) Diligence - Computers are free from tiredness, fatigue or loss of concentration. It can

perform calculations for hours without getting tired

(d) Versatility - Computers can perform a wide range tasks.

(e) Storage - Computers can store large amount of information. Any item of data or any

instruction stored in the memory can be retrieved by the computer at lightning speeds.

(f) Clear and Complete instructions - A computer needs a clear and complete set of
instructions of how to perform a task. If you give it wrong instructions, it will process
data based on the wrong instruction and the results will be meaningless.

(h) No Feelings - Computer has no feelings Ra

(g) No Intelligence Quotient(IQ) - Computers have no brain to detect human errors

(i) No Experience - However much a computer performs the same task, it does not gain
experience. However, with machine learning and Artificial Intelligence, this is changing.
Today, its possible to train a computer.
l u
9. What do you understand by the phrase GIGO.

Garbage in Garbage Out - This means if you give a computer wrong instructions and or wrong
data, the output produced will be wrong

10. Outline various classifications of computers with respect to size, purpose and data handled.
Classification of computers based to size purpose and data handled

• Size

– Mini computers
– Super computers

– Mainframes

– Micro Computers

• Purpose

– General purpose computers - perform wide variety of tasks

– Specific purpose computers - perform single specific task, e.g. scheduling of flights in
an airport

• Data handling

Dr. Raphael Angulu, MMU 111 SCI, MMUST, 2023: Revision Questions 3
– Digital computers - process digital/discreet data
– Analogue computers - process continuously changing data
– Hybrid computers - process both discreet and analogue data

11. State two types of CPU architectures/ distinguish between RISC and CISC
CPU Architectures: CISC and RISC

There are two types of fundamental CPU architecture:

(a) Complex Instruction Set Computers (CISC).

(b) Reduced Instruction Set Computers (RISC).

CISC is the most prevalent and established microprocessor architecture, while RISC is a relative

Differences between CISC and RISC are

Large instruction set
Complex, powerful instructions

Instruction sub-commands micro-coded in

on board ROM
Compact instruction set
Simple hard-wired machine code and con-
trol unit
Pipelining of instructions

Compact and versatile register set Numerous registers

Numerous memory addressing options for Compiler and IC developed simultane-
operands ously

The difference between the two architectures is the relative complexity of the instruction sets and
underlying electronic and logic circuits in CISC microprocessors. Microprocessors must perform
the following activities:

(a) Provide temporary storage for addresses and data

(b) Perform arithmetic and logic operations

(c) Control and schedule all operations.

12. With an illustration, explain the basic computer organization. Briefly explain its functional units.
As shown in Figure 1 the four main components of a computer are connected by a fifth component

called buses.

Input devices, bus, storage, processing unit, output devices. What are they?

• Input devices - An input device reads data and instructions from input media and
enters it into the computer memory in a coded form (in a form the computer can process)

Example input devices are mouse, keyboard, scanner, camera, microphone

• Bus (Buses) - A bus is a communication media that transfers data and information
between computer components

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Figure 1: Basic Organization of a Computer

• Memory (Storage) - Storage unit that hold data, instructions and information before,

during and after processing.

There are two types of memory:-

– Primary memory - RAM and ROM

– Secondary memory - Harddrive, CDs, DVDs etc

• Processing Unit - The central processing unit is responsible for processing data into
information. It reads data and instructions from memory, process data based on the
instructions and writes information back into memory or sends it directly to the output
CPU has three main components:

– Registers - A temporary storage area built into the CPU

– Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) - Component that performs all the arithmetic and

logical operations such as addition, multiplication, AND, OR etc

– Control unit (CU) - Decodes (interprets) all the computer instructions and controls
all other components of the CPU to make it work properly.

• Output devices - Decodes information from the computer memory and present it to the

user in a human understandable form.

For instance, music file is stored as a series of 1s and 0s in memory, but an output
device (speaker) decodes these 1s and 0s and present it as a sound to a user

13. State the functions of:-


Function of CU and ALU and Registers


(a) Control Unit - Sends control signals which controls and coordinates all other components
of the computer

(b) Arithmetic and Logic Unit - ALU performs arithmetic and logical operations. This unit
does the actual processing of data

(c) Registers - Stores data and instructions that the ALU is currently executing

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14. What are registers with regard to computer memory?


These are small high speed memory cells located in the CPU, they are used to hold data and
instructions currently being executed by the ALU

15. What is virtual memory?

Virtual memory

This is part of secondary memory (harddisk) that the operating system treats like primary
memory (RAM)

16. What is a printer? Explain two main categories of printers.

What is a printer

A printer is an external hardware output device that takes the electronic data stored on a

Types of printers Ra
computer or other device and generates a hard copy

• Inkjet - produces hard copy by spraying streams of quick drying ink on paper

• Laser jet - The image to be printed is drawn onto the drum by using a laser to ”carve-out”
positive charges and leave behind negative ones
17. Explain three main categories of computer software

Main categories of computer software

(a) System Software - is a program that manages and supports the computer resources and
operations of a computer system while it executes various tasks such as processing data

and information, controlling hardware components, and allowing users to use application

(b) Application Software - consists of Programs that direct computers to perform specific
information processing activities for end users. These programs are called application
packages because they direct the processing required for a particular use, or application,
which users want to accomplish.

(c) Programming Languages - Now this is a kind of computer software which is used
exclusively by computer programmers. Unless we are also programmers, we are unlikely to

come across programming languages. A simple way to understand programming languages

is to think of them as bricks which can be used to create applications and operating system.
C++, Java and Simlab are some popular programming languages.

Dr. Raphael Angulu, MMU 111 SCI, MMUST, 2023: Revision Questions 6
18. Explain two types/categories of system software

Operating System and Utility programs

• Operating system - An operating system is a collection of integrated computer programs

that provide recurring services to other programs or to the user of a computer.

Examples of operating system are

– Linux

– Windows (Windows 10, Windows XP, Windows 8)
– Android
– Unix
– Mac OS

• Utility programs - These are the programs that help the operations and management
of a computer system by providing a variety of support services to let the computer
hardware and other system programs run efficiently.

– Antivirus
– Backup facility
– Disk cleaners
There are many system utility programmes which include but not limited to:

– File compressors
– File/data recovery
– Disk defragmenters

• Device drivers - Software that enables one or more hardware devices to communicate

with the operating system

19. Explain Functions of the operating system


Functions of the OS

(a) Resource manager - Manages computer memory, CPU and other components. Its re-
sponsible for allocating and de-allocating resources to programs/processes.

(b) Task Management - Manages programs in computer system to enable them run simul-

(c) Process management - Responsible for starting, stopping, suspending and resuming of

processes (a process is just a program that is executing) item Memory Management

-Allocates and de-allocates memory to processes

(d) File Management - Provide ability to create, edit, delete files.

(e) User interface - Provides an interface that enables the user to easily interact with the

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20. What is multitasking


Capability of a computer (operating system) to run several tasks/programs in a single computer

at the same time

21. Distinguish between system and application software citing one example for each.

System and Application software

• System software is a program that manages and supports the computer resources and
operations of a computer system while it executes various tasks such as processing data
and information, controlling hardware components, and allowing users to use application

software. examples are operating system e.g windows, utility programs

• Application software consists of Programs that direct computers to perform specific infor-
mation processing activities for end users. These programs are called application packages
because they direct the processing required for a particular use, or application, which users
want to accomplish.

22. What is a computer network?

What is a computer network

A computer network is a collection of computers and other hardware interconnected by commu-
nication channels that allow sharing of resources and information.
23. Differentiate between the Internet and the World Wide Web.

Difference between www and internet

• Internet - Is a global inter-connection of computer networks

• world wide web (www) - Is a global inter-connection of web pages.


• Web page - Is a document that can be accessed via a browser and normally may contains
links to other web pages

24. What is data communication?

Data communication

Data communication is the transmission of electronic data over some media. The media may be

cables, microwaves

25. Define network topology.

Network topology

A network topology is the layout of the interconnections of the nodes in a computer network

Dr. Raphael Angulu, MMU 111 SCI, MMUST, 2023: Revision Questions 8
26. State any four advantages that computer network will bring to any organization.
Advantages of computer networks

• File sharing - A person sitting at one workstation of a network can easily see the files
present on the other workstation, provided he is authorized to do so.

• Resource sharing - A connected resource (like a printer) can be shared by several people

• Increased storage capacity - As there is more than one computer on a network which

can easily share files, the issue of storage capacity gets resolved to a great extent.

• Increased cost efficiency - By sharing resources like software and printers, cost is re-

27. What are the disadvantages of computer networks?
Disadvantages of computer networks

• Security - If a computer is a standalone, physical access becomes necessary for any kind of
data theft. However, if a computer is on a network, a computer hacker can get unauthorized
access by using different tools

• Spread of viruses - Computer viruses get spread on a network easily because of the
interconnectivity of workstations.

• Expensive to set up - The initial set up cost of a computer network can be high depending
on the number of computers to be connected
• Dependency on main server - When the main server comes down, the whole network
is affected

28. Differentiate between guided and unguided communication media.

Guided and unguided media

• Guided media - Involves use of physical connections between the communicating entities.

These physical connections may include

– Coaxial cables
– Twisted pair cables
– Ethernet cables
– Copper wires
– Fiber optic cables

• Unguided media - This involves use on non-physical connections. The connection is


commonly referred to as wireless where the communicating entities are connected without
use of cable. These entities communicate using waves/signals that are transmitted in the
air. These connections include:-

– Blue-tooth
– Infra-red waves
– Micro-waves
– Radio waves

Dr. Raphael Angulu, MMU 111 SCI, MMUST, 2023: Revision Questions 9
– Wireless Fidelity (WiFi)

29. Name any three media used in guided communication media.

Media used in guided communication

• Coaxial cables

• Twisted pair cables

• Ethernet cables

• Copper wires

• Fiber optic cables

30. With the aid of diagrams, describe Star, Mesh, Token ring and bus LAN topologies. State three
advantages and three disadvantages of each:-

Bus network topology

A bus network topology is a network architecture in which a set of clients are connected via a
shared communications line/cables, called a bus.


• Easy to use
• Cheap

• Easy to extend


• Slow when traffic is heavy

• Hard to troubleshoot
. An

Dr. Raphael Angulu, MMU 111 SCI, MMUST, 2023: Revision Questions 10
Star network topology

A star topology links the computers by individual cables to a central unit, usually a hub


• Failure of one computer does not affect entire network

• Centralised hub reduces cost

• Can use different types of connection


• Failure of central hub brings down the whole network

• Expensive compared to bus

l u

Ring network topology

Each node is connected to its left and right neighbour node, such that all nodes are connected
in a loop and that each node can reach each other node by traversing nodes left- or rightwards


• High speed - as traffic flow in one direction

• Faster than bus, even at heavy traffic

• No control by a network server

• Easy to extend without affecting performance


• Each computer has equal access to resources



• A packet of data has to pass through all nodes

• If one node goes down, the entire network is affected

• Expensive to install

• Slower compared to bus

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Mesh network topology

Mesh network is a network setup where each computer and network device is interconnected
with one another

• Multiple devices can transmit simultaneously

• Failure of one device does not affect transmission

• Adding other devices does not break down the network


• Expensive to setup

• Hard to maintain

• Redundancy is connections
. An

Dr. Raphael Angulu, MMU 111 SCI, MMUST, 2023: Revision Questions 12
31. Write in full
• EROM – Erasable Read Only Memory

• EPROM – Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

• EEPROM – Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

• PROM – Programmable Read Only Memory

32. Explain the following computer specification: Intel 2.40GHz, 200GB, 512MB, 15”.
Meaning of Computer Specifications above. Raf amejibu hii

Intel - Type of processor in the computer
2.40GHz - Speed of the processor, 2.40 Giga Hertz
200GB - Capacity of the Harddisk
512MB - Capacity of RAM
15” - Size of the screen in inches, measured diagonally

33. What is a bus

A bus
A set of physical connections (cables, printed circuits, etc.) which can be shared by multiple
hardware components in order to communicate with one another
34. Explain the three types of system bus.

Types of buses

• Address bus - Also called memory. transports memory addresses which the processor
wants to access in order to read or write data. It is a unidirectional bus

• Data bus - transfers instructions coming from or going to the processor. It is a bidirec-

tional bus.

• Control bus - Also called command bus. transports orders and synchronization signals
coming from the control unit and travelling to all other hardware components. It is a
bidirectional bus, as it also transmits response signals from the hardware.

35. State any 3 input devices and 3 output devices.


Input and Output devices


• Input devices

– Mouse
– Keyboard
– Scanner
– Microphone
– Camera

Dr. Raphael Angulu, MMU 111 SCI, MMUST, 2023: Revision Questions 13
– Touch pad
– Digitizing pen

• Output devices

– Monitor
– Printer
– Speakers

36. Outline any three differences between RAM and ROM.
Differences between RAM and ROM
• RAM is Random Access Memory, while ROM stands for Read Only Memory.

• RAM is volatile and is erased when the computer is switched off. ROM is non-volatile and
generally cannot be written to.

• RAM is used for both read and write while ROM is used only for reading.

• RAM needs electricity to flow to retain information while ROM is permanent.

• RAM is analogous to a blackboard on which information can be written with a chalk

and erased any number of times, while ROM is permanent and can only be read. One
example is BIOS (basic input output system) that runs when computer is switched on and
it prepares disk drives and processor to load OS from disk.
37. State any three types of secondary storage media.
Types of secondary storage media

• Solid state - Non-volatile read and write memory made from silicon chips. Used to make
USB memory sticks (Flash memory)

• Optical - Use laser (light) to write data


• Magnetic - Use magnetic fields to store data. Used in making harddisks

38. Describe four steps that make up the information processing cycle.
Fetch-Execute Cycle

(a) Instruction Fetch (IF) - The fetch cycle begins with retrieving the address stored in

the program counter. The address stored is some valid address in the memory holding the

instruction to be executed. The Central Processing Unit completes this step by fetching
the instruction stored at the address from the memory and transferring this instruction to a
special register to hold the instruction to be executed. The program counter is incremented
to point to the next address from which the new instruction is to be fetched.
(b) Instruction Decode (ID) - The decode cycle is used for interpreting the instruction that
was fetched in the Fetch Cycle. The operands are retrieved from the addresses if the need
(c) Data Fetch (DF) - To load an instruction or piece of data from memory into a CPU’s

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(d) Instruction Execute (EX) - From the instruction register, the data forming the in-
struction is decoded by the control unit. It then passes the decoded information as a
sequence of control signals to the relevant functional units of the CPU to perform the
actions required by the instruction such as reading values from registers, passing them to
the Arithmetic logic unit (ALU) to add them together and writing the result back to a
register. A condition signal is sent back to the control unit by the ALU if it is involved.

(e) Result Return (RR) - The result generated by the operation is stored in the main

memory, or sent to an output device. Based on the condition feedback from the ALU, the
PC is either incremented to address the next instruction or updated to a different address
where the next instruction will be fetched. The cycle is then repeated.

39. Explain any FOUR methods of measuring the processing power of a computer.

Measuring processing power of a computer

(a) Instructions per second - average number of instructions per second.

(b) FLoating point Operations Per Second (FLOPS) - average number of floating point
operations per second (on some machines one instruction can do several floating point

(c) Response time - Total time taken to respond to a request

(d) Latency - Time delay between a user action and computer response

(e) Whetstone - a standardized measure of floating point performance.


(f) Dhrystone - a standardized measure of integer performance.


40. Differentiate between hard copy and softcopy.

Hard and soft copy


• Hard copy - Hard copy refers to the digital document file which is printed on paper or
other material like transparency. In hard copy the output is printed on the paper.

• Soft copy - Soft copy refers to the digital document file or electronic version of a document
which is not printed on paper

41. What is an embedded computer system?


Embedded software

Software written to control a particular device (non computer device)

42. What is a Firmware?

Software that provides low-level control of some specific hardware in a computer

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43. Represent the binary 0.10101 as a decimal number.

Binary to decimal

Steps for fractional number

(a) Starting from the left-most digit after decimal point (.), assign each digit a power, starting
with -1

(b) Multiply each digit by 2 raised to its (digits) respective power

(c) Add the multiplications in (b) above

0 . 1 0 1 0 1
−1 −2 −3 −4 −5

=1 × 2−1 + 0 × 2−2 + 1 × 2−3 + 0 × 2−4 + 1 × 2−5

=1 ×

1 1
= + +
2 8 32
21 2
+0+1× 3 +0+1× 5
Ra remember x−n =
44. Calculate the range limitations for a 6-bit binary number.

45. Convert hexadecimal number FC1 to its binary equivalent.

46. In the context of binary arithmetic explain what is meant by an overflow.

47. Give two reasons why the microcomputer is the most common type of computer today.

48. What is software utility? Give four examples of software utility.

49. Represent the 8-bit binary number 11101012 as a decimal integer.

Binary to decimal

Steps for whole number


(a) Starting from the right-most digit, assign each digit a power, starting with 0

(b) Multiply each digit by 2 raised to its (digits) respective power

(c) Add the multiplications in (b) above

1 1 1 0 1 0 1
6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Dr. Raphael Angulu, MMU 111 SCI, MMUST, 2023: Revision Questions 16
=1 × 26 + 1 × 25 + 1 × 24 + 0 × 23 + 1 × 22 + 0 × 21 + 1 × 20

=64 + 32 + 16 + 0 + 4 + 0 + 1


50. Provide the BCD equivalent of 5738.

5738 = 0101 0111 0011 1000

51. Represent the number 0.8125 in binary number system.

52. Explain THREE data representation/coding schemes in computer.

53. Computers in the fifth generation can be thought as possessing human-like characteristics. In your

own opinion, justify the above proposition

54. Describe three categories of system software.

System software

• Operating systems - An operating system (OS) is system software that manages com-
puter hardware, software resources, and provides common services for computer programs
• Device drivers - Software that enables one or more hardware devices to communicate
with the operating system

• Firmware - Firmware is a software program or set of instructions programmed on a


hardware device. It provides the necessary instructions for how the device communicates
with the other computer hardware

• Utility programs - Utility program is software designed to help to analyse, configure,


optimize or maintain a computer.

• Programming language translators - These are intermediate programs used to trans-

late high-level language source code to machine language code. Popular language trans-
lators include assemblers, compilers, and interpreters. They may be used to perform
complete translation of program codes or they may translate each instruction one at a

55. Describe five categories of application software.


Application software categories

• Presentation software - Enables one to create slides for presentation of ones idea. eg
Microsoft PowerPoint

• Web browsers - Enables one to locate and retrieve data in the web. examples are Google
Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox

• Multimedia software - Helps in creating or recording images, audio and or video files.

Dr. Raphael Angulu, MMU 111 SCI, MMUST, 2023: Revision Questions 17
Commonly used in animation e.g. Windows Media player, VLC media player

• Education software - specifically designed to facilitate learning

• Graphics software - Enable one to edit or make changes to an image. e.g Photoshop
and paintShop

• Spreadsheet software - Store data in a table and perform simple calculations

• Database software - Used to create and manage databases

• Word processing software - Helps in formating and manipulating text e.g. Microsoft

56. What is open source software

Open source

This type of software is available along with the source code that allows you to modify the
software, and even add features to the software. These could either be free or paid. Moodle and

Apache Web Server are some examples.

57. State the advantages and disadvantages of both tailor-made and packaged application software.
Advantages and Disadvantages

• Custom-made (Tailor-made) Advantages

– Save time and costs
– Features are tailored to your needs
– Only pay for exact features needed by your organization

– Higher chances of user adoption since they are involved in development process
– Tailored support and maintenance
– Scalability - You can add components

• Custom-made (Tailor-made) Disadvantages

– Building software from scratch takes longer
– Initial cost is higher
– Risk of incompetence

• Off-the-shelf (Packaged) Advantages


– Availability - Ready. Buy and use


– Reliability - Already being used by others

– Good documentation
• Off-the-shelf (Packaged) Disadvantages
– Poor scalability - You cannot add new features
– Poor support - You developers may not be able to provide better support
– Limited control - Vendors future plans may not align with organizations plans
– Not industry-specific - software is not tested in your organizations conditions

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58. Define the following and give their applicability in computing.
Interpreters compilers and Assembler

(a) Interpreters - A high-level programming language translator that translates and runs
the program at the same time. It converts one program statement into machine language,
executes it, and then proceeds to the next statement.

(b) Compilers - A compiler is a special program that processes statements written in a

particular programming language and turns them into machine language or ”code” that a

computer’s processor uses

(c) Assembler - An assembler is a program that converts assembly language into machine
code. It takes the basic commands and operations from assembly code and converts them
into binary code that can be recognized by a specific type of processor.

59. What is a device driver? Give examples of device drivers.
Device driver

Exammple. Network drivers, printer drivers Ra

Software that enables one or more hardware devices to communicate with the operating system.

60. Differentiate between custom made software and off-the-shelf software.

Custom-made vs off-the-shelf
• Custom-made software (Tailor-made software) - is software that is specially devel-
oped for some specific organization or user

• Off-the-shelf software (Packaged applications) - standardised software applications

that are mass-produced, available to the general public, and fit for immediate use. They
are designed for a broad range of customers, offering a comprehensive set of features to
streamline operations

61. State and explain main characteristics of memory

Main characteristics of memory

(a) Capacity, representing the global volume of information (in bits) that the memory can

(b) Access time, corresponding to the time interval between the read/write request and the

availability of the data

(c) Cycle time, representing the minimum time interval between two successive accesses

(d) Throughput, which defines the volume of information exchanged per unit of time, ex-
pressed in bits per second

(e) Non-volatility, which characterises the ability of a memory to store data when it is not
being supplied with electricity

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