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Corrected by: Omar Se $-3-3-55-h-m 2- During dental treatment, a patient complained that the water spray from the hand piece made her feel lke gagging and she asked the dentist to turn it off. The dentist adjusted the spray to the bare minimum to prevent the smell of burning that comes from cutting a dray tooth. Which of the following is the main purpose of the water spray in a high speed rotary instrument? ~ oA. Reduce operator fatigue Cw Reducing pulpal damage)» © €- Performing oral prophylaxis © 8 Mm pte fom 3. After proparing the proximal box of a class ll amalgam, restoration in tooth #45, the margin gingival floor of the box needs to be refined to remove all unsupported enamel rods, z Which of the following is used for this procedure? © C. Inverted cone on a high speed hand-piece © D. Small round bur on low speed hand-piece gingival margin trimmer 1) Ay (SANATATAMTAR is designed 0 eli rey SL frais a poe varations. Te is 4- 73-year-old woman is brought to the clinic by her daughter for the replacement of lost dentures. The patient has senile hearing loss but is otherwise healthy. Extra-oral examination was within normal. On intra-oral examination, the patient had fairly well shaped maxillary and mandibular alveolar ridges, and her oral mucosal tissues were healthy. The teeth remaining were: #14, 13, 24, 37,35, 44, 46. The teeth had gingiyal recession but no mobility or signs of caries. Which of the followjing isthe classification of this patient's edentulous ridge gecording to Kennedy- Applegate? la: Class | modification |! ©_C. Mandible: Class I! modification i &B Mandible: Cass i modification 1 ‘5+ Ad-year-old girl is brought for the extraction of first permanent premolars. Examination shows teeth are never restored and are designated for use in pre-clinical educational ‘training. Which of the following is the recommended treatment of teeth before use in pre-clinical setting? ‘0 A. Clean and store in saline Remove amalgam restorations from the teeth and dispose into. ‘urloaa laa wo rcepoc abel 18.1 10 = Pelt GBR deci in sh selon of inptesion decor, ime'n sao pred wor ele Soler rcormended ree eonaminon ane Suwa row ond spolage ding sora), ay. Sorin 2 leeeeatonee! © D. Clean with an intermediate level disinfectant and store in saline 7- Which of the following methods proves the resistance to displacement of a short-walled preparation on a large vital tooth? © A, Utilizing pins OCB) Placing axial grooves, Se © °C. Creating sight undercuts ‘Secondary Resistance and Retention Forms Adee msivance and ton frm may no lng be pee inthe ou prepuaion afer crs Ison eval has ee essa scl a ai ee en Alta theplacment of proves cores dot Bl ot enbance touting anemone aed. Uy er the oth preparation the pour the nal fo axon sare td reenon farms © D. Post and core after root canal treatment Types of Parapulpal Retention Pins The most aqme sal pe of aap pin the shading pin. The pinsetaned amalgam restoration cing selceaing Pi orginally was sre by Going in ionosked and cements pis, hough ill aval, are rarely used (Fs When gt ats drucibno ap ue hs een Ss — ———— ‘Se of elu vr bighe hp “With cl ode ean ofthe pin in dein she aon a a ie nion skate ") erg ofthe rca pine 0381 a 8. After completing crown preparation on tovth #16, the dentist ready to pack cord around the tooth to make the final impression. Patient medical history shows that he is taking Which one of the hemostatic agent may have an adverse effect ‘on the patient? © ¢ Aluminum chloride 0 not use any hemostatic agent with this patient Fangs danish engi. The ssl ods «compo adequate arama erl diglacerent Of the fc ging The cand may he texte wid heat am preparatiaat conning Aleratvely the con maybe seated with EM Hae ‘caution must be used as epinephrine on abraded. ee 9- Apatient presents to the dentist complaining of severe, Uunlocalized pain on lower right side. On clinical examination, he Fad multiple questionable teeth. An attempt was made to locaize the offending tooth using thermal testing. Tooth #45 had severe pain that lasted 1-2 seconds after remeval of the stimulus. ‘Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? © A. Normal © B. Necrotic pulp © C, Reversible pulpitis ‘0(D) Irreversible pulpitis 10- Which of the following is the main advantage of a water spray during tooth preparation? © A, Dehydration of oral tissue © C. Tooth restorative material and others debris are cavity can be achieved 11 What is the single most critical final step to take at the definitive/final cementation stage of a fixed restoration using resin cement? —_— © A. Perfecting the occlusal contacts Maintaining an accurate marginal fit 12- A patient is present at the clinical for dental restorative atment. The patient was diagnosed previously with active tuberculosis and started treatment. The results of sputum culture test are not back yet. Which of the following isthe best protection method? © A, Using a face mask Using a face shield €C. Using respiratory masks © D. Adequate clinic ventilation with face mask is enough Table 15.18 Dental management of patients with known or suspected tuberculosis (TB) Comment = Se ee eee pee aa Peeeenaseen im neers | aietenacateongiee Pena ere ee Rs oa Ce es SS ces eee Saar ae ea ect eae amos sig eect No history of TB but until medical advice received positive tuberculin test 13- Which of the following consequences may occur when an. amalgam restoration is not polished? SP amalges kow impor tan cs fr ov-enpret (BD sreater risk offracture sm ee thre mn en male ‘Sting and magia weccown. 9 B. Decreased plaque retention © C. Greater risk of tarnish and corrasion © D. Decreased susceptibility to recurrent caries 14- Which of the following is an acceptable act regarding professional behavior? © D. Call patient numbers taken from their medical records for social activities Duties of a doctor and his/her profession Bad (unprofessional) Good (professional) example example (What not to do) & (What to do) © ® Wild haircuts & weird Y Greet your patients and fashion ask for SIPRRCTnEA © Calling your patients’ ‘attrenscrpmnig, when phone numbers, which needed you took from their records for no treatment- related reason ® As the medical director, you help your friends and family to have faster, better service, regardless of their condition 7 15- A 35-year-old woman presented to a clinic seeking replacement of her missing upper first premolar. The patient asked the dentist about success rates of different available ‘options to replace her tooth. ‘What are the expected success rates % of fixed partial ‘prosthesis after 10 and 15 years respectively? Inclined of ‘eventual debonding should be discussed withthe patient before treatment. In comparison, & met © A. 95 and 50 {alysis of clinical studies of couvendonal FDPs (8) 92 ana 74 Indieated a doubling of the failure rate lor every S'year of service fom 0 1015 years” When these x projected from 15 years to 20 years a 30% conventional TDPs woul take abot Sil us For conventional FDPS would ake ao © D. SS and9s of the following clasps will cause aesthetic concerns when used on a premolar abutment for maxillary removable ial denture? vovable OA RPI of Aker Thar 17- Which of the following is least important in the informed consent ‘The foreseeable risks CB) The costs of the proposed treatinent ©. C. Description OF the proposed treatment © D. The benefits and prognosis of the proposed treatment Click image to enlarge ‘A.30-year-old man came complaining from a chipped Porcelain laminate veneer #21 (see image). Which of the following is the type of Porcelain fracture? 2 Ay Static ‘0 C. Adhesive © D. Combined ‘ones une cowswermwe Adherence between the alloy casting and porce- cee terre“ Jain is very important in fixed prosthodontics, and — F=2 investigators have used a variety of test configura- = HS tions with shear, tensile, flexural, and torsional oo owmicimton Ioading to determi al-ceramic_bond ee Gee strength. Ideally, the interfacial bond is strong za BS cnough so that fracture of the test speci entirely within the lain 5 19- An alginate impression was token on a patient. Since the dentist was busy and did not have time to pour it he placed the impression in a bowel of water so it will not dry until he h: time to pour it as Which of the following may happen by leaving the in water? pression © A. Gelation © B. Syneresis, o GH 20- A 35-year-old woman visits the Dental Clinic for restorations, Patient accidentally spits the rinse of mouth on the unprotected side ofthe chair instead of spittoon. Which of the following disinfectant is likely used to clean the chair? ae © A. Low level High level ‘© C. General household D. Recomended by the equipment manufacturer) eecamenset Covering should be intact. Cover headrest with impermeable barrier (plastic wrap) and change between patients. Wipe down with disinfectant surface wipe (or as recommended by chair manufacturer} after every patient. Blood/body fluid splashes should be cleaned immediately with chlorine-eleasing surface wipe (0.1%/1000 ppm). Note: Soft furnishings may be damaged by chlorine-releasing agents so ‘sreess, ee) 0 21- Which of the following materials is the most economic, when it comes to use for an overall impression to rep: broken cast clasp arm of a removable partial denture? aire © B. Zine oxide © C. Polyether ‘© D. Addition silicone 22- A patient came to the clinic complaining of pain and soreness in his jaw early in the morning. Upon history taking, the patient's spouse informed the dentist that he grinds his teoth while sleeping. Which of the following is the name of this par functional habit? Bruxism A) Bruxism) Oral habits consisting of involuntary ehythinie oF Spasmodic nonfunctional gnashing” gedingy oF oi cones clenching of eth, in heaton © ©. Thumb Sucking stent al ihe oie tena ea © D. Tongue Thrusting trauma sks BRAOM (Fy 18). Ths ty BRUXISM ~ DAY w nwt Pao Copy gu hy od he ings seg SSicrabi tne with short periods of rlzation in ieee Theol ane saath vhs ec psical ston, o intense concentration on ‘anger. physical exertlon, or Intense concern on 23- Which of the following is the proper sequence af order for ‘evaluation of a metal ceramic crown during try-in? Proximal contacts mare © 8. Proximal Contacts-contour-margin-occlusion- SasstmSsqme © C. Margin-proximal contacts-occlusion-contour- rai. © D. Margin-contour-proximal contacts-occlusion- | Sass 7 24- During dental treatment, the dentist touched the dental” chair his hand. Which of the following is the most appropriate immediate action? ee © A, Surface disinfection is inadequate © B. Cleaning and sterilization for reuse 2 C, Require cleaning and disinfection of ch o(@) Must be removed for leaning and sterilization 1g should be intact. Cover headrest with impermeable barrier [plastic wrap} and change between patients. Wipe. down with disinfectant surface wipe [or as recommended by chair manufacturer) after every patient. Blood/body fli splashes should be cleaned immediately with chlorine-releasing surface wipe (0.1%/1000ppm). Note: Soft furnishings may be damaged by chlorine-releasing agents so check with the manufacturer for their recommended disinfectant 25-When is the appropriate time for shade selection for a ‘composite restoration in a molar? © C. Just before the matrix band placement © D. Before the application of the bonding agent 26- A patient presented to the clinic with a broken restoration on a lower posterior tooth that was root canal treated. On examination, tooth #46 had a broken restoration and should be restored with a crown. To assess if the remaining tooth structure was sufficient to retain a core, the dentist removed the old restoration and started crown preparation. Which of the following is the minimal dentin wall thickness (in mm) that would be sufficient to support a core build-up? cA CS C&L the orenil enon form. Fo smal, th dans fio he ‘margin of such an extension to the proximal surface usualy should not bees than -1,6 mm, or two diameters of che end of the No. 245 bur (se Fig. 10.298) measured from a tangent to the proximal surface (.e, the proximal surface height of contour). For molars, ‘hisminimal distance 27- Which of the following are the 3 essential components of co A. Competence, autonomy, profitability © C. Compassion, profitability, competence © D. Competence, profitability, accessibility 28- During the cementation of a complete cast crown, itis, recommended to "rock" the cast crown on the preparation, from a facial to lingual direction. Which of the following explains this recommendation? (© A. Take advantage of the resistance features of the reparation Fully seat the cast crown overcoming any undercuts in ‘the preparation © C. Accomplish static loading to ensure binding of restoration to preparation ‘© D. Accomplish dyniamic seating force to ensure expression of excess cement and full seating H, Applying an orangewood sick with a lg motion agaist the restoration ensures that al exes ements expressed Day the tooth again with alight blast of air and push the restoration into place (see Fig. 31-11). is achieved by rocking with an orangewood stick until all excess cement has escaped (see Fig. 31-116) tion firmly with a rocking, d¥ Without rocking the ing the load only seems to increase the binding reaction.** Excessive force during seating should be avoided, espec ‘with metal-ceramie or all-ceramic which may fracture w 29- With time, provisional restorations would be susceptible to. color changes and deterioration. Which of the following explains this color deterioration? Ge A. The presence of unreacted benzoyl peroxide») © B. The used polymer was methyl methacrylate © C. The restoration was cured in water at 100°C © D, The presence of urethane dimethacrylate monomer activation, Inefficient activation of the initiator rss in more residual monomer and les colors bly ofthe sen, in = 30- Patient attends to dental clinic complaining of discomfort when he drinks hot or cold drink, especially in cervical area of teeth. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? © A. Sclerotic dentin © B, Irreversible pulpts GC dentin hyper sensi © D. Acute apical periodontitis evesible Pups recent dental eament, and delete restorations. Cons tue removal fe iam wil ele the sagan Cnt Sonam cont when thre exposed dent tir een ‘oC plp pathos, whch ean sometimes respond wih sap. ‘qusy ever palnwhen subjected o beta capone Known a dent (ordi) sensi or hese) Exposed dentin the Geri ae the oth accounts or ‘most of the cases diagnosed 3s Kaimasesmaa 31- A patient presented to the clinic with a Kennedy class Ill modification 3 partially edentulous mandibular arch where she has lost #43, 45 and 46. All her other teeth are present. What is the terminology used describe #44 abutment position? © . Anchored abutment J Bt 32- A 50-year-old man presented to the clinic for the fabrication of a mandibular removable partial dental prosthesis to replace all her posterior missing teeth #34-37 and #44-47. ‘The dentist has collected all the data required for the process of framework design. The following area list of the relevant findings - Kennedy class | partially edentulous arch ~The alveolar lingual sulcus is Jaway from lingual gingival - No tissue undercut found labially in the areas of #33 and 43. Which mandibular major connector would be the most, appropriate? © A. Labial bar o(®) Lingual bar Lingual plate © D. Cingulum bar ee Spee a ere ee eee seepcanpeeaceetetetea rao metals epee eee eee ee serene eae ee eee {cesta pt 33- A 4year-old man presents with a lump in the left buccal ‘mucosa, buccal to #28 wisdom tooth, for 3 months. History revealed, painless but bites cheek at times. intraoral ‘examination shows an irritation fibroma. Dentist performs an excisional biopsy. ‘Which of the following is the likely treatment of specimen for ae som ae ES © A. Placed in a sturdy leak proof container in saline and labelled biohazard © B. Placed in a sturdy leak proof container in intermediate level disinfectant Placed in a sturdy leak proof container in formali Tabelled biohazard a sturdy container containing heparin sulphate and labelled biohazard 34- A 16-year-old girl attends the clinic complaining that she is unhappy with her appearance. She feels that her maxillary anterior teeth are splayed and there is a space between her upper and lower front teeth. The posterio’ teeth are in normal occlusion. a ee Which of the following can be the possible cause? ACB) Thumb sucking o C. Previous trauma © D. Relapsed orthodontic treatment ” 35- What should a clinician/prothodontist do fer the clinical ‘management when a crown cannot be cemented over an abutment and there is a large discrepancy? 0B) Remake the impression and send it to the laboratory {or fabrication of anew crown © B. Prepare the abutment tool crown using a suitable cement © C. Trim/adjust the fitting surface of the crown and cement the crown using a suitable cement, © D. Cement the crown over abutment using a suitable cement and do occlusal adjustment if required further and cement the 36- A patient presents with sensitivity in the mandibular left Posterior tooth region. Clinical examination reveals a large carious lesion in #36. The cavity will be restored with amalgam. ‘Which of the following is the mast suitable material to use as a varnish beneath the amalgam restoration? “oe CE JCalcium Ryeroxide ©. Zine polycarboxylate © D. Resin modified glass ionomer Cavity SER is a slucion of a natural gum or synthetic resin in an onganic solvent. Copal vanish Temes, Freeport, NY) has been tradiconally used under amalgam restorations to reduce initial levels of marginal leakage. Cavity varnishes are no 37-Aman attended complaining of a fractured distoincisal ‘angle of a maxillary lateral incisor. The mesiofacial has been restored with glass ionomer cement. There is litle remaining tooth structure left and he requests a long lasting restoration. Which of the following is the material and restoration of choice for this patient? aad oA. A3/4 cast crown 6 8. Full crown restoration © © Cast pin ledge restoration Etched composite resin with pins 38- A 57-year-old man was referred to a Prosthodontics Clinic to completely rehabilitate the occlusal surface of all his, posterior teeth including premolars lost due to severe wear. Which of the following types of interocclusal relation should the teeth be restored in? @ Long centric relation) © 8. Antericr jaw position © C. Retruded cups position ‘oD, Maximum intercuspal position Freedom ri (Long centric) This flat region, having a length of O.5-1mm, gives ‘the mandible freedom to close in Centric or slightly anterior to fw interference or without ‘ny changes in vertical dimension 39- A woman presented to the Dental Clinic for a follow-up Visit, 24 hours after insertion of a mandibular Kennedy class 1 cast removable partial denture. She complained from sore ‘throat that is exacerbated on swallowing and during eat Mucosal irritation was confirmed clinically with no tation over the ridge mucosa, Which of the following is most likely causing the problem? © A. Occlusal interferences © B. Fit surface imperfections Unpolished lingual flanges © D. Over-extended lingual flange -40- What should a Class IV composite resin restoration be Initially finished with? CS we Fishing and Polishing ofthe Compost additional Concouring is greatly minimized. If finishing is nceded, the occlusal surface is shaped with a round or oval, Aa ERASING 0 finishing diamond. Excess c ee is removed at the proximal margins and embrasures with a flame- shaped, 12-bladed carbide finishing bur or finishing diamond and abrasive diss (see Fig. 8.248). Any overhangs at che gingival area 41- Which of the following is necessary for informed consent? A. fan be verbal ‘o C. Can be implied by patient actions © D. Does not include benefits of treatment. 42: Which of the following relations should the mandibular cast be mounted to the maxillary cast if vertical dimension of occlusion is to be altered? G® © 8. Rest jaw position © C. Anterior jaw position © D. Maximum interception Antibiotic prophylaxis should be administered in a single dose 30 to 60 minutes before the procedure. If the antibiotic is inadvertently not administered before the procedure, the dosage may be administered up to 2 hours after the procedure. Table 2.6 lists the recommended Getorhomreonne uae yosir eee a 43- Which of the following is the standard prophylactic antibiotic regimen recommended for a patient with a cardiac condition who is scheduled for a crown lengthening procedure on a molar tooth? OO © B. Zgm metronidazole one hour before the procedure ‘© C. 2gm of tetracycline one hour before and 1 gm six hours after 2 gm of erythromycin one hour before and 1 gm six hours after 44- A 40-year-old man visits the Dental Clinic for treatment, History revealed, active Tuberculosis and is on medication. Which of the following is the minimum duration of medication required before start of dental treatment? ‘TUBERCULOSIS ‘Taba ig an ingots human does cua by oA Lweek an ifecior and communicate orp, cabana (© 8. 2weels teberenle Tcepets a maf ibe bral pol oC. S weeks gmovogy 1a nun cas of Haman TR, che equine apt cH Pat taberclo m aidEs,nonmoieracetlat od ‘that is an obligate acre, Asan acre, this organism exis est in an atmosphere of high oxygen tension ‘erefor,eost conn ifs the lpg. M.tubercuosis typwally eassmieed by way of infected sithoene droplets oF emacs yalivn tha ae ‘ors expelled eh ingen sesh soughing ut alo By sagsing and during walking. The “The ite frm infin ro dcclopmen of active “This widely vale, rang froma ow woxks wo docs, When sumpeoms become apparent, they typically ate onspie an could be anated with any infestioas disease. They include cough, lasstude and_malatse, nore, aneapaied wah ss, night sweats, and fee Tenpeatare lation commonly xvi the evening oF during the night and is accompanied by profuse [aborts ets ar iret rowan dermining wheter the patient has ace infston or LTB Acie infection Is considered when there i a pss ac-fast haces utr seas, yng are preset cna eves weighe Ins night sweats) and character ches cadre ‘changes are observed. The definitive diagnosis of PB is 45- An 8-year-old boy was brought to the clinic by his 14-year- old brother complaining of lower incisors crowding Which of the following is the first step in the dentist, orthodontic evaluation? © A. Take photographs © 8. Order panoramic radiograph Ask for a parent or legal guardia © D- Take impression for orthodontic models .46- Which of the following is a disadvantage of polyvinyl siloxane impression materials? SSS A. High tear strength 0B. Very rigid when set © C. Polymerization reaction releases water as a by- gloves fear 47- A. CAD-CAM ceramic onlay was place on a mandibular molar for a patient. A few days later, the patient returns complaining cof hypersensitivity on chewing on the tooth. Which of the following might be the reason? © A. Thermal conductivity i ToRgy- Ot! and Oxo MA De Naso roped emia of the pulp {2 eet mediate senaty 200 CEREC- ¢. Tcoth in hyper occlusiot secrted ilps that they tut Chemical iritation from cement: wan tex deetMbice weeks The Fenining {tre cual contac Twelve of case ele 48. A dentist decided to carry out treatment with isolation under a rubber dam. On placement of the rubber dam which isolated the 6 maxillary anterior teeth, the dentist observed an ‘unusual amount of wrinkling of the dam between the teeth. Which of the following is the reason for the wrinkling? (0 @) the holes were too far apart (0B. Punching the holes too small © C. The holes were too close together © D. Crowding and overlapping of the anterior teeth Off Center Arch Form. A rir dam (otter afr) ay EE on a fay retina aren Incomes Arch Form of Holes, fhe pnchol ch fr oii tee themes of the tet. Comey ‘els 50- A patient enters the clinic for scheduled appointment and vomits over the clinic floor. Housekeeping removes all visible. organic material with disposable paper towels. Which of the following types of disinfectant is used to wipe the floor? 9 A. Lowlevel ‘© B, High level 6(Chintermediate Tevel ‘SD. Water and household cleaner Fa 51- A patient presented to the clinic requesting replacing a ing lower right posterior tooth with a fixed prosthesis. On ‘examination, tooth #46 was missing, tooth #47 was mesially tilted (30 degrees to the occlusal plane). The plan was to replace this missing tooth with a 3-unit fixed dental prosthesis. Which of the following complications would most likely affect the long term prognosis of this prosthesis? LA. Sensitivity €G) Pulp exposure Overraversible pulpits © D. Short distal axial wall Mesially tilted second molar xibular first molar to caries ively common (Fig. 318). If the space is ignored, the second molar may tilt ‘mesial, especially with eruption ofthe third molar. then becomes difficult or impossible to make a sat isfactory FDP. because the positional relationship no longer allows for parallel paths of insertion without Interference from the adjacent teeth. In such circumstances, an FDP is sometimes made with modified preparation designs or with a nonrigid connector, or a straightforward solution ay be considered: uprighting the tilted abutment corthodontically with a’ simple fixed appliance 6 © 52-A41-year-old man came for restoration of a destructed tooth #36 with a full coverage crown. Pulp response was normal. Direct chair side temporization was the selected technique for fabrication of provisional crown, Which of the following materials should be avoided? © A. Bis-acryl composite © B. Polyethy! methacrylate © C. Polymethyl methacrylate © D. Polyvinyl ethyl methacrylate in color change with one exception: SXRTERREARiSSIaT restorations exhibit a yellow-orange discoloration on exposure to arbamide peroxide. For this reson, should be ‘made from bisaceyl mater, rather than crown and bridge resin, if exposure to carbamide peroxi anticipated 53- Which of the following is the most effective way of reduction the risk of inhalation of a foreign object in the dental patient? 0 B. Use of throat packs 0 C. Use of high speed suction © D. Sitting patient in the upright position Advantages “The advantages of rubber dam isolation of the operating field include (1) a dry, lean operating field; (2) improved access and visibilcy G) optimization of dental material properties (4) protection of the paient and the operator: and (5) operating efiieney. Protection of the Patient and the Operator The rubber dam protects the patient and the operator. It protects the patient from aspirating or swallowing small instruments or dlbvs associated with operative procedures” A properly applied "ables Gack rOTSGS Ta uted the tongue from leat or distasteful medicaments (eg, etching and astringent agents). The clam also offers some sof issue protection from rotating burs and stones. Authors disagree on whether the rubber dam protects the patient from mercury exposure during amalgam removal.'"'° However, i is generally agreed thae che rubber dam isan effec infection control barrice for the dental office. '54- Which of the following should be the first choice beverage for hydration purposes? ae — Fresh juice © C. Sport drink © D. Energy drink n 55- A woman, experiences speech disturbance, wishes to replace ma lary incisor teeth that were lost as a result of tooth-avulsion injury in a road-side accident. The edentulous site is also exhibiting bony ridge defect. Which of the following prosthetic replacements is most suitable In this case? © A. Sectional removable partial denture © B, Every design removable partial denture Fig. 3.27 Ta steno two ncn nan cen. Copere she ‘la bone har sa bon lon. An sete aed peste ould be ey ail or impose to fare without se [eat igs manent Can of Indications for Partial Removable Dental Prostheses rte wih Pate than pel RDP et [Bist FDI provides ter eath a tee fei than dos pl HD and epee byron patents Under the. flog cca Slaces however pata RDP 1 Where eral “support Fide eee fo ea ‘it shen ee hg 28 2. Where sane tet oement i: needed Eom cosa toot and al eee for ample, terre say with long een leer space Wheat thew is canidenble he las Jn the the absence of ‘ste aie eon and ay FDP wea mean tuaccepubl appsaance i 329) Muli eennos spaces olen are stro nina of PDs an pra RD ig Fixed-fixed design tooth-supported bridge ._Crown-retained removable partial denture Mf as happen when teeth are lost as a result of trauma or periodontal disease, there may be a ridge defect (Fig. 3-27). In these patients, a partial RDP should 1as_been severe, as can ‘especially when the person has @ high smile line, since an FDP generally replaces only the ire ot te spp tissues, Again, an interim restoration may help the patient determine the most appropriate treat ‘ment. A surgical ridge augmentation procedure"? ‘may also be an option, although the results can be unpredictable, ‘the pontcs follow the form of the resorbed ridge. A remov: able partial denture will permit the location of the replaced ‘cet ina favorable relation tothe lip and opposing dentition zardless of the shape of the residual ridge, When such a fenOADE protiess b made, Rowe pasive apport must be obtained from the adjacent abutments, 0 56- A 30-year-old woman complains of throbbing pain in the Maxillary right quadrant. The pain is spontaneous and lasts for hours. All tests are normal expect radiographs (see report). Radiographic examinatioy maxillary first premolar. showed large carious lesion in the Pulpal exposure of 2 mm is encountered ater excavating all caries Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? o@)necrsis 7 © D. Hyperplastic pulpitis a '57- How can pontics in fixed partial dentures be designed to ‘maintain the health of the tissues beneath them? al tissue coverage B. Have passive contacts wi blanching ‘9 C. Scrape the ridge area on the cast and use gold for the ridge contact © D, Scrape the ridge area on the cast and use porcelain. for the ridge contact Contact sure-free contact between the pontie and the nt ulceration And inflammation ofthe sot ussuesf If any blanch 2 58- What is the desired design of finish line on prepared teeth for all-metal crowns? aoe: —=—=—— © 8. Bevelled © C. Feathered © D. Deep shoulder Table 7-2. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF DIFFERENT MARGIN DESIGNS Margin design Advantages Disadvantages Indications Feather edge Conservative of tooth Does not provide Not recommended structure sufficient bulk Chisel edge Conservative of tooth Location of margin Occasionally on tilted structure dificult to control teeth Bevel Removes unsupported Extends preparation into Facial margin of maxillary allows suleus fused on partial coverage ng of metal apical margin restorations and inksy/ “cha Distinct margin Care needed 1 id adequate Bu trsupported ip of stro contol carmel Shoulder Bulkofresiratne ———_Lesscomervate of lei tou suture ‘cram eons, compete ceramic Sloped shoulder Balk of material Less consti of aca margins of metal ‘dvanages of evel tothsreture ‘eraiic cows Shoulder wth bevel Ball of material Less conser Facial margin of postertor vantagesoftevel extends preparation metacetami crowns spa wih paging margins |, Feather edge. B, Chisel. Chane. D, Bevel. , Shoulder F Sloped shoulder. G, Beveled shouler

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