GALA-Assessment 2

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Odiong, Roxas, Oriental Mindoro

Course / Course Code Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching (PEC4)

Assessment No. 2. Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students (ASSIST)
Year and Section III-BSED FILIPINO A
Instructions Online: Type in your answers at our Google Classroom.
Offline: Write your answers on a yellow pad paper.

Assessment Sheet

Answer the short version of Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students (ASSIST) to determine how
you learn and study.

Directions: This questionnaire has been designed to allow you to describe, in a systematic way, how you go
about learning and studying. Please respond truthfully, so that your answers accurately describe your
actual ways of studying, and work your way through the questionnaire quite quickly, making sure that you
give a response to every item. Check the cell that corresponds to your agreement to the statements.
SA means Strongly Agree, A means Agree; D means Disagree; and SD means Strongly Disagree

Statements SA A D SD
1. I often have trouble making sense of the things I have to remember.
2. When I am reading an article or book, I try to find out for myself exactly what the
author means.
3. I organize my study time carefully to make the best use of it.
4. There is not much of the work here that I find interesting or relevant.
5. I work steadily through the term or semester, rather than leave it all until the last
6. Before tackling a problem or assignment, I first try to work out what lies behind it.
7. I am pretty good at getting down to work whenever I need to.
8. Much of what I am studying makes little sense: it is like unrelated bits and pieces.
9. I put a lot of effort into studying because I am determined to do well.
10. When I am working on a new topic, I try to see in my mind how all the ideas fit
11. I do not find it at all difficult to motivate myself.
12. Often I find myself questioning things I hear in lectures or read in books.
13. I think I am quite systematic and organized when it comes to revising for exams.
14. Often I feel I am drowning in the sheer amount of material we have to cope with.
15. Ideas in course books or articles often set me off on long chains of thought of my
16. I am not sure what is important in lectures, so I try to get down all I can.
17. When I read, I examine the details carefully to see how they fit in with what is
being said.
18. I often worry about whether I will ever be able to cope with the work properly,
Source: Entwistle and Tait, 2013. Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students (ASSIST) (incorporating
the Revised Approaches to Studying Inventory - RASI)
Scoring Procedure.Add your scores for Deep Approach: Items 2, 6, 10, 12, 15, 17; add your scores for
Strategic Approach: Items 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13; and add your scores for Surface Approach: Items I, 4, 8, 14,
16, 18. The approach where you scored highest is the dominant approach you use in studying and

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