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1.1 Background of the Study

The exponential increase in enrolment of students into Nigeria Universities is a major

source of stress for Nigerian University lecturers that eventually leads to their death (Ubangari

&Bako, 2014; Usoro & Etuk, 2016). These lecturers are expected to lecture students that are over

700 per course (Satope, 2014) with facilities that are overstretched (Okebukola, 2008). They also

mark the scripts of these students and are also required to publish research articles. In addition,

most of these lecturers have visiting and sabbatical responsibilities to make ends meet. All these

activities put together constitute a source of academic stress that has serious physical and

physiological consequences that leads to death. To reduce this workload and the resultant stress,

studies (Maqableh, Rajab, Quteshat, Khatib, &Karajeh, 2015) have recommended the integration

of technology in education. Technology assists the users in the development and transformation

of skills and concept-based knowledge which help to deliver and make education and

information accessible to its users.

The rapid change in information and communication technologies (ICT) brings a lot of benefits

to higher learning institutions (HLIs) (Al-Emran, &Shaalan, 2017; Al-Emran, Mezhuyev

&Kamaludin 2018). One of the beneficial tools facilitated by such technologies is the Learning

Management System (LMS). The adoption of LMS as an approach to curriculum delivery in the

education system took a new dimension as a critical tool globally during the COVID-19

pandemic and has continued to gain popularity over time, particularly in higher institutions of

learning. According toTalbert, R. (2017). Flipped Learning: A Guide for Higher Education

Faculty. Stylus Publishing, LLC. LMS is a software application designed to support teaching

and learning in a virtual environment. The system is used as a platform for delivering course

materials, administering quizzes and exams, providing multimedia resources, and online

collaboration between instructors and students. It also provides access to vast databases and

online libraries that can aid learning. Karpicke, J. D. (2012). Retrieval-Based Learning: Active

Retrieval Promotes Meaningful Learning. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 21(2),

157-163. opined that LMS is the enabled web-based system that is used to facilitate the teaching

and learning process using the Internet. It offers several features that allow the students and

instructors to connect socially and makes it simple for an Instructor to offer electronic

information to students at any time. LMS is defined as a software application or platform that

facilitates the delivery of educational courses and training sprograms Watthanasiri, J. (2015). E-

Learning in Thai Education: An Overview of Research and Practices. Journal of Educators

Online, 12(1), 143-164

The use of LMS has been identified as a critical strategy for promoting technology

integration in education. LMS provides educators with tools to design, deliver, and manage

course content, facilitate communication between instructors and students, and track progress

and performance (Hrastinski, S. (2008). Asynchronous and synchronous e-learning. Educause

Quarterly, 31(4), 51-55.). The use of these systems coupled with their synchronization with the

Internet has provided alternative options to face-to-face mode of education. It has enabled

lecturers to provide students with different materials and to interact with them in real time even

when they are not located in the same physical space (Saleem, Al-Saqri &Ahmad, 2016). They

have also reduced the workload on lecturers by reducing the amount of work put into developing

course materials, going physically to class to deliver lecturers, evaluating the work of thousands

of students and locating information resources for the students. LMSs are tools used to support

and enhance traditional teaching methods. The emergence of LMS has revolutionized the way

education is delivered, accessed, and consumed. The LMS technology is often used in higher

education institutions worldwide to provide an efficient and scalable platform for delivering

course content, managing exams, administering evaluations, and tracking students' progress.

Tertiary institutions around the world have adopted the use of Learning management systems

(LMS) to enable teaching and learning to become effective (Suppasetseree & Dennis, 2010).

However, the use of computers in Nigerian universities appears to be limited to administrative

purposes, and only a few academic departments have access to computers (Adekunle, I. A., &

Adegbenro, J. (2018). Integration of ICT in the Nigerian higher education system: trends and

strategies. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 13(10), 15-30.).

The Nigerian education system has been characterized by slow adoption and integration

of technology (Adekunle, I. A., & Adegbenro, J. (2018). Integration of ICT in the Nigerian

higher education system: trends and strategies. International Journal of Emerging Technologies

in Learning (iJET), 13(10), 15-30.). This can be traced back to the late 1990s when the internet

was introduced in Nigerian universities. Inadequate infrastructure was one of the significant

factors that hindered widespread internet usage in Nigerian universities. The internet penetration

rate has since been on the rise, but Nigeria still lags behind most African countries by internet

and broadband speeds (Afolayan, O. O., & Afolabi, I. T. (2015). Academic use of Internet

among undergraduate students in two Nigerian universities. Malaysian Journal of Library &

Information Science, 20(2), 35-46.). Nigeria is a West African country and the most populated

country in Africa, with a population of over 200 million people. Nigeria has one of the largest

education systems in Africa, with over 160 universities, 120 polytechnics, and over 200 colleges

of education (National Universities Commission. (2021). List of Nigerian Universities. Retrieved


Despite these impressive figures, the Nigerian education system faces significant

challenges. Some of the challenges include inadequate infrastructure, limited funding, poor

educational standards, high dropout rates, and low technological advancement (World Bank.

(2019). India Development Update: Unlocking the Potential of Rural India. Washington, DC:

World Bank. DOI: 10.1596/978-1-4648-1494-6.). Many strategies have been developed to

address these challenges and promote LMS adoption and use by Nigerian educators. Despite the

slow adoption of technology in the Nigerian education system, Learning Management Systems

(LMS) adoption has been on the rise in Nigerian higher institutions in recent years (Eze, S. C., &

Anyanwu, P. U. (2018). Implementation of learning management systems (LMS) in Nigerian

higher institutions: Challenges and prospects. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in

Learning, 13(8), 166-180. doi: 10.3991/ijet.v13i08.9074.). According to (Iyamu, T., & Sagie, R.

(2017). Implementation of learning management systems in Nigerian universities: A success

model. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 16, 383-402. doi:

10.28945/3851.) Nigerian tertiary institutions have been adopting various LMS platforms to

support teaching and learning. Some of the most commonly used LMSs in Nigerian universities

include Moodle, Blackboard, Canvas, and Open edX. The adoption of LMS in Nigerian

universities has been driven by the need to provide students with access to learning materials

beyond traditional textbooks and in-class lectures. LMSs have been identified as a tool that can

provide personalized learning experiences, improve access to educational resources, increase

student engagement, and improve learning outcomes (Ojo, O.A., Olakanye, A.O., & Oludipe,

D.I. (2021). Exploring the role of learning management system (LMS) in achieving quality

education. Smart Learning Environments, 8, 13. doi: 10.1186/s40561-021-00148-9.).

However, despite the growing adoption of LMS platforms in Nigerian universities, the

use of the system by educators remains low, with many instructors still relying on traditional

teaching methods (Onuka, A.O.U. (2017). Assessing the use of learning management system in

Nigerian universities: a mixed-methods approach. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(17), 128-

135.). This could be as a result of some identified factors such as inadequate infrastructure,

limited technical skills, resistance to change, lack of institutional support, and mindset towards

technology, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, attitude towards technology, self-

efficacy, social influence, and facilitating conditions. However, the specific factors that are most

relevant to the Nigerian context are not yet well understood. However, in this study, these factors

are categorized as it relate to business educators: personal/individual factors, student related

factors, institutional factors, and technological factors.

Personal/Individual Factors:

This factor focuses on the characteristics of individual students, which may influence

their performance in business education programs. Personal factors include things like gender,

age, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. For example, research has shown that students from

low-income backgrounds may face additional challenges in business education programs, due to

limited access to resources and support. Understanding these personal factors is important for

educators, as it can help them to identify students who may need additional support, and adapt

teaching methods to meet the needs of diverse student populations.

Student-related Factors:

This factor emphasizes the characteristics of the students themselves, including their

attitudes, interests, and motivations. For example, some students may be more interested in

specific aspects of business, such as marketing or entrepreneurship. Others may be motivated by

career goals, seeking to acquire the specific skills and knowledge needed for a particular

profession. Student-related factors also include aspects of student behavior, such as participation

in class discussions and completion of assignments. Awareness of these factors can help

educators to tailor their teaching and learning strategies and create an environment that is

supportive and engaging for all students.

Institutional Factors:

This factor relates to the policies, practices, and resources of the educational institutions

in which business education programs are delivered. Institutional factors can include things like

the availability of financial aid, the quality of academic advising, and the leadership and

management practices of the institution. For example, a lack of resources or support within an

institution can result in limited access to educational opportunities, reduced quality of

instruction, and decreased student outcomes. Understanding these institutional factors is critical

for educators and policymakers, as it can help to identify areas for improvement and ensure that

resources are directed toward initiatives that have the greatest impact on student success.

Technological Factors:

This factor focuses on the role of technology in business education programs.

Technological factors can include things like the availability of digital resources, the use of

online learning platforms, and the integration of new technologies (e.g. artificial intelligence,

virtual and augmented reality) into the curriculum. Effective use of technology can enhance the

learning experience by providing students with access to additional information and resources,

promoting collaboration and communication, and streamlining administrative tasks. However, it

is important to be aware of potential challenges associated with technology use, such as a lack of

access or familiarity for some students, and the need to ensure that instructional design supports

effective learning outcomes. Understanding technological factors is important for educators and

policymakers, as it enables them to identify opportunities for innovation and ensure that

technology is effectively integrated to support learning outcomes.

Studies (Bukhari, 2011; Njenga, 2011; Eze et al, 2018; Adeoye et al., 2020) have shown

that there are individual/personal factors that influence technology adoption by lecturers.

Similarly, studies on the adoption and use of technology have stressed the importance of

perception in the adoption and use of to technology (Venkatesh and Davis, 2000; Nagunwa &

Lwoga 2012).

The study of LMS adoption and use in Nigeria is particularly important given the current

state of the country's educational system. Despite the significant progress that has been made in

recent years, Nigeria still faces a number of challenges in ensuring that all students have access

to quality education (UNICEF (2021). Education in Nigeria. Retrieved from The underfunding of public schools,

inadequate educational resources, and a shortage of qualified teachers are just a few of the

obstacles that educators in Nigeria must contend with. However, LMS offer a potential solution

to some of these challenges. By providing teachers with a platform to deliver instruction,

collaborate with colleagues, and utilize a range of educational resources, LMS have the potential

to improve the quality of education for students in Nigeria. Moreover, LMS can help to bridge

the gap between urban and rural areas by providing equal access to educational resources.

Despite the numerous benefits of using LMS, its adoption and use by business educators

in tertiary institutions in Nigeria have been slow and uneven. This low level of adoption has

raised concerns about the cause and consequence of limited use of LMS by business educators.

The successful adoption and use of LMS require an understanding of the factors that influence or

affect their use and adoption. Therefore, there is a need to explore the factors affecting the

adoption and use of LMS by business educators in tertiary institutions in Delta state.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Nigeria, like many other developing countries, has been striving to improve the quality of

education by integrating technology into teaching and learning. The recent COVID-19 pandemic

has further highlighted the urgent need for distance and online learning platforms that are

accessible, affordable, and effective in supporting education, thus a shift from traditional face to

face activities to online teaching and learning activities. Despite this paradigm shift, technology

adoption and use in Nigeria have been slow and inconsistent, and many challenges and barriers

remain to be addressed. Nigeria still faces a number of challenges in ensuring that all students

have access to quality education. Addressing these challenges can help to create more conducive

environment for technology adoption and use in Nigerian Universities, leading to the potential

for improved teaching and learning outcomes.

The integration of technology in education has become a significant trend in higher

education systems worldwide. Learning management systems (LMS) have emerged as an

important tool for delivering effective online and distance education. It has been identified as a

tool that can provide personalized learning experiences, improve access to educational resources,

increase student engagement and improve learning outcome. However, despite the growing

adoption of LMS platforms in the world, its adoption and use by business educators in tertiary

institutions in Nigeria have been slow and uneven.

Consequently, business educators could be hindered from utilizing the educational

potential of technology to provide students with different materials and to interact with them in

real time even when they are not located in the same physical space. In addition, it may become

difficult for business educators to manage a large class effectively, therefore, making teaching

stressful. On the other hand, students may lack the requisite digital skills needed for jobs in the

21st century labour market because they were not exposed to these modern technologies in the

teaching and learning process.

Despite the potential benefits of LMS, several factors hinder the adoption and use of the

system by business educators in tertiary institutions in Nigeria. Hence the need arises to identify

the factors affecting the adoption and use of Learning Management System (LMS) in tertiary

institutions in Delta state.

1.3 Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of the study was to identify the factors affecting the adoption and use

of Learning Management System (LMS) in tertiary institutions in Delta state. Specifically, the

study sought to identify the:

1. Personal\individual factors affecting the adoption and use of LMS by business

educators in tertiary institutions in Delta state.

2. Student related factors affecting the adoption and use of LMS by business educators

in tertiary institutions in Delta state.

3. Institutional factors affecting the adoption and use of LMS by business educators in

tertiary institutions in Delta state.

4. Technological factors affecting the adoption and use of LMS by business educators in

tertiary institutions in Delta state.

1.4 Significance of the Study

The significance of this study lies in its potential to provide insights into the factors that

influence the adoption and use of learning management systems (LMS) in Nigerian education, as

well as the challenges and opportunities associated with their implementation. The findings of

the study when published would be of immense benefit to business educators, business education

students, school management, curriculum developers, policy makers and future researchers.

Business Educators:

The findings of this study will provide valuable insights to business educators. They will gain a

better understanding of the key skills and competencies that are required of graduates to meet the

changing demands of the modern business landscape. This knowledge will help them to design

and deliver more effective teaching and learning programs that effectively prepare students for

their future careers. In addition, by understanding the current trends and best practices in

business education, educators will be better equipped to keep their curricula up-to-date and


Business Education Students:

The findings of this study will be of great benefit to business education students. They will gain a

better understanding of the skills and competencies required to succeed in the modern business

world, which will help them to focus their studies and development on the most important areas.

This knowledge will also help students to make more informed decisions about their future

career paths, and will provide them with a competitive advantage in the job market.

Curriculum Developers:

The findings of this study will be of great interest to curriculum developers. They will provide

insights into the current state of business education, identifying the key trends and best practices

that are being used. This information will be especially useful in the development of new

programs and curricula, ensuring that they are aligned with the needs of modern businesses and

reflecting the latest industry standards. By incorporating these findings into their curriculum

development, developers can ensure that they are providing students with relevant and effective

learning experiences.

Policy Makers:

The findings of this study will be valuable for policy makers, as they will provide insights into

the state of business education and the key skills that are required for graduates to be successful

in the workforce. This information can be used to shape policy decisions around education

funding and curriculum development, helping to ensure that resources are directed towards the

areas that will have the greatest impact for students and the wider economy.

Future Researchers:

The findings of this study will also be of great benefit to future researchers. They will provide a

foundation of knowledge and insights for future studies in the field of business education, and

will provide a baseline against which progress and change can be measured. Future researchers

will be able to build upon the findings of this study, testing hypotheses and exploring new areas

of interest that emerge as business education continues to evolve. This will contribute to the

ongoing development of the field, ensuring that it remains relevant and responsive to the

changing needs of businesses and society.

The findings of this study can inform policy and practice in Nigerian education by identifying

strategies for promoting the effective use of LMS. This can help to address some of the

challenges facing Nigerian education, such as inadequate infrastructure, limited access to

educational resources, and a shortage of trained teachers. By leveraging the potential of LMS,

Nigerian educational institutions can improve the quality of education and enhance learning

outcomes for students.

Additionally, this study can contribute to the broader body of literature on e-learning and LMS

by providing insights into the perspectives and experiences of educators, students, and

administrators in a developing country context. This can help to expand our understanding of the

challenges and opportunities associated with LMS implementation in different cultural and

socio-economic contexts.

1.5 Scope of the study

The scope of this study is limited to identifying the factors that affect the adoption and use of

Learning Management Systems (LMS) by business educators in tertiary institutions in Delta

state. The study will focus on exploring the personal/individual factors, students-related factors,

institutional factors and technological factors as it relates to business educators. Only business

educators in public tertiary institutions in Delta State took part in the study.

1.6 Research Questions

The following research questions guided the study:

1. What are the personal\individual factors affecting the adoption and use of LMS by

business educators in tertiary institutions in Delta state.

2. What are the student related factors affecting the adoption and use of LMS by

business educators in tertiary institutions in Delta state.

3. What are the institutional factors affecting the adoption and use of LMS by business

educators in tertiary institutions in Delta state.

4. What are the technological factors affecting the adoption and use of LMS by business

educators in tertiary institutions in Delta state.


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