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Chapter 18 & 19 Study Guide

Chapter 18 Lesson 1: Use “Religious Conflict in Europe” and “Crisis in Europe” lecture notes

 Causes of the religious conflict (review Protestant Reformation for full comprehension)
o Spain vs. England
 Important figures
 Reason for war with England
 Outcome of the conflict
o French Conflict
 Participants and result (remember Edict of Nantes)
o Holy Roman Empire
 30 Years’ War
 Effects on Holy Roman Empire
 Crisis in Europe
o Changes in population (trends between 1500-1650; causes of trends)
o Witchcraft Trials
 Causes
 Number of accused
 Targets of the trials
 End of the trials

Chapter 18 Lesson 2: Use “War and Revolutions in England”

 War in England
o Know important rulers and their contributions
o How did the divine right of kings affect religion in England?
o Puritans (definition and disagreement with monarchy)
o Petition of Rights (purpose; was it successful?)
o Cavaliers vs. Roundheads (which group supports which side?)
 Oliver Cromwell
o New Model army
o England under Cromwell (what changes did he make?)
 Restoration Period
o Changes to Parliament
o Test Act (what was its purpose?)
o James II
 Glorious Revolution
o Why was it glorious?
o Important figures involved (reasons behind their involvement)
o Outcome of the revolution
 Political Philosophers (Thomas Hobbes and John Locke)
o Views on:
 Human nature
 Type of government
 Human rights
Chapter 18 Lesson 3: Use “Absolutism in Europe” lecture notes

 Know definition of Absolutism

 Know achievements and attempts at centralization for each country
o France (Cardinal Richelieu, Louis XIV, John Baptist Colbert)
o Spain (Philip IV, why did he fail?)
o Prussia (William Frederick and his reforms)
o Austria (Expansion and failure to centralize; know why)
o Russia
 Ivan the Terrible
 Times of Trouble
 Peter the Great
 Goals
 What were Peter’s reforms?

Chapter 18 Lesson 4: Use “European Culture after Renaissance” lecture notes

 Baroque (characteristics)
o Baroque art (know Bernini)
o Baroque music (know Handel and Bach)
 Literature
o Aspects of the theater (who was it available for?)

o William Shakespeare (role in history)

Chapter 19: Ottoman Empire

 Rise of the Ottomans

o Purpose of janissaries
o Why were they considered a “gunpowder empire?”
 Expansion
o Byzantine Empire (results of conquest)----> Constantinople became what??
o What stopped Ottomans from expanding further? (why were they called the sleeping
 Life Under Ottomans
o Ottoman political structure
o Who administered education/justice system in Ottoman Empire?
o Who controlled the land? How was society divided?
 Peak and Decline
o Suleiman the Lawgiver
o Causes/effects of the decline
 Armada:

 Huguenot:

 Edict of Nantes:

 Peace of Augsburg:

 Inflation:

 Social Contract:

 Natural Rights:

 Divine Right of Kings:

 Puritans:

 Arbitrary Power:

 Absolutism:

 Czar:

 Boyar:

 Janissary:

 Gunpowder Empire

 Grand Vizier

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