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e ‘What is the distance tothe point of safe endurance ifan aircraft has a TAS of 300 knots and a safe endurance of 10 hours, ifthe wind component on the ‘outbound legis $0 knots headwind? 1458 am, 1505 nm. 1554 am, 1625 nm PSR & PET2, ‘What is the time to the point of safe return (PSR) ifthe distance from A to Bis, 2368 nautical miles the outbound groundspeed in 365 knots, the homehound groundspeed is 480 knots, and safe endurance i$ hours 30 minutes? b “ 219 Min, 290 Min, ‘What is the distance from "Q' tothe Point of Safe Return (PSR) for an aireraft that was over (Q" at 1320 hours flying direct to 'R, given the following data? Distance Qo 'R’ 3016 nm, True Airspeed 480 kt, Safe endurance 10 Hours, if the mean wind component ‘outbound! -90 kt, and the mean wind component "womebound” is +75 kt. a 1320nm, b1530nm, © 2900m, o2375 nm, 4 ‘What isthe distance to B from the equal-time-point given the following data? Distance A to Bis 360 am Wind component A - Bis 1S Kt TAS is 180 kt Wind component BA is+15 kt 165 nm. 170 nm, 175 nm. 180 nm. PSR.& PETS, ‘An aireraftis ying at a TAS of 300 knots over a stretch of water between 2 Airfields $00 nm apart. What isthe distance from the first airfield to the equal ‘ime point (ETP) ifthe wind component i 60 knots head? a 200m, Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E Far General Navigation 168 How far can the aeroplane fly out from ts base and return in one hour, when flying at TAS 180 kt on a track of 090", if the W/V is O45°/50 kt? Fora dist ie of 1860 NM between Q and R, a ground speed "out" of 385 kta ‘ground speed "back" of 468 kt and an endurance of HR (excluding reserves) the distance from Q to the point of safe return (PSR) is? a. 1685 NM. be 1532.NM, 930M, a 1865NM. PSR& PETS, nd B are 1000 NM apart. TAS = 490 kt On the fight between 1B the equivalent headvind i -20 ki. On the return leg between B and A, the ‘equivalent heading is +40 kt. What distance from A, along the route Ato Byis {he Point of Equal Time (PET)? 470M. bo 455M. © S00NM. ad §30NM. PSR& PETS, ‘An aeroplane is flying at TAS 180 kt on a track of 090°, The WIV is O45°750 kt. ow far can the aeroplane flyout from is base and return in one hour? a SINM, hb 8BNM. © RSNM. a 16NM. PSR& PET 10, iven: Distance ‘A' to 'B' 2346 NM, Groundspeed ‘aut’ 365 kt, Groundspeed "back? 480 kt. The time from A" to the Point of Equal Time (PET) betwee and "Bis? 167 MIN, b 29MIN. Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation 168 290MIN. a 17MIN Peri, Given: Distance "A" to "B' 2346 NM, Groundspeed ‘out’ 365 kt, Groundspeed ‘back’ 480 kt, Safe endurance 8 HR 30 MIN. The time from'A' to the Point of Safe Return (PSR) 'A" is? a. 290MIN. b 219 MIN. © 97MIN, 209 MIN. PSR & PET, ‘An aircraft was over 'A' at 1435 hours flying direct to'B'. Given: Distance 'A' {o'B* 2900 NM, Truc airspeed 470 kt, Meau wind component ‘out! +55 kt, Mean ‘vind component "back’-75 kt. The ETA for reaching the Point of Equal Time (PET) between ‘A’ and "B's? a ITs, D1, a im. 1657, ‘An aireraft was over ‘A’ at 1435 hours lying direct to 'B'. Given: Distance 'A' {o''B" 2900 NM, True airspeed 470 kt, Mean wind component ‘out’ +55 kt, Mean ‘wind component ‘back’ -7S kt, Safe endurance 9 HR 30 MIN. The distance from "A" tothe Point of Safe Return (PSR) 'A'is? a 2S4NM. bU41NM, & 16LLNM, 4. 1759NM, PSR.& PET ‘Given: Distance ‘A'to'B! 2484 NM, Groundspeed ‘out’ 420 kt, Groundspeed "ack? SO0 kt. The time from ‘A’ to the Point of Equal Time (PET) between ‘A’ ‘and "Bis? 193. MIN. b 16MIN. | 173MIN 183 MIN. & PETS, ‘Given: Distance ‘A’ to 'B' 2484 NM, Mean groundspeed ‘out 420 kt, Mean groundspeed back’ SO0 kt, Safe endurance 08 HR 30 MIN. The distance from "A" ta the Point of Safe Return (PSR) "is? Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation 166 a 1630.NM. D. 1940 NM, © 1908NM, @1736NM, PSR& PET16, An aireraft was over ‘Q' at 1320 hours ying direct to 'R', Given: Distance 'Q° {o'R’ 3016 NM, True arspeed 480 kt, Mean wind component ‘ont -90 kt, Mean ‘wind component ‘back’ +75 kt, Safe endurance 10:00 HR. The distance from 'Q to the Point of Safe Return (PSR) 'Q' is? a 1S10NM, b. 2290NM. « 2370NM. @ 110M, PSR&PETI7, Given: Distance ‘A’ to'B' 1973 NM, Groundspeed ‘out’ 430 kt, Groundspeed ‘back’ 385 kt, The time from "A"Ao the Point of Equal Time (PET) between and Bis? a 130MIN, Db. 14s MIN. © 1aMIN, <8 MN, PSR.& PETS, Given: Distance ‘A! to 'B' 1973 NM, Groundspeed ‘out! 430 kt, Groundspeed ‘back’ 385 kt, Safe endurance 7 HR 20 MIN. The distance from 'A" to the Point of Safe Return (PSR) "A" is? a 1664NM, D. 1698 NM. © M2NM, @ M90NM. RE ‘Given: Distance (Qt 'R’ 1760 NM, Groundspeed “out 435 kt, Groundspeed "ack 385 kt, Safe endurance 9 HR. The distance fron 'Q' tothe Poi Return (PSR) between 'Q' and 'R' is? a M67NM, b1642.NM. © 1838NM. ISN, Distance °Q' to R’ 1760 NM, Groundspeed ‘ou’ 435 kt, Groundspecd "back’ 385 kt, The time from ‘Q' tothe Point of Equal (PET) between 'Q and "R'is? Copyright Keith Wiliams 2011, 2012 1000 QAGE For General Navigation 167 a OMIN. b, 106 MIN. a 102 MIN. 114 MIN, ‘Given: Distance ‘A'to‘B' 3623 NM, Groundspeed ‘out’ 370 kt, Groundspeed "ack? 300 kt. The time from ‘A" to the Point of Equal Time (PET) between ‘and "Bis? a. 238MIN. b.263 MIN, 288MIN. a 33MIN PSR & PET2 oundspecd “out 400 kt, Groundspeed Given: Distance "Q' to 'R' 1860 NM, G ‘hack 370 kt, Safe endurance 7 HR. The distance from "Q' tothe Point of Safe [Return (PSR) between *Q! and "R'is? b. @ 145 NM. 1492.NM. 1538NM, Given: Distance 'Q' to 'R' 1970 NM, Groundspeed ‘out’ 47S kt, Groundspeed “back 485 kt, Safe endurance 9 HR. The distance from 'Q' tothe Point of Safe Return (PSH) between Q' and "R'is? a. 1967NM. b.22NM. 160M, @BISNM, R& PET 24, Given: Distance ‘Q' to "R’ 2160 NM, Groundspeed ‘out’ 535 kt, Growndspeed "ack $85 kt, Safe endurance 6 HR. The distance from "Q' to the Point of Safe Return (PSR) between "Q and "R'is? 167 NM, 1677 NM. 1613NM, 1775 NM. PSR& PEF, Given: Distance"Q' to 'R! 2467 NM, Groundspeed ‘out’ $00 kt, Groundspeed "hack 400 kt, Safe enduranee 9.6 HI. The distance from "Q' to the Point of Safe Return (PSR) between ‘Q'and'R' is? Copyright Keith Willams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation 168 2011 NM, 2001 NM. 2075 NM, 2167 NM. PSR& PET 2 ‘What i the distance tothe point of safe endurance ifan aircraft has TAS of 350 knots and a safe endurance of 10 hours, ifthe wind component on the ‘outbound legis 50 knots headwind? pee 2 17i4am, b.1750nm. © 184mm, 15am, PSR & PET 27, ‘What i the tnt to the point of safe return (PSR) ifthe distance from A to Bis 3000 nautical mites, the outbound groundspeed in 380 knots, the homehound ‘groundspecd is 460 knots, and safe endurance is $ hours 30 minutes? ‘What i the distance from "Q' to the Point of Safe Return (PSR) for an aireratt that was over °Q' at 1400 hours lying direst to 'R, given the following data? Distance 'Q' to 'R’ 3050 nm, True Airspeed 480 kt, Safe endurance 10 Hours, if ‘the mean wind component ‘outbound! 90 Kt, and the ‘component "tomebound! is +75 kt a 290mm, b1530nm, © 2190nm, 2375 un R& PET 29, What ithe stance to B from the equal-time-point given the following data? Distance A to B ie Wind component A ~ Bis 15 kt TTAS is 280 kt ‘Wind component B-A is +15 kt 2265 am. b 270m. 25am, 4 280m, Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation 169 PSR & PET. ‘An aircrafts lying a a TAS of S00 knots over a streteh of water between 2 airfields 700 nm apart. What isthe distance from the first airfield to the equal time point (ETP) ifthe wind component is 60 knots head? 300m, 350. am. 380m, ad 392am, PSR.& PETS ovr far ean the neroplane flyout from is base and ret ifthe WIV is 045°/80 kt? ESR.& PETS2. Fora distance of 1900 NM between Q and R, ground speed “ont” of 390 kt, ground speed "back" of 450 kt and an endurance of 8 HR (excluding reserves) the distanee from Q to the point of safe return (PSR) is a 1671NM, bh 1632NM, & 1930NM. &1655.NM, PSR& PETS: ‘Two points A and Bare 1200 NM apart. TAS = 480 kt. On the flight between A. and B the equivalent headwinds 20 kt. On the return leg between B and A, the ‘equivalent headvwind is 140 Kt. What distance from A, along the route A to B, the Point of Equal Time (PET)? a 670NM. b. 655 NM. 600NM @ 624NM. PSR & PETS, ‘An aeroplane is fying a TAS 380 kt on a track of 090%, ‘The WIV is 459750 kt. ow far'ean the aeroplane fly out from its base and return in one hour? a 187.NM. b 8BNM. © IS6NM. a 176NM. Copyright Keith Wiliams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation 170 ‘Given: Distance ‘A’ to 'R' 2400 NM, Groundspeed ‘out’ 365 kt, Groundspeed "back’ 480 kt, The time from ‘A" to the Point of Equal Time PET) between and "Bis? b ‘ 267 MIN, ‘Given: Distance ‘A! to ‘B' 2500 NM, Groundspeed ‘out’ 400 kt, Groundspeed "back? 480 kt, Safe endurance 8 HR'30 MIN. ‘The time from A’ to the Point of Safe Return (PSR) ‘A" is? 27MIN. bh. 259M. © 297MIN @290MIN. PSR PETS, ‘Au aireraft was over 'A' at 1700 hours fying direct toH', Given: Distance ‘A’ {o'B' 2900 NM, True airspeed 480 kt, Mean wind component ‘out +55 kt, Mean ind component back’ -75 kt, The ETA for reaching the Point of Equal Time (PET) betivcen A" and "BY a 1934, Db 1946, ©1821 a 190, PSR.& PET 38, An aireraft as over'A' at 1630 hours f direct to 'B'. Given: Distance A! 3000 NM, True airspeed 490 kt, Mean wind component ‘out 15S kt, Mean vind component ‘back’ 75 kt, Safe endurance 9 HR 30 MIN. The distance from “A” tothe Point of Safe Return (PSR) 'A" is? a 2S4NM. bh. 2238.NM4 © DIM. @ 59M. PSR.& PETS, Given: Distance ‘A! to 'B' 2700 NM, Groundspeed ‘out’ 450 kt, Groundspeed. "ack? S00 kt. The time from 'A' tothe Point of Equal Time (PET) between ‘and "Bis? a. 189. MIN. be 165 MIN’ © ITMIN. Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation 171 a 59MIN, PSR & PET 0, ‘Given Distance ‘A'to‘B' 2600 NM, Mean groundspeed ‘out’ 480 kt, Mean ‘groundspeed "back’ $00 kt, Safe endurance 08 HR 30 MIN. The distance from A" to the Point of Safe Return (PSR) ‘A's? a. 1930NM. b. 2081 NM. © 2091 NM. a. 198M. PSR.& PET At ‘Am aircraft was over 'Q! at 1545 hours ying direct to 'R'. Givens Distance 'Q” {o°R’ 3016 NM, True airspeed 550 kt, Mean wind component ‘out’ -90 kt, Mean ‘vind component ‘back’ +75 kt, Safe endurance 10:00 IIR. The distance from 'Q” to the Point of Safe Return (PSR) °Q' is? a 2610NM, b,2650'NM, & 2670NM, @ I710NM, ET Given: Dist "ack? 385 kt. The ime from and "Bis? 151 MIN. 165 MIN, 182 MIN. 201 MIN. "haek’ 365 kt, Safe endurance THR 20 MIN. The distance from 'A' tothe Point of Safe Return (PSR) "A's? a M464NM, b, 150M, & 1820NM, @ IDB NM. PSR& PETS Given: Distance "Q' to 'R’ 1650 NM, Groundspeed ‘out 450 kt, Groundspeed ‘hack 385 It, Safe endurance 9 HR. The distance from "Q' tothe Point of Safe [Return (PSR) between "Q° and 'R! is? a. 1767NM. be 1742NM. ‘Copyright Keith Wiliams 2011, 2012 1000 QAGE For General Navigation 172 © 1867NM, a 1813NM. PSR.& PETS, Given: Distance "Q' to 'R! 1760 NM, Groundspeed ‘out’ 480 kt, Growndspeed “back’ 370 kt. The time from 'Q tothe Point of Equal Tit (PET) between Q' and "R'is? aun, bh teMin. 100 MIN, 16MIN, PSRAPET 46, Given: Distance {0° 3600 NM, Groundspeed ‘out’ 395 kt, Groundspeed "back? 300 kt. The time from A’ to the Point of Equal and "Bis? 283 MIN. b,236MIN. © 288 MIN. a 23MIN. ice *Q' to 'R’ 1960 NM, Groundspeed ‘out’ 400 kt, Groundspeed “ack $70 kt, Safe endurance 7 HR. "The distance fruns "Q! to the Polat of Safe Return (PSR) between *Q" and 'R' is? a 1S13NM. b.188.NM, © 1S38NM. @ 1353 NM, "SR & PET 48, Given: Distance “Q' to 'R' 1970 NM, Groundspeed ‘out 400 kt, Groundspeed “ack 485 kt, Safe endurance 9 HR. The distance from 'Q! to the Puint of Safe Return (PSR) between 'Q' and 'R! is? a 1964NM, bh 2072.NM. © 1973NM. @2013NM, PSR & PET. Given: Distance ‘Q' to R! 2160 NM, Groundspeed ‘out’ $00 kt, Groundspeed ‘ack S85 kt, Safe endurance 6 HR. The distance from "Q! tothe Point of Safe Return (PSR) between 'Q! and 'R! is? a 1767 NM. bh 1618NM Copyright Keith Wiliams 2011, 2012 1000 QAGE For General Navigation 173 "ack 450 kt, Safe endurance 9 HR The distance from 'Q' tothe Po Return (PSR) between ‘Q! and "R'is? a 250M. pb. 2201NM. © 2ISNM. a 267NM. PSR.& PETS, ‘What is the distance to the point of safe endurance ifn aircraft has a TAS of 350 knots and 2 safe endurance of 10 hours, ithe wind component on the ‘outhound legis $0 knots headwind? a 17am, b.1605 mm. ce 17S40m. a 1725am psi 2. ‘What is the time tothe point of safe return (PSR) ifthe distance from A to Bis, 2500 nautical miles, the outbound groundspeed in 375 knots, the homebound ‘groundspeed is 490 knots, and safe endurance is9 hours 30 minutes? a. 390min, b. 309 min © 39 Min, 320 Min. & PETS, ‘What i the distance from 'Q' to the Point of Safe Return (PSR) for an aircraft that was over *Q! at 1520 hours fying direct to'R following data? Distance ’Q! 10 R'3120 nm, True Airspeed 450 kt, Safe endurance 10 Hours, if the mean wind component ‘outbound! -80 kt, and the mean wind component “nomebound” is #75 kt. a 2320 b 2530am, © 11700m, a 750m. PSR & PETS. ‘What is the distance to B from the equs ime-poin given the following data? Distance A to Bis S60 nm Wind component A ~ Bis 1S kt Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation 174 TAS is 200 kt ‘component B-A is HS kt 259.0 am, 1705 am, 3755 nm, 3805 nm, PSR& PET 55, sg at a TAS of 375 knots overa stretch of water between 2 airfields 500 nm apart. What isthe distance from the first airfield to the equal time point (ETP) ifthe wind component i 60 knots head? 300m. Db. 350mm. © 280am. @ 290m. PSR& PRT ow far can the aeroplane Rly out from its base and retur Aying at TAS 280 kt on a track of 090 in one hour, when te W/V is 0452/80 kt? 158m, be 135mm. © 188am. a 175m. PSR& PETS, Fora distance of2000 NM between Q and R, a ground speed "out" of 375 kt, round speed "back" of 475 kt and an endurance of 8 HR (excluding reserves) {he distance trom Q tothe point of safe return (PSR) i? a 1616NM. b.1632.NM, © 1930NM. @1565NM, ‘A and B are 1500 NM apart. TAS = 490 kt, On the flight between A. And B the equivalent headwind is -20 kt. On the return leg between B and A, the ‘equivalent headwind is +40 kt. What distance from A, along the route Ato Bis {he Point of Equal Time (PET)? NM. NM. 750M. 79SNM. PSR & PETS ‘An aeroplane is fying at TAS 250 kt on a track of 090°. The WIV. ow far ean the aeroplane fy out from pore 0455150 Kt, base and return in one hour? Copyright Keith Williams 2011,2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation 175 a. DONM. bo MSNM. © B6NM, 116NM, PSR & PET 60. Given: Distance’A' to 2500 NM, Groundspeed ‘out! 375 kt, Groundspeed "back’ 485 Kt. The time from 'A' to the Point of Equal Time (PET) betwee and Bis? a. 267 MIN. 26MIN. © 90MIN. a BT MIN. Qs PSR& PETG Given: Distance “A'to"B' 2750 NM, Groundspeed ‘out 365 kt, Groundspeed ‘hack’ 480 kt, Safe endurance 8 HR 30 MIN. ‘The time from to the Point of Safe Return (PSR) ‘Ais? 290 MIN. 229 MIN, 297 MIN. 209 MIN, PSR & PET ‘An aireraft was over ‘A’ at 1735 hours fying direct to 'B', Given: Distance ‘A! to'B! 2780 NM, True airspeed 470 kt, Mean wind component ‘ou’ +55 kt, Mean ‘wind component "back’-75 kt, The ETA for reaching the Point of Equal Time (PET between A’ and "B's? ‘An aireraft was over‘A! at 1735 hours fying direct to'B'. Given: Distance ‘A ‘0 'B! 2950 NM, True arspeed 470 kt, Mean wind component ‘out’ *SS kt, Mean ‘ind component "back’-75 kt, Safe endurance 9 HR 30 MIN. The distance from "A" tothe Point of Safe Return (PSR) ‘A's? a 2RM4NM. b141NM. © 16M. 159M. Copyright Keith Wiliams 2011,2012 1000 QARE For General Navigation 176 Distance 'A'to"B' 2750. NM, Groundspeed ‘out 420 kt, Groundspeed "back’ $00 kt. The time from A’ o the Point of Equal Time (PET) between and "Bis? 213.5 MIN, 163.0 MIN, 1735 MIN 183.5 MIN, PSR & PET 6S ‘Given: Distance ‘A! to 'B' 2980 NM, Mean groundspeed ‘out’ 450 kt, Mean ‘gfoundspeed back’ 500 kt, Safe endurance 08 HR 30 MIN. The distance from A’ the Point of Safe Return (PSR) ‘A's? 1930 NM, 2012 NM. 1998 NM. 2036 NM. PSR.& PET 66, An alrerafl was over ‘Q' at 1620 hours fying direct to°R’. Given: Distance Q! {0 °R’3050.NM, Tru airspeed 480 kt, Mean wind component ‘out’ -90 kt, Mean ‘wind component back’ #75 kt, Safe endurance 10:00 HI. The distance from "Q! to the Point of Safe Return (PSR) "Q's? a 110NM. b 290NM, © 270NM. @2310NM, PSR& PET 67, ‘Given: Distanee ‘A’ to 'B' 19S0 NM, Groundspeed ‘out! 450 kt, Groundspoed "back’ 385 kt. The time from 'A'o the Point of Equal Time (PET) between A’ and "Bis? a 120MmN, b138MIN. © M2MIN, a inn, PSR& PET 68, Given: Distance ‘A! to 'B! 1950 NM, Grou "back’ 385 kt, Safe endurance 7 HR 20 ME ‘of Safe Return (PSR) 'A" is? speed ‘out 400 kt, Groundspeed The distance from "A" to the Point a M464NM, b 498M, © M2NM, @138NM. Copyright Keith Wiliams 2011,2012 1000 QAGE For General Navigation 177 PSR & PET, Given: Distance'"Q!to'R! 1760 NM, Groundspeed ‘out’ 485 kt, Groundspeed "back 385 kt, Safe endurance 9 HR. The distance from "Q' tothe Point of Safe Return (PSR) between 'Q" and 'R' is? 1867 NM. 1838 NM. PSR& PET, siven: Distance 'Q' to'R' 1760 NM, Groundspeed ‘out’ 47S kt, Groundspeed "ack’ 365 kt. The time from "Q tothe Point of Equal Time (PET between *Q' and "R'is? a 9LMIN. b, 106 MIN. © 92MIN, «97MIN. PSR & PETL ‘Given: Distance ‘A! to 'B' 3623 NM, Groundspeed ‘out’ 390 kt, Groundspeed "Dack’ 330 kt. The time from A’ to the Point of Equal Time (PET) between and "Bis? 8. 238MIN. b.255MIN. 289 MIN. @ 323 MIN. Ps 2, Given: Distance 'Q' to R’ 1860 NM, Groundspeed ‘out 420 kt, Groundspeed ‘hack 380 kt, Safe endurance 7 HR. The distance from 'Q' tothe Point of Safe Return (PSR) between *Q" and "R® is? b. a PSR .& PET 73. Given: Distance °Q' to R’ 1970 NM, Groundspeed ‘out’ 495 kt, Groundspeed “ack 465 kt, Safe endurance 9 HR. The distance fram 'Q' tothe Point of Safe Return (PSR) between °Q' and 'R' is? a 267M, bh mann © 1157NM. 4. 2313NM. Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navi PSR& PET, ‘Given: Distance ‘Q"to'R'2160 NM, Groundspeed out! $35 kt, Groundspeed “hack 595 kt, Safe endurance 6 HR. The distance from "Qo the Polat of Safe Return (PSR) between (and Rs? a 167M. bh 1690NM. © 1613NM. @1675NM, Distance 'Q" to 'R'2467 NM, Groundspeed ‘out! 500 kt, Groundspeed ‘hack 450 kt, Safe endurance 9.5 HR. The distance from *Q' tothe Point of Safe Return (PSR) between "Q" and "Ris a 2250.NM. b 221NM. «215M. @ 267 NM. PSR& PET 76, ‘What isthe distance o the point of safe endurance ifan sircraft has a TAS of 37S knots and a safe endurance of 10 hours, ifthe wind component on the ‘outbound leg i 50 knots headvwind? a 18420m, be 1850m, © 18840n @1825nm, PSR & PEY7: ‘What is the fim tothe point of safe retuen (PSR) ifthe distance from A to Bis the outbound groundspeed in 380 knots, the homebound ‘roundspeed is 430 knots, and safe endurance is hours 30 minutes? 1c from 'Q' fo the Point of Safe Return (PSR) for an aircraft {hat was over °Q! at 1500 hours fying direct to'R' given the following data? Distance"Q' to 'R’ 3050 nm, True the mean wind component “outho ‘homebound! is-+75 kt. irspeed 435 kt, Safe en 1-90 kt, and the mean mice 10 Hours, if component 2058 mn ‘Copyright Keith Williams 2011,2012 1000 QAE For General Navigation 179 >. 2530am. © 1900m, a 2075am, 1 to B from the equal-time-point given the following data? Distance A to B is 650 nm ‘Wind component A ~Bis-1S kt ‘TAS is 320 kt Wind component B-A is +15 kt a 309m, bh Tam. 375mm a 800m. PSR & PETS. ‘An aireraftis lying at a TAS of 475 knots over a stretch of water between 2 Airfields 800 nm apart. What isthe distance from the first airfield to the equal ‘time point (ETP) ithe wind component is 60 knots head? a 398m. 50am. 480m a. 45tnm. aeroplane fly out from its base and return in one hour, when flying at TAS 380 kt on a track of 090, ifthe WIV is 0459180 kt? a 158m. 180m 12am. “| 1STam PSR & PET 8, Fora distance of 2100 NM between Q and R, ground speed "out" of 365 kt, ‘round speed "back" of 35 kt and an endurance of 8 HE (excluding reserves) the distance from Q tothe point of safe return (PSR) is? a. 1588NM. b,1S32.NM. 160NM. @1555NM. R.& PET $3, ‘Two points A and Bare 1300 NM apart. TAS = 485 kt. On the Might between A and B the equivalent headwind is 20 kt. On the retnra leg between Band A, the ‘cquivalent headvind is +40 kt, What distance from A, along the route A to By Is the Point of Equal Time PET)? Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation 180 ‘An aeroplane is fying at TAS 345 kt ona track of 090°, The W/V is 04550 kt, How far can the aeroplane fy out from its base and return in one hour? a 170M. b.188NM. © 156NM, @163NM, PSR.& PETSs, Given: Distance ‘A’ to"B’ 2600 NM, Groundspeed ‘out’ 395 kt, Groundspeedd back’ 480 kt, The time from A’ tothe Point of Equal Time (PET) between and "Bis? a 267 MIN. bh 27MIN, «90MIN, @ 37MIN. PSR.& PET 86, Givens, Distance "A! to ‘B' 2900 NM, Grouudspeed “ont 420 kt, Groundspeed ‘ack’ 480 kt, Safe endurance 8 HI 30 MIN, The time from 'A’ to the Point of Safe Return (PSR) A’ a MN. Db. 298MIN. 249 MIN. @ 20MIN. PSR.& PETS, icraft was over ‘A’ at 1600 hours flying direc to 'B Distance A’ 2900 NM, Teue airspeed 480 kt, Mean wind component ‘out 55 ht, Mean ‘wind component ‘back’ -75 kt, The BTA for reaching the Point of Equal Time (PET) between 'A" and "Bis? 184, bse. 1835, @ um. PSR PET SS, An ieraft was over A’ at 1600 hours flying direct to"B’. Givens Distance A’ {o °B' 3000 NM, True airspeed 390 kt, Mean wind component ‘out! 455 kt, Mea \wind component ‘back’ -75 kt, Safe endurance 9 HR 30 MIN, The distance from A’ tothe Point of Safe Return (PSR) 'A' is? Copy Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation 181 2254 NM. b. a PSRS PET S9, Givens Distance A’ to "B' 2700 NM, Groundspeed ‘out 465 kt, Groundspeed "back’ S15 kt. The time from A’ to the Point of Equal Time (PET) between 'A' and Bis? 183 MIN. 165 MIN. 177 MIN. 159 MIN. PSR & PET 0. Given: Distance A’ to 2600 NM, Mean groundspeed ‘out’ 380 kt, Mean groundspecd ‘back’ 47S kt, Safe endurance 08 HR 30 MIN. The distance from ‘AY tothe Point of Safe Return (PSR) 'A" is? pore a 1730NM. b.1T94NM, © 1691NM, & 1978NM, PSR& PET OL ‘An aireraft was over °Q' at 1545 hours flying direct to'R’. Given: Distance 'Q" to'R’ 3016 NM, True alespeed 525 kt, Mean wind component ‘out -90 kt, Mean ‘wind component "back? +75 kt, Safe endurance 10:00 HR. ‘The distance from "Q” to the Point of Safe Return (PSR) ‘Q's? 2510 NM. hb, 2822.NM. 2570NM, 610M, sR & PET 9, ‘Given: Distance ‘A' to 'B' 2450 NM, Groundspeed ‘out’ 380 kt, Groundspeed "ack 385 kt. The time from ‘A’ to the Point of Equal Time (PET) between and "Bis? a mOMIN, hb. 19MN © 18MIN 4. 201MIN. PSR& PETS: ‘Given: Distance 'A' to 'B! 2100 NM, Groundspeed ‘out’ 440 kt, Groundspeed "aek’ 375 kt, Safe endurance 7 HR 20 MIN. The distance from ‘A' tothe P Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation 182 ‘of Safe Return (PSR) ‘A! is? a M64NM. bh 1540NM, © MW7NM. 484M, PSR & PET 94, ‘Given: Distance (Q! to R’ 1650 NM, Groundspeed ‘out’ 465 kt, Groundspeed "back 385 kt, Safe endurance 9 HR. The distance from "Q! to the Point of Safe Return (PSR) between "Q' and "Ris? a 1867NM. bh 1842.NM. © 1896NM. @1853.NM, PSR& PET 9s, ‘Given: Distance {0 'R’ 1760 NM, Groundspeed ‘out 450 kt, Groundspeed "ack? 360 kt. The time from 'Q! tothe Point of Equal Time (PET between 'Q' and "Rs? 109 MIN. 116 MIN, Givens Distance ‘A to"B’ 3600 NM, Groundspecd ‘out! 378 kt, Groundspeed "back? 400 kt. The time from 'A'to the Point of Equal Time PET) between A’ and "Bis? a. 2s3.MIN, b 294MIN, © 288. MIN, @323MIN PSR& PETS, Given: Distance "Q’ to 'R' 1960 NM, Groundspeed ‘out’ 380 kt, Groundspeed "ack 470 kt, Safe endurance 7 HR. The distance from 'Q' to the Point of Safe Return (PSR) between *Q and "R'is? 2 1471.NM. 1402 NM. © 1S38NM. 4 1453NM. PSR& PET 9 Given: Distance "Q' to 'R' 1970 NM, Groundspeed ‘out’ 436 kt, Groundspeed "back 485 kt, Safe endurance 9 HR. The distance from 'Q' o the Point of Safe Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation 183 Return (PSR) between ‘Q" and a. 1964NM. b, 207M. 2066 NM. 4d 013M. PSR & PET 99, ‘What is the time to the point of safe endurance ifanaireraft has a TAS of 300 knots and a safe endurance of 4 hours, i the wind component on the outbound leg is 20 knots headwind? LI hours b. 26 hours. © 19 hours. a 2 hours. PSR& PET 100, Given: Distance 'Q' to R' 2160 NM, Groundspeed ‘out 535 kt, Groundspeed “hack S85 kt, Safe endurance 6 HR. The distance from 'Q' tothe Point of Safe [Return (PSR) between "Q" and 'R! is? n2o a 1T6TNM. ExoxH bra Oru teat PSR PETIOL Given: Distance ‘ack’ 480 kt, Safe endurance 6 HR 30 MIN. The time from Safe Return (PSR) ‘A's ‘A’ to 2500 NM, Groundspeed ‘out’ 370 kt, Groundspecd tothe Point of 220 MIN. 218 MIN. 229 MIN. 230 MIN aore 02 ‘What i the time to the point of safe endurance fan alrer knots and a safe endurance of 4 hours, ifthe wind component on the outbound legs 50 knots headwind 2 hours. B23 hours, 19 hows @ thous. PSR & PET-103, ‘Given: Distance ‘A' to 'B' 2900 NM, Groundspecd ‘out’ 420 kt, Groundspeed "back’ 400 kt, Safe endurance 8 HR 30 MIN, ‘The time from ‘A’ tothe Point of ‘Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QARE For General Navigation 184 Safe Return (PSR) 'A" is? a 22MIN. be 249 MIN, © 259MIN. @ 290MIN. PET 104, = Distanee 'Q' to 'R' 2550 NM, Groundspeed ‘out’ $50 kt, Groundspeed "back 400 kt, Safe endurance 9.5 IR. The distance from 'Q' tothe Point of Safe Return (PSR) between ‘Qn "R'is? a -2200NM. Db. 2250NM. © 2ISNM. @ 267NM. PSR.& PET 105, Given: Distance ‘A’ to"R' 2900 NM, Groundspeed ‘out 400 Kt, Groundspeed "Daek’ 380 kt, Safe endurance 8 HR 30 MIN, ‘The time from 'A’ tthe Point of Safe Return (PSR) 'A" is? 27MIN. 208 MIN, © 249 MIN. @ 290MIN, b PSR& PET 106, ‘What i the time to the point of safe endurance ifan aircraft has a TAS of 300, knots and a safe endurance of hours, if the wind component onthe outbound legis 30 knots headwind? 23 hows, b S6hours. © 29 hours, @275hours PSR.& PET 107, Distance ‘A’ to 'B! 2000 NM, Groundspeed ‘out 420 kt, Groundspeed ‘ack’ 480 kt, Safe endurance 3 H'30 MIN. The time from 'A' to the Point of Safe Return (PSR) ‘Ais? a 12MIN. b. 195 MN. 149 MIN. @ 190M PSR.& PET 10 ‘What is the distance tothe point of safe endurance if au aircraft has a TAS of 300 Knots and a safe endurance of 10 hours, ifthe wind component on the Copyright Keith Wiliams 2011, 2012 1000 QARE For General Navigation 185 outbound leg is 30 knots headwind? a 1485 am. b. 1505 am fc 188tom a 1625am, PSR & PET 109, ‘Given: Distance A" {0 "B' 2600 NM, Groundspeed ‘out" 220 kt, Groundspeed "back? 280 kt, Safe endurance 3 HR 30 MIN. The time from 'A' to the Poin of ‘Safe Return (PSR) ‘Ais? a 12MIN. b. 19MIN. © 149MIN a 18MIN. PSR.& PET 110, ‘What is the time to the point of safe endurance fan aireraft has a TAS of 200, knots and a safe endurance of 1 hours if the wind compone! outbound legis 48 knots headwind? a G1hours. b S89 hours, & GShours a SBhours PSR.& PET Given: Distance'A' to"B 1500 NM, Groundspeed ‘out’ 120 kt, Groundspeed "ack’ 180 kt, Safe endurance 10 HR 30 MIN. ‘The time from ‘A' tothe Point of Safe Return (PSR) ‘A'is? a 378.MIN. b. 39S MIN. 309 MIN. . 390MIN. PSR& PET UD ‘What i the distance tothe point of safe endurance ifan aircraft has 1 TAS of 350 knots and a safe endurance of 10 hours, ifthe wind component on the ‘outbound leg is $0 knots headvwind? a 1458um. b. 17idam. 1554 um @ 1625 um PSR & PETA3, ‘Given: Distance “A'to‘B' 1000 NM, Groundspeed ‘out’ 190 kt, Groundspeed "back’ 180 kt, Safe endurance 8 HR'30 MIN. The time from 'A' tothe Point of ‘Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QARE For General Navigation 186 Safe Return (PSR) 'A" a 248 MIN. b.255MIN. «23MIN. @ 26MIN. PSR& PET 114, ‘What is the time to the point of safe endurance iam areraft has a TAS of 300, knots and a safe endurance of 7 hours, if the wind component onthe omtbound legis 68 knots headwind? 432 hours, b. 426hours © 391 hours, @ Ait hours PSR.& PETS, iance ‘A! to 'B' 500 NM, Groundspeed ‘out’ 120 kt, Groundspeed “Dack’ 130 kt, Safe endurance 6 HR 30 MIN. The time from "At the Point of Safe Return (PSR) ‘A's? a 203.MIN. b 25MIN. 209 MIN. 4 Roun’ BR & PET 116, ‘What i the distance tothe point of safe endurance ifn aircraft has a TAS of 300 knots and» safe endur ‘outbound legs 50 kot sce of 10 hours, if the wind component on the iwind? a 1548am, b. 1508 nm, © 1458:am. a 1625 am. Distance ‘A’ to 'B' 900 NM, Groundspeed ‘out? 220 kt, Groundspeed ‘back’ 280 kt, Safe endurance 8 Ht 30 MIN. The time from "A' to the Point of Safe Return (PSR) ‘A's? 278 MIN, PSR& PET 118, ‘What i the tn nots {o the point of safe endurance ifan aircraft has «TAS of 100 ‘safe endurance ofS hours, ifthe wind component on the outbound Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation 187 a 30hours. b. W0howrs. 4 19 hours. 3.1 hours. PSR.& PETLD, ‘Given: Distance'A'to'B! 400 NM, Groundspeed ‘ou! 98 kt, Groundspeed "back’ 110 ky Safe endurance § HR 30 MIN. The time from ‘A’ to the Point of Safe Return (PSR) "is? a 17MIN. b. 19MIN: cs 149MIN @ 169 MIN. PSR& PET 120, ‘What is the distance tothe point of safe endurance if an aireraft has a TAS of, 200 knots and a safe endurance of 10 hours, ifthe wind component on the ‘outbound leg i 15 knots headwind? 994m. 1805 nm. 1584 nm. 4 1625am, ‘What i the time tothe point of safe endurance fan aireraft has a TAS of 300 ‘knots and a safe endurance of 10 hours ifthe wind component on the outbound legis 20 knots headwind? a S3hours BS hours © 49howrs 4 Sthowrs RS PET ‘What the time to the point of safe endurance ifan aireraft asa TAS of 300, knots snd safe endurance of 6 hours, ifthe wind component on the outbound legis 20 knots headwind? a. 34hours bo hours © 29hours @32hours. PSR& PET 23, Given: Distance 'A'to"B' 275 NM, Groundspeed ‘out’ 82 kt, Groundspeed "ack? 80 kt, Safe endurance 3 HR'30 MIN. The time from 'A' to the Point of Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation 188 Safe Return (PSR) ‘A's? | TRMIN, b 108MN, © 149MIN, a 190MN. RS PET 124 ‘What i the distance tothe point of safe endurance ifan aircraft has a TAS of 200 knots and a safe endurance of 10 hours, ifthe wind component on the ‘outbound legis 85 knots hendwind? 819 nm, 50S nm 854 nm. 865 nm, PSR& PET 125, ‘What i the distance to the point of safe endurance ifan aireraft has n TAS of, 400 knots and a safe endurance of 10 hours ifthe wind component on the ‘outbound legis 75 knots headwind? 1994 0m. b, 1805 nm: 1654 nm @ 1930 nm. SCALE L ‘Ona direct Mercator projection, the distance measured between two merit spaced §° apart at latitude 60°N is 8 em. The scale ofthis chart at latitude 6O°N, Is approximately? 123500 000, b 15000 000, 122000 000, @ 14500 000, SCALE2, ‘On Lambert Conformal chart the distance between meridians 5° apart along latitude 37° North is 9 em, The scale ofthe chart at that parallel approximates? 153500000 bh 125000000, 1:4 000 000 124500 000 SCALES, ‘A Mercator chart asa seale atthe equator: latitude 60° S? a 11500000, 3704 000. What isthe seale at Copyright Keth Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QAA&E For General Navi PLOTTING 1926, ‘Theabove symbols and their meanings ae illustrated below. Option is correct. > we o& A 2» TK» A Untightea Aeronautical Lighted Obstacle Lied Group OMehe Ground Light OF Obstacle LOTTING 143, ‘Theabove symbols and thelr meanings a reillastrated below, Opti correct sw oO AN 2 TK» A Untied Acronautical Lighted Obstacle Mishted Group Unite Ground Light ororwiace ‘The above symbols and thelr meanings are illstrated below. Option bis at Ae uk Lighted Obstacle Obstacle High Obstacle ightship is curious in that “point of safe endurance” isnot a Standard term If however itis taken to mean the “point of safe return” or PSR. ‘hen this typeof problem ean be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EH/(O+H) where: Eendurance, H= homebound groundspeed, © = outbound groundspecd. ‘The outbound groundspeed (300 kts ~ 50 kts headwing) = 250 ks, ‘The homebound groundspecd is (500 kts +50 kts tailwi ) = 380 kts. The stated endurance is 10 hours these figures into the equation gives PSR =(10 hours x 380 mm/h) / (350 mm/h + 250 In) = 5.83 hours, Distance fo PSR ~ time to PSR x outbound groundspeed. Copyright Keith Willams 2011, 2012 1000 QARE For General Navigation 589 Inserting the data above gives distance to PSR.=250 nm/h x $83 h ~ 1458 am (option a). Tit apr or pile cn be sled sng he tna get PSR=BH/(O--1) wher endurance, = homebound eoutdped, = ouoend groups ‘Ths endurone of nr nd 3 mints ional 510 mints Inserting see rs nt the cqaon ee: SR= (10 min 0 290 inate oon Te should be noted that the distance between A and Bis not relevant to the solution ofthis problem. wih) J (365 nah +480 nin/h) = 289 oF approximately PSR& PETS ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=FH/(O+M) where: endurance, H= homebound groundspeed, ‘The outbound groundspeed (480 kts—90 kts head “The homebound groundspecd is (480 kts + 75 kts tailwind) = S55 ks, ‘The stated endurance fs 10 hours Inserting these figures into the equation gives PSR = (10 hours x S85 nnw/h) / (390 nmvh + 585 nah) = 5.87 hours. Distance to PS ime to PSR x outbound groundspeed. Inserting the data above gives distance to PSR 390 nmih x S87 h = 2290 nm (option 6). PSR& PET Sa. This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation below to find the distance to PSE then subtracting this from the distance to point B: PET=DH/(O+H) where: distance of total leg, H~ homebound groundspeed, O ~ outbound ‘groundspeed. Copyright Keith Willams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For eral Navigation 560 ‘The distance of total legis 360 nm Outward groundspeed = (TAS ~ headwind) Homcbound groundspeed = (TAS + tailwind) = (180 kts +15 kts these figures into the equation gives: PET= (360 nm x 195 nan 1 (065 neh + 195 mm/h) = 195 nm. ‘The distance from PET to point B is dst from A t0B (360 nm) = PET (19S am) ‘This (ype of problem can be solved using the standard equation: per=| 104K) where: D= distance of total leg, ‘groundspoed. jomebound groundspeed, O ~ outhound ‘The distance of total leg is $00 am Outward groundspeed = (TAS headwind) ~ (300 kts ~60 kts)=240 kts. Homebound groundspeed = (TAS tailwind) = (300 kts+ 60 kts) = 360 kts ing these figures into the equation gives: ($00 nm x 360 nmvh) F (240 nen/h-+ 360 am/h) = 300 nm (option d SETS {ype of problem can be solved using fe standard equation: PSR=(EH/(O+H) where: PSR isthe time tod point of safe return or maximum distance out from star, endurance, 1 ‘homebound groundspeed, O= outbound groundspeed. To calculate the groundspeed out, insert the slide of the CRPS withthe low speed side showing, and move the slide to align the eentre dat over the top of the square wind grid. Rotate the window to align true heading pointer with the wind direction of O45. degrees onthe incr scale, Draw a cross on the centre line directly below the centre dot at 50 knots wind speed. Move the side to pos ion the centre dot a 180 knots TAS om the slide. Copyright Keith Williams 011, 2012 1000 QASE For General Navigation 561 Rotate the window to align the true heading pointer with the true track of 090, degrees onthe inner seale ‘The position ofthe cross now indicates 13.5 degrees righ drift Rotate the window to align the true course of 090 degrees on the inner sale: 13S degrees right drifton the outer scale. ‘The eross now indicates 105 degree right drift. Rotate the window to align the true course of 90 degrees on the i 105 degrees right drift on the outer scale, The eros stil indicates 11.8 degree Rotate the window to align the true course of 090 degrees om the inner scale with S degrees right drift on the outer scale, ‘The cross 3 indicates 11.5 degree right drift, so the drift is balanced. Read off 141 knots ground speed atthe postion ofthe eross. 1 knots. So groundspeed out Repeating the process using a track of 270 degrees gives a groundspeed home of 210 knots. serting these figures into the equation gives: R= (EH /(O+H) = (1 hour 210) /(141 kts +210 kts) 'SR = 0.4017 hours ‘Multiplying this time by the groundspecd! out (41 kts) gives a distance of 56.64 ‘um or approximately $7 nm (option b, PSRS PET 7a, This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EW/(O+H) where: B= endurance, H= homebound groundspeed, 0~ outbound groundspeed, Inserting the data given in the question gives: PSR (8 hours x 465 nin/h) / (385 mm/h + 465 Wh) = 4.38 hours Distance to PSR = time to PSR x outbound groundspecd. Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation S62 the data above gives distance to PSR = 385 nmvh x 4.38 b= 1684 nm oF approximately 1685 nm (option ). 5 & PET Sd, ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PET=DH/(O+1) where: = distance of total leg, H= homebound groundspeed, O = outbound sroundspeed. The distance of total leg is 1000 nay Outward groundspoed = (TAS. heading) Homebound groundspeed = (TAS + tailwind) = (490 kts + 40 kts) =530 kis Inserting these figures 0 the equation gives: PET = (1000 nm x 530 nm/h) / (470 anv + 580 mm/h) = $30 nm (option d). PEP ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard eq PSR=(EH/(O+H) where: PPSR Is the time to he point of safe return or maximum distance out from start, E-endurance, H~ homebound groundspeed, O = outbound groundspeed. ‘To caleulate the groundspeed out insert the side of the CRPS with the low speed side showing, and move the slide to aliga the centre dot over the top ofthe square wind grid. Rotate the window to align trae heading pointer with the wind direction of 45 degrees onthe inner seale. below the centre dot a 0 kxots wind “Move the slide fo position the centre dot at 180 knots’TAS on the slide, Rotate the window to align the true heading pointer withthe true track of 090 degrees onthe inner scale. The position ofthe eross now indicates 13:5 degrees right drift, Rotate the window to align the true course of 090 degrees on the inner scale with 13.8 degrees right drift on the outer scale, ‘The cross now indicates 10.5 degrce right drift Copyright Keith Wil sms 2011, 2012 1000 QAWE For General Navigation 563, Rotate the window to align the true course of 090 degrees on the inner seale with 105 degrees right drifeon the outer scale. 5 degree right drift Rotate the window to align the true course of 090 degrees on the inner scale with 115 degrees right drifton the outer scale. ‘The cross stil indicates 11.5 degree right drift, so the drift i balanced Read off 141 knots ground speed at the position ofthe eross. So groundspeed out = 141 knots. Repeating the process using a track of 270 degrees gives a groundspeed home of 210 knots Inserting these figures into the equation gives: SiR= (EH /(O+H) = (1 hour x 210) (141 kts +210 kts) PSR 14017 hows Multiplying this time by the groundspeed out (141 kis) gives a distance of 56.64 tum or approximately 57 nm (option a). RS PET 106, ‘This ype of problem can be solved using the standard equation below PE DH/(O+H) where: = distance of total lg, H = homebound groundspeed, O = outbound roundspeed. Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PET = (2346 nm x 480 nh) | (365 now + 480 nmi) 1333 om, ‘The time taken to reach this point can be found using the equation: Time = distance groundspeed ~ 1333 nm /365 nm/h = 3.65 hours oF 219 ‘minutes (option )- PSR& PET 11a ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EH/(O+H) where: E endurance, H = homebound groundspeed, O athound groundspeed. Copyright Keith Wiliams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation these figures into the equation gives PSR= (8.5 hours x 480 mm/h) / (365 nm/h-+ 480 ami) = 4.83 hours. ‘Multiplying this by 60 gives atime of289.7 or approximately 290 minutes (option a. R.& PET 124, ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation below: PET=DH/(O+H) where: = distance of total leg, H = homebound groundspeed, O = outbound groundspeed. ‘The distance of total eg is 2900 nm ‘Outward groundspeed = (TAS + tailwind) = (470 kts +55 kts)~525 kts Homebound groundspeed = (TAS. Inserting these igures into the equation gives: PET= (2900 nm x 395 nm/h) / (525 anh + 395 mm/h) = 1245 nm. ‘The time taken to ly this distance can be found using the equation Time take 2422 minutes. stance = groundspeed = 1245 nm /$25 kts = 2.37 hours which is Adding this figure tothe time at point SRS PETA ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equations 143542422 min = 1657 option d) PSR=EH/(O+H) where: ound groundspeed, 0 outhound groundspeed. The outbound groundspeed (470 ks + 55 kts tailwind) = 525 Kt, ‘The homebound groundspeed i (470 kts 75 kts headwind) = 395 kts. ‘The stated endurance is 9.5 hours, Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PSR = (2. hours x 395 nnvh) J (525 nan/h +395 nonlh) = 4.08 hours, Distance to PS lime to PSR x outbound groundspeed. Copyright Keith Wiliams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation 365, Inserting the data above gives distance fo PSR = 525 nm/h x 408 h = 2141 am (option b). PSR&PETI4a, ‘This type of probiem can be solved using the standard equation below: PET=DH/(O+H) where: = distance of total leg, H groundspeed. yomebound groundspeed, 0 outbound ‘The distance of total logis 2484 am Inserting these figures into the equs n gives: PET~ (2484 nm x $00 mm/h) / (420 anh + $00 mm/h) 350 am, ‘The time taken fo reach this point can be calculated using the equation: ‘Time taken = distance /groundspeed out = 1360 nm 420 kt 183 minutes (option a). .21 hours oF PSR & PET 15h, ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR-EH/(O1) where: B= endurance, H jomebound groundspeed, O wutbound groundspeed. wserting these figures into the equation gives: PSR=(8.S hours x 500 mm/h) / (420 nm + S00 nen/b) = 4.62 hours. Distance to PSR SR x outbound groundspeed Inserting the data above gives distance to PSR=420 nm/h x 462 h = 1940 nm (option b. ps > ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EH/(O+H) where: sndurance, H jomebound groundspeed, O = outbound groundspeed 390 ts ‘The outhound groundspood (480 kts —90 kts headwind) The homebound groundspced is (480 kts +75 kts Iwind) = 555 kts Copyright Keith Wiliams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation 566 ‘The stated endurance is 10 hours, Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PSR= (10 hours x $55 mm/h) 1 (390 nu/h-+ $85 nm) 5.87 hours. Distance to PS lime to PSR x outbound groundspeed, Inserting the data above gives distance to PSR = 390 am/h x 5.87 h = 2290 nm (option b). PSR& Pera7 ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation below to find the distance to PSR then subtracting this from the distance to point Bs PEI DH/(O+H) where: D = distance of total leg, H = homebound groundspeed, = outbound groundspeed. Th istance of total leg is 1973 nm Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PET= (1973 nm x85 nmv/h) / (430 mm/h + 385 nauk) = 932 nm, ‘The time taken to reach this point eam be calculated using the equation: ‘Time taken = distance /groundspeed out = 932 nm / 430 kts 2.17 hours oF 130 min (option a). PSR& PETS: ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equi PSR=EHJ(O+H) where: E endurance, H ‘omebound groundspeed, O = outbound groundspeed. Th 20 minutes is 7.33 hours Inserting these fgares nto the equation gives: PSR= (7.35 hours x 430 nm/h) / (388 nmvh +430 mm/h) = 3.87 hours Distance to PSI = time to PSR x outbound groundspeed. Inserting the data above gives distance to PSR = 385 nnyh x 387 h = 1489 nm ‘or approximately 1490 nm (option d). SPET 196 This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: Copyright Keith Wiliams 201 2012 1000 QARE For General Navigation $67 PSR=EH/(O+H) where: endurance, H = homebound groundspeed, 0: nutbound groundspecd. Inserting these figures into the equation gives: SR=(9 hours x385 nm/h) / (435 am/h-+ 385 um/h) = 4.23 hours, Distance fo PSR = time to PSR x outbound groundspeed. a above gives distance to PSR = 435 nm/h x 423 h = 1838 nm ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation below PET=DH/(O+H) where: D= distance of total leg, H = homebound groundspeed, 0 ‘groundspec “The distance of total legis 1760 nm Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PETT~ (1760 nm x 385 mm/h) | 43S nm 388 mm/h) = 826 nm. “The time taken to reach this point can be ealeulated using the equ Time taken = distance / groundspeed out = 826nm /435 kts = 1.9 hour or 114 mins (option d, SRS PET2Ib, ‘This ype of problem ean be solved using the standard equation: PET=DH/(O+H) where: stance of total leg, Ht sgroundspeed. jomebound groundspecd, 0 ‘The distance of total legis 3623 nm Inserting these figures into the eq PET= (3623 am x 300 am/h) / (370 mm/h + 300 nm) 1622 nm, ‘The time taken fo reach this point can be caleulated using the equ Copyright Keith Wiliams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation S68 ‘Time taken = distance /groundspeed out = 1622 nm /370 kt 263 mins (option b). PSR PET228, ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EH/(O+H) where B= endurance, H 1omebound groundspeed, nutbound groundspeed. Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PSR= (7 hours x 370 nmi) / (400 anvh +370 nm/h) = 3.37 hours Distance to PS ime to PSR x outbound groundspecd, Inserting the data above gives distance to PSR. (option a). 100 nm/h.x 3.37 = 1345 am PSR&PET23¢. ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EN/(O+H) where: E= endurance, 1 1omebound groundspeed, O = outhound groundspeed. Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PSR= (9 hours x485 mm/h) / (675 mm/h + 485 neh) = 4.55 hours Distance to PS ne to PSR x outbound groundspeed, wsertng the data above gives distance to PSR (option 0, PSR PET24n, This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: 178 nih x Sh = 2160 nm, PSR=EH/(O-+H) where: E=endurance, 1 omeboun groundspeed, O = outbound groundspeed. Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PSR=(6 hours x $85 mm/h) / (535 mm/h + S85 nmi/h) = 3.14 hours tance to PSR time to PSR x outbound g Inserting the data above gives distance to PSR: (option 6). Copyright Keith Willams 2011, 2012 1000 QARE For General Navigation $69 ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EH/(0+H) where: E endurance, = homebound groundspeed, 0: utbound groundspecd. Inserting these Figures into the equation gives: PSR= (85 hours x 400 nmi) / (600 nm + 400 nm) = 4.22 hours Distance fo PSR = time to PSR x outhound groundspeed Inserting the data above gives distance to PSR = 500 mm/h x 4.22 b (option a). PSR& PET 26. ‘The wording ofthis question is curious in that “point of safe endurance” is not standard term, If however itis taken fo mean the “point of safe return” or PSR then this type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: 2111 am, PSR=EH/(O+1) where: ndurance, H= homebound groundspeed, O = outbound groundspeed. ‘The outbound groundspeed (380 kts~ 50 kts headwind) ~300 kets, “The homebound groundspeed i (350 kts +50 kts nd) = 400 kts ‘The stated endurance 10 hours. Inserting these figures ino the equation gives PSR = (10 hours x 400 nnw/h) / (300 mm/h + 400 naw) = 5.71 hows. Distance to PSR ime to PSR x outhound geoundspeed Inserting the data above gives distance to PSR.=300 nm/h x 5:71 h = 1714 nm (option 2). PSR&PET274. This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EHJ (0+) where: E~ endurance, I= homebound groundspeed, O = outbound groundspeed. ‘The endurance of hours and 30 minutes is equal to 510 minutes ‘Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QAGE For General Navigation $70 Tnserting these igures into the equation gives: PSR = (510 min x 460 nm/h) / (350 nmvh + 460 mm/h) = 289.6 or approximately 290 minutes (option d). SR & PET 28 a, ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EH/(O+H) where: E= endurance, H= hom chound groundspeed, 0 = outbound groundspecd ‘The outbound groundspeed (480 kts 90 kts headwind) = 390 kes. ‘The homebound groundspeed is (480 ks +75 kts tailind) = 585 kis “The stated endurance fs 10 hours. Inserting these figures tothe equation gives: PSR = (10 hours x $55 nm/h) / (390 am + S85 nm) Distance to PSR= dime to PSR x outbound groundspeed. Inserting the data above gives distance to PSR=390 nm/h x 5.87 h = 2290 nm (option a). "SR & PET 29 This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation below to find the distance to PSR then subtracting this from the distance fo point B PET=DH/(O+1) where: D-=distance of total leg, sroundspeed. homebound groundspeed, O = outbound ‘The distance of total legis S60 nm Outward groundspeed ~ (TAS — headwind) (280 kts—15 hts) =265 kts, Homebound groundspeed = (TAS + taitwind) 280 kts + 15 kts) =295 kts Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PET = ($60 am x295, Ih) £265 nm Mh +298 amin 298m, ‘The tance from PET to point B is distance from A to B (S60 nm) - PET (295 am) 165 nm, (option 2). Copyright Keith Wiliams 2011, 2012 1000 QA8E For General Navigation 571 PSR PET 304, ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PET=DH/(O+H) where: D> distance of total leg, H = homebound groundspeed, O = roundspeed. “The distance of total leg is 700 mm Outward groundspeed = (TAS headwind) = (500 kts 60 kis)= 440 kts, Homebound groundspeed = (TAS +tailwind) = (S00 kis+ 60 kts) = 560 kts Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PET=(100 nm x S60 mm/h) / (440 amin + 560 amy 392 um (option d). Ps ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR = (EH /(O4H) where 110 the point of safe return oF maximum distance out from start, ndurance, H = homebound groundspeed, 0 ~ outbound groundspeed. ‘To calculate the groundspced out insert the lide ofthe CRPS with the high speed side showing, and move the slide to align the centre dot over the top of the square ‘wind gri. Rotate the window to align true heading pointer with the wind direction of 45 degrees on the inner seale. raw a cross on the centre line directly below the centre dot at $0 knots speed. Move the slide to position the centre dot at 260 knots TAS on the slide Rotate the window to align the true heading pointer with the true track of 090 degrees on the inner seale The position of the eross mow indicates 9.5 degrees right drift Rotate the window to align the true course of 090 degrees on the inner seale with 9.8 degrees right drift on the outer seal. ‘The cross naw indicates 8 degree right drift Rotate the window to align the true course of 090 degrees on the inner seale with 8 degrees right drift on the outer sele Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation $72 ‘The eross sil indicates 8 degree right dif, so the drift is balanced. Read off 220 knots ground speed atthe postion of the cross. So groundspeed out = 220 knots, Repeating the process using a track of 270 degrees gives a groundspeed home of 295 knots Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PSR = (EH (0+ 1) = (1 hour x 295) /(220 kts +295 kts) PSR = 0.5728 hours ‘Maltiplying this time by the groundspeed out (220 kts) gives a distance of 126.02 ‘um or approximately 126 nm (option b). PSR& PETS2 ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=BH/(O+H) where: B= endurance, H somebound groundspeed, O = outbound groundspeed Inserting the data given inthe question gives: PSR (8 hours x 450 nm/h) / (390 nm/h + 450 amb) = 4.29 hours. Distance to PS! ime to PSR x outbound groundspeed, Inserting the data above gives distanee to PSR = 390 nmi x 4.29 (option a). PSR PET 334, "his type of problem ean be solved using the standard equation: per 1671 nm (0+) where: = distance of total leg, H roundspeed. mmebound groundspeed, = outbound he distance of fota legis 1200 mm Outward groundspeed = (TAS - headwind) = (480 kts 20 kts) = 460 kts. Homebound groundspeed = (TAS +tailwind) = (480 kis-+40 kis) = 520 kts Inserting these figures into the equation gives: Copyright Keith Willams 2011, 2012 1000 QAWE For General Navigation 573 PET = (1200 nm x $20 nim/h) / (480 nah +520 mm/h) = 624 nm (option PSR &PET Ma, This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=(EH/(O+H) where PSRs the ime tothe point of safe return or maximum distance out from start, endurance, H= homebound groundspeed, O = outbound groundspeed, “To calculate the groundspeed out insert the slide of the CRPS with the high speed ‘side showing, and move the slide o align the centre dot over the top of the square wind grid. Rotate the window to align true heading pointer with the wind direction of 048 degrees on the inner scale. Draw a eross on the centre line directly below the centre dot at $0 knots wind speed. “Move the side to position the centre dot at 380 knots TAS on the side. Rotate the window to align the true heading pointer with the true track of 090 degrees om the inner seal, ‘The position ofthe cross now indicates 65 degrees right def Rotate the window to align the true course of 090 degrees on the inner seale with degrees right drift on the guter scale. ‘The cross now i cates 5.5 degree right drift, Rotate the window to align the true course of 090 degrees on the inner sele with 5.5 degrees right drift on the outer seale. ‘The cross indicates 6 degree right dri. Rotate the window to align the true course of 090 degrees on the inner seale with ‘6 degrees right drift on the outer scale. ‘The cross st indicates 6 degree right drift, so the drift is balanced, Read off 340 knots ground speed at the position ofthe eross. So groundspeed out = 340 knots. Repeating the process using 2 track of 270 degrees gives groundspeed home of 45 knots, ral Navigation S74 Copyright Keith Willams 2011, 2012 1000 QASE F Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PSR= (EH (O +H) ~ (1 hour x 415) / (540 kts +415 kts) PSR = 0.5497 hours ‘Multiplying this time by the groundspecd out (340 Kis) gives a distance of 186.89 ‘um oF approximately 187 nm (option 2), SR.& PET 35h ‘This ype of problem can be solved using the standard equi per HOH) where = distance of total le, H = homebound groundspeed, 0 ~ outhound roundspeed. Inserting these figures int thee ation gives: PET = (2400 nm x 480 nmv/h) / (365 newb + 480 mm/h) = 1363 nm, ‘The time taken to reach this point can be found using the equation: ‘Time = distance /groundspeed) = 1363 nm /365 mm/h = 3.74 hours or 224 ‘minutes (option b). PSR PET 36 ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equ: PSR=EH/(O+H) where: E=endurance, H homebound groundspecd, © = outbound groundspeed. Inserting these figure 0 the equation gives: PSR =(8.S hours x 480 nnvh) J (400 nmw/n-+ 480 nm/k) = 4.64 hours. “Multiplying this by 60 gives time of 278 (option a). SR& PET 374, ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equa below: PET=DH/(O+H) where: D = distance of total leg, = homebound groundspeed, O = outhound groundspeed. The distance of total legis 2900 nm Outward groundspeed = (TAS + tallwind) = (480 kts +55 kis) = 835 ks. Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation S75 Homebound groundspoed = (TAS headwind) = (480 kts 75 ts) = 408 kts Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PET= (2900 nm x 40S mm/h) / (535 mm/h + 405 nm) = 1249 nm. "The time taken to fy this distance ean be found using the equs ‘Time taken = distance /groundspeed = 1249 nm /535 kts = 2.34 hours which is 2420 minutes. [Adding this figure tothe time at point A= 1700-+2 h20 min = 1920 (option d) R&PET ISH, ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EH/(O+H) where: endurance, H= homebound groundspeed, O ithound groundspeed. “The outbound groundspecd (490 kis +S5 kis awn) = S45 Ks The homebound groundspeed is (490 kts 75 ks headwind) = 415 kts. ‘The stated endurance 9S hours Inserting these figures into the equation gives PSR=(9.S hours x 415 mm/h) / (S45 nh +415 nih) = 4.11 hours. Distance to PSR = time to PSR 3. {hound groundspecd. Inserting the data above gives distance to PSR= S45 nm/h x 4.11 b= 2238 nm (option). R& PET 39 ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation below: PET=DH/(O+H) where: D= distance of total leg, H sroundspeed. homebound groundspeed, O = outbound “The distance of to legis 2700 am Inserting these figures into the equation gives Pr (2700 nm x 500 ara/h) / (450 noah +500 nan/h) = 1424 nm, Copyright Keith Willams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation 576 ‘The time taken to reach this point cam be ea lated using the equation: ‘Time taken = distance / groundspeed out = 1421 um /450 kt 189 minutes (option a). 16 hours oF SPET 40b, ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation PSR=EH/(O+H) where: Eendurance, H vomebound groundspeed, O ~ outbound groundspecd Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PSR = (B.S hours x 500 nm/h) / (480 mm/h +500 nan/h) = 4.34 hours, Distance to PSR ime to PSR x outhound groundspeed Inserting the da (option b. bove glves distance to PSR 80 nm/h-x 434 = 2081 am PSR& PETS This ype of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EH/(O+H) where: E-endurance, H ‘omeound groundspeed, O = outbound groundspecd. ‘The outbound groundspeed (580 kts 90 kts headwind) = 460 kts. ‘The homebound groundspeed is (550 kts + 75 kts tallind) ~ 625 kis. ‘The stated endurance is 10 hours, inserting these figures into the equation gives: PSR = (10 hours x 625 nmi) 7 (460 ara + 6: ‘omvh) ~ 8.76 hours. Distance to PSR. time to PSR x outbound groundspecd, Inserting the data above gives distance to PSR. (option. 60 Wh x 5.76 = 2650.0m PSR & PET 42a, This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation below to find the distance to PSR then subtracting this from the distance to point Bs PET=DH/(O+H) where: D= distance of total leg, roundspeed. homebound groundspeed, O ~ outbound Copyright Keith Willams 2011, 2012 1000 QARE For General Navigation 577 ‘The distance of total legis 2480 nm Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PET = (2450 nm x 385 nm/A) / (450 nov + 385 nm) 130 nm, ‘The time taken (o reach this point can be calculated using the equation: Time taken = distance /groundspeed out = 1130 nm /450 kis = 2.51 hours oF 151 min (option). PSR& PET AS ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EHJ(O+H) where: E> endurance, H somebound groundspeed, O = outbound groundspeed. ‘Thowrs 20 minutes is 7.33 hours Inserting these figures into the equation giv PSR ~ (7.33 hours x 365 anv) J (430 nm/h-+ 365 mm/h) = 3.37 hours. Distance to PSR = 1 to PSR x outbound groundspeed. Inserting the data above gives distance to PSR= 365 nm/h x 3.37 h = 1228 nm (option a. PSR & PET Ade ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EM/(O4-1) where ndurance, = homebound groundspeed, O = outbound groundspeed. Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PSR= (9 hours x 388 ) 1 ASO nih + 385 nmi) = 4.15 bows, Distance to PSR = time fo PSR x outbound groundspeed. Inserting the data above gives distance to PSR= 450 nm/h x 4.18 h = 1867 nm (option €) PSR.& PET 454, ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation bel PET=DH/(O+H) where: Copyright Keith Wiliams 2011,2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation S78 D= distance of total leg, H1= homebound groundspeed, O = outbound groundspeed. ‘The distance of total legis 1760 nm Inserting these igures into the equation gives: PET = (1760 nm x370 mm/h) / (450 nny/h + 370 mm/h) = 794 nm. ‘The time taken to reach this point can be calculated using the equation: ‘Time taken = distance /groundspeed out = 794 1m /450 kts ~ 1.76 hour or 106 ‘mins (option a). IR & PET 4 ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: per. H/(O+H) where D~ distance of total leg, H = homebound groundspeed, 0 = outbound roundspeed. ‘The distance of total legis 3600 nm Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PET= (3600 nm x 300 mm/h) / (395 wih +300 nav) = 1854 nm, ‘The time taken to reach this point ean be calculated using the equation; ‘Time taken 236 mi stance /groundspeed out = 1854 nm /395 kts=3.93 hours oF (option b). pers ‘This type of problem can be solved using 1 standard equation: PSR = HI(O+H) where Bend ie, HI homebound groundspeed, 0 = outbou roundspeed. Inserting these figures into the equation gives: 15470 maw) (400 navi + 470 nh) = 3.78 hours. Distance to PSR ~ time to PSR x outhound groundspeed Inserting the data above gives distance to PSR- (option a). (00 nah x 3.78 h = 1513 am Copyright Keith Williams 2011,2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation 579 R& PET AS. ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard eq PSR=EH/(O+H) where: E=endurance, H™= homebound groundspeed, O- ‘bound groundspeed. Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PSR=(9 hours 485 nm/h) / (400 nm/h + 485 nnvb) = 4.93 hours. Distance to PSR ime to PSR x outhound groundspecd. Inserting the data above gives distance fo PSR ~ 400 mm/h x 493 h ~ 1973 am (option 0) PSR& PETS, ‘This ype of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EH/(O4-1) where: E~ endurance, H~ homebound groundspeed, O ~ outbound groundspecd. Inserting these figures the equation gives: PSR (6 hours x585 mm/h) / (500 am/h + 585 nab = 3.24 hours, Distance to PSR = time to PSR x outbound groundspeed Inserting the data above gives distance to FSR= $00 nm/h x 3.24 h = 1618 nm (option by. PSR.& PET S08 ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EH/(O-+H) where rndurance, H = homebound groundspeed, 0 outbound groundspeed. Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PSR = (9.5 hours x 450 nm/h) / (500 nnv/h-+480 mm/h) ~ 4.8 hours. Distance to PSR ‘SR x outbound groundspeed, Inserting the data above gives distance to PSR=S0O nm x 4.5} = 2250 nm (option 2). Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation 580 PSR.& PEPSI ‘The wording ofthis question is eurious in that “point of safe endurance” is not standard term. IThowever itis taken to mean the “point of safe return” or PSR. ‘then this typeof problem ean be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EH/(O+H) where E endurance, H = homebound groundspeed, hound groundspeed. ‘The outbound groundspeed (380 kts~50 kts headwind) = 300 kts. he homebound groundspeed is (380 kts + SO kts talwind) = 00 kts, ‘The stated endurance is 10 hours, sertng these figures into the equation gives PSR.= (10 hours x 400 nm £ (300 mm/h +400 nia/h) = 5.71 hours. 1c to PSR = time fo PSR x outbound groundspeed. the data above gives distance to PSR. 100 nmi x S71 b= A713 wm (option ESR& PETS2a, This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: Psi EH/(O+H) wheres E= endurance, H ‘omebound groundspeed, 0 ~ outbound groundspeed. ‘The endurance of 9 hours and 30 minutes is equal to 70 minutes Inserting these tothe equation gives: PSR ~ (70 minx 480 nah) / (87S mm/h + 480 mony = 320 minutes (option d). PSR& PET S36 ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EH/(O+H) where: E, ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR isthe time to the point of safe return or maximum distance out from start, E=endurance, H= homebound groundspeed, O = outbound groundspeed. ‘To caleulate the groundspeed out insert the slide of the CRPS with the high speed side showing, and move the slide to align the centre dot over the top of the square wind grid. Rotate the window to align true heading pointer with the wind direction of 045. degrees onthe inner seal, ‘Draw a cross on the centre line directly below the centre dot at $0 knots wind speed. ‘Move the slide to position the centre dot at 280 knots’TAS on the slide. Rotate the window to align the true heading pointer withthe true track of 090 degrees on the inner seale. ‘The position ofthe cross now indicates 4.5 degrees tight dif Rotate the window to align the true course of 090 degrees ou the inner scale with 45 degrees right drift on the outer scale, The cross uow indicates 4.25 degree right drift Rotate the window to align the true course of 90 degrees om the inner scale with 4.25 degrees right drift on the outer seal The cross indicates 8 degree right drift Rotate the window to align the true course of 090 degrees on thei 8 degrees right drift om the outer se ‘The cross stil indicates 4.25 degree right drift, so the drifts balanced. Read off 242 knots ground speed atthe position ofthe eras. So groundspecd out = 242 knots Repeating the process using a track of270 degrees gives a groundspecd 318 knots, Inserting these figures into the equation gives: Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QARE For General Navigation $83 PSR = (EH /(O+H) = (1 hour x 315) /(242 kts +315 kts) PSR = 0.5685 hours “Multiplying this time by the groundspeed out (242 kts ives a distance of 136.86 1am or approximately 138 nm (option b, PSR& PET S70 This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EH/(O+H) whore: = endurance, H = homebound groundspeed, O= outbound groundspeet. Inserting the data given in the question gives: PSR =(8 hours x475 mm/h) / (375 nm/h + 478 nnvh) = 4.47 hours Distance to PSR ime to PSR x outhound groundspeed. Inserting the data above gives distance to PSI = 37S nm/h x 447 h = 1676 nm (option a). R& PET S84, ‘This ype of problem can be solved using the standard equation: ET=DH/(O+H) where outbound yomebound groundspeed, distance of total leg, H groundspeed. “The distance of total legis 1500 nm Outward groundspeed ~ (TAS headwind) = (490 kts—20 kts) = 470 kts Homebound groundspeed = (TAS+ taibvind) = (490 kts +40 ks) = S30 kts Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PET =(1500 am x S30 nm) / ($70 nm/h-+ S30 nm/h) = 795 nm (option dh ‘This typeof problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=(EHJ(O+H) where: PSRs the tne to the point of safe return or maximum distance out fom start ruthound growndspeed. ‘endurance, H-= homebound groundspecd, 0 Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation 584 ‘To caleulate the groundspeed out insert the lle ofthe CRPS with the high speed side showing, and move the slide to align the centre dot aver the top of the square wind grid. Rotate the window to align true heading pointer with the wind direction of 04S, degrees on the inner seale, Draw a cross on the centre line directly below the centre dot at 50 knots wind speed. Move the slide to position the centre dot at 250 knots TAS on the slide. Rotate the window to align the true heading pointer with the true track of 090 degrees on the inner seale ‘The position ofthe eross now indicates 10 degrees right drift. Rotate the window to align the true course of 090 degrees on the inner scale with degrees right deft on the outer scale, ‘The cross now indicates 8 degree right drift Rotate the window to align the true course of 090 degrees om the inner scale with 8 degrees right drift on the outer scale, The cross sil indicates 9 degree right dri Rotate the window to align the true course of 90 degrees om the inner seale with 9 degrees right drift on the outer scale Read off 20S knots ground speed atthe position ofthe crass. So groundspeed out = 205 knots Repeating the process using a track of 270 degrees gives a grou 28S knots, these figures into the equation gives; PSR = (EH (0+ H) = (1 hour x 285) /(205 kis +285 kis) PSR = 0.5816 hours Multiplying this time by the groundspeed out 205 kts) gives a distance of 119.23, m or approximately 120 nm (option 8). PSR.& PET GOD, ‘This typeof problem can he so sng the standard equation below: Copy igh Keith Wiliams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation S85 PET=DH/(O+H) where: D= distance of total leg, outbound groundspeed. womebound groundspeed, Inserting these igures i the equation gives: PRT= (2500 nm x 485 nnw/h) / (37S mmvh + 485 nm/h) = 1410 nm, The time taken to reach this point ean be found using the equation: me = distance / groundspeed = 1410 nm /37S nm/h = 3.76 hours or 226 ‘minutes (option 0) 'SR& PET 61, ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=FHI(O+H) where: endurance, H= homebound groundspeed, O = outbound groundspeed, Inserting these figures into the equs ives PSR=(8.S hours x 480 mm/h) / (365 mm/h + 480 nm) Multiplying this hy 60 gs a. PSR & PET 624. This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation below: PET=DH/(O-+H) where: distance of total leg, H= homebound groundspeed, O = outbound roundspeed. The distance of total leg 2750 nm Outward groundspeed = (TAS + tllwind) = (470 kis +55 kts) ~ 525 kts Homebound groundspesd = (TAS headwind) = (470 kis-75 kts) ~398 kts Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PET~ (2750:nm x 395 mm/h / (525 nah +395 mm/h) = 1181 ne. ‘The time taken to fy this distance can be found using the equation: Keith Willams 2011, 2012. 1000 QAd&E For General Navigation 586 ‘Time taken = distance 2015 minutes oundspeed = 1181 nm /825 kis = 2.25 hours which is Adding this igure tothe time at point “SR & PET ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: 1735-2415 min = 1950 option d) PSR=EH/(O+1) where: E=endurance, vomebound groundspeed, © = outbound groundspeed, ‘The outbound groundspeed (470 ks +55 ks tailwind) = 528 is ‘The homebound groundspeed i (470 kis -75 kts headwind) = 395 kis. ‘The tated endurance i295 hours, Inserting these figures ito the equation gives: PSR= (0.5 hours x39S nm/h) / ($25 nah +395 mm/h) = 4.08 hours, Distance to PSI fime to PSR x outbound groundspecd. Inserting the data above gives distance to PSR =525 nmh x 4.08 h = 2141 am (option ). SPET 64, ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equ below: PET=DH/(O+H) where: D= distance of total leg, 11 ~ homebound growndspeed, O = outbound sgroundspeed. ‘The distance of total leg is 2750 nm Inserting these figures nto the equation gives: PRT = @750 nm x $00 nmih) / (420 a+ S00 mm/h) = 1495 m The time taken to reach this point ean be calculated using the equation: ‘Time taken = distance groundspeed out = 1495 nm / 420 kts =3.56 hours oF 213.8 minutes (option 2). PSR& PET 65 This type of problem can be solved using we standard equation: PSR=EH (04H) where: Copyright Keith Wiliams 2011, 2012 1000. QA&E For General Navigation 587 E~cndurance, H= homebound groundspeed, O = outbound groundspecd. Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PSR (8.5 hours x 500 mm/h) / (480 nmn/h-+ S00 nen/h) 4.47 hours Distance to PSR ime to PSR x outbound groundspeed. Inserting the data above gives distance fo PSR = 450 nm/h x 4.47 h = 2012 am (option b). 6 ‘This ype of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EH/(O41) where: = cndurance, I= homebound groundspeed, O = outbound groundspeed. ‘The outbound groundspecd (480 kts —90 kts headwind) = 390 kts. ‘The homebound groundspeed is (480 kts +75 kt A) = 555 ks “The stated endurance is 10 hours Inscrting these figures into the equation gives: PSR (10 hours 538 mm/h) / (290 mm/h 1 SSS amb) ~ S87 hours. Distance to PSR ime to PSR x outhound groundspeed. werting the data above gives distance fo PSR = 390 nm/b x 587 h = 2290 am (option b). PSR& PETC, ms can be solved using the standard equation below to find the distance to PSR then subtracting this from the distance to point B PRT=DH/(O+H) where: D = distance of total leg, = homebound groundspeed, O ~ outbound groundspeed. ‘The distance of total legis 1950 nm Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PET~ (1950 nm x 385 mm/h) / (450 mm/h + 385 mm/h) 99 am, ‘The time taken foreach is point can be calculated using the quad Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General N gation 588 ‘Time taken ~ distance /groundspeed out $99 nm / 450 kts= 1.998 hours or 120 min (option a. PSR& PET 6s, ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EH/(O+-H) where: Es endurance, H jomebound groundspeed, tbound groundspeed. 7 hours 20 minutes 7.3 hours Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PSR=(7.33 hours x 385 mm/h) / (400 wh +385 nmv/h) = 3.59 hours Distance to PSR. ime to PSR x outbound groundspeed. Inserting the da above gives distance o PSR= 385 mm/h x 3.74 8 = 1438 am (option a PSR=EH/(O+H) where: Benda 1, I= homebound groundspeed, 0 = outbound groundspeed Inserting these figures int the equation gives: (hours x:385 mm/h) / (485 nih + 385 mm/h) = 4.125 hours. Dis 1c to PSR = time to PSR x outbound groundspeed. Inserting the data above gives distance to PSR 455 nmfh x 4.125 h ~ 1877 am PSR& PET 704, ‘This type of problem can be solved asing the standard equ per=| H/(O+H) where: D> distance of total leg, sroundspeed, mebound groundspeed, © = outbound ‘The distance of total leg is 1760 am Inserting these figures into thee ation gives: per 760 nm x 365 mm/h) f (475 nen/h-+ 368 nih) = 765 am. i Keith Williams 2011, 2012. 1000 QA&E For General Navigation 589 ‘The time taken to reach this point can be calculated using the equation: ‘Time taken = distance /groundspeed out = 765 nm /47S kts = 1.61 hour oF 97 mins (option a). R&PET TID, ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PET=DH/(O+H) where: D= distance of total leg, H. ‘growndspeed jomebound groundspeed, ‘The distance of total Tog is 3623 nm Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PET = (8623 nm x 330 nmvhy 1 (390 nna +330 mm/h) 1660 nm, "The time taken to reach this point can be calculated using the equation: ‘Time taken ~ distance /groundspeed out = 1660 nm /390 kts= 4.26 hours or 255 mins (option b). PSR& PET 72, “This ype of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EH/(O+H) where: 1, H= homebound groundspeed, © = outbound groundspecd Inserting these figures into the equs aves: PSR = (7 hours x 350 anh) (420 mm/h + 380 mm/h) = 3.18 hours, Distance toP {me to PSR x outbound groundspecd. Inserting the data above gives distance fo PSR.= 420 nm/h x 3.18 h ~ 1336 am {option a. PSR& PET 73.6 ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EH/(O4 1 where: B= endurance, 1 = homebound groundspeed, 0 bound groundspeed, Inserting these figures into the equation gives: ‘Copyright Keith Willams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation $90 PSR = (9 hours x465 mm/h) / (495 nm/h +465 anv) = 4.36 hours. Distance to PSR~ ime to PSR x outbound groundspeed. Inserting the data above gives distance to PSR. (option 0). PSR.& PET 74, ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: (9S nmJh «4.36 8 = 2187 am PSR. FH/(O+H) where: E~endurance, 1 vomebound groundspeed, ‘outbound groundspeed, Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PSR = (6 hours x $95 nm) / ($35 nnvh +595 nm/h) = 3.16 hours Distance to PSR time to PSR x outbound groundspecd. Inserting the data above gives distance to PSR = 335 nmihx 3.16 h = 1690 am (option b. PSR& PET 75 ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EH/(O+H) where: E distance of total leg, ‘roundspeed, womebound groundspeed, O = outbound ‘The distance of total leg is 2900 nen Outward groundspeed ~ (TAS + tallwind) = (450 kts 455 kts) = 505 kts Homebound groundspeed = (F? S -headwind) (450 kis -75 kts) Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PET= (2900 nm x 375 Wh) (S08 nmih +375 nah) = 1236 nm, The time taken to fy this distance ean be found using the equatios ime taken = distance /groundspeed 2427 minutes, 236 nm / 505 kt 245 hours which is ‘Adding this figure tothe time at point A 1600-42 427 min = 1827 (option d) PSR Perse, ‘This ype of problem canbe solved wsing the standard equation: Ps BH/(O+H) where: endurance, H. jomebound groundspeed, O = outbound groundspeed. ‘The outbound groundspeed (390 kis +55 ks tallwind) = 445 kts, The mmcbound groundspeed is (390 kts-75 kis hendwind) = 315 kts ‘The stated endurance is 9.5 hours, Inserting these figures 0 the equation gives: PSR = (0.5 h ws 315 nmi) / (45 nm/h + 31S nah) = 3.94 hours. time to PSR x outbound groundspeed. data above gives distance to PSR=3.94 hx 445 naw/h = 1752 nm (option. Copyright Keith Wiliams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navi 397 ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation belo: PET=DH/(O+H) where: = distance of total leg, H = homebound groundspeed, O = outbound groundspecd. ‘The distance of total legis 2700 am Inserting these figures into the equati gives: PET = (2700 nm x 515 am/h) / (465 nwh + S1S mm/h) = 1419 om, ‘The time taken fo reach this point can be ealeulated using the equation: 1m / 465 kts Time taken = distance /groundspeed out = 1419 0 hours or 183 minates (option a). PSR&PET OD, This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EH/(O+H) where: B= endurance, H= homebound groundspeed, O = outbound groundspeed. wsertng these figures into the equation gives: 4.72 hours. PSR= (8.5 hours x 475 am/h) / (380 mm/h +475 nmi) Distance to PSR= time to PSR x outbound groundspeed sertng the data above gves distance to PSR = 380 mm/h x 4.72 h = 1794 nm (option b. PSR& PET 91h, ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EH/(O+H) where: sndurance, H jomchound groundspeed, O = outbound groundspecd. ‘The outhound groundspeed (525 kts 90 kts headwind) = 435 kts. ‘The homebound groundspeed is (525 kts +78 kts tallwind) = 600 kis, “The stated endurance is 10 hours Inserting these figures int the equation gives: Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation 598 PSR=(10 hours x 600 mm/h) F (435 nah + 600 mm/h) istance to PSR = 1 to PSR x outbound groundspecd. Inserting the data above gives distance to PSR: (option 6) PSR&PETS28 ‘This type of probiem can be solved using the standard equation below to find the distance to PSR then subtracting this from the distance 10 198 mm/h x 5.797 h = 2522 nm PET=DH/(O+H) where: distance of to leg, H= homebound groundspeed, O = outbound groundspeed. ‘The distance of total legis 2450 nm Inserting these figures into the equation giv PRT = (2450 nm x 385 mm/h) / (350 nah + 385 mm/h) = 1253 0m, ‘The time taken to reach ths point can he calculated using the equation Time taken = distance /grouncspeed out = 1283 nm /350 ks 220 min (option a). 67 hours oF PSR& PET93 This ype of probiem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EH/(O-+H) where endurance, H ound groundspeed, O = outbound groundspeed 7 hours 20 minutes is 7.33 hours Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PSR = (7.38 hours x 375 mm/h) J (440 nmv/h-+375 am/h) ~ 3.38 hours. Distance to PSR time to PSR x outbound groundspeed. Inserting the data above gives distance to PSR= 440 nn x 3.38 b= 1484 nm (option 4). PSR & PET 94 ‘This typeof problem can be solved using the standard equa PSR EH/(O+H) where: Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation 599 E-= endurance, H= homebound groundspeed, O ~ outbound groundspeed. Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PSR = (9 hours x385 nm) / (465 nmv/h +385 nm/h) = 4.08 hours. Distance to PSR = time to PSR x outbound groundspecd. Inserting the data above gives distance to PSR. °. (opti R& PETS, ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation below: PET=DH/(O+H) where: distance of total leg, HL roundspeed. yomebound groundspeed, O = outhound ‘The distance of total leg fs 1760 nm Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PET=(1760 nm x360 mm/h) / (450 anv + 360 nm) ~ 782 nm. ‘The time taken to reach this point can be caleuated using the ea ‘Time taken = distance /groundspeed out = 782 nm /450 kts = 1.74 hour or 104 96, ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: ET=DH/(O+H) where: D = distance of total leg, H Broundspeed ‘omebound groundspeed, O = outbound The distance of total logis 3600 nm Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PET = (3600 nm x 400 nmv/b) / (378 nm/h + 400 new) ~ 1851 nm. "The time taken to reach this point can be: Jeulated using the equation: ‘Time taken = distance /groundspeed out ~ 1851 nm /378 kts 294 mins (option by, 897 hours or Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation 600 pers7. ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EH/(O+H) where: ‘endurance, H= homebound groundspeed, © = outbound groundspeed. Inserting these figures into the equ ives: PSR =(7 hours x470 nm) / (80 nm/h +470 nr) = 3.87 hours. Distance to PSR ~ time to PSR x outbound groundspee, Inserting the data above gives distance to PSR=380 mm/h x 387 h = 1471 nm (option a) PSR .& PET98. ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard eq PSR=EH/(O+H) where: E endurance, H womehound groundspeed, 0 = outbound groundspecd. Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PSR=(9 hours 488 mm/h) / (436 nauk + 485 mm/h) = 4.74 hours Distance to PSR = time to PSR x outbound groundspeed. Inserting the da (option PSR & PET 99 ‘The wording of this question is curious in that “point of safe endurance” is not a standard term, If however itis taken to mean the “point of safe return” or PSR. ‘hen this typeof problem can be solved using the standard equation: above gives distance fo PSR = 436 nf x 4.74 h = 2066 nm PSR= RH (0+) where Endurance, H = homehound groundspeed, O = outbound groundspeed. ‘The outbound groundspeed (300 kts~ 20 kts headwind) = 280 kts. ‘The homebound groundspeed i (300 kts +20 kts talwind) = 320 ts. ‘The stated endurance is 4 hours, these figures into the equation gives: Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation 601 PSRR= (4 hours x 320 mm/h) / (280 nm/h +320 nm 2.13 hours (option a). PSR.& PET 100 6, ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EH/(O+H) where E ndurance, H yomebound groundspeed, 0 ntbound groundspeed. Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PSR (6 hours x $88 mm/h) / (536 mm/h + 585 nmv/h) = 3.13 hours Distance to PSR = time to PSR x outbound groundspeed Inserting the data above gives distance to PSR 53S nm/h x 3.13 h = 1677 nm (option b). PSR & PI ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: SR=EH/(O+H) where sadurance, H= homebound groundspeed, © nutbound groundspeed. Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PSR = (65 hours 48 ) / (370 anh + 480 nah) = 3.67 hours, ng this by 60 gives a time of 20 (o ®, ‘The wording ofthis question is curious in that “point of safe endurance” isnot standard term, I however itis taken to mean the “point of safe retura” or PSR {hen this type of problem can be solved using the standard equation PSR=EH/(O+H) where: cndurance, H™ homebound groundspeed, 0 = outbound grounded. ‘The outbound groundspeed (300 kts ~S0 kts head wind) =250 ks. ‘The homebound groundsped is (300 kts +50 hts tailwind) = 350 kts. “The stated endurance 4 hours Inserting these figures into the equation gives: R= (4 hours x50 nmi) / (250 neh +360 naw/h) = $2333 hours (option b). 1 Keith Willams 2011, 2012 1000 QAAE For General Navigation 602 PSR.& PET 103; ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EH/(O+H) where: endurance, H. vomebound groundspeed, sutbound groundspeed. Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PSR (8.5 hours x 400 nnvl) J 420 mm/h +400 mm/h) = 4.15 hours. Multiplying tis by 60 gives atime of 249 (option b), PET 104 This ype of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EH/(O+H) where: ‘endurance, H. jomebound groundspeed, O = outbound groundspeed Inserting these figures into the equation gv PSR=(9.S hours x 400 nmw/h) J (580 nih + 400 nm) 4.0 hours. Distance to PSR ime to PSR x outbound groundspeed. Inserting the da (option a). above gives distance to PSR. PSR & PET This ype of probl ‘am be solved using the standard equation; PSR=EH/(O+H) where: E=endurance, H= homebound groundspeed, 0 ytbound groundspeed. these figures into the equ PSR= (8.5 hours 380 mm/h) / (400 mm/h + 380 nmi) 4.14 hours, Multiplying this by 60 gives atime of 249 (option «), PSR.& PET 106<. The wording ofthis question is curious in that “point of safe endurance” is not a standard term, If however itis taken to mean the “point of safe return’ or PSR ‘then this type of problem ean he solved using the standard equation: PSR=EH/(O+H) where Eendurance, H= homebound gro peed, O= outhound groundspeed, Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QARE Foe General Navigation 603 ‘The outbound groundspeed (300 kts—30 kts headwind) ‘The homebound groundspeed i (300 kts +30 ks tatwind) ~330 kts ‘The stated endurance iS hours. Inserting these figures int the equation gives: PSR = (S hours 330 nah) / 270 nm/h-+ 380 mm/h) = 2.75 hours (option d). PSR& PET 107 a, This ype of problem can be solved using the standard equation PSR=EH/(O+H) where: E endurance, H~ homebound groundspeed, O ~ outbound groundspeed. wsertng these figures into the equation giv sR = (8.5 hours x 480 nm/h) / (420 nm/h + 480 naw/b) = 1.87 hours, [Multiplying this by 60 gives a time of 112 (option a). PSR& PET. ‘The wording ofthis question is curious in that “point of safe endurance” fs not a standard term, If hovwever itis taken to mean the “point of safe return” or PSR then this type of problem can he solved using the standard equation: PSR=EH/(O+H) where: E=endurance, H™ homebound groundspeed, 0 ~ outbound groundspeed. ‘The outbound groundspecd (300 kts~ 30 ks heading) ~270 ks. ‘The homebound groundspecd is (300 kts +30 ks tilwind) = 330 kts “The stated endurance 10 hours. Inserting these figures into the equation gives PSR = (10 hours x 30 mm/h) / (330 nmi +270 amv) = 5. hours. Distance to PSR = time to PSR x outbound groundspeed Inserting the data above gives distance to PSR = 270 nm/h x $Sh = M485 nm (option a). PSR.& PET 1094, ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: Copyright Keith Wiliams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation 604 PSR=EH/(O+H) where: Bo endurance, 1 ‘omebound groundspeed, O = outbound groundspeed. Inserting these figures into the equation giv PSR=(35 hours x 280 mm/h) / 220 nm/h-+280 nmi) = 96 hours. Multiplying this by 60 gives atime of 118 (option), PSR& PET ID, ‘The wording ofthis question is curious in that “point of safe endurance” i not 2 standard term. IThowever itis taken to mean the “point of safe return” or PSR. then this type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EH/(O+1) where: endurance, H womebound groundspeed, © = outbound groundspeed. ‘The outbound groundspeed (200 kts 45 kts headwind) = 185 kts. ‘The homebound groundspced is 200 kis+ 45 ks tailwind) = 245 kts. ‘The stated endurance is 10 hours. Inserting these figures into the eau PSR (10 hours x 248 nmi) / (18S nah +245 mm/h) = 6.125 hours (option a), PSR& PET UL, This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EH/(O-+H) where endurance, H. groundspeed, 0 ~ outhound groundspeed. Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PSR= (10.5 hours x 180 nm) / (120 nmvh + 180 am) Multiplying this by 60 gives atime of 378 (option a) that “point of safe endurance” i not a Standard term. IThowever itis taken fo mean the “point of safe return’? or PSR. then this type of problem ean be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EH/(O+H) where: ‘endurance, H= homebound geoundspecd, ( ‘outbound groundspeed. Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation 605 ‘The outbound groundspecd (350 kts~50 kts headwind) = 300 kts. ‘The homebound groundspeed is (350 kts + 50 kts tailwind) = 400 kts. ‘The stated endurance is 10 hours, Inserting these figures into the equation giv PSR ~ (10 hours x 400 nm/A) / (300 anv + 400 nm) = 5.71 hours. Distance to PSR ime to PSR x outbound groundspeed. Inserting the data above gives distance to PSR-=300 nm/h x 5:71 (option b). 1714am PSR& PET 13a, ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EH/(O+H) where: endurance, H= homebound groundspeed, O = outbound groundspeed, Inserting these figures into the equation giv PSR = (85 howrs x 180 mm/h) / (190 naw/h-+ 180 nmnih) = 4.14 hours. -Multplying this by 60 giver atime of 248 (option a) Peri. wording ofthis question is curious in that “point of safe endurance” isnot a standard term. If however it is taken fo mean the “point of safe return” or PSR. ‘then this typeof problem ean be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EH/(O+H) where: ~ endurance, H/= homebound groundspeed, O ~ outbound groundspeet ‘The outbound grounaspeed (300 kts 65 kts headin) ~ 235 ks. ‘The homebound groundspecd i (300 kts 65 ks tallwind) = 365 kts “The stated endurance is 7 hours. Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PSR.= (7 hours x 365 mm/h) (238 noah +365 nmi) ~ 4.26 houes (option PSR.& PET US, ‘This ype of problem can be solved using the standard equation: Copyright Keith Wiliams 2011, 2012 1000 QARE For General Navigation 606 PSR=EH/(O+H) where: endurance, H. jonicbound groundspeed, O = outbound groundspeed. Inserting these figures into the equation giv 'SR= (65 hours x 130 nah) / (120 nm/h +130 nnvh) = 3.38 hours, ‘Multiplying this by 60 gives a time of 203 (option a). PSRS PET LUG, se wording of this question is curious in that “point of safe endurance” is not a standard term, If however itis taken fo mean the “point of safe return” or PSR. ‘then this typeof problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EH/(O+H) where: ‘omebound groundspeed, O = outbound groundspeed. ‘The outbound groundspeed (300 kts + 50 ts headwind) ‘The homebound groundspeed is (300 kts 0 kis ti ‘The stated endurance is 10 hours Inserting these figures into the equ ives: PSR=(10 hours x 280 nm/h) / (350 nah +250 mm/h) = 4.17 hours Distance to PSR = lime to PSR x outbound groundspeed. Inserting the data above gives distance to PSR 350 mm/h x 4.17 h = 1458 nan (option). PSR&PET UT, ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: R=EH/(O+H) where: ‘endurance, H zroundspeed, O = outbound groundspecd. serting these figures ino the equation gives PSR = (65 hours x250 nm) / 220 amv/h +260 nm) = 4.52 hours “Multiplying this by 60 gives atime of 271 (option «). PSR& PED 18a, Phe wording of this question is curious in that “point of safe endurance” i nat Mandard term, If however itis taken fo mean the “point of safe return’ or PSR. Copyright Keith Wiliams 2011, 2012 1000 QARE For General Navigation 607 ‘then ths typeof problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EH/(O+H) where: B= endurance, 1 = homebound groundspeed, O = outbound groundspeed. ‘The outbound groundspeed (100 kts—20 kts headwind) = 80 kts. “The homebound groundspecd i (100 kts-+20 kts tilwind) = 120 kts, ‘The stated endurance i § hours Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PSR =(S howrs x120 mm/h) / (80 nah +120 nm/h) = 3 hours (option a) PSR& PET 1193, ‘This type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EH/(O+H) where: = endurance, H= jomchound groundspeed, 0 ~ outbound groundspeed. Inserting these figures into the equ iv PSR= (SS hours x 110 mm/h) / (2S nm/h + 110 nm) = 2.95 hours. “Multiplying this by 60 gives atime of 177 (option a). Pr curious in that “point of safe endurance” isnot a is taken to mean the “point of safe return” oF PSR this ype of problem can be solved using the standard equation: ‘The wording ofthis quest standard term, Ifhoweve cf PSR=EH/(O+H) where: endurance, H vomebound groundspecd, O = outbound groundspeed. The outbound groundspecd (200 kts~15 kts heading) = 185 kts The homebound groundspeed i (200 kis +15 ks taifwind) =215 kts. ‘Thestated endurance is 10 hours. Inserting these figures into the equation giv PSR= (10 hours x218 mm/h) / (185 nov + 215 nm/h) Distance to PSR. time to PSR x outbound groundspeed Inserting the dats above gives distance to PSR = 185 mm/h x 5.375 h = 994 nm Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation 608 (option BR & PET ‘The wording of this question is curious in that “point of safe endurance” is not a standard term. If towever it is taken to mean the “point of safe return” or PSR. then this type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EH/(O+1) where: Es endurance, H= homebound groundspeed, O- tbound groundspeed, ‘The outbound groundspeed (300 kts—20 kts headwind) = 280 kts, ‘The homebound groundspeed i (800 kts-+20 kts tailwind) ~320 kts. ‘The stated endurance is 10 hours, Inserting these igures into the equation gives: PSR=(10 hours x 320 mm) J (280 nih +320 mm/h) = 5.333 hours (option a). PSR& PET 1224 ‘The wording ofthis question is curious in that “point of safe endurance” isnot a standard term, If however itis taken fo mean the “point of safe return” or PSR then this ype of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR = H/(O+H) where: ‘endurance, H= homebound groundspeed, 0 = outbound growndspeed, ‘The outbound groundspeed (300 kts 20 kts headwind) = 280 ks, The homebound groundspeed is (300 ks-+20 kts tilwind) = 320 kts. ‘The stated endurance is 6 hours, Inserting these figures into the equation gives; PSR (6 hours x 320 h) / (280 nm/h + 320 nm/k) ~ 3.2 hours option d, PSR.& PET 1238, This type of problem can be solved using the standard equati PSR=EH/(O+ 1) where: E=endurance, H= homebound groundspeed, 0 ‘outbound groundspeed. Inserting these figures into the equation gives: PSIR= (3.5 hours x80 nm/h) J (82 mm/h +80 mm/h) = 1.88 hours. Copyright Keith Wiliams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation 609 “Multiplying this by 60 gives atime of 113 (option b). PSR& PET 12. ‘The wording ofthis question is curious in that “point of safe endurance” is not a ‘standard term. Ifhowever itis taken fo mean the “point of safe retuen” or PSR then this type of problem can be solved using the standard equation: PSR=EH/(O+H) where: Bendurance, I= homebound groundspeed, O = outbound groundspeed ‘The outbound groundspeed (200 kts—85 kts headwind) 15 kts. ‘The homebound groundspeed is (200 kis + 85 kis tallwind) = 285 kis. ‘The stated endurance is 10 hours. these figures into the equation gives: PSR (10 hours x 285 mm/h) / (115 newb + 285 mm/h) = 7.125 hours, Distance fo PSR = time to PSR x outbound groundspeed, Inserting the data above gives distance to PSR= 115 nm/h x 7.125 h = 819 nm (option 2). PSR& PEE 1254. ‘The wording ofthis question is curious in that “point of safe endurance” is not a tandard term. If however itis taken to mean the ‘point of safe return” or PSR. {his ype of problem can be solved wsing the standard equation: PSR=EHJ(O+1) where: endurance, H= homebound groundspeed, O outbound groundspeed ‘The outbound groundspeed (400 kis ~75 kts headwind) =325 ks, ‘The homebound groundspeed is (400 kis +75 kts tailwind) = 475 kts. ‘The stated endurance is 10 hous. Inserting these figures into the equ n gives: PSR= (10 hours x 475 nm) / (325 anv + 475 nm) = $94 hours Distance to PSR = time 10 PSR x outbound groundspeed Inserting the data above gives distance to PSR=32S nm/h x 5:94 h = 1930 nm (option a). Copyright Keith Wiliams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation 610

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