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Writing a Paragraph in the Order of Importance

In this kind of paragraph writing, it is necessary to organize information according to the order of
importance. You can put the most important piece of information first, or you can save it for the last.

A) Recognizing Order of Importance:

Read the paragraph below and answer the questions.

There are several ways to learn a new language. One way is to spend a lot of time watching television
and listening to the radio. Another way is to take classes at a language school or university. The best way
to learn a new language is to talk to native speakers. By doing at least one or two of these, one can learn a
new language effectively.

1. What is the topic sentence?

2. Which three ways of learning a new language does the writer talk about?

3. Which one is the best way?

Use signal words.

Remember to use signal words to guide the reader from one idea to the next idea. With signal words, the
writer can tell the reader the most important points. You can use the signal words and phrases below for
writing paragraphs in the order of importance.

first second moreover

first of all third most importantly
for one thing also for example
another way in addition finally
the next + noun another + noun the most important of all

Read the paragraphs below. Identify the signal words and the order of ideas.

1) To make traveling fun, you need to make a good preparation for it. First, you should choose your
dream place. If you are a history lover, you may go for a historical place with castles and old buildings; or
alternatively, if you are a nature lover, you can prefer high mountains and long rivers. Second, you must
have the necessary information and equipment. After you choose the place, you should read detailed
information about it not to have any problems. Also, you should pack your luggage carefully and take all
the necessary things for your trip. Finally and most importantly of all, you should travel with close
friends. Nobody wants to be alone on a journey, especially on a long one. All in all, if you prepare well
for a trip, you can have a great time there.
2) There are many benefits of having a dog as a pet. Firstly and most importantly, a dog improves the
emotional states of its owners. Lonely old people especially depend on their dogs to give them enjoyment
and company. Children also find comfort in their dogs when they play with them. Another benefit of a
dog is that it contributes to its owner’s physical health. Taking it for walks and playing with it improve the
owner’s exercise routine. Finally, it helps parents to teach their children responsibility. When parents give

their children a dog, they learn to feed the dog and care for its other needs. For all these reasons, having a
dog at home is advantageous.

B) Steps of Writing a Paragraph in the Order of Importance:

1. Before you start writing, you should first brainstorm about the topic (an example topic: choosing a
university). You should list good supporting points and put them in an order of importance.

Example: Topic: Choosing a university

Supporting Points: ___3___ location
___1___ quality of education
___2___ cost

2. Then, you should prepare an outline for your paragraph.

Paragraph Outline:
Topic sentence: There are many things to consider when choosing a university.
A. Supporting Point: Quality of education
Supporting Detail 1: program
Supporting Detail 2: professors
B. Supporting Point: Cost
Supporting Detail 1: living expenses and tuition
Supporting Detail 2: scholarships
C. Supporting Point: Location
Supporting Detail 1: safe
Supporting Detail 2: quiet
Concluding sentence: To choose the most appropriate university, you should consider all of these factors

3. Finally, you should write your paragraph using the appropriate signal words. You should follow the
order you have in your mind: from the most to the least important or from the least to the most important.

The Paragraph:
Choosing a University

There are many things to consider when choosing a university. The most important thing is to find
a university with good quality of education. In order to provide you with good job opportunities, the
educational program must be recent and detailed. In addition, the professors must be highly qualified and
very productive in their fields of study. Another important point in choosing a university is its cost. The
tuition fees and living expenses should not be very high. Actually, in some universities, you can even get
scholarships if you are successful enough. A good location is also very important when choosing a
university. The place should be safe. It should also be quiet to facilitate studying. Therefore, to choose the
most appropriate university, you should consider all of these factors carefully.

C) Practice: Analyzing a Paragraph in the Order of Importance:

Read the paragraph below and fill in its outline.

To teach children the responsibilities of adults, you should give them pets to care for. First of all,
they learn that a pet must have daily care. They must give the pet food and water regularly. In addition,
they must take care of the pet’s environment. For instance, if they have gold-fish, they must change the
water; if they have a cat, they must change the litter box; if they have a bird, they must clean the cage.
Second, they learn that they often must make changes in their lifestyles to take care of the pet. A puppy
may wake its owner up at 5a.m. to go out. The owner of a horse must stay up all night with her when she
is trying to give birth. Most importantly, they learn that they are responsible for the pet’s well-being. They
have to make decisions about the animal’s diet, and they have to take the pet to a veterinarian for regular
controls. To sum up, caring for a pet is good training for children to become an adult.
..…………………………………………………………………………………………… :Topic sentence
A. Supporting Point:…………………………………..
Supporting Detail 1:…………………………….
Supporting Detail 2:…………………………….
B. Supporting Point:…………………………………..
Supporting Detail 1:…………………………….
Supporting Detail 2:…………………………….
C. Supporting Point:…………………………………..
Supporting Detail 1:…………………………….
Supporting Detail 2:…………………………….
Concluding sentence: ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Read each topic sentence and its supporting details below, and write the information in the
form of a paragraph in the order of importance.
You should first put the supporting details in the order of importance (from the most to the
least important or from the least to the most important). After you finish writing the
paragraph, you should add a concluding sentence.
Topic Sentence: We can save our natural resources with the help of some effective methods.
_____ to turn off lights and appliances when they are not in use
_____ to drive cars less
_____ to insulate houses better
_____ to reuse things like bottles and plastic bags
Concluding Sentence: …………………………………………………………………………………..

The Paragraph:

Topic Sentence: There are some disadvantages of living in a foreign country.
_____ to speak a new language

_____ to learn unfamiliar customs
_____ to feel homesick
Concluding Sentence: …………………………………………………………………………………..

The Paragraph:


Topic Sentence: There are several ways to keep in good shape

_____ to quit smoking
_____ to eat healthy food
_____ to get enough sleep
Concluding Sentence: …………………………………………………………………………………..

The Paragraph:

D) Practice: Writing a Paragraph in the Order of Importance:

Choose two of the topics below and write a paragraph in the order of importance.

 Advantages of learning a foreign language  Disadvantages of being a famous person
 Disadvantages of nuclear energy  Disadvantages of using credit cards
 Advantages of computers in the workplace  Advantages of online shopping

Paragraph 1:

The Outline:
..…………………………………………………………………………………………… :Topic sentence
A. Supporting Point:…………………………………..
Supporting Detail 1:…………………………….
Supporting Detail 2:…………………………….
B. Supporting Point:…………………………………..
Supporting Detail 1:…………………………….
Supporting Detail 2:…………………………….
C. Supporting Point:…………………………………..
Supporting Detail 1:…………………………….
Supporting Detail 2:…………………………….
Concluding sentence: ……………………………………………………………………………………..

The Paragraph:

Paragraph 2:

The Outline:
..…………………………………………………………………………………………… :Topic sentence
A. Supporting Point:…………………………………..
Supporting Detail 1:…………………………….

Supporting Detail 2:…………………………….
B. Supporting Point:…………………………………..
Supporting Detail 1:…………………………….
Supporting Detail 2:…………………………….
C. Supporting Point:…………………………………..
Supporting Detail 1:…………………………….
Supporting Detail 2:…………………………….
Concluding sentence: ……………………………………………………………………………………..

The Paragraph:


The Checklist for the Paragraph in the Order of Importance:

1.You should have an outline for your paragraph.

2.Your paragraph should have a topic sentence. There, you should state the topic and your idea about it.
3.You should write in the order of importance: from the most to the least or from the least to the most important.
4.All the supporting sentences should relate to the topic and the topic sentence.
5.Your concluding sentence should summarize, or restate the topic sentence.
6.You should check your paragraph for grammar and vocabulary errors.
7.You should check your paragraph for format and spelling errors.

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