SCP-173 (The Sculpture)

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Name: SCP-173 (The Sculpture)

Description: SCP-173 is a highly dangerous anomalous entity resembling a crudely

sculpted humanoid figure, composed of concrete and rebar. It stands approximately
1.9 meters (6 feet 3 inches) tall. Its face appears to be a featureless mask, while the
rest of its body displays a rough, unfinished texture.

Attributes (CoC 7e):

● Strength: 70
● Dexterity: 90
● Constitution: 90
● Size: 40
● Intelligence: 10
● Power: 0
● Appearance: 10

Hit Points: 12

Sanity Loss: 1/1d6


● Fighting (Brawl): 60%

● Stealth: 70%
● Listen: 40%
● Spot Hidden: 40%

Armor: SCP-173 has an incredibly tough exterior, and standard firearms have no
effect on it.

Special Abilities:

​ Anomalous Movement: SCP-173 is capable of moving at incredible speeds

when not observed directly. It can move up to 10 meters in a single round
when out of sight.
​ Hostile Intent: SCP-173 is inherently hostile to any living beings and will attack
when it has the opportunity. Its primary mode of attack is strangulation, which
inflicts 1d6+2 damage on a successful hit.
​ Immunity to Damage: SCP-173 is impervious to most forms of physical
damage, making it nearly indestructible. Only extreme measures, such as
exposure to SCP-682 or SCP-914, have proven effective in neutralizing it.

​ Observation Dependency: SCP-173 cannot move or attack while within a

direct line of sight. To prevent it from moving, individuals must continuously
observe it. Failure to maintain eye contact allows SCP-173 to move freely.

Description: SCP-173 is a mysterious and deadly entity that poses a grave threat to
anyone who encounters it. Investigators must exercise extreme caution and ensure
they have a plan for maintaining visual contact at all times if they wish to survive an
encounter with this enigmatic creature.

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