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Name: The Corruptor of Desires Description: The Corruptor is an otherworldly entity

that exists on the fringes of reality. It appears as a shadowy, amorphous figure with
shimmering, hypnotic eyes that reflect the darkest desires of those who gaze upon it.

Stats (using a typical Call of Cthulhu system):

● Hit Points (HP): 60

● Sanity Points (SAN): 1d6/round
● Armor Class (AC): 15 (due to its elusive nature)
● Strength (STR): 10
● Dexterity (DEX): 16
● Constitution (CON): 14
● Intelligence (INT): 18
● Power (POW): 20
● Size (SIZ): Variable (can change its size to fit its surroundings)


​ Mind Corruption: The Corruptor of Desires can target one player at a time with
its hypnotic gaze. The targeted player must make a successful Sanity roll or
be subjected to intense mental torment, experiencing their darkest desires
and fears. Failure results in a loss of Sanity Points.
​ Telepathic Influence: The Corruptor can communicate telepathically with any
player it has targeted, tempting them with promises of their darkest desires. It
can use this ability to manipulate characters into making irrational decisions.
​ Shadow Form: The Corruptor can morph into the shadows, becoming nearly
invisible and immune to most physical attacks. Only magical or psychic
attacks can harm it in this state.
​ Insanity Infliction: As players succumb to their dark desires and lose Sanity
Points, they become more susceptible to insanity. The Corruptor's influence
intensifies over time, making it harder for players to resist its allure.

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