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Pelatihan Pra OSN-P 2022 – Part 1

I. Pilihan Ganda

1. Which of the following statements is absolutely true for a firm in a perfectly competitive
A. Total revenue increases and then decreases
B. Marginal revenue is always decreasing as input increases
C. Average revenue is initially negative and then becomes positive
D. In the long run, a firm earns a positive economic profit
E. Average revenue equals marginal revenue

2. Because of the COVID-19 outbreak, this month Robert receives wages 20% lower than his
salary on the previous month. Then, Robert began purchasing more “Play Bread” and fewer
consuming “Pizza Het”. Which of the statements below is true?
A. “Play Bread” disobey the law of demand
B. Demand for “Pizza Het” is shifting to the right
C. “Pizza Het” and “Play Bread” are perfectly substitutes goods
D. “Play Bread” is an inferior good
E. Demand for “Play Bread” has moving to the lower right point

3. Pay attention to the curve below!

Suppose that the initial budget line of Andi is BL1, the change of Andi’s equilibrium when his
income is going down is…
A. form point D to point E
B. from point C to point E
C. from point D to point B
D. From Point A to Point B
E. From Point C to Point B

4. Economist call a firm’s demand for labor a derived demand because …

A. The number of workers hired depends mainly on the demand for the product the workers
B. Workers must be at least fifteen years old before they are considered part of the labor force
C. Workers need salaries they receive from firms to demand goods and services
D. Government earning taxes from workers to derive revenues needed to finance its budget
E. The firm needs skilled workers to operate its equipment

5. Dalam pasar diketahui fungsi harga 𝑄𝑑 = 250 – 5𝑃, sedangkan fungsi biaya total 𝑇𝐶 =
𝑄2 + 2𝑄 + 10, maka laba maksimum akan tercapai pada saat output sebesar…
A. 200
B. 20
C. 1000
E. 50

6. Look at this graph below,

The imposition of an excise tax by the government caused the supply curve to shift as shown in
the diagram above. Which area on the diagram represents the total of deadweight loss for consumer
caused by the tax?

7. Jika diketahui fungsi 𝑄𝑑 = 10 − 𝑃 dan 𝑄𝑆 = 5 + 3𝑃, dan pajak per-unit sebesar 1 (𝑡 = 1) ,

maka keseimbangan pasar sesudah pajak, untuk jumlah dan harga adalah ...
A. (8,2)
B. (2,8)
C. (1,9)
D. (9,1)
E. (8,9)

8. If demand for “CHATME” is elastic, which of the following is true?

A. An Increase in the CHATME’s price will have no effect on the firm’s total revenue.
B. An Increase in the CHATME’s price will increase the firm’s total revenue.
C. A decrease in the CHATME’s price will increase the firm’s total revenue.
D. A decrease in the CHATME’s t price will decrease the firm’s profit.
E. An Increase in the CHATME’s price will decrease the firm’s profit.

9. Dalam proses produksi, seorang produsen pastinya akan dihadapkan dengan kondisi The Law
of Diminishing Returns, seperti dikemukakan oleh David Rivardo. Hukum ini akan berlaku setelah
terjadi ..
A. Average Product Maksimal
B. Total Product Maksimal
C. Marginal product = 0
D. Marginal Product maksimum
E. Total product = 0

10. Ciri khas yang membedakan pasar oligopoli dengan struktur pasar lainnya adalah …
A. Komoditas yang diperdagangkan dalam pasar oligopoli tersedia barang substitusinya
B. Setiap perusahaan memiliki kemampuan menetapkan harga (price maker)
C. Adanya interdependensi dalam pengambilan keputusan dari setiap perusahaan
D. Dalam jangka panjang, perusahaan di dalam pasar oligopoli mendapatkan laba ekonomi yang
E. Terdapat hambatan bagi perusahaan baru untuk masuk ke dalam pasar

11. In the short run production process, a firm can postpone the operation of the law of
diminishing return by….
A. Increasing the amount of labor hired.
B. Increasing the amount of output that must be produced by the firm.
C. Increasing the firm’s budget for operation/production.
D. Improving technology for the production process.
D. Increasing the amount of fixed input that can be use in the production process.

12. Perhatikan kurva berikut ini.

Mengacu pada gambar diatas, mengapa jarak antara kurva II dan kurva III menjadi semakin kecil
seiring dengan penambahan kuantitas?
A. Karena biaya marjinal (marginal cost) semakin besar seiring dengan penambahan kuantitas.
B. Karena biaya marjinal (marginal cost) semakin kecil seiring dengan penambahan kuantitas.
C. Karena rata-rata biaya variabel (average variable cost) semakin besar seiring dengan
penambahan kuantitas.
D. Karena rata-rata biaya tetap (average fixed cost) semakin besar seiring dengan penambahan
E. Karena rata-rata biaya tetap (average fixed cost) semakin kecil seiring dengan penambahan

13. An isocost line is defined by:

A. combinations of inputs required to produce a constant quantity of output.
B. amounts of output produced by a constant quantity of an input.
C. combinations of inputs required to incur constant cost.
D. combinations of labor required with a certain cost.
E. combinations of outputs required to incur constant cost.

Look at the Graph below to answer questions number 14 and 15

The curve above is the represent of “Dafun” which is the only one Playground in a town. “PRICE”
represents the price of ticket that consumers should pay to play in this playground (in $).
“QUANTITY” represents the amount of customers who play in this playground (in 000 people).
14. What is the amount of “Dafun” maximum economic profit?
A. $200.000
B. $150.000
C. $100.000
D. $50.000
E. $15.000

15. An economist researcher said that

“If Dafun playground operate in perfectly competitive market, consumers pay $5 dolar lower than
the ticket price today and the number of consumers of Dafun will increase 2.000 people”
Calculate the Loss Economic Surplus (Deadweight loss) of Dafun because this firm operates in
Monopoly market!
A. $180.000
B. $120.000
C. $60.000
D. $20.000
E. $10.000

16. When the marginal product of labor exceeds the average product of labor..
A. the average product of labor is increasing.
B. Hire more labor will increase the marginal product of labor.
C. the firm is experiencing decreasing returns to scale.
D. the total product curve is negatively sloped.
E. The production is at the second stage of production.

17. Perhatikan cuplikan surat kabar berikut ini

“Perusahaan Alpha dan Perusahaan Beta merupakan 2 dari 100 produsen penghasil tahu yang
berproduksi di pasar persaingan kompetitif. Tahun ini, kedua perusahaan tersebut mengalami
kerugian. Akibatnya, perusahaan Alpha memutuskan untuk keluar dari pasar sedangkan
perusahaan Beta masih mampu bertahan di dalam pasar.”
Dari pernyataan diatas, dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa ….
A. 𝑃𝐴𝑙𝑝ℎ𝑎 < 𝐴𝑉𝐶𝐴𝑙𝑝ℎ𝑎
B. 𝑃𝐵𝑒𝑡𝑎 < 𝐴𝑉𝐶𝐵𝑒𝑡𝑎
C. 𝑃𝐴𝑙𝑝ℎ𝑎 > 𝐴𝑉𝐶𝐴𝑙𝑝ℎ𝑎
D. 𝑃𝐴𝑙𝑝ℎ𝑎 > 𝐴𝐶𝐴𝑙𝑝ℎ𝑎
E. 𝑃𝐵𝑒𝑡𝑎 > 𝐴𝐶𝐵𝑒𝑡𝑎

18. Salah satu dampak dari penerapan regulasi AC Pricing pada pasar monopoli adalah….
A. Perusahaan berproduksi pada tingkat yang paling optimum layaknya di pasar persaingan
B. Masih terdapat Dead Weight Loss dalam pasar monopoli
C. Perusahaan dalam pasar monopoli mengalami kerugian walaupun kerugiannya minimum
D. Jawaban A, B, dan C benar
E. Jawaban A, B, dan C salah

19. Pada saat harga sebesar Rp68,- jumlah barang yang diminta adalah 3 kg. Sedangkan bila turun
menjadi Rp56,- maka jumlah barang yang diminta naik 2 kali lipat dari semula. Bila biaya totalnya
dinyatakan dalam fungsi 𝐶 = 2𝑄2 + 5𝑄 + 32, profit maksimum yang akan diperoleh adalah
A. Rp141,375
B. Rp243,75
C. Rp202,375
D. Rp230,375
E. Rp343,75
20. A binding floor price causes
A. a shortage, which cannot be eliminated through market adjustment.
B. a surplus, which cannot be eliminated through market adjustment.
C. a shortage, which is temporary, since market adjustment will cause price to rise.
D. a surplus, which is temporary, since market adjustment will cause price to rise.
E. None of above

Untuk Soal nomor 21 – 23 pilihlah

(A). Jika pernyataan 1,2,dan 3 benar.
(B). Jika pernyataan 1 dan 3 benar.
(C). Jika pernyataan 2 dan 4 benar.
(D). Jika pernyataan 4 saja yang benar.
(E). Jika semua pernyataan benar.

21. Look at this curve below.

Which of the following statement(s) is (are) FALSE according to the curve?

(1) If the price in the market is 𝑃2, there is an incentive for a new firm to entry the market
(2) When the firm produce at 𝑄4 while the market price is 𝑃4, the firm must decrease its production
to reach the minimum loss.
(3) In the long run, this firm will produce output as much 𝑄2
(4) The firm will earn positive economic profit as long the price is higher than 𝑃1

22. The following is (are) similarities between the monopolistic competition market and the perfect
competition market.
(1) In the long run each firm only makes zero economic profit
(2) producing when marginal revenue is equal to marginal cost
(3) No Barrier to entry
(4) The demand curve faced by a firm is the same as the average revenue curve.

23. Pernyataan berikut yang tepat untuk menjelaskan isoquant adalah ....
(1) Kombinasi seluruh faktor input yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan berbagai jumlah output
(2) Berbagai kombinasi mesin dan tenaga kerja yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan jumlah output
yang sama
(3) Slope isoquant menggambarkan rasio produktivitas dan faktor input
(4) Slope isoquant memiliki nilai negative

Untuk soal nomor 24 - 25, pilihlah

(A). Jika PERNYATAAN benar, ALASAN benar dan keduanya menunjukan hubungan
sebab akibat
(B). Jika PERNYATAAN benar, ALASAN benar dan keduanya tidak menunjukan
hubungan sebab akibat
(C). Jika PERNYATAAN benar, ALASAN salah
(D). Jika PERNYATAAN salah, ALASAN benar
(E). Jika PERNYATAAN dan ALASAN, keduanya salah

24. Di dalam jangka panjang, pasar persaingan sempurna dan pasar persaingan monopolistik hanya
akan mendapatkan laba normal

Terdapat banyak produsen dan konsumen yang saling berinteraksi (melakukan konsumi dan
produksi) pada kedua jenis pasar tersebut.

25. Kebijakan pemerintah untuk menetapkan harga tertinggi (ceiling price) terhadap beberapa
barang kebutuhan pokok dinilai efisien dan penting untuk menjamin ketersediaan barang -barang

Barang kebutuhan pokok memiliki kurva permintaan yang inelastis.

II. Uraian
1. Perusahaan “WARDIAH” merupakan satu – satunya perusahaan yang bergerak dalam pasar
komestik di Kota Tritanjung. Perusahaan tersebut memiliki fungsi biaya sebagai berikut. 𝑇𝐶 =
3𝑄2 + 𝑄 + 12 dan memiliki fungsi permintaan 𝑃 = 81 − 2𝑄.
A. Hitunglah: (i) Harga dan kuantitas keseimbangan (ii) laba maksimum / kerugian minimum yang
diperoleh perusahaan tersebut (iii) deadweight loss yang ditimbulkan akibat praktik monopoli.
B. Untuk meningkatkan laba yang diperoleh, maka perusahaan tersebut berniat untuk melakukan
Diskriminasi Harga. Jelaskan secara singkat ketiga tipe diskriminasi harga yang dapat dilakukan
oleh perusahaan!

2. Suppose a firm’s long run production function is 𝑞 (𝐾, 𝐿) = 𝐿𝛽𝐾𝛼 where L is amount of workers
hired by the company and K is the amount of capital what used by the company. This firm allocates
their budget as much $480 to hire labor and buying capital. The wages rate is $8 per worker and
the rent is $10 per unit of capital. If the value of 𝛼 = 2 / 3 and 𝛽 = 1/3
A. Define the isocost function of the production!
B. Calculate the elasticity production of Capital and Labor.
C. is this production function an increasing, decreasing, or constant return to scale? Prove your
D. How much Capital and Labor that used by the company?

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