Punjab College of Excellence Seet Pur: Write The Answer of Following Short Questions

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Name: Paper: Chemistry Class : 1st Year

Date: 14 / 09 / 2023 Total Marks: Obt. Marks:

Write the answer of following short questions

1. What is sublimation? Give its example?
2. Why is there a need to crystallize the crude products?
3. Define crystallization? Name of its steps?
4. Give qualities of good solvent used in crystallization?
5. How do the undesired colors are separated form a crude product?
6. Differentiate b/w distribution law and distribution co – efficient?
7. What is solvent extraction technique?
8. Differentiate b/w stationary and mobile phase?
9. Differentiate b/w adsorption and partition chromatography?
10.What is retardation factor ( Rf) ? why it has no units?
11.Give the uses of chromatography?
12.Differentiate b/w qualitative and quantitative analysis?
13.Write down the steps for complete quantitative analysis?
14.Differentiate b/w Gooch Crucible and Sintered glass crucible?
15.Give the principle of crystallization?
16.How to dry a crystal?
17.Why I2 is insoluble in water and soluble in KI solution?
18.What is atmospheric pressure? Give its various units of pressure?
19.Throw some lights on factor 1/273 in Charles’s law?
20.Charles’s law is always obeyed when temperature is taken in Kelvin Scale. Justify it?
21.What is absolute zero?
22.Define Dalton’s law of partial pressure?
23.How can we calculate the pressure of a gas over water?
24.Lighter gasses diffuse more rapidly than Havier gasses. Justify it?
25.What is joule Thomson effect?
26.What is meant by compressibility factor?
27.Give physical significance of factor ‘a’ and ‘b’?
28.How is plasma formed?
29.Give any three applications of plasma?
30.Polar gasses can be easily liquefied than non polar gasses. Justify it?

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