Short Essay About Christmas.

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World Widely known event on the 25th of December , that nearly every
community celebrates year by year. However this was not the case for many hundreds of
years before.
Christian tradition holds that Jesus Christ was born on December 25th, but probably
he was not born in the winter. It is likely that Pope Julius I chose this day to absorb the
Roman event called Saturnalia and other pagan feasts. Scandinavian folks also celebrated
the survival of winter’s hardest days around the end of december. As the decades passed
and Christianity became widely practiced in Europe, Christmas got more and more
emphasis. There were years when specific states wanted to eliminate Christmas but they
could not erase it from the culture. The way of celebrating changed a lot compared to the
first centuries, nonetheless it has contained its spirit. The tradition of decorating a tree or
other plants is also not a new idea. Tree worship was common among the pagan Europeans
and survived their conversion to Christianity. During the mid-winter festival of Saturnalia,
houses were decorated with wreaths of evergreen plants, along with other antecedent
customs now associated with Christmas. Modern Christmas trees originated during the
Renaissance in early modern Germany. This habit remained until today.
Although Christmas changed a lot over the past hundreds of years it is still many
people’s favorite event. Indeed it is a very peaceful happening that brings us together and
reminds us to be grateful.

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