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© WorldSkills International
TD06 v5.0 — WSC2015
WorldSkills International, by a resolution of the Technical Committee and in accordance with the Constitution,
the Standing Orders and the Competition Rules, has adopted the following minimum requirements for this skill
for the WorldSkills Competition.
The Technical Description consists of the following:

1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 2
2 THE WORLDSKILLS STANDARDS SPECIFICATION (WSSS) .............................................................. 4
3 THE ASSESSMENT STRATEGY AND SPECIFICATION ....................................................................... 8
4 THE MARKING SCHEME .................................................................................................................... 9
5 THE TEST PROJECT .......................................................................................................................... 13
6 SKILL MANAGEMENT AND COMMUNICATION ............................................................................ 18
7 SKILL-SPECIFIC SAFETY REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................... 19
8 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT ....................................................................................................... 19
9 VISITOR AND MEDIA ENGAGEMENT ............................................................................................. 23
10 SUSTAINABILITY.............................................................................................................................. 24

Effective 12.08.14

Stefan Praschl Michael Fung

Chair Technical Committee Vice Chair Technical Committee

© WorldSkills International (WSI) reserves all rights in documents developed for or on behalf of WSI, including translation and electronic
distribution. This material may be reproduced for non-commercial vocational and educational purposes provided that the WorldSkills logo
and copyright notice are left in place.

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1.1.1 The name of the skill competition is
CNC Turning
1.1.2 Description of the associated work role(s) or occupation(s).
CNC Turning is a branch of engineering. Engineers have to find mechanical solutions that can make
complex designs possible. Within an assembly that you may see and use every day, every single part
interacts with every other. This is true of cars, Smartphones, aircraft, and so on; the possibilities are
endless. For example, there are about 10,000 parts in just one car. Engineers create assemblies of
many parts, and using many different materials, through CAD (Computer Assisted Drawing) software.
Each part of an assembly is made of different materials, and needs different geometries, dimensions
and surface qualities. The engineer brings all these requirements into technical drawings which are
called “blueprints”. But who will build these parts? To answer that question we have to decide the
best way to produce each part. There are many ways of doing this, like welding, milling, casting, and
3D Printing. One very important method is CNC Turning.
A CNC Lathe is a machine on which material turns around an axis at high speed, and where cutting
tools driven by computer software are moved to cut away excessive material to get the expected part.
The CNC Turning Machinist receives the blueprint. Then he/she uses the Lathe in many ways to find
solutions in order to build the part. These machines are very expensive, because they can do
remarkable things. To have an idea of this, think what it means to achieve accuracy below 10 microns,
which is six times thinner than a human hair.
The CNC Turning Machinist has to use a computer to tell the Lathe how to move the tools and cut the
part. He/she also has to set up the Lathe with all the cutting tools. These tools can cut almost every
material (stainless steel, plastic, soft steel, aluminium, bronze, and so on) but we have to choose well.
We also choose the clamping method. This is where the material will be held firm.
When the machine starts cutting material, the Machinist makes sure that the dimensions exactly fit the
blueprint specifications. For this, very accurate inspection tools are used. A smart Machinist will get the
part to fit the blueprint specifications at the first attempt.
The finished and quality controlled part is sent to the assembly line with every other part, and in the
end, if everyone has done their job well, the finished assembly will meet expectations and please its


This document contains information about the standards required to compete in this skill competition,
and the assessment principles, methods and procedures that govern the competition.
Every Expert and Competitor must know and understand this Technical Description.
In the event of any conflict within the different languages of the Technical Descriptions, the English
version takes precedence.

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Since this Technical Description contains only skill-specific information it must be used in association
with the following:
 WSI – Competition Rules
 WSI – WorldSkills Standards Specification framework
 WSI – WorldSkills Assessment Strategy (when available)
 WSI – Online resources as indicated in this document
 Host Country – Health and Safety regulations

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The WSSS specifies the knowledge, understanding and specific skills that underpin international best
practice in technical and vocational performance. It should reflect a shared global understanding of
what the associated work role(s) or occupation(s) represent for industry and business
The skill competition is intended to reflect international best practice as described by the WSSS, and to
the extent that it is able to. The Standards Specification is therefore a guide to the required training
and preparation for the skill competition.
In the skill competition the assessment of knowledge and understanding will take place through the
assessment of performance. There will not be separate tests of knowledge and understanding.
The Standards Specification is divided into distinct sections with headings and reference numbers
Each section is assigned a percentage of the total marks to indicate its relative importance within the
Standards Specification. The sum of all the percentage marks is 100.
The Marking Scheme and Test Project will assess only those skills that are set out in the Standards
Specification. They will reflect the Standards Specification as comprehensively as possible within the
constraints of the skill competition.
The Marking Scheme and Test Project will follow the allocation of marks within the Standards
Specification to the extent practically possible. A variation of five percent is allowed, provided that this
does not distort the weightings assigned by the Standards Specification.


1 Work organization and management 5
The individual needs to know and understand:
 The scope and limits of the workshop and the workspace
 The safety rules governing the all aspects of the workshop and own role
 Safety equipment (how to use, when to use, etc.)
 Different types of energy (electric, hydraulic, pneumatic)
 The use and care of the available computer operating systems
 CAM software (usage, setting parameters, dialoguing)
 CNC Lathe (switching, manipulating, programming, capacities)
 Measurement tools (manipulating, accuracy)
 Cutting tools (geometries and orientation, capacities, destination)
 Accessories (clamping devices, tailstock, etc.)

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The individual shall be able to:
 Receive and prepare a workspace including a CNC Lathe
 Apply all relevant safety rules
 Organize the workspace for optimal performance
 Check the condition and functionality of the workspace, equipment,
tools and materials, in keeping with good health and safety
requirements and practices
 Communicate with the Workshop Manager regarding missing,
substandard or anomalous items
 Alert the Workshop Manager to irregularities or hazardous situations

2 To identify the requirement 5

The individual needs to know and understand:

 ISO E and/or ISO A (European and American) drawing representation
 Technical terms and symbols used in drawings and plans
 Standards, symbol and tables
 Technical data sheets
 Drawing legends
 The properties, uses and handling of material

The individual shall be able to:

 Locate and identify dimensions and tolerances
 Locate and identify ISO standards surface finish requirements
 Locate and identify ISO standards geometric specifications
 Make 3D mental representations of the parts
 Identify the materials that parts are made of
 Visualize the parts inside the raw material

3 To elaborate strategies 35

The individual needs to know and understand:

 Conventional use of the environment
 How material will react when cutting it
 The tools and speeds to use
 How material will react when clamping it
 How to obtain the required specifications using the selected procedures

The individual shall be able to:

 Imagine solutions to realize expected work using capacities of the
environment and according to the required work (size of batch,
 Mind-visualize each solution, check if any of these can accomplish every
required specification
 Check if the solution will be reliable until the end of the process
 Weight each solution
 Choose which of these solutions will be the best (faster, safer, cheaper)
 Imagine innovative ways of using the environment to solve technical
 Make a final choice and lock the strategy

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4 To use the environment to accomplish the work 50

The individual needs to know and understand:

 How to setup a CAM software
 Tools modelling
 Profile drawing
 Geometric complex constructions
 Mathematics
 Speeds setup
 Choosing a postprocessor
 Generating G-Code
 Dialoguing with the CNC Lathe
 How to setup a tool kit
 Take out chosen tools
 Check cutting part, change if necessary
 Knowledge of tool mounting
 Know how tools has to be mounted
 How to setup a measurement instrument kit
 Take out chosen instruments
 How to calibrate them
 How to use them with accuracy
 Understand how temperature interacts with the values
 How to use a CNC Lathe
 Switch on
 Initializing
 Manipulating
 Mounting tools, setting up parameters
 Mounting clamping, setting up parameters
 Loading program
 Testing program
 Clamp the part
 Run the program safely
 Stopping and restarting a cycle
 Emergency stopping
 Setting up dimension parameters

The individual shall be able to:

 Following his/her strategy
 Set up and use the CAM software, generate a suitable program
 Set up a toolkit and mount it on the lathe
 Set up a measurement toolkit
 Set up a CNC Lathe, run a program
 Quickly react if anything goes wrong
 Get dimensions, geometries, surface roughness by interacting with
the CNC Lathe
 Get the final part to conform to the blueprint

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5 To deliver and to report 5

The individual needs to know and understand:

 Whether the part conforms 100% to the required specifications
 Whether there are any issues with the part made
 Whether there are solutions to any issues
 The potential solutions and their implications

The individual shall be able to:

 Make a final check by re-using measurement instruments
 Clean the part
 Complete a control sheet
 Complete and sign a conformity sheet
 Communicate with the Workshop Manager if any issue occurs
 Find a solution to correct the part, if possible
 If not possible, find the origin of the issue in the strategy, and correct it
 Deliver the part
 Dismount tools, clamping, accessories
 Clean the machine
 Set the environment to its initial state, ready for next job

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Assessment is governed by the WorldSkills Assessment Strategy. The Strategy establishes the principles
and techniques to which WorldSkills assessment must conform.
Expert assessment practice lies at the heart of the WorldSkills Competition. For this reason it is the
subject of continuing professional development and scrutiny. The growth of expertise in assessment
will inform the future use and direction of the main assessment instruments used by the WorldSkills
Competition: the Marking Scheme, Test Project, and Competition Information System (CIS).
Assessment at the WorldSkills Competition falls into two broad types: measurement and judgment.
These are referred to as objective and subjective, respectively. For both types of assessment the use
of explicit benchmarks against which to assess each Aspect is essential to guarantee quality.
The Marking Scheme must follow the weightings within the Standards Specification. The Test Project is
the assessment vehicle for the skill competition, and also follows the Standards Specification. The CIS
enables the timely and accurate recording of marks, and has expanding supportive capacity.
The Marking Scheme, in outline, will lead the process of Test Project design. After this, the Marking
Scheme and Test Project will be designed and developed through an iterative process, to ensure that
both together optimize their relationship with the Standards Specification and the Assessment
Strategy. They will be agreed by the Experts and submitted to WSI for approval together, in order to
demonstrate their quality and conformity with the Standards Specification.
Prior to submission for approval to WSI, the Marking Scheme and Test Project will liaise with the WSI
Skill Advisors in order to benefit from the capabilities of the CIS.

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This section describes the role and place of the Marking Scheme, how the Experts will assess
Competitors’ work as demonstrated through the Test Project, and the procedures and requirements
for marking.
The Marking Scheme is the pivotal instrument of the WorldSkills Competition, in that it ties assessment
to the standards that represent the skill. It is designed to allocate marks for each assessed aspect of
performance in accordance with the weightings in the Standards Specification.
By reflecting the weightings in the Standards Specification, the Marking Scheme establishes the
parameters for the design of the Test Project. Depending on the nature of the skill and its assessment
needs, it may initially be appropriate to develop the Marking Scheme in more detail as a guide for Test
Project design. Alternatively, initial Test Project design can be based on the outline Marking Scheme.
From this point onwards the Marking Scheme and Test Project should be developed together.
Section 2.1 above indicates the extent to which the Marking Scheme and Test Project may diverge
from the weightings given in the Standards Specification, if there is no practicable alternative.
The Marking Scheme and Test Project may be developed by one person, or several, or by all Experts.
The detailed and final Marking Scheme and Test Project must be approved by the whole Expert Jury
prior to submission for independent quality assurance. The exception to this process is for those skill
competitions which use an external designer for the development of the Marking Scheme and Test
In addition, Experts are encouraged to submit their Marking Schemes and Test Projects for comment
and provisional approval well in advance of completion, in order to avoid disappointment or setbacks
at a late stage. They are also advised to work with the CIS Team at this intermediate stage, in order to
take full advantage of the possibilities of the CIS.
In all cases the complete and approved Marking Scheme must be entered into the CIS at least eight
weeks prior to the Competition using the CIS standard spreadsheet or other agreed methods.


The main headings of the Marking Scheme are the Assessment Criteria. These headings are derived in
conjunction with the Test Project. In some skill competitions the Assessment Criteria may be similar to
the section headings in the Standards Specification; in others they may be totally different. There will
normally be between five and nine Assessment Criteria. Whether or not the headings match, the
Marking Scheme must reflect the weightings in the Standards Specification.
Assessment Criteria are created by the person(s) developing the Marking Scheme, who are free to
define criteria that they consider most suited to the assessment and marking of the Test Project. Each
Assessment Criterion is defined by a letter (A-I).
The Mark Summary Form generated by the CIS will comprise a list of the Assessment Criteria.
The marks allocated to each criterion will be calculated by the CIS. These will be the cumulative sum of
marks given to each aspect of assessment within that Assessment Criterion.

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Each Assessment Criterion is divided into one or more Sub Criteria. Each Sub Criterion becomes the
heading for a WorldSkills marking form.
Each marking form (Sub Criterion) has a specified day on which it will be marked.
Each marking form (Sub Criterion) contains either objective or subjective Aspects to be marked. Some
Sub Criteria have both objective and subjective aspects, in which case there is a marking form for

Each Aspect defines, in detail, a single item to be assessed and marked together with the marks, or
instructions for how the marks are to be awarded. Aspects are assessed either objectively or
subjectively and appear on the appropriate marking form.
The marking form lists, in detail, every Aspect to be marked together with the mark allocated to it and
a reference to the section of the skill as set out in the Standards Specification.
The sum of the marks allocated to each Aspect must fall within the range of marks specified for that
section of the skill in the Standards Specification. This will be displayed in the Mark Allocation Table of
the CIS, in the following format, when the Marking Scheme is reviewed from C-8 weeks. (Section 4.1)






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Subjective marking uses the 10 point scale below. To apply the scale with rigour and consistency,
subjective marking should be conducted using:
 benchmarks (criteria) to guide judgment against each Aspect
 the scale to indicate:
 0: non attempt;
 1-4: below industry standard;
 5-8: at or above industry standard;
 9-10: excellence.


A minimum of three experts will be used to judge each aspect. Unless otherwise stated only the
maximum mark or zero will be awarded. Where they are used, partial marks will be clearly defined
within the Aspect.


The final deployment of objective or subjective assessment will be agreed when the Marking Scheme
and Test Project are finalized. The table below is advisory only for the development of the Test Project
and Marking Scheme.


Subjective Objective Total
A Conformity to drawing 10 0 10
B Surface finish 0 10 10
C Main dimensions 0 50 50
D Secondary dimensions 0 25 25
E Use of materials 0 5 5
Total Total 10 90 100


A) Conformity to drawing – 10 marks (10% of the total score)
Total marks per module depends on the allocated duration of the module, and shall be approx. 10%
of the total marks of the module.
 Visual check if features and characteristic of the test part according to print, if features are missing,
or if additional features (unwanted) are on the part;
 Check for corner break and chamfers and for burrs on the part;
 Check for damage to part (scratches, clamp-imprints, crash-marks etc.);
 Visual check of surface finishes not specified for measuring.

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B) Surface finish – 10 marks (10% of the total score)
Total marks per module depends on the allocated duration of the module, and shall be approx. 10%
of the total marks of the module.
 Maximum five marking aspects per module;
 Measure specified locations (marked on print).

C) Main dimensions – 50 marks (50% of the total score)

Total marks per module depends on the allocated duration of the module, and shall be approx. 50%
of the total marks of the module.
Each main dimension shall carry the same weight in points.
There shall not be more than 10 marking aspects per module.

D) Secondary dimensions – 25 marks (25% of the total score)

Total marks per module depends on the allocated duration of the module, and shall be approx. 25%
of the total marks of the module.
There shall not be more than 15 marking aspects per module.
Each dimension equals less points then a main dimension (not more than 80% of a main dimension).

E) Use of material – Five marks (5% of the total score)

Award marks only if no additional material is used by the Competitor.
Award per module = Five marks divided by number of modules.
Example: Four modules = 1.25 marks per module.
Depending on the amount of modules, a rounding of allocated marks may apply.
Example: Three modules - module one = 1.66 marks, Module two = 1.66 marks and module three =
1.68 marks.
Competitor may only receive ONE extra piece of material per test part


 The Experts participating in the Competition will be divided into marking groups to deal with the
assigned sections of the marking criteria;
 Marking of the Test Project modules will take place on a daily basis;
 ONLY the machined test part will be evaluated.

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Sections three and four govern the development of the Test Project. These notes are supplementary.
Whether it is a single entity, or a series of stand-alone or connected modules, the Test Project will
enable the assessment of the skills in each section of the WSSS.
The purpose of the Test Project is to provide full and balanced opportunities for assessment and
marking across the Standards Specification, in conjunction with the Marking Scheme. The relationship
between the Test Project, Marking Scheme and Standards Specification will be a key indicator of
The Test Project will not cover areas outside the Standards Specification, or affect the balance of marks
within the Standards Specification other than in the circumstances indicated by Section 2.
The Test Project will enable knowledge and understanding to be assessed solely through their
applications within practical work.
The Test Project will not assess knowledge of WorldSkills rules and regulations.
This Technical Description will note any issues that affect the Test Project’s capacity to support the full
range of assessment relative to the Standards Specification. Section 0 refers.


The Test Project is a series of three or four standalone modules.
The modules are comprised of programming, set-up and actual machining work.
One module covers the tasks for a complete Competition day and shall not be interrupted with work
from other modules (in other words, the Competitor receives one task at a time).
The floor-space and the CNC machine requirements are so intensive, that it is impossible to get a
working situation where Competitors have a CNC machine totally at their disposal.
Therefore the shift rotation basis will apply, meaning Competitors have to share the CNC machine in a
shift rotation (morning shift/afternoon shift). This reflects common industry situations.
Sequences example:
P = CAM programming
M = Machine (and CAM) is at Competitors disposal
R = Reset time of machine
L = Lunch

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Considering that one hour of CAM programming can lead to approximately three hours of
uninterrupted machining (set-up and turnaround included), it is desired to keep the scheduled
machining time at the maximum.
It is important to have the reset-time between shift changes. During this reset-time the control-unit
will be cleared, machine parameters will be reset to original stage and tools and tool holders will be
taken out. The machine will be cleaned and ready for the next shift to start their Test Project.
The Sequence of a Module will be (example Morning shift):
1. 8:45 Competitors receives Drawings and Materials (including Data Transfer equipment e.g. memory
stick) and has 15 minutes for planning their work (without any other person).
2. 9:00 Buzzer will indicate the beginning of the Programming time.
Competitor is only allowed to use the provided Computer for writing the CNC Program, no action at
the machine is allowed.
3. 10:00 Buzzer will indicate beginning of the machining time.
At this point the Competitor is allowed to use both, the Computer and the CNC Machine.
4. Buzzer will indicate the finishing of the module.
The reason that during the programming time (CAM, indicated above in yellow) the Competitor is only
allowed to use the Computer and not the machine, is the shift rotation system.
It may seem silly in the first shift to not be allowed to use the machine (because the machine is not
occupied) but for the second shift the machine is occupied from the first shift and does not have the
opportunity to use that machine. Therefore we need to create equal situations for both shifts.


Prior to the Competition the Chief Expert is to assign participating Experts for Test Project designing.
The Chief is to assign material, sizes and desired feature and has to coordinate the modules to avoid
missing competences like “face grooving, threading etc.”
Such a Test Project is one complete module. One module is the work of a full Competition day. Upon
arrival to the Competition site, Experts will submit their proposals to the panel of Experts. Selection of
the modules is by vote of the Experts.
A module may consist of a maximum two parts.
The modules must be designed in metric and to the standards described in the document “Project
Design Criteria Skill 06”. This document will be updated and developed prior to each Competition
taking into consideration the infrastructure. It will be posted on the Discussion Forum.

The Test Project design criteria were developed to:

 Ensure features on modules reflect modern industry;
 Minimize the amount of cutting tools for the Competitor to bring;
 Minimize the amount of inspection tools for the Competitor to bring.

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Only Test Projects meeting the following criteria will be available for selection:
 Project features according to assignments by Chief Expert;
 Project design to criteria of document “Project Design Criteria Skill 06“;
 The Test Project drawings have to be available in ISO-E and ISO-A. Drawings shall have as little text
as possible. In the project design the focus is on “technical language” only, like dimensions and
international symbols;
 Drawing available in digital format (for supply to WSI) and hard copy – source file, PDF and
 Experts shall bring a machined sample part of their design. This is needed to program the CMM
(Coordinate Measuring Machine). It is also supportive in the voting for the Test Project to have a
“real” machined part available;
 Proposed marking scheme has been developed.

In the situation where voting of Test Projects results in a tie of two or more projects, the Chief Expert
will settle the tie with his vote.
Once the modules were selected, material preparations, marking possibilities and selection of marking
groups will be conducted.
In the situation where the panel of Experts find the selected Test Project not suitable because of
machining or marking scheme errors, the Test Project will be eliminated and a new vote takes place.
All Test Project proposals are made available to Experts on the WSI website at the conclusion of the
The Chief Expert coordinates the desired material requirements and the saw cutting possibilities with
the Workshop Manager.
The aim of this Test Project selection method is:
 Every Member has equal input in Test Project design;
 This method ensures a balance of competences and industry needs from all Experts’
 Through the coordination of the Chief Expert it is ensured that all features and competences are
tested. This shall reflect a mix of the global training and/or manufacturing practices;
 Coordination of tooling needs to minimize the amount of tools shipped by Competitors;
 Coordinate material needs with the Host. Every Member knows what material and sizes to expect;
 Each of the Test Project modules is validated by the machined sample brought by the Expert;
 This ensures the machinability has been tested, the information on the blueprint is sufficient and
most important of all, there are sample parts for the programming of the coordinate measuring
 The non-voted projects (blueprints and sample parts) may serve as display parts for the general
public visiting the venue.

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The Test Project MUST be submitted using the templates provided by WorldSkills International
( Use the Word template for text documents and DWG template for
5.4.1 Who develops the Test Project or modules
The Chief Expert is to assign project design to participating Experts prior to the Competition. Each
participating Expert is to design a Test Project and selection of the project will take place on site.
5.4.2 How and where is the Test Project or modules developed
The Test Project/modules are developed independently.
5.4.3 When is the Test Project developed
The Test Project is developed before the current Competition and brought to the Competition for
The Test Project is developed according to the following timeline:


Before the Competition The CE assigns project design to the Experts.

Experts develop their proposed module
independently and bring their proposal and a
machined piece to the Competition
At the Competition The Experts vote on the compliant proposed


The Experts shall bring a machined sample part of their design.


The Test Project is selected by vote of Experts at the current Competition.
Project selection will be conducted by the Experts from drawings and sample parts that they have
brought to the Competition in one of the three official languages.
The drawings must correspond to the determined marking criteria and to the desired project features
assigned by the Chief Expert.


The Test Project is circulated via the website as follows:
Not circulated.


Coordination of the Test Project will be undertaken by the Chief Expert.

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Not applicable.


Specific material and/or manufacturer specifications required to allow the Competitor to complete the
Test Project will be supplied by the Competition Organizer and are available from located in the Expert Centre.
The Competition Organizer is to provide the technical specifications of the provided equipment on the
Infrastructure List at least eight months before the Competition.
Free training on machine and software, where possible, must be provided at least four months prior to
the Competition. Travel, lodging and food expenses for this training are to be carried by the
Competitors or their sponsor.
The Competition Organizer is obligated to schedule this training at least four months before the
Competition, and notify the participants at least six months before the Competition.
Participating in the provided training is the choice of the Competitors and/or their sponsor.
The Sponsors must supply specialists and service staff for the software and the CNC machines in
adequate numbers to ensure that the competition runs smoothly. These specialists will be available at
all times before and during the competition, as well as during the marking of the Test Projects.

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Prior to the Competition, all discussion, communication, collaboration, and decision making regarding
the skill competition must take place on the skill specific Discussion Forum
( Skill related decisions and communication are only valid if they take
place on the forum. The Chief Expert (or an Expert nominated by the Chief Expert) will be the
moderator for this Forum. Refer to Competition Rules for the timeline of communication and
competition development requirements.


All information for registered Competitors is available from the Competitor Centre
This information includes:
 Competition Rules
 Technical Descriptions
 Marking Schemes
 Test Projects
 Infrastructure List
 Health and Safety documentation
 Other Competition-related information


Circulated Test Projects will be available from and the Competitor
Centre (


The day-to-day management of the skill during the Competition is defined in the Skill Management
Plan that is created by the Skill Management Team led by the Chief Expert. The Skill Management
Team comprises the Jury President, Chief Expert and Deputy Chief Expert. The Skill Management Plan
is progressively developed in the six months prior to the Competition and finalized at the Competition
by agreement of the Experts. The Skill Management Plan can be viewed in the Expert Centre

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Refer to Host Country/Region Health and Safety documentation for Host Country/Region regulations.
There are no skill-specific safety requirements.

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The Infrastructure List details all equipment, materials and facilities provided by the Competition
The Infrastructure List is available at
The Infrastructure List specifies the items and quantities requested by the Experts for the next
Competition. The Competition Organizer will progressively update the Infrastructure List specifying the
actual quantity, type, brand, and model of the items. Items supplied by the Competition Organizer are
shown in a separate column.
At each Competition, the Experts must review and update the Infrastructure List in preparation for the
next Competition. Experts must advise the Technical Director of any increases in space and/or
At each Competition, the Technical Observer must audit the Infrastructure List that was used at that
The Infrastructure List does not include items that Competitors and/or Experts are required to bring
and items that Competitors are not allowed to bring – they are specified below.


 The Competitor must bring all equipment not provided for machining, measuring and testing as
 Competitors are to bring their own measuring tools;
 To allow for innovation and learning from each other, the Competitor has no restrictions in
bringing any equipment or accessories, as long as it is conform to the provided equipment. Of
course it must be within reasonable limits … for example, Competitors shall not bring their
Tailstock or a Control-unit. In any debatable case the Chief Expert shall make the final decision;
 Restriction of tools is limited to data transfer devices, as well as equipment that allows for pre-
setting and programming of tooling and offsets.


Not applicable.


 Tools and holders that allow for pre-programmed offsets are NOT allowed;
 Any device that clearly reflects prior knowledge of the Test Project will be confiscated. This could be
for example a special sleeve that was manufactured specifically for the Test Project;
 Individual data storage and data transfer devices are prohibited. Only the provided data storage
devices will be allowed.

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Workshop layouts from previous competitions are available at
Example workshop layout:

The general layout of the workshop will be as below with sufficient space for the workstation,
toolboxes and for the Competitor’s working area.
Please note that the following is an example of the layout, and is not definitive.
Approx. space for 20 Competitors = 1300m²
Space requirements:
For two Competitors, one machine, one workbench and two programming stations: 6m x 8m = 48m²
Number of machines:
Number of Competitors divided by two PLUS one.

Expert Room: approx. 6m x 4m = 24m²

Competitor Room: approx. 6m x 4m = 24m²
Sponsor Room: approx. 6m x 4m = 24m²
WM Room: approx. 6m x 6m = 36m²
CE Room: approx. 6m x 6m = 36m²

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Space for Inspection equipment: 10m x 15m = 150m²
Space for Expert Work-group: (Tables and chair) approx. 120 m²
Space for a Band-Saw and Raw-Material: 6m x 10m = 60m²
Walking and working space between machines: Approx. 15m² per Competitor workstation
Add in some space for columns as well as Competitors toolboxes.
Add in min. of 1m clearance around the visitor-barrier.
Based on 20 Competitors, 20 Experts, Workshop Managers, Equipment Technicians and some
Translators, the space would be approx. 1300 m² for the Competition.

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The following ideas may be considered to maximize visitor and media engagement.
 The additional CNC machine could have a "phantom part" running so the audience can easily see
what CNC Turning does;
 A display of industry parts where an industry professional provides explanation. The CNC machine
supplier could bring sample parts which they use at trade shows. Such display parts are easily
recognized and draw much attention.

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 Recycling;
 Use of ‘green’ materials;
 Use of completed Test Projects after Competition.

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