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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Talon Integrated School

Name: ________________________________ Score: ___________________
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on your
answer sheets.

1. Since the nineteenth Century, people began to show great interest in

explaining the origin of religion. In fact, numerous theories have been
postulated to explain the origin of religion. Why do we need to study religion?
A. Studying religion thus provides you an opportunity to learn about a range of
disciplinary approaches, and even more importantly, the connection and
B. Understanding religion helps us to understand other people and their
C. We, study religion because it plays a big role that is influential in creating a
concept of peace, equality, and love.
D. Study of Religion explore various ideas and perspective of people.

2. The topography of West Asia is characterized by vast areas of mountainous

terrains. What is the effect of West Asian geography on the development of
religions on the said area?
A. Mountains play significant roles in many religious beliefs as these landforms
provide ideal settings where gods live or where gods and mortals meet.
B. Geography does not affect the formation of any major religion in the world. It
has no connection at all.
C. The location of West Asia was made up of desert, river, great plains, valley,
Mountains have a significant role in establishing the various religions and
shapes the cultural and political aspects in the place.
D. West Asia is home of three great religions namely Judaism, Christianity,
and Islam.
Mountainous terrain is important because it symbolizes the way to heaven.

3. Religion may refer to any set of attitudes, beliefs, and practices aimed at
communicating or propitiating with supernatural beings. How does religion
have an impact on society?
A. Religion influence our moral values but has also influenced how we live our
B. It strengthens individuals, families, communities, and society as a whole.
C. Religion continue to act as one of the factors to better the human behavior.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Talon Integrated School

D. Religion has shaped and molded us as human beings. It has played a major
role in our lives, and has been justified as the reason we do or don’t do things.

4. A group of Aryan people, an Indo-European, invaded India and conquered

the Indian subcontinent. As a ruling class in the place they implemented the
Caste System which was integrated in the concept of reincarnation in
Hinduism. Analyze the statement below and choose which among the
statements below that supports the concept of caste system that is related to
A. Aryans are considered as an ethno-cultural group and were known to
introduce the Caste system in India.
B. India was considered before as a sub-continent due to its vast land areas.
Its location is not suitable to cradle a new religion.
C. Caste System was a social hierarchy used by the Aryans in India. This
believes that if you do good karma as a Vaishyas, then in your rebirth you will
become a Brahmin as you reincarnate.
D. Caste System is composed of Brahmin, Vaishyas, Kshatriyas, and Sudras
while the
outcastes are the one who do the dirtiest work in the community and it is the
among the hierarchy.

5. Since religion is a source of moral values, religion provides social change. It

can be very effective in lobbying and campaigning for certain social issues
using its own moral teachings as the basis of argument. How is religion an
important source of values?
A. Religion have helped shape the practices and traditions of a person
B. Religion influences morals and values through multiple pathways. It shapes
theway people think about and respond to the world
C. Religion in another way helps to strengthen our communities by giving the
people a common ground to think and stay together
D. Religion as a whole play important role in the life of the people; By providing
moral lessons to the communities thus creating a good friendship between one

6. According to Ong, “ Religion can be described as a double-edged sword; it

can have both positive and negative effects on society.” Interpret the given
statement and choose the best answer below.
A. The given statement show that religion perpetuate potion of class or gender
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Talon Integrated School

B. The given statement shows that religion is not a factor in creating conflicts
and atrocities in the current society
C. The given statement shows that religion played an important role in
shaping, integrating, and stabilizing the positive and negative effects of religion
D. The given statement shows that religion provides personal identity to
individuals as apart of a group with similar worldviews, beliefs, values,
practices, and lifestyles.

7. There are some historical events that are caused by religion like the crusade,
Inquisition, and Godhra Train Incident in 2002. Classify at least three factors
that cause conflicts based on the given events.
A. Social, Economical, and Political aspects are some of the causes why
conflicts arise in some historical events.
B. Geographical, Social, and Physical aspects are some of the causes why
conflicts arise in some historical events.
C. Psychosocial, Spiritual, and Spatial aspects are some of the causes why
conflicts arise in some historical events.
D. Social, Economical, and Political aspects are some of the causes why
conflicts arise in some historical events. It is rooted in the various conflicts that
we witness like the Arab peninsula crisis

8. 8.Hinduism is the world’s third largest religion with around 15% of entire
population practicing the Hindu faith. Hindu followers in India comprise the
major bulk with almost 80% of the country’s population adhering to the
religion. How does Hinduism affect Indian Society?
A. Hinduism in all its forms has been particularly influential in Indian society.
The religion affects everyday life and social interactions among people through
the many Hindu inspired festivities, artistic works and temples.
B. Hinduism is a highly adoptable religion that has enormous influence in
Indian society.
C. Hinduism reinforced a strict social hierarchy called a Caste System that
made it really
impossible for people to move outside of their social station.
D. Hinduism impact on philosophy, literature, and fashion as a whole

10.Genesis 1:26 (NRSV)26 Then God said, “let us make humankind in our
image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominions over the fish of
the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild
animals of the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the
earth.” Based on the given verse, Identify which among the statements below
gives the best interpretation of the verse above.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Talon Integrated School

A. According to Christianity, since human beings are created in the likeness of

God, they are intrinsically good, but they are also given free will so they are
considered prone to sin and in need of grace.
B. The given verse of Genesis 1:26 stated that we male or female, are created in
the image and likeness of God.
C. The image of God is a concept and theological doctrine in Judaism and
Christianity. This concept is a foundational aspect of the Jewish and Christian
understanding of human nature.
D. The given verse means that immortals like us are not equal to the gods and
goddesses that we believe in

11. Judaism is one of the Abrahamic religions that was cradle in the West
Asian frontiers. The Jewish people consider themselves as the chosen people of
God. What is the basis of the Jew that they consider themselves as the chosen
people of God?
A. The Jews consider themselves as the people chosen by God because of
Pentateuch. The origin of Jewish people is based on God’s revelation to
B. The Jews consider themselves as the people chosen by God to serve as an
exemplar of devotion and purity to humankind.
C. The Jews consider themselves as the people chosen by God through the
location of Israel.
D. The Jews consider themselves as the people chosen by God because they
are known as “people of the book”. By following the sacred text and sacred laws
they were able to
establish an exemplary devotion and purity to humankind.

12. Judaism is one of the most practical among the world’s great religions
because its belief systems intend to meet basic human needs and solve
humankind’s spiritual problem without depending on supernatural forces. In
line with this concept, How is one’s salvation attained in Judaism
A. Buddhism salvation, if you like, is attained by practicing the eightfold path
to its final
B. Judaism began as a way to address the suffering that exist in the world, and
was not overly-focused on ultimate salvation
C. Judaism must initiate himself in meditation to gain salvation.
D. Salvation is gained through the understanding of the ways things really are
according to the Menorah the star of David . Once an individual has
proclaimed Jew they can then reach a state of Selected / Chosen people of God
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Talon Integrated School

13. Judaism continues to quest to find meaning and explanation in their

everyday existence. Distinguish how religion shapes man’s existence and role
in the world
A. Judaism continue their endless search to find meanings of their existence
spiritual in their mantras and practices.
B. Jews is acquainted with religion because it has existed since the earliest
C. Jews does not mind religion because it does not affect people’s everyday
D. Since the beginning of humankind people have tended to value supernatural
beings and ask for guidance and believe that it has a major role in the
development of a certain

14. Christianity is an ancient monotheistic religion that traces its origin as an

organized belief system during the Bronze Age in West Asia. Which is NOT true
of Judaism?
A. It is one of the world’s youngest religions that exist in the world
B. Christianity believes in just one Godand Jesus Christ is not the messiah for
C. The Religion of Christianity originated in the land of Palestine and Israel ,in
this area
shoot the religious conflict between Israelite and Palestinians.
D. Among the major religion in the world it has millions of followers

15. Since this religion came from the same region, they share common beliefs.
This religion can be divided into Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox sects.
Explain the similarities of these three.
A. Christianity is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion based on the life and
teachings of Jesus of
B. Christianity is the world’s largest religion, with 2.8 billion adherents.
C. Christians believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God -fully human and
fully divine- and that through believing in him and following can inherit eternal
D. Christianity was developed out of the sacrifices and death of Jesus Christ.

16. From the frontiers of West Asia developed the Abrahamic religions of
Judaism, Christianity,and Islam. All three major monotheistic religions
developed in this region. Distinguish the best reasons why these religions were
established in this area.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Talon Integrated School

A. West Asia is the center of Asian Civilization.

B. North America is considered as another frontier.
C. The Abrahamic religions were nurtured in the mountainous and forested
areas of Asia.
D. Southwest Asia was the center of commerce with most of the religions that
were established here spread easily.

17. In addition to the Quran, Muslims often look to the hadiths for rules of
daily life. Assess which among the statements below best described Hadiths
A. Rulings of Muhammad’s succesors
B. Recollections people have had of Muhammad’s life and adventure
C. The sayings of Muhammads wife, Khadijah
D. Natural Laws Words and deeds that the believers of Islam followed and
structured policies that they established

18. The Five Pillars of faith which include praying five times a day and making
a pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca, are the major doctrines of Islam.
Muslims also face the city of Mecca when they pray. Justify why does Muslim
do these practices?
A. Mecca is a holy city because it is the place of birth of Prophet Mohammad.
In this place also happens the flight of Mohammad and start to spread Islam
B. Jerusalem is a holy city in Israel.
C. Istanbul is a city where Islam was established and be the center of
D. Mecca is a holy city in the Middle East or Saudi Arabia.

19. Understanding the nature of ISLAM enlightens learners about the common
grounds that bind believers into examining life and death. Believer of animistic
beliefs include the idea that;
A. No clear boundaries exist between the natural and the supernatural
B. Nature is superior to the supernatural
C. Animals once existed as human beings
D. There is one creator who intervenes in both the natural and supernatural
and the omnipotent being is responsible for the goodness.

20. He should not only be loyal to his ruler, but he must act out of
righteousness and treat his people with benevolence while ensuring peace
within his kingdom. Classify what virtue of Confucius was stated above?
A. Father and son Relationships
B. elder brother to younger brother relationships
C. King to subject relationships
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Talon Integrated School

D. Husband to wife relationship

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