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GEC 003-CE12S16

4.2 Assessment of the Most Underrated Region

Following the viewing of the video. I've discovered why Central Asia is underappreciated. First,
Central Asia is the home of the Silk Road, which connected the east, which is China's border, to
the west, which is the Caspian Sea. Mosques that are still standing today are still stunning.
Nature in Central Asia includes enormous, snow-capped mountains, vast deserts, uncharted
territory, and fascinating people. Faces from Europe, Asia, Persia, and the Middle East can be
found in abundance. Because of its proximity to China, Russia, and Iran, it is known as a melting
pot of people, culture, and ethnicity. Tourists describe them as humble, pleasant, and friendly.
These are the reasons why Central Asia is referred described as a "hidden gem" trip.

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