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Life in Manipur ‐ A contemporary perspective

Synopsis : Hijam Satyabrata Singh

Manipur, a paradise on earth is my birthplace. Every Manipuri is a blessed soul to be born here. The
unparalleled beauty, its rich cultural heritage are something we take pride of. Besides the natural beauties,
Manipur is keeping pace with the fast changing world albeit in a slow pace.

We are on par with the rest of India in terms of atrocities meted out to women, children and
humanity as a whole. Every day we are being fed with disturbing news of killing, rape and other heinous
crimes. Blood seems to be more abundant than water in this part of the world. Human dignity is cheaper than
essential commodities. Extortion, bombs and bullets are more common than the tropical insects like
mosquitoes which we are more accustomed to.

Every living soul is an epitome of trauma. In fact, our state is in coma relying on life support system.
People are leading a heavily sedated and crippled life. Everybody here goes to a slumber hoping to see the
next day in flesh and blood. Everybody hopes to see that good old smile and laughter adorning our faces once

Tragically, we are being dragged into a deep pit of cries and moaning of the trampled lives. Every day
we lament. Every living soul is traumatized in one way or the other. Fear has been deeply etched in our psyche.
Inflicting fear has become a sort of ritualistic way of the system. The common people of all ages continue to
live with the fear psychosis. Systematic decay prevails in our once ‘paradise on the earth’. The impact is also
clearly visible in our culture and tradition.

What I want to bring to my canvas is to tell the world that there is a ray of hope amidst all these
chaos. There is still beauty among all these ugliness. I believe there is still life suppressed among all these. I
firmly believe in this vicious circle there is hope, a hope that can change and hope for peace.

Methods, techniques and media to be employed:

I will use traditional media like inks, acrylics, oils, charcoals and digital media like photography,
sketches and animated digital drawings.

Work Schedule:

Monday to Wednesday – Sketches, spot visits, photography etc. (7:00 am to 1:30 pm)

Thursday to Saturday will be confined to my studio for final works on canvas, papers and digital
platforms. (8:30am to 1:00 pm‐ 1st shift, 5:30 pm to 10:00 pm 2nd shift)

Sunday Evenings‐ Discussion with my gurus and fellow artists.

Project completion period:

The entire project will be completed within two years duration from the date of approval.

Address for correspondence:







Email: satyahijam@yahoo.co.in

Phone: +91 9612000344

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