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Computer-Aided Design 110 (2019) 78–91

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Fillets, rounds, grooves and sharp edges segmentation from 3D

scanned surfaces✩ , ✩✩

L. Di Angelo a , P. Di Stefano a , , A.E. Morabito b
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of L’Aquila, L’Aquila, Italy
Department of Engineering for Innovation, University of Salento, Lecce, Italy

article info a b s t r a c t

Article history: Fillets, rounds, chamfers and grooves are secondary features which are typically present in real manu-
Received 7 February 2018 factured mechanical components to satisfy some manufacturing and functional requirements. Despite
Accepted 13 January 2019 the broad array of research conducted on feature recognition, the investigation of secondary features is a
relatively new topic. All of the pertinent studies have been focused only on the recognition of secondary
Blending features features from B-Rep models. The recognition and segmentation of secondary features from a discrete
Features recognition model is a non-trivial problem due to the same geometric descriptors that may be applied to both primary
3D mesh segmentation and secondary features. Moreover, although in real-world mechanical parts primary features are planes,
STL cylinders or cones, the secondary features may be non-analytical and complex-shaped geometries. Further
3D scanning sources of uncertainty are the measurement errors and non-ideal geometries of the real objects to which
Fuzzy logic the method is applied.
To overcome these problems, a new and original method to segment secondary features of tessellated
geometric models is proposed. The method is based on the analysis of geometric-differential properties
and provides specific strategies that reduce its sensitivity to all of the above-mentioned uncertainties
without affecting its selectivity. The proposed method, described in detail in this paper, is tested in some
very critical cases, and the results are presented and discussed.
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction edge where an axial-symmetric face (such as cylindrical or conical

face) matches a planar face normal to the axis of the component.
Secondary features, such as fillets, rounds, chamfers and According to the designer’s intent, secondary features serve to
grooves, are present in mechanical components to satisfy appropri- remove the sharp edges created by the intersection of main geo-
ate manufacturing and functional requirements. While the primary metric shapes (primary features). The high-level semantic analysis
features are important for understanding the engineering function of a mechanical component aims at identifying the functions of
of a mechanical component, the secondary features are simple geometric features in the specific application contexts. Although
transitions between primary ones and, although important, they a secondary feature is described with a surface, from a semantic
play auxiliary functions. point of view it can be considered as an attribute of an edge no
Fillets and rounds are rounded intersections of small radius be- longer available (associated to two intersecting primary features).
tween two primary features of the object, such as planes, cylinders Furthermore, the secondary features often have a geometric de-
or cones. They are typically introduced in castings and forgings scription identical to that of the primary features, so it is not trivial
to increase the strength and to make the product more attractive. to distinguish them from the latter.
These features are also used to reduce stress concentration in cor- The need to recognise the secondary geometric features from
ners improving the fatigue life of parts subjected to cyclic loading. the primary ones is required in many applications where the geom-
Grooves are typical for axisymmetric mechanical components etry is automatically analysed to detect its meaningful properties.
and are required to provide clearance for subsequent machining or For example, reverse engineering of a mechanical component,
assembly. The relief grooves, in particular, are usually located on the performed directly from point clouds, should differentiate the
principal geometry from the secondary features. In particular, the
✩ This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the secondary features should be identified separately and assigned to
public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. the edges, in accordance with what is done in mechanical engineer-
✩✩ This paper has been recommended for acceptance by Xiaoping Qian. ing practice. This practice is also implemented in the procedural
∗ Corresponding author. definition of a geometric model into any commercial CAD software.
E-mail address: (P. Di Stefano). In other cases, such as in automatic geometric control of a scanned
0010-4485/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. Di Angelo, P. Di Stefano and A.E. Morabito / Computer-Aided Design 110 (2019) 78–91 79

Nomenclature t1 Plateau amplitude of the membership function

µr1 =R∗ .
R1 Characteristic radius of the CRSF. 1i
t2 Plateau amplitude of the membership function
k1 Maximum principal curvature (absolute
µr2 =R∗2 .
r1 Radius of curvature measured at a point of σ Standard deviation of the radii r1 estimated for
the transverse section of a CRSF. constant radius synthetic geometries suitably
R∗1 Estimated characteristic radius of potential
CRSF. A1 , A2 Empirical constants.
R2 Radius of curvature of the sweep line. Θl Growing region.

k2 Minimum principal curvature (absolute R1 Arithmetic mean of r1 -values of the growing
value). region Θl .

R∗2 Estimated radius of curvature of the sweep R2 Weighted average of the r2 -values of the grow-
line of the potential CRSF. ing region Θl
Preg Set of the regular nodes. Qk Generic node of the growing region Θl .

SPF Set of the nodes belonging to primary fea- ωj Generic weight for R2 evaluation.
tures. nt Number of nodes of the region Θl .
SE Set of the non-regular nodes. µe l Mean value of the membership function µe for
f (r1 ) Relative frequency of occurrence of r1 in a the nt nodes of the region Θl .
given range of values. µ ∗ Mean value of the membership function µr1 =R∗
r1 =R1 i 1i
i i th iteration of the procedure for determin- ∗
for R∗1 = R1i .
ing the radius values R∗1i of potential CRSFs. Θl

R∗1i Estimated characteristic radius of potential µ ∗ Mean value of the membership function µr2 =R∗
r2 =R2 2

CRSFs at iteration i. for R∗2 = R2 .
Pj Θl
j th node of the mesh. µ ∗ Mean value of the membership function
¬r1 =R1 i
wj Weight measuring the level of trustworthi- ∗
ness of the r1 estimation at the node Pj . µ¬r1 =R∗1 for R∗1i = R1i .
C1 , C2 Empirically determined coefficients for wj µje Local value of the membership function µe es-
evaluation. timated for a point adjacent to the region Θl .
γj( Factor of curvature approximation. µj ∗ Local value of the membership function µr =R∗
) r1 =R1 i 1 1i
f R∗1i Peak height of the histogram at the i th itera- estimated for a point adjacent to the region Θl .
( ) µj ∗ Local value of the membership function
CRSFk R∗i Generic set of points recognised as belonging ¬r1 =R1 i
to the kth CRSF of radius R∗1i .
µ¬r1 =R∗ estimated for a point adjacent to the
region Θl .
Nk Number of CRSF recognised for a given value
of the characteristic radius R∗1i . µj ∗ Local value of the membership function µr =R∗
r2 =R2 2 2
fmean Mean value of the occurrence frequencies estimated for a point adjacent to the region Θl .
f (r1 ). (µ)2 Membership function evaluated considering
ε Threshold value used for the termination the geometric differential properties estimated
condition of the iterative procedure for R∗1i on the 2-neighbourhood.
evaluation. (µ)3 Membership function evaluated considering
Preg ,i Temporary set of regular nodes to be consid- the geometric differential properties estimated
ered for the evaluation of the histogram of on the 3-neighbourhood
D P j , Θl
( )
the radius r1 at the iteration i+1. Dissimilarity of the node P j with respect to the
r2 Radius of curvature evaluated at a point of a region Θl .
CRSF along the sweep line of the feature. Nl Number of regions Θl identified at the end of
µr1 =R∗1 Membership function describing the possi- the growing region step.
bility that a regular sr Sample rate.
( point
) belongs to the cat-
egory of the CRSF R∗1i . αmin Angle between the normals to the primary fea-
µe Membership function measuring the possi- tures matching in the secondary features, min-
bility that a node is not regular. imal among all those expected in the object
µ¬r1 =R∗1 Membership function measuring the possi- Ra Arithmetic mean roughness.
bility that a point belongs to any σs Standard deviation related to the scanner accu-
( other
) reg- racy.
ular feature different from CRSF R∗1i .
µ̃ () Membership function satisfying the normal-
ity condition.
SHI Sharpness indicator.
real object, the primary features should be distinguished from the
ae SHI value below which the node is recog-
secondary ones since the latter are not subject to explicit geometric
nised as regular.
specifications [1]. In addition, the ISO standard 2768 distinguishes
be SHI value above which the node is recognised
rounds and fillets from primary features invoking for the sec-
as non-regular.
ondary features specific and higher values of general tolerances.
Finally, secondary feature recognition plays an important role in
80 L. Di Angelo, P. Di Stefano and A.E. Morabito / Computer-Aided Design 110 (2019) 78–91

downstream applications pertaining to the use of CAD models for

FEM analysis or for manufacturing analysis aimed at generating
numerical codes ([2–5], and [6]).
Despite broad array of research conducted on geometric feature
recognition from unorganised point clouds or tessellated models
([7,8] and [9]), the investigation of secondary features is a rela-
tively new topic. The known automatic methods used to detect
basic shapes do not distinguish between primary and secondary
features. This is the case of [10] that proposes a method where,
starting from a set of locally adapted primitives based on RANSAC,
iteratively extracts a set of feasible relationships (orientation, posi-
tioning and equality) between the candidate ones. These relations
are then used to constrain and to optimise the local RANSAC based
primitives. The method is able to recognise only features described
by analytical equations (such as planes, cylinders or cones). This is
a significant limitation because secondary features are frequently
described by complex-shaped surfaces.
All the studies concerning secondary features recognition have
been implemented for B-Rep models [11–18]. This is a relatively
simple case of the recognition problem because the equations of
the surfaces wrapping the model are known.
The recognition process of secondary features applied to dis-
crete geometric models is much more complex. Since triangular
facets approximate the original smooth surface of the object, sec-
Fig. 1(a). Analytical CRSF.
ondary features have to be identified from a not fully-differentiable
surface, where curvature must be recognised and not directly eval-
uated. Additionally, secondary features have a limited extension
with respect to the sampling distance generally used during the
discretisation, so these features are roughly described, and the
evaluation of the geometric differential properties is made even
more difficult to perform. In a previous paper [19], the authors
presented a method suited to recognising secondary features on
discrete geometric models that are synthetically generated. This
method is not suitable for performing features recognition when
a mesh is experimentally acquired from real objects. In this case,
additional uncertainties, due to non-ideal geometry of the real
object and measurement errors, further complicate the recognition
process [20]. Furthermore, the nodes of the mesh are not located
perfectly on the transition between the model surface features or
on the sharp edges, as is the case of the synthetically generated
meshes. In order to segment selectively the secondary features,
some non-trivial problems must be solved.
In this paper, a new methodology is proposed to segment fillets,
rounds, grooves and sharp edges from 3D scanned mechanical
components described in the form of tessellated models. The orig-
inality of the proposed methodology, based on the analysis of
the geometric-differential properties of discrete models, lies in
the strategies that reduce the sensitivity to uncertainties without
affecting the selectivity of the recognition. The result is a high-level
semantic description of the object, where primary features are
separated from secondary features and all the transitions between
primary features are recognised and classified. In this paper, the
recognition method is presented and tested for some critical cases.
Fig. 1(b). Non-analytical CRSF.
2. The concept of Constant Radius Secondary Feature (CRSF)

Fillets, rounds, and grooves are features of the surface model – the geometry type of its sweep line (linear, circular, non-
which are developed along a sweep line and each section, per- analytical, branched and multi-transitional);
formed by a principal normal plane orthogonal to the sweep line,
is circular (Figs. 1(a) and 1(b)). For these reasons, they are defined – its feature type (fillet, round or groove).
as Constant Radius Secondary Features (CRSFs). Grooves, unlike fillets and rounds, have a circular sweep line.
The methodology proposed here for the recognition of fillets, R1 , here referred to as the characteristic radius, is the radius of
rounds and grooves is found on the concept of the CRSF. A CRSF is the circular section of the CRSF. R1 is associated with the inverse
characterised by: of the principal curvature maximum in absolute value (k1 ), and
it remains practically constant along the feature. In a real object,
– its radius value R1 ;
the value of the radius of curvature r1 (r1 = k1 ), measured in the
L. Di Angelo, P. Di Stefano and A.E. Morabito / Computer-Aided Design 110 (2019) 78–91 81

transverse sections of a CRSF, has a wide variability. The extent 3.1. Recognition of characteristic radius R1 of CRSFs
of this variability mainly depends on the accuracy with which
the object has been manufactured, but also on the error due to A typical mechanical component may have several CRSFs dif-
the measuring process and to the method used to estimate the fering from each other by type and/or R1 value as well as several
radius values from the set of measured points. In this paper, the CRSFs of the same type and with the same R1 value that are not
radius r1 is evaluated by means of the paraboloid approximation, adjacent to each other. A method whose aim is CRSF recognition
which, generally, systematically underestimates the real value of has to include a specific step devoted to distinguishing the nodes
the curvature radius [21]. In what follows, R∗1 is the estimated of the object surface which are potentially attributable to CRSFs
characteristic radius of the potential CRSF, which is distinct from from those pertaining to a primary feature. The typical R1 values
the real value, designated by R1 . This difference between the real of a CRSF are relatively small, usually ranging from one to a few
and the estimated value of the radius is not a true problem because millimetres. On the contrary, primary features are characterised by
a relative, rather than absolute, evaluation of the CRSF radius is larger values of the curvature radius. Potential secondary features
necessary for its identification. are portions of the object surface whose nodes have values of the
The CRSF is typically located at the transition between two pri-
maximum principal curvature k1 that are approximately equal to
mary features and it may occur in a smooth or in a sharp transition;
each other.
moreover, the transition can be convex or concave. Typically, in
This method has been conceived under the hypothesis that,
fillets or rounds, the CRSF has a smooth transition with both the
at the beginning of the recognition process, the R1 values of the
adjacent primary features, while grooves can be identified by the
CRSF are unknown and must be identified before the CRSFs can
CRSF having one or both transitions which are sharp (Fig. 1(a)).
Fillets may occur in a convex transition whereas rounds occur in be recognised and segmented. The approach used to identify the
a concave transition (Fig. 1(a)). R1 values of the CRSFs, depicted as a flow-chart in Fig. 2, is based
The geometry of the sweep line of a CRSF depends on the form on the analysis of the occurrences of the r1 -values in the nodes
and the relative positioning of the adjacent primary features. Al- of the mesh. The radii of curvature r1 are estimated at each point
though in real-world mechanical parts primary features are planes, of the discrete model pertaining to the set Preg and their relative
cylinders or cones, the sweep lines of CRSFs can be complex-shaped frequency of occurrence f (r1 ) is estimated. For this purpose, only
and non-planar, so that, in most cases, the corresponding surfaces the radii in a range, preventively assigned, of possible values have
are non-analytical geometries (Fig. 1(b)). Sometimes, secondary been investigated (r1 ≤ 6 mm for the case study of Fig. 1). This
features are located on the transition of two free-form primary radius range is assigned specifying a maximum value that should
features (non-analytical CRSF ); in other cases, one secondary fea- be sufficiently high to be sure that the characteristic radius of any
ture may include the transitions between several primary features CRSF is lower.
(multi-transitional CRSF ) (Fig. 1(b)). The sweep line can be also a From a dimensional point of view, a CRSF is characterised by
branched curve (Fig. 1(b)), which makes the surface of the CRSF a radius R1 of the circular section that is generally much lower
much more complex (branched CRSF ). A CRSF can be non-analytical than the radius R2 of the sweep line of the feature. Secondary
and/or branched and/or multi-transitional. features do not have a predefined dimensional value for R1 . In
some cases, for specific kinds of secondary features these radii are
3. The proposed methodology for CRSF recognition established by ISO standards, for example the standard ISO 4755
unifying the grooves sizes for external threads. The user can assign
The methodology consists of the following four steps: the dimensional range in which these features can be searched.
– estimation of the differential geometrical properties (normals This is not a limitation of the procedure, but it serves to define the
and curvatures) at each node of the tessellated model, radius value of potential secondary features.
If a CRSF exists, several nodes of the geometric model will
– recognition of the characteristic radius R1 of CRSF s of the
pertain to it. The CRSFs are associated with the recurrent values of
radii: those values r1 for which a peak of the histogram is detected
– segmentation of CRSF s, and a specific value R∗1i is associated.
– CRSF final assessment and type attribution. Although in the case of high-density synthetic discrete models
these peaks are well detectable [19], for a mesh experimentally
CRSF recognition requires the evaluation of the normals and prin- acquired this is no longer true because the effects of the noise
cipal curvatures at all nodes of the triangular mesh of the object. and manufacturing errors need to be added to the difficulty of
Based on the results reported in [20], in this paper the normal secondary features inspection. In Fig. 3a, an example of a histogram
versor and the principal curvatures are evaluated at each node by
of the relative frequencies f (r1 ) is reported for a 3D scanned sur-
using the medial quadric method and the 5-coefficients paraboloid
face. The effect of the uncertainties affecting the radius values is
fitting method. The chosen method of curvature estimation allows
observed as a wide dispersion of the histogram. This dispersion has
a robust evaluation with respect to noise, although the values are
the consequence of broadening and lowering the histogram peaks
that serve to identify the characteristic radii R∗1i of potential CRSFs.
In what follows, R∗1 and R∗2 are, respectively, the estimated
characteristic radius and the radius of curvature of the sweep line of The blurring of the peaks associated with a CRSF is greater when
the potential CRSFs and are distinct from the real values designated the value of the radius r1 increases, and it can be so wide that some
by R1 and R2 . useful peaks may be covered and disappear. In other cases, some
Since the geometric differential properties analysis can be per- fictitious peaks unrelated to real CRSFs may appear.
formed only at differentiable points of the surface, the method To cope with the lack of well-defined peaks in the histogram, a
involves the investigation of the surface regularity. The CRSFs are new method is proposed which implements an iterative procedure
features composed of adjacent regular nodes, which pertain to the for determining the radius values R∗1i of potential CRSF s (Fig. 2).
regular region Preg of the model surface. The nodes identified as Since the value of the estimated radius r1j of the surface at the
regular may belong to either CRSFs or primary features SPF . The node Pj is affected by uncertainties, its occurrence is evaluated by
identification of the non-regular nodes SE is carried out by a fuzzy a variable wj , which measures the level of trustworthiness of the
logic approach, which is described in Section 3.2, and the CRSF estimation and does not classify the event merely as true or false.
type attribution is carried out according to the method proposed In this way,
∑ the frequency of occurrence of the radius is defined as
in Section 3.3. f (r1 ) = j wj . This new concept of frequency of occurrences gives
82 L. Di Angelo, P. Di Stefano and A.E. Morabito / Computer-Aided Design 110 (2019) 78–91

Fig. 2. Flowchart of the iterative methodology used to estimate the characteristic radii R∗1 i of the CRSFs.

rise to a more discriminating process, which identifies the evidence on the contrary wj ≈0 for a rough tessellation of the surface. In
(peaks in the histogram) better. A weight wj = 1 is assigned for an Fig. 4, the trend of the weight function is shown. For each iteration,
estimation of the radius that is certainly true, while a value of 0 is the function wj is evaluated at each node of the mesh, and then the
given for an estimation certainly false. For intermediate conditions, frequencies of occurrence f (r1 ) are evaluated.
the following empirical function is used: In Fig. 3a the r1 -histogram for the case study is shown; as
−C1 γj expected, the histogram is very noisy and scattered. Fig. 3b shows
wj = e (1) the effect of the empirical weighting function on the histogram
where with respect to the typical r1 -histogram of Fig. 3a.
The radii R∗1i of potential CRSFs in the object are identified
– C1 and C2 are coefficients determined with an automatic as the mode values of the weighted histogram. Since the peaks
procedure that aims to maximise the peak height f (R∗1i ) of the in the histogram may not be immediately apparent, an iterative
histogram. algorithmic process (shown in Fig. 2) recognises, one by one, the R∗1i
– γj is the factor of curvature approximation and is defined as values. Once a value of R∗1i is identified, a two-step algorithm based
the maximum value of the tangent of the dihedral angle on fuzzy logic is applied(to recognise the CRSFs with that specific
evaluated between two adjacent triangular facets belonging value of radius R∗i (CRSFk R∗1i = {k = 1, 2, . . . , Nk }). Starting from
to the 1-neighbourhood of the node Pj [22]. a seed point (the node that has the highest value of the weight
The factor γj considers the effects of the noise (which typically factor wi for an assigned value of R∗1i ), a growing algorithm (de-
affects the measuring process), the manufacturing errors and un- scribed in Section 3.2.2) performs the identification of the regions
certainty due to the method used for curvature estimation. All of of the(surface
) whose adjacent nodes pertain to the same feature
these factors affect the truthfulness of radii estimated at a generic CRSFk R∗1i . The region growing algorithm ( is)applied recursively
node of the model. A small value of γj is evidence of a good Nk times, Nk being the number of CRSFk R∗1i . At the end of the
approximation of the surface curvature. For γj = 0, which is the ith-iteration the temporary set Preg ,i , which changes in each itera-
case of a very good approximation of the surface curvature, wj = 1; tion of the recognition process, is identified. Preg ,i is a set including
L. Di Angelo, P. Di Stefano and A.E. Morabito / Computer-Aided Design 110 (2019) 78–91 83

Fig. 3. (a) The r1 -histogram. (b) The weighted r1 -histogram.

empirically by analysing the cases where the algorithm had been

interrupted because the secondary features were not recognised in
association with a peak value of the frequency histogram. In what
follows ε is assumed equal to 5 · 10−3 .
In Fig. 5, the weighted histograms relative to Fig. 3b are shown
for all iterations of the process. The radii R∗1i of potential CRSFs
identified as the mode values of the weighted histogram at iter-
ations 1, 2 and 3 are, respectively R∗11 = 2 mm, R∗12 = 0.9 mm
and R∗13 = 2.8 mm. The iterative process stops when there are
no more significant peaks in the histogram so that the termination
condition of the algorithm is satisfied.

Fig. 4. The weighting function used for the case study of Fig. 1. 3.2. The fuzzy approach for CRSF segmentation

In order to segment a CRSF, the adjacent nodes that verify some

specific properties characterising the feature must be merged to-
the mesh nodes to be considered for the evaluation of the his-
gether by a region growing algorithm. Since in a CRSF the char-
togram of the frequencies of occurrence at the next iteration i + 1;
acteristic radius R1 is constant and the radius of curvature of the
this set is defined as
sweep line R2 may change gradually based on the CRSF geometry,
⋃ the following conditions must be satisfied
( ) in order to ascribe an
CRSFk R∗1i
( )
Preg ,i = Preg ,i−1 − (2) adjacent node P j to a growing CRSF R∗1i :
k=1 ( )
where Preg ,0 = Preg . • r1 P j must be approximately equal to the arithmetic mean
The iterative process in Fig. 2 is repeated until there are no of the r1 -values of the points already allocated to the growing
more significant peaks in the histogram. At the end of the process, CRSF.
( )
the histogram of (residual) radii r1 is due only to the noise. At • r2 P j must be approximately equal to the weighted average
this purpose, the height of the peak f (R∗1i ) of the histogram is of the r2 -values of the points already allocated, where the
compared with the mean value of the occurrence frequencies fmean weights ωk are chosen in order to give more influence to the
⏐ ∗the iterative⏐ process is stopped when the difference between r2 -values of the nodes in the growing feature which are nearer
⏐f (R ) − fmean ⏐ is less than ε. The ε-value has been determined to P j .
84 L. Di Angelo, P. Di Stefano and A.E. Morabito / Computer-Aided Design 110 (2019) 78–91

Fig. 5. The iterative process for R∗1 i evaluation of the shaft in Fig. 1.

Due to the uncertainties in the radii estimation, these conditions When the sharp nodes are also present, the possibility that a
cannot be deterministically evaluated, but they can be assessed by point belongs to a smooth surface is (1 − µ̃e ), so that the member-
a fuzzy logic approach. ship function,
( ) measuring the possibility that a point pertains to a
The fuzzy methodology, introduced here, unequivocally divides CRSF R∗1i , is
the points of the tessellated model according to three categories:
µr1 =R∗1 = µ̃r1 =R∗1 (1 − µ̃e ) (4)
( ) i i
– regular points belonging to a region CRSF R∗1i having a spe-
cific characteristic radius R∗1i , Analogously, the membership function for all the other regular
features is
– points pertaining to the set of the sharp nodes SE , ( )
– regular points that belong to the set of primary features SPF µ¬r1 =R∗1 = 1 − µ̃r1 =R∗1 (1 − µ̃e ) . (5)
( ) i i
or to CRSF R∗1j with radius R∗1j different from R∗1i .
3.2.1. The membership functions
The segmentation of the tessellated model according to these To determine the membership attribution of a node to a specific
categories requires the definition of three membership functions category, a suitable set of characteristic quantities that measure
denoted by µr1 =R∗ , µe and µ¬r1 =R∗ . These functions, related to some node properties must be identified. The quantity that affects
1i 1i
the membership µ̃e to the sharp edges (the set SE ) is the sharpness
each of the afore-mentioned categories, must always satisfy the
indicator SHI(P), which has been defined by Di Angelo and Di
following equation:
Stefano in [8]. It allows for the estimation of the membership of
µr1 =R∗1 + µe + µ¬r1 =R∗1 = 1 (3) a node to a sharp edge. The function µ̃e is linearly dependent on
i i
the sharpness indicator SHI(P) (Fig. 6). This membership function
Eq. (3) is verified for each point of the tessellated model, since the µ̃e is defined by two characteristic parameters:
generic point can belong unequivocally only(to those three cate-
gories. If the point certainly belongs to a CRSF R∗1i , i.e. µr1 =R∗ = 1, • ae is the value of SHI(P) below which the node can be surely
then it cannot pertain to a sharp edge (i.e., —e = 0) or to any other recognised to be smooth or regular (i.e., it does not belong to
regular feature (i.e., µ¬r1 =R∗ = 0). a sharp edge).
The membership function µ̃e measures the possibility that a • be is the lowest value of SHI(P) above which the node is non-
point is regular or not. The symbol ∼ denotes that the function sat- regular (i.e., it belongs to a sharp edge).
isfies the normality condition. µ̃e is, in fact, 1 for a sharp point and
For the scope of this work, the values of ae and be have been
0 for a regular point. In all other cases µ̃e can identify intermediate
determined empirically in accordance with the results obtained
levels of non-regularity due, for example, to ( the) noise. in [8].
A regular point could pertain to a CRSF R∗1i or it could belong
One of the factors affecting the membership attribution of a
to any other regular feature of the work piece. In the region of( the) node to a secondary feature is the quality of the surface tessellation,
smooth surfaces, the possibility that a point belongs to a CRSF R∗1i which can be measured by the factor of curvature approximation γj .
is described by the membership function µ̃r1 =R∗ . The membership functions of a node for a CRSF having radii R∗1i and
µ̃¬r1 =R∗1 , which is the complement of µ̃r1 =R∗1 for 1, describes the R∗2 are respectively µ̃r1 =R∗ and µ̃r2 =R∗ . These functions are defined
i i 1i 2
( that
) a regular point does not belong to the category of in three intervals by a trapezoidal function (Fig. 7). In the central
the CRSF R∗1i . interval µ̃r1 =R∗ = 1 (or µ̃r2 =R∗ = 1), so that the attribution of
1i 2
L. Di Angelo, P. Di Stefano and A.E. Morabito / Computer-Aided Design 110 (2019) 78–91 85

Fig. 6. The membership function µe .

( )
Fig. 8. The points R1 i
,γ derived from the experiment. The fit using a power
function is shown by the red line.

discrete values of limit deviations for linear dimensions reported

by this table.
Fig. 7. The membership functions µ̃r1 =R∗ and µ̃r2 =R∗ . (For interpretation of the
1i 2
references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version
Once the membership functions have been determined, each
of this article.) mesh node is associated with the previously mentioned fuzzy
categories. In Fig. 9, the nodes for which a non-zero possibility
of attribution
( ∗) of the radius R∗1i are shown by a colour-map. The
the value of radius R∗1i (or R∗2 ) to the surface around the node is CRSF R1i in the test case have the following values of the char-
certain. The boundaries of this interval are the values R∗1i − t1 /2 acteristic radius: R∗11 = 2 mm, R∗12 = 0.9 mm( and) R∗13 = 2.8 mm
and R∗1i + t1 /2 (or R∗2 − t2 /2 and R∗2 + t2 /2). The membership (Fig. 9). From these colour maps, single CRSF R∗1i cannot be triv-
function is µ̃r1 =R∗ = 0 (µ̃r2 =R∗ = 0) for values of the radius ially distinguished from each other and from the other regular
1i 2
r1 (or r2 ) over R∗1i( + t1 /2 + 4σ (or) R∗2 + t2 /2 + 4σ ) or under features. For this purpose, a further and last step, called region
R∗1i − t1 /2 − 4σ or R∗2 − t2 /2 − 4σ . In these fields of values for growing, is required.
both r1 and r2 , the node is surely not attributable to a CRSF having
a radius R∗1i . The parameters t1 , t2 and σ can be evaluated by means
of complex functions whose independent variable is the factor γ . 3.2.2. Region growing
In order to determine these functions, empirical experimentation In order to aggregate the adjacent nodes
( ) which are recognised
is required. to be similar into a single feature CRSFk R∗1i , a growing algorithm is
The σ value has been estimated by specific experimentation applied. This algorithm implements the fuzzy concepts of dissimi-
in which several test cases, characterised by specific values of the larity or similarity of two linguistic variables of identical type
nominal radii R1i and R2 , have been synthetically generated and ( [24].
In this case, the linguistic variables are the features CRSFk R∗1i to
sampled by a random process. These test cases have the geom-
which a node belongs, although the value of the radius at this point
etry of some typical analytical shapes such as tori, cylinders and
is not exactly the same as the conventional one used to name the
spheres, and they have been tessellated so that an assigned maxi-
mum value of the factor γ was obtained. The standard deviation σ feature.
of the estimated values of the radius R1i was evaluated, normalised The fuzzy algorithm does not associate a point with a feature
with respect to R( 1i and listed as a function of the γ value of the based on simple dimensional matching criteria. In order to assign
a node Pj to a growing region Θl , the algorithm looks at the dis-
mesh. The points , γ obtained with this experiment are plot-
R1 i
similarity of Pj with respect to the growing region Θl in terms ( of)
ted in Fig. 8. The data can be well-approximated by the following
the values of the membership functions. While in a CRSFk R∗1i
power function (in red in Fig. 8):
the radius R∗1i has a constant value, the radius R∗2 may change
= A1 γ A2 (6) gradually along the sweep line of the feature, depending on the
R1i geometric characteristics of the primary features which encounter
where A1 and A2 are empirical constants obtained by least-square the secondary feature. For this reason, the dissimilarity of a node

regression of experimental data. Pj is evaluated with respect to the arithmetic mean R1 of r1 -values
The parameter t1 allows for the definition of the plateau of the ∗
and to the weighted average R2 of the r2 -values, where r1 and r2 are
membership function µ̃r1 =R∗ represented in Fig. 7. Since rounds evaluated at the points Q k of the growing region Θl . In particular,
and fillets are affected by large manufacturing errors, the ampli- ∗
the generic weight ωj of the weighted average R2 is selected so as to
tude of the plateau in µ̃r1 =R∗ can be evaluated as the value of the
1i give more evidence to the r2 -values of the nodes Q k that are nearer
tolerance class specified by the ISO 2768 standard for linear sizes
to Pj .
of rounds and fillets. In order to implement the discrete data in ISO
The region growing starts from a seed node of the mesh. The
2768 [23] a parabolic function t1 = t1 (R1 ), which interpolates the
limit deviations reported in the table II (ISO 2768), is used. seed node is selected among the nodes where the maximum mem-
The parameter t2 allows for the definition of the plateau of bership degree µr =R∗ is reached. The seed node is compared with
the membership function µ̃r2 =R∗ represented in Fig. 7; its value every node P j belonging to the 1-ring neighbourhood to analyse
can change depending on the general quality characteristics of the dissimilarity. The nodes recognised to be similar are aggregated
analysed object, as prescribed by the table I of ISO 2768. An empir- in the growing region Θl . At each step of the growing algorithm,
ical power function t2 = t2 (R2 ), has been used to interpolate the the mean values of the membership functions, evaluated at the nt
86 L. Di Angelo, P. Di Stefano and A.E. Morabito / Computer-Aided Design 110 (2019) 78–91

Fig. 9. Colour maps of the membership function µr1 =R∗ for R∗1 = 2 mm, R∗1 = 0.9 mm and R∗1 = 2.8 mm.
1i 1 2 3

nodes of the region Θl , are calculated as follows: In (8) the membership function µr =R∗ is evaluated in the same
2 2
∑ µe (Q k ) ∑ µr1 =R∗ (Q k ) way as the membership function µ̃r1 =R∗ . These two membership
Θ Θl i
µe l = , µ ∗ = 1 i
, functions differ from each other only for the plateau amplitudes
nt r 1 = R1 i nt t1 and t2 . The region growing algorithm stops when dissimilar
Q k ∈Θl Q k ∈Θl
nodes are met or all the nodes have been analysed. At the end
ωk µr2 =R∗ (Q k )

Q k ∈Θl (7)
µ l ∗ = 2
( ) Θl are identified: each of them
of the region growing, Nl regions
Q k ∈Θl ωk

r2 =R2 represents a potential CRSF R∗i .
Θl Θ Θl Θl
µ ∗ = 1 − µe l − (µ ∗ ∗ ∗)
3.2.3. CRSF recognition
¬r1 =R1 i r1 =R1 i r2 =R2
The next phase
( )of the methodology aims at establishing if the
In order to evaluate the dissimilarity of the candidate point P j , the
j j j j generic set Θl R∗1i of adjacent points assigned to the category R∗1i
local values for µe , µ ∗ , µ ∗ , µ ∗ have to be compared
r1 =R1 i ¬r1 =R1 i ( r2 =R2 ) identifies a CRSF or not. In order that the nodes of the growing
with those in Θl . The dissimilarity D P j , Θl of the node P j with region are assigned to a CRSF, they must satisfy two further require-
respect to the region Θl is measured as in Box I [24], where ments:
the typical formula used to evaluate the dissimilarity [24] is spe-
cialised to this case. The parentheses ()2 and ()3 indicate that the (1) they must pertain to a sufficient number of triangles so that
enclosed membership function is evaluated with geometric differ- a significantly extended area is associated with the CRSF ;
ential properties estimated on the 2-ring neighbourhood and on (2) they are not located just along a line. Typically, false values
the 3-ring neighbourhood of the generic node, respectively. In the of R∗1i can be associated with nodes pertaining to an edge
defuzzification process, the simultaneous analysis of membership characterised by a small factor of curvature approximation
functions, evaluated in two different levels of the node neighbour- γ which has not been recognised as a sharp edge or along a
hood, serves to better recognise the boundary between a secondary smooth transition zone located where two different features
and a primary feature. The identification of this boundary must match each other.
satisfy two contrasting requirements: identifying selectively the
boundary and eliminating the typical uncertainties due to noise The proposed method proves the first requirement by verifying
and irregularities of a real surface. The first requirement needs that that the number of nodes pertaining to the growing region is
differential geometric properties are analysed in a small level of greater than a suitable threshold value. This threshold value is
neighbourhood of the node. On the contrary, the second requires established based on the sampling rate sr of the acquisition process
that the analysis is performed in a larger level of the node neigh- so that the recognised CRSFs have a longitudinal dimension (along
the sweep line), at least equal to circular radius R∗1i . Under these
bourhood. Since the radii r2 are noisier than r1 , in the above formula 2
Θ R∗
µj ∗ and µ l ∗ are evaluated only on the 3-neighbourhood of conditions, this threshold value is equal to αmin 1i
, where αmin is
r2 =R2 r2 =R2 s2r
the generic point. the angle between the normals to the primary features matching
D P j , Θl is 0 for perfectly similar points and 1 for completely
( )
in the secondary features, minimal among all those expected in
dissimilar points. Nodes recognised to be similar are aggregated to the object. In this way, the methodology allows to recognise as
Θl and its membership functions µΘl are evaluated again. Once all secondary features the spherical fillets at the vertex of a trihedral
the nodes in the 1-ring neighbourhood of P j have been examined, angle.
the procedure continues considering the 1-ring neighbourhood of The second requirement is tested by verifying that the grown
those nodes that have been recognised as ‘‘similar’’ to the P j node. region is not thinner than the point neighbourhood area used to
L. Di Angelo, P. Di Stefano and A.E. Morabito / Computer-Aided Design 110 (2019) 78–91 87

⏐( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ⏐ ⏐⏐( ⏐
) ( ) ( ) ( )
⏐ j j j j j
⏐ µe ∗ µe − µe l ∗ µe l ⏐ + ⏐⏐ µr =R∗ ∗ µr =R∗ ∗ µr =R∗ − µr l=R∗ ∗ µr l=R∗ ∗ µr l=R∗ ⏐⏐
⏐ ⏐
2 3 2 3 1 1i 2 1 1i 3 2 2 1 1i 2 1 1i 3 2 2
D P j , Θl = ⏐( )
( )
( ) ( ) ⏐ ⏐⏐( ⏐ (8)
Θl Θl Θl Θl Θl
( ) ) ( ) ( ) ( )
⏐ j j j j j
⏐ µe ∗ µe + µe ∗ µe ⏐ + ⏐ µ ∗ µ ∗µ ∗ + µ ∗ µ ∗µ
⏐ ⏐
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
⏐ ⏐
2 3 2 3 r 1 = R1 i 2 r1 =R1 i 3 r2 =R2 r 1 = R1 i 2 r1 =R1 i 3 r2 =R2 ⏐

Box I. .

Fig. 10. The secondary features recognised by the application of the fuzzy methodology to the case study of Fig. 1.

Fig. 11. (a) The graph of adjacency for the attribution of a type to a CRSF. (b) Examples of CRSF.

evaluate the geometric differential properties of the mesh. A point Nk = 4 for R∗12 = 0.9 mm and Nk = 2 for R∗13 = 2.8 mm. In this
pertaining to the grown region satisfies this condition when all the Figure the sharp edges are recognised too: they are shown in black.
nodes in its 2-ring neighbourhood pertain to the grown region. If
the points in the grown region do not satisfy this condition, in order
3.3. CRSF final assessment and type attribution
to be assigned to the secondary feature, they have to be contained
in the 2-ring neighbourhood of a point, which fulfils it.
Fig. 10 shows all the secondary features recognised for the case When a constant radius feature has been recognised, it is nec-
study of Fig.
( 1:)each of them is represented with a different colour. essary to determine if it is a secondary feature; if so, the CRSF type
The CRSFk R∗1i have been recognised for R∗11 = 2 mm, R∗12 = will be identified. A constant radius feature, that is not located in
0.9 mm and R∗13 = 2.8 mm. Particularly, Nk = 2 for R∗11 = 2 mm, the transition between two primary features, is not a CRSF. This is
88 L. Di Angelo, P. Di Stefano and A.E. Morabito / Computer-Aided Design 110 (2019) 78–91

Fig. 12. Type attribution to the CRSFs recognised for R∗1 1 = 2 mm.

the case of a primary feature, which has a similar curvature radius

as the secondary features.
The final assessment and the attribution of a type to a CRSF
is carried out based on the graph of adjacency defined for the
secondary feature. In this graph, an arc represents an adjacency
relationship between the CRSF under examination and the neigh-
bouring primary features. The CRSF is located at the transition
between two primary features and it may occur in a smooth or
sharp transition; moreover, the transition can be convex or con-
cave (Fig. 11a). Based on the type of transition, several attributes
are assigned to each arc of the above-mentioned graph. Fig. 11(b)
shows the several types of CRSF that can be recognised.
Typically, in fillets or rounds, CRSF has a smooth transition with
both the adjacent primary features, while grooves can be identified
by one or both transitions of the CRSF which are sharp (Fig. 11b).
Fillets may occur in convex transition whereas rounds occur in
concave transition (Fig. 11b).
In Fig. 12 the type is attributed to the two CRSF s recognised
for R∗11 = 2 mm, based on the graph of adjacency defined for the
secondary feature: a fillet and a groove are respectively recognised.

4. Experimental test cases and discussion Fig. 13. The three test cases here analysed.

The practical confirmation of the methodology proposed here

has been achieved by the analysis of several experimental cases. search radius R∗1i (yellow, green and blue). The colour grey is chosen
Three of them are discussed in what follows. The presented test for highlighting the primary features and red for the sharp edges.
cases are real objects experimentally acquired by a 3D scanner The CRSF s and sharp edges are segmented without errors. Their
FARO (Edge ScanArm) with a laser line probe (accuracy 4σs = boundaries do not appear clearly defined because the models are
0.0688 mm, sample rate sr = 0.25 mm) and represented by 3D obtained from real objects. As shown by Fig. 15, several types of
tessellated models. CRSF (non-analytical, branched and multi-transitional) have been
The first test case is a motorcycle steering component made in recognised by the methodology.
aluminium alloy by die-casting (Fig. 13(a)). The surface of this com- Fig. 16 illustrates the results of the CRSF recognition process for
ponent has undergone a sandblasting treatment and anodic oxida- the nut wrench, in which two values of R∗1i have been recognised
tion (the average arithmetic roughness Ra is equal to 3.64 µm). The (R∗11 = 3 mm, R∗12 = 1.5 mm). Although some small surface
other two test cases are a nut wrench (Fig. 13(b)) and a piston rod islands having a different colour seem to mislead the viewer as to
(Fig. 13(c)). These last two components are non-trivial case studies the real quality of the CRSF identification, in this case the method
for any method, which aims at segmenting secondary features. The also correctly segments the CRSF s. In particular, the two sections
nut wrench is a forged component whose surface is characterised in Fig. 16 show that the alternating traits in green and yellow
by a value of roughness Ra approximately equal to 6.35 µm. The recognised by the method are due to real differences in the radius
piston rod has been manufactured by sand casting and its surface of adjacent CRSF s. Furthermore, while the section A-A has a regular
shows a very high value of Ra . In Fig. 14, the histograms of the all-point profile, section B-B shows some sharp nodes (shown
frequency of occurrence f (r1 ) are shown for the three case studies. in red); this is evidence that the method correctly identifies the
In the first test case, the motorcycle steering component, three different secondary features (Fig. 16(a)). Fig. 16(b) shows other
characteristic radii R∗1i are identified (R∗11 = 2.9 mm, R∗12 = 4.5 mm, details of the CRSF recognition for the wrench, which seem to be
R∗13 = 2 mm). In Fig. 15, the CRSF segmentation for this component misleading. In particular, the profile of the section E-E confirms the
is presented. In order to show all the recognised CRSF s as clearly presence of a planar face (grey in the detail C of the figure) between
as possible, Fig. 15 differentiates them only by the value of the the two fillets of radius R∗11 = 3 mm (yellow in the figure).
L. Di Angelo, P. Di Stefano and A.E. Morabito / Computer-Aided Design 110 (2019) 78–91 89

Fig. 14. The iterative evaluation of the characteristic radii R∗1 i for the test cases considered. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)

The connecting rod (for which two values of R∗1i have been fact, a peak of the histogram identifying one or more CRSFs of a
recognised: R∗11 = 3.1 mm, R∗12 = 1.7 mm) represents a par- certain radius R∗1i may expand enough to cause other useful peaks
ticularly difficult case for any method that claims to recognise to disappear. The high Ra value is also responsible for the fictitious
secondary features. It is manufactured by sand casting and, for this peak detected at the end of the iterative procedure used for the
reason, is affected by a high value of the surface roughness and identification of the R∗1i values. The growing process, in fact, carried
form errors. For this test case, the first histogram (Fig. 14) shows out for the corresponding R∗13 value leads to not recognising any
a single wide rounded peak. Due to the high surface roughness, in region of area sufficiently extended to be assimilated into a CRSF.
90 L. Di Angelo, P. Di Stefano and A.E. Morabito / Computer-Aided Design 110 (2019) 78–91

Fig. 15. CRSF segmentation for the motorcycle steering component: several types of CRSF (non-analytical, branched and multi-transitional) have been recognised by the
methodology. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 16. The CRSF segmentation for the nut wrench (R∗1 1 = 3 mm, R∗1 2 = 1.5 mm). The r1 variability along the profile of each section was visualised using the same colours
selected to distinguish the various values of the identified radius.

In Fig. 17, the results of the CRSF recognition process for the case, a revolved section of the rod is shown. The r1 variability along
connecting rod are shown. To highlight the relationship between the profile of this section has also been visualised using the same
the recognised CRSF s and the geometric shape of the scanned test colours selected to distinguish the various CRSF s identified based
L. Di Angelo, P. Di Stefano and A.E. Morabito / Computer-Aided Design 110 (2019) 78–91 91

substantially different from the others since it cannot be associated

with a CRSF, but it is a region contained between two sharp edges,
parallel and close to each other.


This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.


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