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(Class X Studying Moving to Class XI)

Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics & Mental Ability

1. Duration of Test is 1 hr. (iii) Section-II: This section contains 7 multiple choice
2. The Test booklet consists of 35 questions. The maximum questions, in which more than one answer may be
correct. Each question carries +4 marks for correct
marks are 90. There is no negative marking for wrong
(iv) Section-III: This section contains 3 multiple choice
3. Pattern of the questions are as under: questions based on assertion & reason type, which
(i) This question paper consists of four parts (Physics, have only one correct answer. Each question carries
Chemistry, Mathematics and Mental Ability). P, C, M +2 marks for correct answer.

have four sections and Mental Ability has two (v) Section-IV: This section contains 3 questions. Each
sections. question has two matching Columns. Column-I has
four entries (A, B, C, D) and Column-II has four
(ii) Section-I: This section contains 22 multiple choice entries (P, Q, R, S). Each entry in Column-I may
questions, which have only one correct answer. match with one or more entry in Column-II. Each
Each question carries +2 marks for correct answer. question carries +4 marks for correct answer.

Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.: (011) 47623456
Aakash National Talent Hunt Exam 2022
Sample paper
(Class X Studying Moving to Class XI)
(The questions given in sample paper are indicative of the level and
pattern of questions that will be asked in AKTHE-2022)

Time : 1 Hour MM : 90

Que 1. A concave mirror of focal length 10 cm forms images having magnitude of
magnification 2 for any two positions of object. The distance between two such
positions of image will be
A. 15 cm
B. 20 cm
C. 40 cm
D. 30 cm
Answer (C)
Que 2. A battery of 18 V is connected to a 3 m long uniform wire having resistance of
100 Ω. The difference of potential between two points separated by 50 cm on the
wire will be
A. 1.5 V
B. 3 V
C. 1 V
D. 2 V
Answer (B)
Potential drop across per cm length of wire

Potential difference between two points separated by 50 cm

= 0.06 × 50 = 3 V

Que 3. Which colour of light is scattered the most in the atmosphere?

A. Blue
B. Green
C. Red
D. Yellow
Answer (A)
The molecules of air and other fine particles in the atmosphere have size smaller
than wavelength of visible light. These are more effective in scattering light of
shorter wavelength. Therefore, blue colour of light scattered the most in
Que 4. An object is placed at a distance 4 cm from the principal focus of a concave
mirror of focal length f. What will be the magnitude of magnification of the image?
A. 4f
B. 2f

Answer (D)

Que 5. What will happen when a 40 W, 220 V lamp and 100 W, 220 V lamp are
connected in series across a 440 V supply?
A. Both lamps will fuse
B. 100 W lamp will fuse
C. 40 W lamp will fuse
D. Neither lamp will fuse
Answer (C)
Que 6. An electric kettle has three thermal coils A, B and C. To boil the same amount
of water coil A, B and C takes 2 min, 3 min and 6 min respectively when applied
across same potential difference. If all three coils operated together and same
potential difference is applied across the combination, then to boil same amount of
A. In series combination, it will take 15 min
B. In series combination, it will take 11 min
C. In parallel combination, it will take 3 min
D. In parallel combination, it will take 1 min
Answer (B, D)
Que 7. For the given circuit diagram, choose the correct statement(s).

A. The equivalent resistance of the circuit is 8 Ω

B. The current through 2 Ω resistor is 0.25 A
C. The reading of voltmeter is 2 V
D. The reading of ammeter is 0.25 A
Answer (A, B, C)

Que 8. This section contains 1 Assertion-Reason type question, which has 4 choices
(A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

A : The red colour has lower wavelength than violet.

R : The red colour is least scattered by the fog or smoke.

A. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

B. Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)

C. (A) is true but (R) is false

D. (A) is false but (R) is true

Answer (D)
Since the wavelength of red colour is greater than violet, therefore, it is less
scattered by fog and smoke.

Que 9. This section contains 1 Match the column type question, which has 2 Columns
(Column-I and Column-II). Column-I has four entries (A), (B), (C) and (D), Column-
II has four entries (P), (Q), (R) and (S). Match the entries in Column-I with the entries
in Column-II. Each entry in Column-I may match with one or more entries in Column-

Four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given for this question, out of which ONLY
ONE is correct.
Match the columns and choose the correct option.

Column-I Column-II
(A) Concave lens (P) Used for rear view in
(B) Concave mirror (Q) Used as a reflector in solar
(C) Convex lens (R) |m| < 1
(D) Convex mirror (S) |m| > 1

A. A(P, R); B(R, S); C(R, S); D(Q, S)

B. A(R); B(Q, R, S); C(Q); D(P, R)
C. A(R); B(Q, R, S); C(R, S); D(P, R)
D. A(R); B(Q, R, S); C(S); D(Q)
Answer (C)

The magnification (m) produced by a concave lens is 0 < m < 1

* The magnification (m) produced by a concave mirror is –∞ < m < 0 and m > 1

* A concave mirror is used as a reflector in solar cooker

* The magnification produced by a convex lens is –∞ < m < 0 and m > 1

* The magnification produced by a convex mirror is 0 < m < 1

* A convex mirror is used for rear view in automobiles

Que 10. The gaseous products obtained on thermal decomposition of iron sulphate is

A. SO2 and O2

B. SO3 and H2S

C. SO2 and SO3

D. SO2 and H2S

Answer (C)

Que 11. Which of the following sodium compounds is used for softening of hard
A. NaCl
B. Na2SO4
D. Na2CO3
Answer (D)
Na2CO3 (Washing soda) is used for removing permanent hardness of water.
Que 12. The set of metals which do not react with water at all is
A. Na, Zn, Al, Fe
B. Pb, Cu, Ag, Au
C. Al, Mg, Cu, Au
D. Fe, Ag, Hg, K
Answer (B)
Metals of low reactivity like lead, copper, silver and gold do not react with water at

Que 13. Consider the following reactions:

X(s) + YSO4(aq) → XSO4(aq) + Y(s)

Y(s) + ZSO4(aq) → YSO4(aq) + Z(s)

PSO4(aq) + Z(s) → ZSO4(aq) + P(s)

QSO4(aq) + X(s) → No reaction

Now, choose the correct option.

A. The correct order of reactivity is X > Y > Z > P > Q

B. The correct order of reactivity is Q < X < Y < P < Z
C. P, Q, X, Y and Z respectively can be Cu, Na, Ca, Mg and Al
D. X, Y, Z, P and Q respectively can be Na, K, Mg, Ag and Cu
Answer (C)
A more reactive metal can displace a less reactive metal from its salt solution. So, the
correct order of reactivity is Q > X > Y > Z > P
Que 14. Chemical formula of the product formed when chlorine gas is passed over
slaked lime is
A. CaCl2
B. Ca(OCl)2
C. MgCl2
D. CaOCl2
Answer (D)

Que 15. Which of the following option(s) is/are correct for the given reaction?

ZnO + C → Zn + CO

A. Carbon is getting oxidised

B. Carbon monoxide is getting reduced
C. Zinc oxide acts as a reducing agent
D. Zinc oxide acts as an oxidising agent
Answer (A, D)

The substance which gets oxidised, is reducing agent and the substance which gets
reduced, is oxidising agent.
Que 16. Consider the following chemical equation

aKMnO4 + bH2O + cSO2 → dK2SO4 + eMnSO4 + fH2SO4

On balancing

A. a × b = 2 × e
B. (a × b) + (d × e) = c + d
C. a : f = 1 : 1
D. c : e = 4 : 3
Answer (A, B, C)

On balancing the given equation, we get

2KMnO4 + 2H2O + 5SO2 → K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 2H2SO4

Que 17. This

section contains 1 Assertion-Reason type question, which has 4 choices
(A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

A : We should not add water to a concentrated acid during its dilution.

R : A lot of heat is generated when water is added to a concentrated acid, which may
cause the mixture to splash out and cause burns.

A. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

B. Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)

C. (A) is true but (R) is false

D. (A) is false but (R) is true

Answer (A)
The acid must always be added slowly to water with constant stirring. If water is
added to a concentrated acid, the heat generated may cause the mixture to splash
out and cause burns.

Que 18. This section contains 1 Match the column type question, which has 2 Columns
(Column-I and Column-II). Column-I has four entries (A), (B), (C) and (D), Column-
II has four entries (P), (Q), (R) and (S). Match the entries in Column-I with the entries
in Column-II. Each entry in Column-I may match with one or more entries in Column-

Four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given for this question, out of which ONLY
ONE is correct.
Match the following and choose the correct option.

Column-I Column-II
(A) Zinc (P) Non-metal
(B) Magnesium (Q) Forms amphoteric oxide
(C) Sulphur (R) Evolve H2 gas with very dilute
(D) Aluminium (S) Metal

A. A(Q, S); B(R, S); C(P, R); D(Q, S)

B. A(Q, R); B(R, S); C(P); D(Q, S)
C. A(Q, S); B(R, S); C(P); D(Q, S)
D. A(Q, S); B(R, S); C(P, R); D(Q, R)
Answer (C)

• Zinc, magnesium and aluminium are metals.

• Both zinc and aluminium form amphoteric oxide.

• Sulphur is a non-metal.

• Magnesium evolves H2 gas with very dil. HNO3.

Que 19. In a quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0, where a, b and c are distinct
natural numbers less than 6. If quadratic equation has real and distinct roots, then
total number of possible pairs of (a, b, c) is
A. 12
B. 14
C. 13
D. 15
Answer (B)

ax2 + bx + c = 0, have real and distinct roots.

b2 – 4ac > 0 or b2 > 4ac; as a, b, c should be distinct.

So, value of b can be {3, 4, 5}.

Case 1 : When b = 3, possible pairs (a, b, c) can be (1, 3, 2) (2, 3, 1)

Case 2 : When b = 4

(1, 4, 3) (3, 4, 1) (1, 4, 2) (2, 4, 1)

Case 3 : When b = 5

(1, 5, 2) (2, 5, 1) (1, 5, 3) (3, 5, 1) (1, 5, 4) (4, 5, 1) (2, 5, 3) (3, 5, 2)

Total 14 pairs.

Que 20. If the sum of the zeroes, product of the zeroes and the sum of the
coefficients of the polynomial f(x) = ax2 + bx + c (a ≠ 0 and a, b, c are real numbers)
are equal and sum of coefficients is m, then a equals

B. m
C. m2
D. 2m
Answer (B)
Que 21. In an A.P. of 2021 terms, 1996th term from the end is same as which term
from the beginning?
A. 26th
B. 25th
C. 24th
D. 23rd
Answer (A)
1996th term from end = (2021 – 1996 + 1)th term from beginning = 26th term
Que 22. The value of (sinθ + cosecθ)2 + (cosθ + secθ)2 – (tan2θ + cot2θ) is
A. 5
B. 6
C. 9
Answer (D)

(sinθ + cosecθ)2 + (cosθ + secθ)2 – (tan2θ + cot2θ)

⇒ sin2θ + cosec2θ + 2 + cos2θ + sec2θ + 2 – tan2θ – cot2θ

⇒ sin2θ + cos2θ + sec2θ – tan2θ + cosec2θ – cot2θ + 4


Que 23. A pole 7(√3 − 1) m high is fixed on the top of a tower. The angle of
elevation of the top of the pole observed from a point A on the ground is 60° and the
angle of depression of the point A from the top of the tower is 45°. The height of the
tower is
A. 14 m
B. 7 m
C. 14√3 m

D. 7√3 m
Answer (B)
Let PB be the tower of height h and BC be the pole.

Que 24.

A. Infinitely many solutions

B. Two solutions
C. One solution
D. No solution
Answer (D)

Que 25. If sec2θ1 + sec2θ2 + sec2θ3 = and cosec2θ1 + cosec2θ2 + cosec2θ3 = 15,
then [(tanθ1 – cotθ1)2 + (tanθ2 – cotθ2)2 + (tanθ3 – cotθ3)2] is equal to

B. 4

Answer (B, D)

(tanθ1 – cotθ1)2 + (tanθ2 – cotθ2)2 + (tanθ3 – cotθ3)2

= tan2θ1 + cot2θ1 – 2 + tan2θ2 + cot2θ2 – 2 + tan2θ3 + cot2θ3 – 2

= sec2θ1 – 1 + cosec2θ1 – 1 – 2 + sec2θ2 – 1 + cosec2θ2 – 1 – 2 + sec2θ3 – 1 + cosec2θ3 –

Que 26. If –5 is a root of the quadratic equation 2x2 + mx – 15 = 0 and the quadratic
equation m(x2 + x) + k = 0 has equal roots, then which of the following is/are
A. m = 4
B. 𝑘 =

C. m = 7
D. 𝑘 =

Answer (B, C)

–5 is root of equation 2x2 + mx – 15 = 0

⇒ 2(–5)2 + m(–5) – 15 = 0

⇒ m=7

Equation m(x2 + x) + k = 0 has equal roots.

7x2 + 7x + k = 0 has equal roots.

Que 27. This section contains 1 Assertion-Reason type question, which has 4 choices
(A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

A : If both the zeroes of a quadratic polynomial ax2 + bx + c are positive,

then a, b and c do not have the same sign.

R : If one of the zeroes of a quadratic polynomial is zero, then it does not have
constant term.

A. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
B. Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
C. (A) is true but (R) is false
D. (A) is false but (R) is true
Answer (D)
(A) Let α and β be roots of equation ax2 + bx + c.

(R) Let α and β be roots for polynomial.

ax2 + bx + c = 0, α = 0

Then (x – 0)(x – β) = 0

x2 – βx = 0, no constant term.

Que 28. This section contains 1 Match the column type question, which has 2
Columns (Column I and Column II). Column I has four entries (A), (B), (C) and (D),
Column II has four entries (P), (Q), (R) and (S). Match the entries in Column I with
the entries in Column II. Each entry in Column I may match with one or more entries
in Column II.

Four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given for this question, out of which ONLY
ONE is correct.

Match the columns and choose the correct option.

Column-I Column-II
(A) If C(x, 0) divides the line segment (P) 7
formed by joining the points A(3,
4) and B(3, –4) in the ratio K : 1
internally, then 2x + 1 equals
(B) If the ratio in which the line 5x + (Q)
2y = 14 divides the line segment
joining the points A(–2, m)
and B(n, 7) is 2 : 5,
then m + n equals
(C) If the distance between the points (R) The distance (in units) between the
(2, –2) and (–1, 2) is x units, then points A(0, 4) and B(0, –3)
(x + 2) equals
(D) The coordinates of centre of a
circle which passes through the
points (4, 5), (8, 6) and (6, –2)

A. A(P, R); B(Q); C(P, R); D(S)

B. A(P, R); B(S); C(P, Q); D(Q)
C. A(Q, R); B(Q); C(P, Q); D(S)
D. A(P, R); B(S); C(P, R); D(Q)
Answer (D)


⇒ C is mid-point of AB.

C(3, 0) Þ x = 3

⇒ 2x + 1 = 7

Distance between A(0, 4) and B(0, –3)

(B) Let line cut AB at point P(x, y) and divides AB in 2 : 5.

(D) Let O(x, y) be centre of circle.
Mental ability
Que 29. The value of ‘p’ in the following pattern is

99, 83, 61, 53, p

A. 31
B. 32
C. 33
D. 34
Answer (A)
102 –1, 92 + 2, 82 – 3, 72 + 4, 62 – 5
Que 30. Ram is moving towards northeast from point A. After moving 396 m, he
turns to his right and moves 403 m further to reach at point B. The minimum
distance between point A and point B is
A. 500 m
B. 565 m
C. 575 m
D. 600 m
Answer (B)

Que 31. Complete the following figure by choosing correct option.




Answer (D)
Option (4) is fit for missing part.
Que 32. Choose the odd one.




Answer (B)
Except (2), all are same in different orientation.
Que 33. Ram is only son of Sunita, who is sister of Radhey. Mamta is wife of Kishan,
who is father of Radhey. If Meera is sister of Ram, then how Kishan is related to
A. Grandfather
B. Father
C. Son
D. Grandson
Answer (A)
Meera is daughter of Sunita, who is daughter of Kishan.

Que 34. Choose correct number in place of ‘?’.

2 3 5 5
4 6 7 14
8 7 6 18
9 ? 5 50

A. 40
B. 42
C. 41
D. 43
Answer (C)

Que 35. Choose correct pair(s).

232 : 25 : : 114 : 16 : : ?

A. 253 : 343
B. 453 : 81
C. 672 : 169
D. 442 : 512
Answer (A, C)
abc : (a + b)c

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