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Q1 Eggs and Starch

Product name:___________________________

CRITERIA Excellent (5) Good(4) Basic(2) Needs Improvement(1) Rating

A. Cook various types of Cook starch/cereal dishes Cook starch/cereal properly. Cook starch/cereal with no Cook starch/cereal with
starch/cereal dishes properly and delectable. Follows the procedure confident. the help of others.
Follows the procedure correctly.
B. Cook egg dishes in accordance Cook egg dishes properly Cook egg dishes with Cook egg dishes without Cook egg dishes with the
with the prescribed with suitable accompaniments. accompaniments. help of others.
accompaniments accompaniments.
C. Follow safety and hygienic Safety and hygienic practices Safety and hygienic practices Safety and hygienic practices Safety and hygienic
practices while working in the was followed and conducted was followed properly. was conducted with the help of practices was not
kitchen appropriately. others. followed.
D. Select suitable plates according Plates was properly selected Plate was properly selected Plate was not suitable to the Plate was not properly
to standards and perfectly suitable to the but not suitable to the dish. dish. selected.
E. Present egg dishes egg dishes Egg dish was hygienically Egg dish was hygienically Egg dish was presented with Egg dish was presented
hygienically and attractively presented with suitable presented with some some side dishes. with no garnish and side
using suitable garnishing and garnish that can give colors, garnish. dishes.
side dishes texture and flavor to the dish.
F. Present starch/cereal dishes Cereal/Starch dish was Cereal/Starch dish was Cereal/Starch dish was Cereal/Starch dish was
with suitable plating and hygienically presented with hygienically presented with presented with some side presented with no garnish
garnishing according to suitable garnish that can give some garnish. dishes and side dishes.
standards colors, texture and flavor to
the dish.
G. Time Management Submit the output before the Submit the output on time. Submit the output the day after Submit the output 2 or more
allotted time. the allotted time. days after the allotted time.
Criteria Judge 1 Judge 2
Palatability (5 points)
Plating (5 points)
Taste (5 points)
Uniqueness and Originality (5 points)
Aroma (5 points)
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Year and sections:

Name of the dish:___________________________

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