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The Hero’s


English 12
Character’s Developmental Arc

1. Call to adventure
2. Initiation
3. Transformation
4. Return
What is the Character Developmental Arc?

• Call to Adventure
• The hero begins in a situation of “normality,” from
which some information is received that acts as a
prompt (or call) to head off into the unknown
• Initiation
• The hero is initiated into the new world with the help
of a mentor. The hero faces trials and enemies and
gains allies.
What is the Character Developmental Arc?

The hero faces ordeals where he overcomes the
main obstacle or enemy and receives a treasure or
reward for his deed.
The hero returns back to the ordinary world,
reflecting on wisdom gained on the quest.
Call to Adventure
• The protagonist
• The world they live in
• The inciting incident for the
01 02
The Ordinary The Call to
World Adventure
Call to
The Ordinary World

• The Setting – such as place, time, and other

contextual clues – is introduced.

• The main protagonist is introduced in their normal

life-style – in a fiction novel, typically a hum-drum
type of life.
The Call to Adventure

• The main protagonist, the hero, is given a task or

finds a problem they must solve.

• This task usually invites the hero on a journey away

from their normal way of life.
Refusal of Call

• The hero does not accept the task given to them.

• During this time, the hero often dwells on reasons

they should remain at home and experiences a loss
of confidence.

*** Occasionally, this step is skipped.

Introduction of:
• A mentor
• The new world
• Several challenges
04 05
Crossing the
Mentor Helper Threshold


Tests, Allies, and
Mentor Helper

• A new or existing character becomes known to the

hero as an expert in which the hero needs help in.

• The hero or mentor convince each other to take up

the task introduced in Part 1: Call to Adventure
Crossing the Threshold

• The hero, mentor, and possibly others cross the line

between their normal realm and the one where their
tasks await.

• This is not always a physical change in settings and

can be presented as a new event occurring that the
hero has never experienced.
Tests, Allies, and Enemies

• The party of characters often encounter challenges,

such as puzzles they must solve, people they must
help, or even some they must fight.

• During this time, the hero becomes stronger and

wiser to their task
Introduction to:
• The hero’s true task
• A struggle
• Reward
07 08
Approach (Death/Rebirth)


The Approach

• The hero approaches their battle to complete their


• The hero struggles with the enormity of the task.

• The hero and others accompanying them prepare for

the final struggle.

• The final struggle.

• The hero loses something (their life, their weapon,

their mentor, the battle), but returns stronger.

• The hero wins by the skin of their teeth.

The Reward

• The hero receives a precious treasure, such as a

weapon, valuable information, a kiss, or acclaim.

• In some cases, the only reward is that the hero’s task

has been accomplished.
Road Block/Hero’s
• Going home
• Understanding
repercussions of the
original task
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Road Back (Growth)
Road Back/
Hero’s Return
The Road Back

• A summary of events that happen as the hero and

company return home.

• The hero begins to comprehend what they have truly


• Needs to ensure the normal world is alright.


• The hero begins to become accepting of their travels

and growth.

• The hero accepts their new wisdom and strength.

• Others ease them into this process.

The Return

• The hero returns home in their normal, but now

changed world.

• The hero takes the reward back home and finally

accomplishes their task.

• They assume a new role in their normal world.

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