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Saturn and the 1980 and 1982 recessions

In the early 1980’s a severe economic recession affected much of the developed world, but
America’s National Bureau of Economic Research reckons the economic slump was two
separate recessions – one lasting from January to June 1980 and the other from July 1981 to
November 1982.

Saturn is the planet of recession and recessions occur when many economic variables flip
from expansion ( Jupiter) to contraction (Saturn).

They can take years to develop and creep up gradually or they can strike suddenly out of
the blue (Uranus); and an economic downturn can occur without a major stock market
crash (house 5).

The influence of Saturn – through fear and pessimism – is to reduce demand, contract
business activity, increase unemployment, reduce profits, cut costs and curtail consumer

The January – June 1980 recession

In January 1980 the US economy entered a recession that, at the time, was the most
significant since the Great Depression.

Here on Earth the Iranian Revolution in 1979 had sparked a second large round of oil
price rises (Neptune) and the Federal Reserve’s efforts to tame inflation (Neptune) through
restrictive (Saturn) monetary policy which dampened economic growth are considered to
be its two main triggers.

And in the sky Saturn had moved into orb of a high-discord square aspect with Neptune
in September 1978 and from then until September 1980 their three square aspects reached
peak power on September 14, 1979, March 26, 1980 and June 22, 1980.

Saturn square Neptune in the sky timed and scripted the January-June 1980 recession.

The July 1981 – November 1982 recession

The two recessions that occurred in America in the early 1980s were separated by a robust
but uneven and tenuous recovery and at the time two significant economic developments
occurred. The incomes of wealthy ( Jupiter) and working class Americans (Saturn) began to
diverge sharply, and Ronald Reagan’s fiscal policies led to unprecedented federal budget
deficits (Saturn) and a massive buildup of the national debt (Saturn-house 8).
On August 5, 1980 Jupiter in the sky – the planet of expansion – moved into orb of a
conjunction aspect with Saturn – the planet of contraction; and their prominence energy-
event reached peak power on December 31, 1980.

On January 15, 1981 Saturn turned retrograde and on January 24 Jupiter turned retrograde
and on March 4, 1981 they formed their second conjunction aspect.

March 1981 was an eventful month. A new Mars cycle commenced on March 19 and a new
Saturn cycle commenced on March 30 and in both cycle charts Jupiter was conjunction

On May 22, 1981 Jupiter (at 00 Libra 26) reversed its retrograde motion; and on June 5,
1981 Saturn (at 2 Libra 59) turned to direct motion; and on July 24, 1981 Jupiter and Saturn
formed their third conjunction aspect. It timed the start of the July 1981 – November 1982

America’s Jupiter-Saturn conjunction chart July 24, 1981

Chart data is July 24, 1981 at 12.19am EDT (77W01; 38N53)

Jupiter and Saturn are in house 6 (labor, workers and employees); Saturn is cusp ruler of
house 10 (business activity); and Jupiter and Saturn are sextile Sun in house 4 and square
Mars in house 3.

Saturn conjunction Pluto November 8, 1982

Jupiter moved out of orb of a conjunction aspect with Saturn in early December 1981 but
by then – in September 1981 – Saturn had moved into orb of a conjunction aspect with
Pluto. Their in-sky merger reached peak power on November 8, 1982.

Saturn moved out of orb of a conjunction aspect with Pluto in December 1983.

(Throughout 1982 the influence of Saturn was constant and pronounced as Saturn and
Pluto formed three high-discord parallel aspects on December 6, 1981, February 25, 1982 and
September 5, 1982.)

Jupiter conjunction Saturn and Saturn conjunction Pluto in the sky timed and scripted
the July 1981–November 1982 recession here on Earth.

America’s Saturn-Pluto conjunction chart November 7, 1982

Chart data is November 7, 1982 at 7.43.53pm EST (77W01; 38N53)

Saturn and Pluto (and Sun, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter) are in house 5 so the in-sky
energy-event directly impacted and influenced the stock market, entertainment industry,
children, schools and sport.

A brief timeline of what happened

In America in 1980 inflation (Neptune) soared to 13.5%; in June 1982 the prime interest rate
reached 21.5%; and in November and December 1982 (with Saturn conjunction Pluto in the
sky at peak power) unemployment reached 10.8% – the highest since the Great

By mid-1982 there were 42 bank failures ( Jupiter) as the recession and high interest rates
inflicted financial damage; but the banking industry ( Jupiter-house 2) was affected for a
long time after the economic downturn had technically ended, in November 1982. In 1983
another 50 banks failed.

The world economy remained in the doldrums throughout 1982; and high
unemployment affected OECD nations until at least 1985.

Saturn was conjunction Pluto in the sky from September 1981 to December 1983.

Related reading
March 10, 2000: The dotcom boom busts
Jupiter conjunction Saturn: December 21, 2020
More about the in-sky Jupiter-Saturn conjunction

Astrology for Aquarius – sharing our knowledge

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