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Dimensional analysis:

*the similarity between pilot scale and commercial scale can be given by different
equations containing dimensionless groups
*while doing pilot plant study, there are some critical parts for which data cannot
be obtained from previous knowledge
*we use standard theories to arrive at the equations, compare small scale with
large scale and get the similarities between them
*when we get similarity, operating conditions used in small scale can be
implemented for large scale
*dimensional analysis is a method of dimensions, it is a mathematical technique
used in research work for design and for conducting model tests, it deals with the
dimensions of the physical quantities involved in the phenomenon
*all physical quantities are measured by comparison, and is made with respect to
an arbitrarily fixed value of length L, mass M and time T are fixed dimensions and
are importance in fluid mechanics
*if heat is involved temperature is taken as a fixed dimension
Purpose of dimensional analysis:
*dimensional analysis is used for pilot scale and then implemented for large scale
*it enables us to study the behavior of system by using minimum number of
independent variables and then can arrive at a equation which shows the
behavior of the system, equation obtained is unaffected by the change in the
magnitude of the variable
*a relationship between the variables influencing a flow problem in terms of
dimensionless parameter is obtained, this helps in conducting tests on the model
(1) Frictional pressure drop ∆𝑷 for the flow of the fluid through a long straight
round pipe depends upon the length, diameter and the wall roughness of the
pipe. Average fluid velocity is u, density 𝝆 and viscosity 𝝁 of the fluid. Use
Buckingham’s method to get an equation which shows the behavior of the
𝒇 ∆𝑷, 𝒍, 𝒅, 𝒆, 𝒖, 𝝆, 𝝁 = 𝟎
∆𝑷 = 𝒇(𝒍, 𝒅, 𝒆, 𝒖, 𝝆, 𝝁)
Total number of variables =7
Total number of fundamental units = 3
Repeating variables = 𝒅, 𝒖, 𝝆 (selected in such a way that all contain terms M,L,T)
No of dimensionless groups = 7-3=4

Writing units for all equations in terms of M, L and T

𝝅𝟏 = 𝒅 𝒂 𝝆 𝒃 𝒖 𝒄 ∆𝑷
𝝅𝟐 = 𝒅 𝒂 𝝆 𝒃 𝒖 𝒄 𝒍
𝝅𝟑 = 𝒅 𝒂 𝝆 𝒃 𝒖 𝒄 𝒆
𝝅𝟒 = 𝒅 𝒂 𝝆 𝒃 𝒖 𝒄 𝝁
dimensions ∆𝑷 = 𝟐 = 𝑴𝑳−𝟏 𝑻−𝟐
𝒍 = 𝑳 , 𝒅 = 𝑳, 𝒆 = 𝑳, 𝒖 = 𝑳𝑻−𝟏 , 𝝆 = 𝑴𝑳−𝟑 , 𝝁 = 𝑴𝑳−𝟏 𝑻−𝟏

𝝅𝟏 = 𝒅 𝒂 𝝆 𝒃 𝒖 𝒄 ∆𝑷
𝒃 𝒄
= 𝑳 𝒂 𝑴𝑳−𝟑 𝑳𝑻−𝟏 𝑴𝑳−𝟏 𝑻−𝟐
= 𝑴 𝒃+𝟏 𝑳 𝒂−𝟑𝒃+𝒄−𝟏 𝑻 −𝒄−𝟐
𝒂 − 𝟑𝒃 + 𝒄 − 𝟏 = 𝟎
−𝒄 + 𝟐 = 𝟎
on solving 𝒂 = 𝟎, 𝒃 = −𝟏, 𝒄 = −𝟐
𝝅𝟏 =
dimensions ∆𝑷 = 𝟐 = 𝑴𝑳−𝟏 𝑻−𝟐
𝒍 = 𝑳 , 𝒅 = 𝑳, 𝒆 = 𝑳, 𝒖 = 𝑳𝑻−𝟏 , 𝝆 = 𝑴𝑳−𝟑 , 𝝁 = 𝑴𝑳−𝟏 𝑻−𝟏

𝝅𝟐 = 𝒅 𝒂 𝝆 𝒃 𝒖 𝒄 𝒍
𝒂 −𝟑 𝒃 −𝟏 𝒄
= 𝑴 𝒃 𝑳 𝒂−𝟑𝒃+𝒄+𝟏 𝑻 −𝒄
𝒂 − 𝟑𝒃 + 𝒄 + 𝟏 = 𝟎
−𝒄 = 𝟎
on solving 𝒂 = −𝟏, 𝒃 = 𝟎, 𝒄 = 𝟎
𝝅𝟐 =
dimensions ∆𝑷 = = 𝑴𝑳−𝟏 𝑻−𝟐
𝒍 = 𝑳 , 𝒅 = 𝑳, 𝒆 = 𝑳, 𝒖 = 𝑳𝑻−𝟏 , 𝝆 = 𝑴𝑳−𝟑 , 𝝁 = 𝑴𝑳−𝟏 𝑻−𝟏

𝝅𝟑 = 𝒅 𝒂 𝝆 𝒃 𝒖 𝒄 𝒆
𝒂 −𝟑 𝒃 −𝟏 𝒄
= 𝑴 𝒃 𝑳 𝒂−𝟑𝒃+𝒄+𝟏 𝑻 −𝒄
𝒂 − 𝟑𝒃 + 𝒄 + 𝟏 = 𝟎
−𝒄 = 𝟎
on solving 𝒂 = −𝟏, 𝒃 = 𝟎, 𝒄 = 𝟎
𝝅𝟑 =
dimensions ∆𝑷 = 𝟐 = 𝑴𝑳−𝟏 𝑻−𝟐
𝒍 = 𝑳 , 𝒅 = 𝑳, 𝒆 = 𝑳, 𝒖 = 𝑳𝑻−𝟏 , 𝝆 = 𝑴𝑳−𝟑 , 𝝁 = 𝑴𝑳−𝟏 𝑻−𝟏

𝝅𝟒 = 𝒅 𝒂 𝝆 𝒃 𝒖 𝒄 𝝁
𝒂 −𝟑 𝒃 −𝟏 𝒄
= 𝑳 𝑴𝑳 𝑳𝑻 𝑴𝑳−𝟏 𝑻−𝟏
= 𝑴 𝒃+𝟏 𝑳 𝒂−𝟑𝒃+𝒄−𝟏 𝑻 −𝒄−𝟏
𝒂 − 𝟑𝒃 + 𝒄 − 𝟏 = 𝟎
−𝒄 − 𝟏 = 𝟎
on solving 𝒂 = −𝟏, 𝒃 = −𝟏, 𝒄 = −𝟏
𝝅𝟒 =
𝝅𝟏 = 𝒇(𝝅𝟐 , 𝝅𝟑 , 𝝅𝟒 )
∆𝑷 𝒍 𝒌 𝝁
= 𝒇( , , )
𝝆𝝁𝟐 𝒅 𝒅 𝒅𝝆𝝁
k/d is relative roughness
roughness factor k has the dimension of length

For mass transfer and momentum transfer

(1) Geometric property D, H, L
(2) Flow property u, a
(3) Fluid property 𝝆, 𝝁

For heat transfer

Thermal property 𝑪𝒑 , 𝒌, 𝒉
(2) Derive the relationship for heat transfer coefficient h for natural convection
heat transfer on the assumption that coefficient h is a function of the following:
L linear dimension of the surface, Cp specific heat of the fluid, 𝝆 density of fluid,
𝝁 viscosity of fluid, k thermal conductivity of the fluid

net buoyant forces acting on the fluid which forces fluid in the upward direction
= 𝜷𝒈∆𝑻

𝜷 is the thermal coefficient of expansion of the gas (change in volume per unit
volume per unit temperature difference)

𝒉 = 𝒇(𝝆, 𝑳, 𝝁, 𝒌, 𝑪𝒑 , 𝜷, 𝒈, ∆𝜽 )
Total number of variables=7
Fundamental units =4 (M, L, T, 𝜽)
Dimensionless groups=7-4=3
Repeating variables are 𝝆, 𝑳, 𝝁, 𝒌
Type equation here.
Type equation here.
Type equation here.
(3) Derive a relationship for heat transfer coefficient for forced convection heat
transfer on the assumption that coefficient h is a function of L, specific heat of
fluid Cp, density of fluid 𝝆, viscosity of fluid 𝝁, thermal conductivity k and velocity
of fluid u. Derive the equation for the behavior of the system.
Total number of variable=7
Repeating variables=4
Dimensionless groups= 7-4=3

𝝅𝟏 = (𝑳)𝒂 𝝆𝒃 𝝁 𝒄 𝒌 𝒅 𝒉
𝝅𝟐 = (𝑳)𝒂 𝝆 𝒃 𝝁 𝒄 𝒌 𝒅 𝑪𝒑
𝝅𝟑 = 𝑳 𝒂 𝝆 𝒃 𝝁 𝒄 𝒌 𝒅 𝒖

𝝆 = 𝑴𝑳−𝟑 , 𝒍 = 𝑳 , 𝝁 = 𝑴𝑳−𝟏 𝑻−𝟏 ,𝒉 = 𝑴𝑻−𝟑 𝜽−𝟏
𝒌 = 𝑴𝑳𝑻−𝟑 𝜽−𝟏 ,𝑪𝒑 = 𝑳𝟐 𝑻−𝟐 𝜽−𝟏 ,u= 𝑳𝑻−𝟐
Type equation here.
Type equation here.
Type equation here.

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