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This session discussed the importance and fundamentals of communication.

You began by
understanding the questions you need to ask to ensure effective communication. Then
you moved on to understand the 7C’s of communication.

According to Merriam Webster dictionary, communication is “the process by which

information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs or
behavior”. Though we have been communicating forever, one needs to ensure that our
message is conveyed clearly.

Communication has a deeper meaning than sending a mail or creating a PowerPoint

presentation. It matters because it is key to cooperation among people and it involves
understanding and empathising with others. It is needed to convince people to act upon
your ideas and impress them.

The three questions one needs to ask for effective communication are: why, what, and
how? These can be described through the golden circle as shown below.

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● Every communication, be it written, spoken or even symbolic, should begin with
'why'. Why are you communicating?
● What is it that you are communicating?
● How would you communicate to the audience?

Based on the formally prescribed pattern of relationships existing between various units
of the organisation communication can be horizontal, upward or downward.

Scott M Cutlip and Allen H Center in their book titled Effective Public Relations presented
7’Cs of communication:
1. Clarity: It is directly proportional to the clarity of the objective of communication in
the mind of the communicator.
2. Completeness: 5Ws and 1H should be kept in mind for complete communication.
a. 5Ws: What, why, when, where and who
b. 1H: How

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3. Conciseness: The following points should be kept in mind for concise
a. Point structure should be followed. Make a point and present supporting
b. The entire message should be conveyed in three-four key points.
c. Make use of transitions in communication.
4. Concreteness: Facts, figures, examples, stories, anecdotes, etc., can be used to
make the message more concrete.
5. Correctness: Grammatical and factual errors might impact the perception of the
6. Consideration: One must avoid the use of inconsiderate statements.
7. Courtesy: Courtesy towards the listener is a must.

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