UG Syllabus 2018-19 Onwards

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Madras Christian College (Autonomous)

Tambaram, Chennai – 600 059

B.Sc. Syllabus (Proposed)

Effective from 2018 onwards
List of Papers offered for B. Sc. Statistics under Choice Based Credit System – June 2018
Semester Type Sub. Code** Title of the Paper Credits

General Course Introductory Statistics 4 2

Descriptive Statistics 4 4
Mathematics for Statistics 4 4
Major Practical - I 2 -#
Computer Science - I : Programming in C 4 4
Allied I
Allied Practical - I 2 -#
*General Course Introductory Statistics 4 2
Matrix Algebra 4 4
Major Probability and Random Variables 4 4
Major Practical - I 2 2
Computer Science II – MS-Excel and SPSS 4 4
Allied I
Allied Practical - I 2 2
Real Analysis 4 4
Major Distribution Theory 4 4
Major Practical - II 2 -#
Managerial Economics and Demography - I 4 4
Allied II
Allied Practical - II 2 -#
Interdisciplinary Actuarial Statistics 4 3
Theory of Estimation 4 4
Major Testing of Hypotheses 4 4
Major Practical - II 2 2
Managerial Economics and Demography - II 4 4
Allied II
Allied Practical - II 2 2
Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies (UGC Syllabus) 4 2
Operations Research 5 5
Sampling Theory 5 4
Major Regression Analysis 5 4
Statistics Using R Language 5 4
Major Practical - III 6 2
General Elective Total Quality Management 4 3
Design of Experiments 6 5
Applied Statistics 6 4
VI Major Stochastic Processes 6 4
Programming in C++ 6 4
Major Practical IV 6 3

Total Credits(Major : 75, Allied : 20) = 95

Note: Service Learning Programmes: Socio-Economic, Health, Tribal, Political Opinion Surveys, Agricultural Experiments-Presentation
Statistics (Outside the class hours)
# Major and Allied practical examinations for Semester I and II, and Semester III and IV will be conducted at the end of Semester II and
Semester IV respectively.

* One of the two General courses will be offered either in the First semester or in the Second semester by our department.

** Subject Code will be given by the Examinations Office

Marks : For each paper : Continuous Assessment 50 marks + End of Semester Examinations 50 marks = 100 Marks

CBCS - I Year – I Semester


General Course No. of Hours/Week: 4

Credits: 2

Unit 1:

Introduction: Definition of Statistical data – Statistical methods – Functions of Statistics-

Applications of Statistics.

Unit 2:

Collection of Data: Method of collecting primary and secondary data – census, sampling
methods – Lottery method - Table of random numbers – Essentials of sampling.

Unit 3:

Pictorial Representation of data: Bar diagrams – Pie diagrams – Histogram – Ogives.

Unit 4:

Classification : Types of classification – Formulation of discrete and continuous frequency

distribution - Measures of Location : Mean, Median, Mode, Quartiles - Measures of variation:
Variance and Standard deviation.

Unit 5:

Simple correlation and regression : Introduction, Scatter diagram, Karl Pearson’s coefficient
of correlation - rank correlation - simple regression - Attributes and association of attributes

(Correlation coefficient of bivariate distribution is not included.

No mathematical derivations. Simple problems only)

Books for study:

1. Gupta, S. P (2001), Statistical Methods, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi (Chapters 1,
2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12).

CBCS - B. Sc. Statistics – I Year – I Semester

Major Paper No. of Hours/Week: 4

Credits: 4

Unit 1:

Statistics: An Overview – Data Sources – Frequency distribution (Uni-variate and Bi-variate)

– Types of data and Forms of Frequency Distributions – Cumulative and Relative
Frequencies- Graphical representation of statistical data: Bar charts, Pie diagram, Histogram,
Ogives – Charting Time Series.

Unit 2:

Measures of Central tendency: Arithmetic Mean – Weighted Arithmetic Mean - Median,

Mode, Harmonic Mean, Geometric Mean – Quartiles, Deciles and Percentiles – Mathematical

Unit 3:

Measures of dispersion and their Properties: Range, Quartile deviation, Mean deviation
(about mean, median and mode) – Variance and standard deviation (Ungrouped Data -
Grouped Data) – Coefficient of Variation - Moments, skewness and kurtosis – Comparison of
Measures - Change of Scale for a Frequency Distribution.

Unit 4:

Simple correlation and regression : Introduction – Scatter diagram – Karl Pearson’s

coefficient of correlation – Properties of correlation coefficients - Spearman’s rank
correlation – Simple regression – Properties of regression coefficients

Unit 5:

Association of Attributes – Order of classes and class frequencies – Relation between class
frequencies – Consistency association – Comparison of observed and expected frequencies
methods – Proportion method – Yule’s coefficient of Association.

*Please avoid numerical problems involving calculators as they are done in Major Practical.

Books for study :

1. Gupta, S. P (2002), Statistical Methods, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi (Unit 1).

2. Gupta, S. C and Kapoor, V. K (2002), Fundamental of Mathematical Statistics, Sultan

Chand and Sons (Unit 2, 3, 4, 5).

CBCS - B. Sc. Statistics – I Year – I Semester


Major Paper No. of Hours/Week: 4

Credits: 4


Successive Differentiation - Partial differentiation -Notion of differentials - Maxima and

minima of functions of two variables.

Unit 2:

Integration - Properties of definite integrals - Reduction formula.

Unit 3:

Beta and Gamma functions: Definitions - Recurrence formula of Gamma functions -

properties of Beta functions – Relationship between Beta and Gamma functions.

Unit 4:

Differential equations : Exact differential equations of first order - Differential equations of

first order - Differential equations of second order with constant coefficients.

Unit 5:

Introduction to Laplace transforms - Standard transforms - Inverse Laplace transforms -

Application to solutions of ordinary differential equations.

Books for Study :

Narayanan, S and Manikavachagam Pillay, T. K (1998), Ancillary Mathematics, S.

Viswanathan Publishers, Chennai.

Books for Reference :

Sudha, S (1998), Calculus, Emerald Publishers, Chennai.

CBCS - B. Sc. Statistics – 1 Year – I Semester


Allied Paper I No. of Hours/Week: 4

Credits: 4

Unit 1:

Basic structure of C programs - constants - variables - data types - symbolic constants – Operators -
Arithmetic Expressions – Type conversions - Input/output operations

Unit 2:

Decision making and branching: if -nested if - else if - switch statement - :? Operator- Unconditional
branching: goto statement.

Decision making and looping: for- nested for- while and do-while loops - continue and break

Unit 3:

Arrays - declaration and initialization of one and two-dimensional arrays – User-defined functions:
function declaration and initialization- argument types – arrays and functions– introductory concept
of recursion - scope of variable - storage classes - external, static, automatic and register types

Unit 4:

Structures: declaration and initialization - Arrays of structures – Unions - Pointers: Declaration and
initialization- - pointers and arrays - pointers as function arguments– Pointers and structures

Unit 5:

File management – Sequential File – Input / Output operations – Error handling - simple applications-
command line argument.

Programs may be asked in any Unit covering the relevant portions including simple Statistical
Problems and Matrix Operations.

Book for Study :

Balagurusamy, E (2007), Programming in Ansi C, 5th edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.
Unit I: Chapters 1.8, 2.5-2.11, 3.1- 3.7, 3.10-3.14, 4.1 – 4.5
Unit II: Chapters 5.1 -5.9, 6.1 – 6.4
Unit III: Chapters 7.1-7.6, 9.1 – 9.17, 9.19
Unit IV: Chapter 10.1 -10.5, 10.8, 10.12, 11.1 – 11.6, 11.10, 11.13, 11.16
Unit V: Chapter 12.1 – 12.5, 12.7

Books for Reference:

1. Kernighan and Ritchie (1986), The C Programming Language, Prentice Hall of India,
New Delhi.

2. Gottfried, B. S (1992), Programming with C, Schaum's outline series, Singapore.

CBCS - B. Sc. Statistics – I Year – II Semester


Major Paper No. of Hours/Week: 4

Credits: 4

Unit 1:

Matrix Algebra : Definition – Types of Matrices - Rectangular – Square – Null - Identity – Diagonal –
Scalar - Triangular matrices - Algebra of Matrices : Addition - Scalar multiplication - Multiplication
of matrices - Properties of Matrix addition - Multiplication – Conjugate matrices – Transpose and
Transjugate matrices – Trace of a matrix – Symmetric, Skew-symmetric, Hermitian, Skew-Hermitian,
Orthogonal, Unitary, Idempotent, Nilpotent matrices and their properties.

Unit 2:

Adjoint and inverse : Adjoint matrices – Properties – Inverse of a matrix – Properties – Elementary
transformations – Minor and cofactor of a matrix - Methods of finding inverse : Adjoint and
elementary transformation methods - Matrix representation of a set of equations - Solutions of
simultaneous equations using matrix inverse method.

Unit 3:

Rank of a matrix: Definition– Normal form – Use of rank concepts – Linear homogeneous and non
homogeneous equations – Consistency of equations - Solutions for linear equations.

Unit 4:

Characteristic Roots and Vectors: Definition – Characteristic roots of Null, Identity, Scalar, Diagonal,
Upper triangular, Lower triangular matrices – Characteristic roots of adjoint and inverse of a matrix –
Properties of characteristic roots – Characteristic vectors and their Properties.

Unit 5:

Quadratic forms: Definition– Reduction of QFs to canonical forms – Congruent and Lagrange
reductions – Index and Signature of QFs.

Vector spaces: Definition - Examples - Simple algebraic properties of a vector space – Basis and
Dimensions - Linear dependence of vectors.

*Please avoid numerical problems involving calculators as they are done in Major Practical
Books for Study:
1. Gupta, S. C (1978), An Introduction to Matrices, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi.

Books for Reference:

2. Shanthi Naryanan (1997), A Text Book of Matrices, Sultan and Chand and Sons, Ninth edition,
3. Hohn, F. E (1971), Elementary Matrix Algebra, Amerind Publishing Company, Second
Edition, New Delhi.
4. Vatsa, B. S and Vatsa, S (2014), Theory of Matrices, New Age International Publishers, Third
edition ,New Delhi, India.
5. Vasishtha, A. R (2007), Matrices, Krishna Prakashan Media Pvt. Ltd, Thirty Second edition,
Uttar Pradesh, India.
CBCS - B. Sc. Statistics – I Year – II Semester


Major Paper No. of Hours/Week: 4

Credits: 4

Unit 1
Basic concepts of Probability - Trial, Events, Random Experiments, Sample space- Classical
and empirical approach to probability and their limitations –Types of events: Exhaustive,
Mutually exclusive, Equally likely and Independent events - Axiomatic approach to
probability - Basic theorems on probability using axiomatic approach - Addition theorem on
probability for n-events, Boole’s inequality.
Unit 2
Conditional probability – Multiplication theorem on probability for n-events. Independence
of events –Pair-wise independence and mutual independence – Bayes’ theorem and Simple
Unit 3
Random variables: Discrete and continuous random variables - Probability mass function and
probability density function- Bi-variate random variables : Joint probability density function -
Marginal and conditional density functions - Stochastic independence.
Unit 4
Mathematical expectation - Variance, Covariance and their properties - Marginal and
conditional expectations - Conditional variances - Correlation - Relationship between
unconditional and conditional expectations.
Unit 5
Moment generating function and its properties - Cumulant generating function- Characteristic
function - Probability generating functions (Concepts only) - Cauchy-Schwartz Inequality
and its applications - Chebyshev’s Inequality and its applications.
(Each concept in the above units is to be discussed with simple examples).

Book for Study:

1. Gupta, S.C and Kapoor, V. K (2002), Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, Sultan
Chand and Sons, New Delhi.
Books for Reference:
1. Hogg, R. V and Craig, A. T (2006), Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, Pearson
Education, New Delhi.
2. Saxena, H. C (1968), Statistical Inference, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi.

CBCS - B. Sc. Statistics – I Year – II Semester

Allied Paper I No. of Hours/Week: 4

Credits: 4


Unit 1 :

Layout of MS-Excel window- The work book and work sheet-Elements of

Worksheet: Row, Column, Cell- Cell reference: Relative and absolute – labels and names –

Formula: Data types- Arithmetic operators – expression- text data-Alignment-Numerical

value display. Formats- custom formats.

File menu: New, Open, Save, Print worksheet

Edit Menu: Copy, Cut, Paste, Drag Drop – Insert, Delete cells- inserting rows and columns -
Find and Replace.

Unit 2 :

Graph: Creating graphs – Chart wizard- Bar, Line, Pie, XY chart- Customizing Charts

Functions :

Relational, Text, reference operators and expressions.

Date and Time functions : DATE, DAY, MONTH, YEAR, DATEIF, TIME, HOUR,



Simple applications.

Unit 3 :

Logical functions : IF, AND, OR, NOT, TRUE and FALSE.


Mathematical functions : ABS, CEILING, COS, COUNTIF, EXP, FACT, FLOOR, INT,

Data Manager - Descriptive Statistics, Histogram, Correlation, Regression.

Simple applications.

Unit 4 :

Introduction : Observations and Variables, Quantitative or Measurement Variable on

Interval Scale, Qualitative Variable on Nominal Scale, Ranked Variable on Ordinal Scale.

SPSS Data File: Opening a Data File in SPSS – Variable View, Data View, Entering Data
into the Data Editor, Saving the Data File. Editing and Manipulating Data : Inserting a New
Variable, Rearranging the Order of Variable in the Variable View, Deleting and Rearranging
Items from the Viewer. Usage of Data, Transform, Analyse and Graphs menus – Editing and
copying and printing SPSS output – Importing Data from Excel File.

Descriptive Statistics with SPSS: Charts and Graphs: Simple Bar charts, Pie Chart, Scatter
Plot and Dot plots, Line graphs, Histogram –

Unit 5 :

Formation of Discrete and Continuous Univariate frequency distribution - Measures of

central tendency - Measures of variation

Correlation and Regression with SPSS: Simple correlation (Karl Pearson’s Method) -
Rank correlation ( Spearman’s method) – Simple linear regression equation, Scatter plot and
line of best fit – Questionnaire Analysis ( Uni-variate and Bi- variate tables ) – Chi square
test with SPSS for independence of Attributes.

Books for Study :

1. Ananthi Sheshasayee and Sheshasayee, G, (2003), Computer Applications in Business

and Management, Margham Publications, Chennai.

2. Rajathi, A. and Chandran, P. (2010), SPSS for you, MJP Publishers, Chennai.

Books for Reference :

1. Singh, V. P. and Singh, M. (1998), MS-Excel, Megabyte Series, Asian Publishers, New

2. Andy Field (2006), Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, SAGE Publications , London.

CBCS - B. Sc. Statistics – I Year – II Semester


Major Practical No. of Hours/Week: 2 for 2 Semesters

Credits: 2

Semester I:

1) Formulation of continuous frequency distribution.

2) Measures of Central tendency :

a. Calculation of Mean, Median, Mode, Harmonic mean, Geometric mean,

b. Quartiles, Deciles and Percentiles

3) Measures of Dispersion :

a. Calculation of range and quartile deviation

b. Mean deviation about mean, median and mode
c. Standard deviation, variance and coefficient of variation
d. Moments, Skew ness and Kurtosis
e. Association of attributes

Semester II:

4) Coefficient of Correlation and Regression :

a. Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation (Raw and Grouped data)

b. Spearman’s Rank correlation
c. Regression equations

5) Matrices :
a. Multiplication of matrices
b. Adjoint and Inverse of a matrix of order upto [4x4]
c. Rank of a matrix
d. Solution of linear equations
e. Characteristic roots and vectors
f. Reduction of quadratic forms

* A minimum of 25 exercises to be done covering all the above topics.

CBCS - B. Sc. Statistics – I Year –Semesters I and II


Allied Practical No. of Hours/Week: 2 for 2 Semesters

Credits: 2

C Programs:

1. Finding Minimum, Maximum, Range, Coefficient of range.

2. Calculating mean and median for individual and discrete case of data.

3. Calculating Geometric mean and harmonic mean.

4. Calculating Quartile deviations, Variance, Standard Deviation, Coefficient of Quartile

deviations and Coefficient of variance.

5. Calculating Skewnwss, Bowley’s coefficient of skewness, first four moments.

6. Simple correlation and regression.

7. Matrix operations: Addition, Multiplication, trace, transpose and inverse of matrix.

MS Excel :

(i) Creation of MS Excel workbook and worksheet

(ii) Simple Statistical computation : Min, Max, Range, Mean, Median, Mode,

Standard deviation, Coefficient of Variation, Correlation Coefficient,

and Regression Lines

(iii) Creating Graphs : Bar, Pie, XY, Histogram, Line graphs.


(i) Creation of SPSS Data sheet.

(ii) Simple Statistical computation : Min, Max, Range, Mean, Median, Mode,

Standard deviation, Coefficient of Variation, Correlation Coefficient,

and Regression Lines

(iii) Creating Graphs : Bar, Pie, XY, Histogram, Line graphs.

CBCS - B. Sc. Statistics – II Year – III Semester


Major Paper No. of Hours/Week: 4

Credits: 4

Unit 1:

Sets and functions : Sets and elements, Operation on sets – Functions - Real-valued functions
- Equivalence - Countability - Real numbers - Least upper bounds. (Chapter 1: 1.1 to 1.7).

Unit 2:

Sequences of real numbers : Definition of a sequence and a subsequence - Limit of a

sequence - Convergent and divergent sequences - Bounded sequences - Monotone sequences
- operations on convergent and divergent sequences - Limit superior and limit inferior
(Definition only) - Cauchy sequences (Chapter 2: 2.1 to 2.10).

Unit 3:

Series of real numbers : Convergence and divergence - Series with nonnegative terms -
Alternating series - Conditional convergence and absolute convergence - Tests for absolute
convergence - Series whose terms form a non-increasing sequence (Chapter 3: 3.1 to 3.4,
3.6, 3.7).

Unit 4:

Sets of measure zero - Definition of Riemann integral - Existence of Riemann integral -

Properties of Riemann integral – Derivability (Chapter 7: 7.1, 7.2, 7.4 and 7.5).

Unit 5:

Rolle’s Theorem - The law of the Mean – Generalized law of the Mean – First and Second
Fundamental theorems of integral calculus (Chapter 7: 7.6 to 7.8).

Book for Study:

1. Goldberg, R. Richard (1970), Methods of Real Analysis, Oxford and IBH

Publishing Co. Private Ltd., New Delhi.

Books for Reference:

1. H. L. Royden (1988), Real Analysis (Third Edition), Prentice – Hall of India Private
Ltd., New Delhi.

CBCS - B. Sc. Statistics – II Year – III Semester


Major Paper No. of Hours/Week: 4

Credits: 4

Unit 1:

Probability distribution function and its Properties - Points of infinite discontinuity of

probability distribution functions - Derivations of probability density functions of
transformations of one-dimensional random variables - Derivations of probability density
functions only with respect to sum, difference, product and quotient of two-dimensional
random variables.

Unit 2:

Discrete distributions : Binomial, Trinomial and Multinomial distributions and their

properties - Poisson, Negative Binomial and Geometric distributions and their Moments,
Moment generating function, Characteristic function, Cumulants.

Unit 3:

Continuous distributions : Normal, Uniform, Exponential, Gamma and Beta distributions and
their properties.

Unit 4:

Sampling distributions : Chi-square, Student’s t and F distributions - Derivation of their

density functions and their properties, Comparison of t, F and Chi-square distributions.

Unit 5:

Basic Central Limit Theorem (statement only) - Limiting distributions : Poisson distribution
as a limiting case of Binomial - Poisson distribution as a limiting case of Negative Binomial
distribution - Convergence of Binomial, Poisson, Gamma and Chi-square distribution to
Normal distribution using Moment generating function, Limiting form of t distribution -
Convergence of F distribution to Chi-square distribution.

Books for Study :

1. Gupta, S. C and Kapoor, V. K (2002), Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, Sultan

Chand and Sons, New Delhi.

Books for Reference :

1. Hogg, R. V and Craig, A. T (2002), Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, Pearson

Education Asia, India.
CBCS - B. Sc. Statistics – II Year – III Semester
Allied Paper II No. of Hours/Week: 4
Credits: 4
Unit 1:
Health Statistics: Introduction – Utilization of basic data - Sources of health statistics - Problems in the
collection of sickness data - Measurements of sickness.

Hospital statistics: Introduction – Terminology – Some Indices - International classification of diseases.

Introduction to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – Transition from Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs) – What is 2030 Agenda? – 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) driving the global development
agenda. Multi-level review processes and indicators - Ten principles for Global Monitoring Indicators – Key
Indices – Multidimensional Poverty Index.

Unit 2:
Vital Statistics: Introduction – Use of Vital Statistics - Methods of Obtaining Vital Statistics – Basic formulae
for calculation of vital statistics.

Measures of mortality rates: Crude Death Rate - Specific death rate – Causes of death rate - Infant mortality rate
- Neonatal mortality rate - Foetal death rate - Maternal Mortality rate -– Early Child Development Index (ECDI)
– GNI per capita (PPP, current US$ Atlas method) – Index on ICT maturity – Gini Coefficient – Human
Mobility Governance Index – Global food loss index.

Standardised Death rates: Direct and indirect standardization of death rates.

Unit 3:
Measures of Fertility: Crude Birth Rate - General and specific fertility rates - General Marital Fertility Rate -
Age specific fertility rate - Total fertility rate - Gross reproduction rate - Net reproduction rate.

Life Tables: Introduction – Notations and Terminology – Expectation of Life – Stationary and Stable
Populations – Central Mortality rate – Force of Mortality – Assumptions, Description and construction of life
table - Uses of life tables.

Unit 4:
Demography: Population growth - Age and sex composition - Dependency ratios – Demographic Transition -
Population Estimation – Methods of Natural Increase Method – Arithmetic Progression Method – Geometric
Progression Method- Comparison of the three methods.

Unit 5:
Growth Curves and their fitting: Introduction – Least Square method - Linear growth curve - Modified
exponential curve - Gompertz curve - Logistic curve.

Note: Please avoid numerical problems involving calculators as they are done in Allied Practical
Books for Study and Reference:
1. Sundar Rao, P. S. S and Richard, J (1999), An Introduction to Bio-Statistics and Research
Methods, Prentice Hall of India (IV Edition), PHI Publications, New Delhi.( Chapter 18, Chapter 19
& Chapter 21)
2. Gupta, S. C and Kapoor, V. K (2001), Fundamentals of Applied Statistics, Sultan Chand and
sons, New Delhi. (Chapter 2: Section 2.4.3 & 2.4.4 and Chapter 9)
3. Baskar, D. Misra (2000), An Introduction to the Study of Population, South Asian Publishers
Pvt. Ltd.
4. Indicators and a Monitoring Framework for the Sustainable Development Goals (2015). A report of
the United Nations.

CBCS - B. Sc. Statistics – II Year – III Semester
Inter Disciplinary Paper No. of Hours/Week: 4
Credits: 3
(Theory 60% and Problems 40%)
Unit 1:

Simple and Compound interest - Present value and accumulated value at fixed rate / varying rate of
interest – Effective rate of interest corresponding to a nominal and effective rate – Simple problems.
Annuity - Type of annuities (excluding perpetuity) – Derivation of the formula for 𝑎𝑛⅂ , 𝑠𝑛⅂ , 𝑎̈ 𝑛⅂ and
𝑠̈𝑛⅂ , Relationship between 𝑎𝑛⅂ and 𝑠𝑛⅂ - Derivation of the formula for 𝑚|𝑎𝑛⅂ and 𝑚|𝑠𝑛⅂ - Simple

Unit 2:
𝑝 𝑝 𝑝 𝑝
Derivations of the formula for 𝑎𝑛⅂ , 𝑠𝑛⅂ , 𝑎̈ 𝑛⅂ and 𝑠̈𝑛⅂ - Simple problems.

Redemption of loan by uniform yearly payment – Definition of sinking fund – Redemption of loan by
sinking fund (uniform yearly payment) -Simple problems.

Unit 3:

Mortality: Mortality experience - Mortality tables – Construction of mortality tables - Expectation of


Unit 4:

Principles of insurances - Types of assurance: Temporary assurance, Pure endowment, Endowment

assurance and whole life assurance – Expression for present value of assurance benefits under -
Temporary assurance, Pure endowment, Endowment assurance and whole life assurance – Simple

Unit 5:

Net premium for assurance and annuity plans : Natural premium – Level annual premium –
Mathematical expressions for level annual premium under Temporary assurance, Pure endowment,
Endowment assurance and whole life assurance – Simple problems involving the calculation of level
annual premium / Net annual premium under the four types of plan only.

Books for Study:

1. Mathematical Basis of Life Assurance (IC-81) (2005), Published by Insurance Institute of India,

Books for Reference:

1. Frenk Ayres, J. R (1983), Theory and Problems of Mathematics of Finance, Schaum’s Outline
Series, McGraw-Hill book Company, Singapore.

2. Benjamin and pollard, J. H (1980), Analysis of Mortality and other Actuarial Statistics, Second
Edition, Heinemann, London.

3. Gupta, S. C and Kapoor, V. K (2001), Fundamentals of Applied Statistics, Sultan Chand and
Sons, New Delhi.

4. Shaillaja R Deshmuk (2009), Actuarial Statistics an Introduction using R, University

Press, India.
CBCS - B.Sc. Statistics – II Year – IV Semester


Major Paper No. of Hours/Week: 4

Credits: 4
Unit 1:
Introduction - Estimator - Properties of Good Estimator - Unbiasedness – Biased Estimator - Mean Square Error
– Consistency – Properties - Sufficient Conditions for Consistency.

Unit 2:
Minimum Variance Unbiased (MVU) Estimator - Uniqueness of MVU Estimator - Cramer - Rao Inequality and
its Importance - Minimum Variance Bound (MVB) estimator - Condition for MVB estimators to exist.
Unit 3:
Sufficiency – Completeness - Factorisation Theorem - Rao–Blackwell Theorem - Lehman-Scheffe Theorem –
Unit 4:
Methods of Estimation: Maximum Likelihood Estimation - Properties of Maximum Likelihood Estimation

(without proof) - Moment Estimation - Minimum  2 Estimation - Modified Minimum  2 Estimation - Least
Square Estimation (Methods and Concepts Only).
Bayesian Estimation: Elements of Bayes’ Estimation – Prior and Posterior Distributions - Loss Functions –
Bayes Risk. (Definitions Only)
Unit 5:
Interval Estimation: Introduction - Confidence Intervals for Mean (Known S.D. & Unknown SD), Confidence
Intervals for difference of Means - Confidence Intervals for Variance and Ratio of Variances.
Note: Problems only related to Bernoulli, Binomial, Poisson, Normal and Exponential Distributions.

Books for Study:

1. Gupta, S. C and Kapoor, V. K (2002), Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, Sultan Chand and
Sons, New Delhi. (Chapter 17)
2. Goon, A. M., Gupta, M.K., and Dasgupta, B. (1980), An Outline of Statistical Theory (Volume II), The
World Press Private Limited, Calcutta. (Chapter 1, Chapter 2 & Chapter 3)
3. Mood, A. M, Graybill, F. A and Boes, D. C (1998), Introduction to the Theory of Statistics, McGraw-Hill,
New York. (Chapter 11)
4. Sinha, S.K., (1998), Bayesian Estimation, New Age International Publishers. (Chapter 1)
Books for Reference:
1. Rohatgi, V.K. and Saleh, A.K.M.E., (2009), An Introduction to Probability and Statistics, Wiley Series,
India Edition.
2. Hogg, R. V and Craig, A. T (2002), Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, Pearson Education Asia, India.
3. Manoj Kumar Srivastava, Abdul Hamid khan and Namita Srivastava (2014), Statistical Inference: Theory of
Estimation, PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi.
4. Rajagopalan, M and Dhanavanthan. P (2012): Statistical Inference, PHI Learning Private Limited, New

CBCS - B.Sc. Statistics – II Year – IV Semester


Major Paper No. of Hours/Week: 4

Credits: 4

Unit 1:

Hypothesis : Simple and composite hypotheses – Null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis – Test -
Critical region – Type I error and Type II error – Power of the test – Steps involved in solving testing
statistical hypothesis – Most Powerful Test – Neymann–Pearson Lemma – Simple applications.

Unit 2:

Most Powerful Tests : Randomised test for the parameters of binomial and Poisson distributions –
Critical regions and sufficient statistics – Uniformly Most Powerful Tests – Power function and power
curve – UMP tests for the parameters of univariate binomial, Poisson, normal and exponential

Unit 3:

Likelihood Ratio Test (LRT) : Definition of LRT - Properties of LRT tests (Statements only) – LRT
for the mean and LRT of the variance of univariate normal population – Test for equality of means of
2 independent univariate normal populations with common unknown variance – Test for equality of
variances of 2 independent univariate normal populations.

Unit 4:

Tests of significance (procedures only): One-tailed and two-tailed tests – Tests of significance of
mean, Difference of means, Variance, Equality of two variances of univariate normal distributions
and correlation coefficient .

Test of independence of attributes - Homogeneity of variances of normal distributions – Homogeneity

of correlation coefficients.

Unit 5:

Non-parametric methods : Sign test for one sample and 2 samples – Signed ranked test for one
sample and 2 samples – Median test – Mann-Whitney–Wilcoxon U–test – Wald - Wolfowitz Run test
– Test of Randomness of a sample.

Books for Study :

1. Gupta, S. C and Kapoor , V. K (2002), Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, Sultan

Chand and Sons, New Delhi (Relevant Chapters and Sections only).

Books for Reference :

1. Hogg, R. V and Craig, A. T (2002), Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, Pearson

Education Asia, India.

2. Mood, A. M, Graybill, F. A and Boes, D. C (1998), Introduction to the Theory of Statistics,

McGraw-Hill, New York.
CBCS - B.Sc. Statistics – II Year – IV Semester


Allied Paper II No. of Hours/Week: 4

Credits: 4

Unit 1:

Scope and methods of Managerial Economics – Laws of demand , Demand schedule (Individual and Market) -
Demand function - Factors influencing the demand - Exception to the law of demand – Elasticity of demand
with respect to price and income - Factors affecting the elasticity of demand - Partial elasticity of demand with
respect to price - Simple problems in elasticity of demand. Labour Force Participation Rate – Work Force
Participation Rate – Employment and Unemployment Ratios – Elasticity of Labour demand – Labour force
productivity. Measurements of Labour productivity.

Unit 2:

Supply – Factors affecting the supply of commodity and workforce – Migration statistics (Social and Economic
analysis of migration) – Relation between demand and supply – Utility – Concepts of utility – Concept of
human wants – Maximisation of utility – Marginal and total utility – Law of diminishing marginal utility –
Indifference curves and map – Properties of indifference curve – Price line – Simple problems.

Unit 3:

Cost Analysis – Different types of cost - Total, average and marginal cost functions - Relation between average
and marginal costs - Problems related to total, average and marginal costs – Revenue - Total, average and
marginal revenue functions and their relationship - Simple problems related to maximization of total revenue.

Unit 4:

Market Structure – Definition of Market - Perfect completion - Pure competition - Monopolistic competition and
duopolistic competition (Only concept) - Profit maximisation – Profit function - Cournot solution to monopoly
problem for maximization problem - Joint monopoly and discriminating monopoly - Problems related to profit
maximization under monopoly. Duopoly - Conjectural variation and reaction curves - Simple maximization
problem under duopoly.

Unit 5:

Theoretical Production functions – Mathematical definition of production function - Constant product curves
(Isoquant) - Average and marginal productivity - Homogenous production functions – Properties of linearly
homogeneous production function – Cobb-Douglas production function – C. E. S. production function -
Simple problems.
Books for Study :
1. Varma and Agarwal (1998): Managerial Economics, Sultan Chand and Company, New Delhi.

2. Mehta and Madhnani (2001): Mathematics for Economists, Sultan Chand and Company, New
Delhi (Chapters 6, 8, and 9).

Books for References :

1. G.S. Gupta (2011): Managerial Economics , McGraw Hill Education , New Delhi.
2. E.Narayanan Nadar and S.Vijayan(2012) : Managerial Economics , PHI Learning Private Ltd, New
3. Measuring Productivity: Measurement of Aggregate and Industry-level Productivity Growth (2001), OECD

CBCS - B. Sc. Statistics – II Year – IV Semester


Major Practical No. of Hours/Week: 2 for 2 Semesters

Credits: 2

1) Fitting of discrete distributions and testing the goodness of fit :

a. Binomial distribution
b. Poisson distribution
c. Geometric distribution
d. Negative Binomial distribution

2) Fitting of continuous distributions and testing goodness of fit :

a. Normal distribution (Using Area and Ordinate methods)
b. Exponential Distribution

3) Estimation of parameters by the method of moments and maximum likelihood for

a. Binomial distribution
b. Poisson distribution
c. Normal distribution

4) Derivation of confidence intervals for the parameters of

a. Binomial distribution
b. Poisson distribution
c. Exponential distribution
d. Normal distribution
5) Test of Hypothesis :
a. Power of the test
b. Test of significance
i. Mean
ii. Difference of means and variance
iii. Equality of two variances from normal distribution
iv. Test of significance of correlation coefficients
6) Non-parametric methods :
a. Sign test
b. Signed rank test
c. Median test
d. Mann Whitney U-test
e. Wald – Wolfowitz run test
f. Test of randomness of sample
* A minimum of 25 exercises to be done covering all the above topics.

For Internal Evaluation only:

Students are expected to be familiar with Statistical analysis using SPSS (Test of
Significance and Non-parametric methods)

CBCS - B. Sc. Statistics – II Year – IV Semester


Allied Practical No. of Hours/Week: 2 for 2 Semesters

Credits: 2

1) Measures of mortality :
a. Crude death rates
b. Standardised death rates
c. Specific death rates
d. Infant mortality rates

2) Simple Life tables

3) Measures of Fertility :
a. Crude birth rates
b. Specific birth rates
c. General fertility rates
d. General marital fertility rates
e. Gross and net reproduction rates

4) Fitting of Growth Curves :

a. Linear growth curve
b. Exponential growth curve
c. Modified exponential growth curve
d. Gompertz curve
e. Logistic curve

5) Numerical Methods :

a. Interpolation-Equal Intervals
b. Newtons Forward and Backward Difference Formulae
c. Divided Differences and Lagrange’s Formula
d. Central Difference formulae :
Gauss Forward, Backward, Stirling’s
e. Inverse Interpolation by Lagrange’s Formula
f. Solution of equations by Newton-Rahpson method
g. Numerical Integration
Traphezoidal Rule, Simpson’s 1/3 and Simpson’s 3/8 .

For Internal Evaluation only:

Students are expected to be familiar with the Statistical computation using Excel and C
programming (Measures of mortality, Simple Life tables, Measures of Fertility and
Numerical Methods).

CBCS - B. Sc. Statistics – III Year – V Semester


Major Paper No. of Hours/Week: 5

Credits: 5

Unit 1: Introduction to Operations Research and Linear Programming Problem

Introduction to Operations Research – O.R. Models – Phases of an O.R. study, Linear

programming – Formulation – Graphical solution.

Unit 2: Linear Programming Problem – Simplex method

Simplex method – Artificial Variables – Penalty method – Two-Phase method – Special

cases in LPP – Dual problems and Duality theory.

Unit 3: Transportation, Assignment and Sequencing Models

Transportation models : Definition – Initial solution by North West Corner method – Least
Cost Entry method – Vogel’s Approximation method – Optimal solution using MODI
method – Unbalanced problems – Degeneracy.

Assignment model : Definition – Solution by Hungarian Algorithm

Unit 4: Game theory

Sequencing Problems: Assumptions – n jobs through two machines – n jobs through m


Game theory: Rectangular game – Optimal solution of a two-person zero sum game -
Dominance rules– Solution of mixed strategy game by Algebraic method, Graphical method
and Linear Programming Method.

Unit 5: Project Network Analysis

Critical Path Method - Network Diagram – Determination of the floats- Evaluation of critical

PERT – Different time estimates – Probability considerations.

*Kindly avoid numerical problems involving calculators as they are done in Major

Books for Study :

1. Kapoor, V. K (2008), Operations Research – Quantitative Techniques for

Management, 8th edition, Reprint – 2010, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi.

Unit 1 – Chapters 1 and 2

Unit 2 – Chapters 3 and 4 (Exclude Section 4.7)

Unit 3 – Chapter 7

Unit 4 – Chapter 11

Unit 5 – Chapter 13 (Exclude Sections 13.7, 13.8 and 13.9)

2. Hamdy, A Taha, (2005), Operations Research, An Introduction, 8th edition, Macmillan

Publishing Co.

Unit 1 – Chapters 1 and 2.

Unit 2 – Chapter 3 (Exclude Section 3.4)

Unit 3 – Chapter 6

Books for Reference :

1. Kanthi Swarup, Gupta P. K and Manmohan (2003), Problems in Operations Research,

Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi.

2. Gupta, P. K and Hira, D. S, (1986), Operations Research-An Introduction, Sultan

Chand and Sons, New Delhi.

3. F.S. Hillier and G.J. Lieberman : Introduction to Operations Research- Concepts and

Cases, 9thEdition, Tata McGraw Hill. 2010.

4. Martin Osborne, An Introduction to Game Theory, Oxford University Press, 2003.

CBCS - B. Sc. Statistics – III Year – V Semester

Major Paper No. of Hours/Week: 5

Credits: 4
Unit 1:
Census and sample survey- Advantages and disadvantages of sampling- Principles of sampling theory-
Probability and Non-probability sampling-Planning of large-scale sample surveys – Methods of measurements –
Questionnaire versus Schedule – The Frame – The Pretest – Integrated multi-subject survey – Operations
required for survey analysis – Dangers of easy-to-use statistical packages – Sources of sampling and non-
sampling errors.
Unit 2:
Simple random sampling - Procedures of selecting a random sample -Properties of the estimates and their
variances - The finite population correction - Estimation of the standard error from a sample - Confidence
limits - Random sampling with and without replacement.
Unit 3:
Sampling proportions and percentages – Qualitative characteristics - Variances of the sample estimates - The
estimation of sample size - Formulae for n - Inverse sampling - Sample size with more than one item.
Unit 4:
Stratified random sampling - Principles and advantages of stratification - Properties of the estimates and their
variances - Optimum allocation in Stratified Sampling - Proportional allocation – Relative precision of Stratified
random and simple random sampling - Estimation of gain in precision due to stratification - Stratified Sampling
for proportions.
Unit 5:
Systematic Sampling - Advantages and disadvantages - Variance of the estimated mean - Comparison of
systematic sampling with simple random sampling -Comparison of systematic with stratified random sampling -
Populations with linear trend - Circular systematic sampling - Single-stage cluster sampling with clusters of
equal sizes – Variance in terms of intra cluster correlation- Relative efficiency of cluster sampling- Cluster
sampling for proportions.

Book for study :

1. William, G. Cochran (1977), Sampling Techniques, 3rd edition, Wiley Eastern Limited, New
Books for Reference :
1. Parimal Mukhopadhyay (1998), Theory and Methods of Survey Sampling, Prentice Hall of India,
New Delhi.
2. Frank Yates (1981), Sampling Methods for Censuses and Surveys, 4th edition, Charles Griffin and
Company Limited, London.

CBCS - B. Sc. Statistics – III Year – V Semester

Major Paper No. of Hours/Week: 5

Credits: 4
Unit – I

Partial and Multiple correlation coefficients – Relationships among simple, partial and multiple
correlation coefficients.

Unit – II
Simple Linear Regression : Introduction, applications of regression analysis, steps in regression
analysis, simple linear regression model, parameter estimation, tests of hypothesis, confidence
interval, predictions, measuring the quality of fit, regression line through the origin.

Unit – III
Multiple Linear Regression: Introduction, Description of the data and model, parameter estimation,
interpretations of regression coefficients, properties of the least squares estimatiors, multiple
correlation coefficient, inference for individual regression coefficients, tests of hypothesis in a linear
model, predictions.
Unit – IV
Detection of model violations: Introduction, standard regression assumptions, types of residuals,
Graphical methods – Before and After fitting a model, checking linearity and normality assumptions,
leverage, influence and outliers, transformation of variables: introduction, transformations to achieve
linearity, transformations to stabilize variance, detection of heteroscedastic errors, removal of
heteroscedasticity, weighted least squares, logarithmic transformation of data.
Unit – V
Multicollinearity and its effects on inference and forecasting- Detection of Multicollinearity –
searching of linear functions of regression coefficients- Ridge Method, selection of variables-
forward selection and backward elimination- Stepwise method (algorithms only).
For Internal Evaluation only:

SPSS – Correlation, Regression Analysis and ANOVA. Students are expected to be familiar with
the concept of regression analysis and the SPSS package.

Books for Study:

1. Gupta S.C and Kapoor V.K. (2003), Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, Sultan Chand
& Sons

2. Samprit Chatterjee, Ali S. Hadi, Bertram Price (2000), Regression Analysis by Example,
Wiley Series.

3. Chatterjee S and Price B (1977) Regression Analysis by Example, John Wiley and Sons.

Books for Reference :

1. Johnston J (1972), Economertic Methods, McGraw – Hill Pvt. Ltd, New York.
2. Draper N and Smith H (1998), Applied Regression Analysis , 3 edition, John Wiley and

CBCS - B. Sc. Statistics – III Year – V Semester

Major Paper No. of Hours/Week: 5

Credits: 4

Unit -1:

Basic R-Preliminaries: Modes-Vectors-Arithmetic operators and special values-Objects-Programming-

Packages-Graphics-Customizing the workspace-Projects-Producing figures and output

Unit -2:

Data in Statistics and in R: Types of Data-Objects that hold data-Data Organization-Data import, export and
connections-Data Manipulation. Presenting data: Tables-Bar plots-Histograms-Dot charts-Scatter plots-Lattice
plots-Three dimensional plots and contours

Unit- 3:

Exploratory data analysis: Graphical methods-Numerical summaries-Visual summaries- Single sample

hypotheses testing: Null and alternative hypothesis-Large sample hypothesis testing-Small sample hypothesis
testing-Arbitrary statistics of arbitrary densities-p values

Unit – 4:

Power and sample size for single samples: Large samples-Small samples-Power and sample size of arbitrary
densities. Two samples: Large samples-Small samples-Unknown densities. Analysis of variance: One way,
fixed effects ANOVA-Non Parametric one way ANOVA-One way, random effects ANOVA-Two way
ANOVA-Two way linear mixed effects models

Unit – 5:

Simple Linear regression: Simple linear models-Estimating regression coefficients-The model goodness of fit-
Hypothesis testing and confidence interval-Model Assumptions-Model Diagnostics-Power and sample size for
the correlation coefficient. Simple logistic regression: Binomial Logistic regression-Fitting and selecting
models-Assessing goodness of fit-Diagnostics

Books for Study:

1. Yosef, C and Jeremiah, Y.C. Statistics and Data with R, An Applied approach through examples, A John
Wiley and Sons, 2008
Unit I: Chapter 1 , Unit II: Chapters 2 and 3, Unit III: Chapters 8 and 10 , Unit IV: Chapters 11, 12 and 15,
Unit V: Chapters 14 and 16
Books for Reference:

1. Brian S Everitt, Torsten Hothorn (2009), A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R, Chapman &
Hall/CRC, Second edition, England.
2. John Verzani (2009), Using R for Introductory Statistics, Chapman & Hall/CRC, Ebook/pdf., UK
3. Venables, W. N., Smith, D. M. and R Development Core Team, (2011), An Introduction to R : Notes on
R: A Programming Environment for Data Analysis and Graphics, Version 2.13.0 (2011-04-13).
4. Sudha G. Purohit, Sharad D. Gore and Shilaja R. Desmukh (2009), Statistics Using R Language, Narosa,

CBCS - B. Sc. Statistics – III Year – V Semester


General Elective Paper

No. of Hours/Week: 4 Credits: 3

Unit 1: Introduction

Pursuing excellence : Need for excellence - Excellence through change – TQM : Key to excellence – Definition
of Quality and Total Quality.

TQM : Definition – Fundamentals of TQM – Major process components of TQM – Elements of TQM – Eight
components model.

Unit 2: Cost of Quality , Kaizen and Quality Circles

Cost of Quality : Types of quality costs – Reducing the cost of quality (COQ).

Problem solving : Types of problems – QC Tools – Problem solving process – Seven basic QC tools.

Kaizen : Continuous improvement – Kaizen practice – 5S Kaizen movement

Quality Circles : Differences between quality circles and quality teams.

Unit 3: Statistical Process Control and Team Work

Statistical Process Control : Concept – Statistical control charts

Just-in-Time (JIT) : Definition – Objectives of JIT – JIT and problems

Teamwork : Elements of effective teamwork – Stages of team development - Total Employee Involvement –

Unit 4: Customer Satisfaction and Benchmarking

Customer Satisfaction : Internal-External customers – Benchmarking : Definition and Concept – Benefits of

benchmarking – Process of benchmarking (briefly) – Types of benchmarking – Leadership : Five roles of

Unit 5: Acceptance Sampling

Acceptance Sampling : Definition – Lot Acceptance Sampling Plans (LASPs) - Six Sigma : Implementation –
Six Sigma Infrastructure - ISO 9000: 2000: Introduction - EMS: Introduction Only.

Books for Study :

1. Sharma, D. D (2004), Total Quality Management – Principles, Practice and Cases, 2nd edition,
Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi

(Chapter 1 to 3, 6 to 16, 29 to 33).

2. Jayakumar (2005), Total Quality Management, Lakshmi Publication, Chennai.

Books for Reference :

1. Logothetis, N (1992) Managing Total Quality, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.

2. Montegomery, D. C (1985) Statistical Process Control, John Wiley and Sons, USA.

3. Oakland, J. S (1989) Total Quality Management, Butterworth-Heinemann, England.

CBCS - B. Sc. Statistics – III Year – V Semester


Major Practical No. of Hours/Week: 6

Credits: 2

I. Operations Research

1) Linear Programming Problems :

a) Formulation of an LPP
b) Graphical Method of Solution
c) Simplex Method
d) Big-M method
e) Two-Phase Method
f) Duality
2) Transportation Problems :
a) Initial Basic Feasible Solutions by
North West Corner Rule, Least Cost Method and

Vogel’s Approximation Method

b) Testing for Optimality using MODI method

3) Assignment Model :
a) Hungarian Algorithm
4) Sequencing Problem :
a) n jobs through two machines
b) n jobs through three machines
c) n jobs through m machines
5) Game theory :
a) Saddle point strategy
b) Algebraic Method of solving a 2 X 2 game
c) Dominance Property
d) Graphical solution for 2 X n and m X 2 games
e) Solving game using Linear Programming Method
6) PERT and CPM :
a) Determination of Floats and Critical Path
b) Determination of Mean and Variance and hence PERT.
II. Sampling Theory

1) Simple random sampling and Estimates

2) Stratified random sampling and Estimates
3) Optimum and proportional allocations
4) Systematic sampling and Estimates
5) Single stage Cluster sampling
III. Regression Analysis

1) Calculation of partial and multiple correlation coefficients

2) Fitting of multiple regression equations
3) Testing goodness of fit
* A minimum of 40 exercises to be done covering all the above topics

CBCS - B. Sc. Statistics – III Year – VI Semester

Major Paper No. of Hours/Week: 6
Credits: 5

Unit 1:

Analysis of Variance - One-way classification - Two-way classification – Two-way

classification with m-observations per cell - Statistical analysis of the models.

Unit 2:

Terminology in experimental designs - Principles of experimentation - Completely

randomised design - Randomised block design - Latin square design - Their models -
Least square estimates of the parameters and analysis - Statistical analysis of
experiments - Missing plot technique for two missing values.

Unit 3:

Factorial experiments - Two and three level experiments (32 experiments only) -
Confounding in factorial experiments - Total and partial confounding.

Unit 4:

Split-plot experiments - Incomplete block designs - Balanced incomplete block designs -

Parameters of BIBD - Intra block analysis of BIBD.

Unit 5:

Analysis of Covariance – One-way layout with one concomitant variable - RBD with one
concomitant variable.

Books for Study :

1. Gupta, S. C and Kapoor, V. K (2002), Fundamentals of Applied Statistics, Sultan

Chand and Sons, New Delhi.

2. Goon, Gupta and Dasgupta, (1986), Fundamentals of Statistics (Vol.2), World Press
Private Limited, Calcutta.

Books for Reference :

1. Federer, W. T (1974), Experimental Design, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co, New

2. Kempthrone, O (1965), Design and Analysis of Experiments, Wiley Eastern Private

Limited, India.

3. Das, M. N and Giri, N. C (1988), Design and Analysis of Experiments, Wiley Eastern
limited, India.
CBCS - B.Sc. Statistics – III Year – VI Semester


Major Paper No. of

Hours/Week: 6
Credits: 4

Unit 1:

Index numbers : Definition – Construction of index numbers – Problems and limitations -

Interpretation of index numbers - Errors in index numbers - Tests of index numbers -
Chain index - Cost of living index - Uses of index numbers.

Unit 2:

Introduction to time series - Analysis of time series - Uses of time series - Measurement of
trend using various methods - Measurement of seasonal fluctuations by different methods -
Merits and demerits of each method.

Unit 3:

Auto-regression : Definition - First order auto-regression – Second Order Auto-regressive

series - Variate difference method and its applications.

Unit 4:

Statistical Quality Control : Introduction to SQC - Uses, Tools, Process and Product Control -
Control charts - Control charts for variables and attributes - Natural tolerance limits and
specification limits.

Unit 5:

Acceptance sampling by attributes: Rectifying inspection plans - Dodge and Romig

rectifying sampling inspection plans - Single and double sampling plans for attributes -
Single sampling versus Double sampling plans.

*Please avoid numerical problems involving calculators as they are done in Major

Book for study :

1. Gupta, S. C and Kapoor, V. K (2001), Fundamentals of Applied Statistics, Sultan Chand

and Sons, New Delhi (Chapters: 1.0 to 1.8.1, 1.9. to 1.12.4, 2.1. to 2.4.5., 2.5. to
2.6., 2.7 to 2.7.2 and 2.9.1., 3.1. to 3.4, 3.6 to 3.6.3, 3.9 and 3.10.).

Book for Reference :

1. Frederick, E. Croxton, Dudley, J. Cowden and Sidney Klein, (1972) Applied General
Statistics, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.

CBCS - B. Sc. Statistics – III Year – VI Semester


Major Paper No. of Hours/Week: 6

Credits: 4

Unit 1: Stochastic Processes

Elements of Stochastic Processes – Notion of a Stochastic Process – Specification of

Stochastic processes – Stationary Processes.

Unit 2 : Markov Chain

Markov Chains – Definition and examples – Transition probability matrix – Order of a

Markov Chain – Higher transition probabilities – Chapman-Kolmogorov equation.

Unit 3: Poisson Process

Poisson Process – Postulates – Properties – Related distributions – exponential, uniform,

geometric and negative binomial distributions.

Unit 4: Birth and Death Process

Pure Birth Process – Yule-Fury process – Birth and Death Process – Immigration -
Emigration processes.

Unit 5: Queuing Theory

Queuing Theory: Basic Elements in a queuing model - Classification of queues – Details

study of (M/M/1):(  /FCFS) and (M/M/1): (N/FCFS) queues.
Books for Study:

1. Medhi, J, Stochastic Processes, Third edition (2009), Reprint (2013), Wiley Eastern
Limited, India.
Unit 1 – Chapter 1 Section 1.5 and Chapter 8 Section 8.1
Unit 2 – Chapter 2 Sections 2.1 and 2.2
Unit 3 – Chapter 3 Sections 3.1 and 3.2
Unit 4 – Chapter 3 Section 3.1
2. Kapoor, V. K (2008), Operations Research – Quantitative Techniques for Management,
8th edition, Reprint – 2010, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi.
Unit 5 – Chapter 9 Sections 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 and 9.7- Exclude Sections 9.4, 9.5, and 9.6
Books for Reference :

1. Feller, W (1972), Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications, Volume I,

Wiley Eastern Ltd, New York.
2. Basu, A.K. (2005), Introduction to Stochastic Processes, Narosa Publishing.
3. Bhat,B.R.(2000), Stochastic Models: Analysis and Applications, New Age
International Publishers.
4. Sheldon M. Ross , Reprint (2013),Stochastic Processes, Second edition, Wiley Ltd, India.
5. Taha, H., 8th edition (2005), Operations Research: An Introduction, McMillan Publishing
CBCS - B.Sc. Statistics – III Year – VI Semester


Major Paper No. of Hours/week: 6

Credits: 4

Unit 1: Object oriented programming- basic concepts-application of OOPs.

Tokens, Keywords and control statements: Identifiers- data types - basic,
user-defined and derived data types- symbolic constants - variable declara-
tion, operators in C++, Scope resolution operator - manipulations - cast
operators - operator overloading and precedence - control structures.

Unit 2: Functions: Main - prototyping - call by reference - return - inline functions -

default and constant arguments - over loading functions - friend and virtual

Unit 3: Classes and Objects: Class specification - member function - nesting and
private member functions - array of objects - returning objects – constant
member functions.

Unit 3: Constructors and destructors: Parameterised - multiple constructors - default

arguments - copy and dynamic constructors - destructors.

Operator overloading and type conversion: Overloading unary and binary

operators - friends - rules for overloading operators - type conversion.

Unit 4: Inheritance: Defining derived classes - single inheritance - multilevel and

multiple inheritances - hierarchical and hybrid inheritance. Pointers -
Pointers to objects - this pointer - pointers to derived classes. Polymorphism.

Unit 5: Input/Output operators: console I/O streams - stream classes - unformatted

and formatted I/O.
C++ programs for simple statistical problems under Measure of central
tendency and measure of dispersion - Computation of simple Correlation
Coefficient and Regression - Matrix addition, multiplication, determinant,

Books for Study :

1. Balaguruswamy, E (2002), Object Oriented Programming with C++, Tata

McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.

Books for Reference :

1. John Huddard (1996), Programming with C++, Schaum's series, McGraw-
2. Robert Lafore (1999), Object Oriented Programming in Turbo C++, Warte
3. Neill Graham (1990), Learning C++, Mcgraw-Hill.

CBCS - B.Sc. Statistics – III Year – VI Semester

Major Practical No. of Hours/Week: 6

Credits: 3

I. Design of Experiments




Missing plot techniques

Factorial experiments – 22, 23, 32 experiments with total and partial confounding

Split-plot design


Analysis of Covariance

II. Statistical Quality Control

Control charts for variables and attributes

X , R, p, np, c Charts

III. Acceptance Sampling

Single and double sampling plan for attributes

OC, ASN, ATI and AOQ curves.

IV. Time Series Analysis

Measurement of trend by semi average, Moving average and fitting of trend curve up
to second degree

Measurement of seasonal variations by simple average, ratio to trend, and ratio to

moving average Variate difference method for random fluctuations.

V. Index Numbers

Fixed and Chain base indices

Cost of living index

Computation of Laspeyre, Paasche, Marshall, Kelley’s, Fishers index numbers

Time and Factor reversal tests.

* A minimum of 30 exercises to be done covering all the above topics.


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