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For the period of Nov. 26- Dec. 10, 2021

Name: Apple Grace O. Dela Cruz College/Department: COLLEGE OF CRIMINOLOGY
Employee’s Status: FULL-TIMER/PART-TIMER No. of units/week: 10 units No. of hours per/week: 10 hrs
Total No. of Hours: 24 hrs

Position: Full Time Staff/Part-time Instructor


 Discussed the following topics:

 Patrol Supervision
 Selection of patrol supervision
 Supervision rule
Conducting online classes in Since Oct 26-  Supporting the police patrol efforts
lea 3 (old curriculum) Nov.10, 2021  Communication
 Communication system
 Police records system
 Patrol working the street

Student Outcomes
 Students will be able to learn Patrol Supervision
 Students will be able to learn the Selection of patrol supervision
 Students will be able to learn the Supervision rule
 Students will be able to learn the Supporting the police patrol efforts
 Students will be able to learn the Communication system
 Students will be able to learn the Patrol working the street
 Evaluation of the students to all the Discussion through quizzes,
and Oral recitations
 Discussed the following topics:
 Classification of records
 The record cycle
 The terminology of storage
 Types of police records
 Filing the case records
 Filing the arrest and booking records
Conducting online classes in Since Oct 26 –Nov.
 Filing the identification record
lea 5(old curriculum) 10, 2021
Student Outcomes
 Students will be able to learn Classification of records
 Students will be able to learn the The record cycle
 Students will be able to learn the The terminology of storage
 Students will be able to learn the Types of police records
 Students will be able to learn the Filing the case records
Students will be able to learn the Filing the arrest and
booking records
 Students will be able to learn the Filing the identification

 Evaluation of the students to all the Discussion through quizzes,

and Oral recitation

 Discussed the following topics:

 Examination Room
 Chart Markings
Conducting online classes in Since Oct 26 – Nov.  Chart interpretation
Crimtic. 6 (old curriculum) 10, 2021  The Galvo Tracing
 Electrodermal Automode
Student Outcomes
 Students will be able to know and learn the Examination
 Students will be able to learn the Chart Markings
 Students will be able to learn the Chart interpretation
 Students will be able to learn the The Galvo Tracing
 Students will be able to learn the Electrodermal Automode
 Evaluation of the students to all the discussion through quizzes, oral

Noted by: Verified by: Approved by:

Prof. Hearty Joy R. Chan Prof. Liezle Grace P. Wagas, Ed.D. Prof. Florami B. Dadole, Ed.D
Dean/College Head Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs Dean of Academic Affairs

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