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3 Years old 4 Years old

Physical At the age of 3, children are They can usually walk, run, and
capable of walking and running jump with more confidence,
with increased confidence, as stability and good balance.
well as engaging in activities They also have better hand and
like kicking and throwing. For eye coordination skills they can
instance, they can enjoy games catch and throw balls with
of fetch or catch using a small better accuracy and catch
foam ball. Additionally, they are easily. They are able to ride a
adept at kicking a soft, foam bike or scooter with more
ball of football size. Their confidence. They are also able
mobility extends to riding a to use more objects with their
tricycle or a scooter. Notably, hands like scissors not just that
they begin to demonstrate finer thay can use buttons. As they
motor skills, like using their have better coordination.
hands to manipulate zippers
and buttons, showcasing their
developing dexterity
Social Children can learn to Children progress by sharing
communicate with others and (taking in turns) and expressing
share and develop their emotions and dealing with
empathy with others and take it in a appropriate way . they
in turns. They learn to greet can also learn how to deal with
others and use ‘please’ and conflict and instead
‘thank you’. This way they learn approaching it with anger and
how to interact with others in a aggression they should
polite manner. They can learn approach it with a more better
to respect boundaries and way (like finding a resolution to
personal space. The child can it).We should also teach them
play with others in a healthy to follow instruction in school
way. Children can also talk to and in new environments/
others with respect and talk at places and ask for help when
an appropriate volume (indoor they need it. As children
voices). continue you to develop
communication, empathy and
Intellectual Children are curious and want At the age of 4 they become
to explore things at this age more curious and ask lots of
they want to understand how questions about the things.
things work. Their imagination They can remember things
is growing they are making up better and talk about things
stories and love to play that they saw and have done.
pretend. They also start to They also like to use their
learn how to count and imagination and make up
recognise colours and shapes. stories. They can count and
The memory starts to get better recognize numbers, and play
as well. They also can with puzzles and toys to
understand stories that are challenge their mind. Overall,
read to them as well as that their minds are becoming more
they can retell parts read to active and they're eager to
them. learn and explore new things.

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