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Test Bank for Medical Terminology Simplified : A Programmed Learning Approach by Body System

Test Bank for Medical Terminology Simplified : A

Programmed Learning Approach by Body System,
6th Edition Barbara A. Gylys Regina M. Masters

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Chapter 7: Urinary System

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. What term means act of voiding urine?

a. nocturia
b. micturition
c. oliguria
d. urodynia
e. pyorrhea

____ 2. What term means increase in nitrogenous compounds in the blood?

a. azotemia
b. polyuria
c. enuresis
d. dysuria
e. oliguria

____ 3. What surgical procedure involves crushing a stone or calculus?

a. Lithotomy
b. Lithotripsy
c. Lithectomy
d. Lithiasis
e. Lithoscope

____ 4. What is the surgical procedure to correct a prolapsed kidney?

a. Nephroptosis
b. Nephrodesis
c. Nephrotomy
d. Nephropexy
e. Nephrostomy

____ 5. Herniation of the urethra is known as:

a. rectocele.
b. ureterocele.
c. pyelopathy.
d. urethrocele.
e. nephritis.

____ 6. Which instrument is used to inspect the urinary bladder?

a. Cystotome
b. Cystitis
c. Cystoscope
d. Cystectomy
e. Cystostomy

____ 7. Excessive accumulation of fluid within body tissues is called:

a. diuretic.
b. lithiasis.
c. cystitis.
d. edema.
e. hematuria.
____ 8. What is the abbreviation for intravenous pyelography?
a. IP
b. INP
c. IPG
e. IVP

____ 9. The medical word for scanty urinary output is:

a. icturia.
b. oliguria.
c. uremia.
d. hematuria.
e. polyuria.

____ 10. Which term means increased urinary production?

a. oliguria
b. polyuria
c. anuria
d. micturition
e. continence

____ 11. The microscopic filtering units responsible for maintaining homeostasis are:
a. calyces.
b. nephrons.
c. collecting tubules.
d. Bowman capsules.
e. ureters.

____ 12. What term means blood in the urine?

a. diuresis
b. hemoptysis
c. hematuria
d. uresis
e. uricosurics

____ 13. A dx of adenodynia means there is pain in:

a. the intestines.
b. the stomach.
c. a gland.
d. the pelvic area.
e. the gallbladder.

____ 14. What agents promote secretion of urine?

a. Uremics
b. Antidiuretics
c. Diaphoretics
d. Uricosurics
e. Diuretics
____ 15. When urotoxin is suspected, it means there is a poisonous substance in the:
a. ureter.
b. urethra.
c. urine.
d. bladder.
e. meatus.

____ 16. The funnel-shaped reservoir that is the basin of the kidney is the:
a. renal pelvis.
b. calyces.
c. urethra.
d. nephron.
e. bladder.

____ 17. The abbreviation UTI refers to:

a. urethral toxic infection.
b. ureter total inflammation.
c. urinary tract incontinence.
d. urinary tract infection.
e. ureter tubal infection.

____ 18. A suprarenal tumor is located:

a. within the kidney.
b. under the kidney.
c. on the kidney.
d. within the bladder.
e. on the bladder.

____ 19. Painful urination is known as:

a. anuria.
b. polyuria.
c. dysuria.
d. nocturia.
e. hematuria.

____ 20. What small, tubular structure drains urine from the bladder?
a. Ureter
b. Urethra
c. Renal pelvis
d. Calyx
e. Meatus

____ 21. The urinary tract is composed of the:

a. vagina, urethra, and bladder.
b. ureters, bladder, and cervix.
c. kidneys, ureters, and bladder.
d. prostate, bladder, and urethra.
e. kidneys, colon, and bladder.
____ 22. Which terms share the same meaning?
a. cystitis—pyelitis
b. urethrodynia—urethralgia
c. oliguria—anuria
d. nephritis—nephroptosis
e. leukocyte—leukorrhea

____ 23. Urinary incontinence, such as bedwetting, is called:

a. enuresis.
b. diuresis.
c. oliguria.
d. hemoptysis.
e. hyperuricemia.

____ 24. What is the term for a congenital opening of the urethra on the undersurface of the penis?
a. phimosis
b. epididymitis
c. uremia
d. cryptorchidism
e. hypospadias

____ 25. What is the term that means uncontrolled loss of urine from the bladder?
a. continence
b. incontinence
c. urination
d. nocturia
e. anuria

____ 26. Cystectomy is the surgical procedure for:

a. an incision into the bladder.
b. excision of the bladder.
c. incision into the kidney.
d. excision of the kidney.
e. creation of a new opening in the kidney.

____ 27. A patient with a calculus in the ureter would most likely experience:
a. ureterodynia.
b. nocturia.
c. polyuria.
d. cystitis.
e. homeostasis.

____ 28. An inability to control urination is called:

a. anuria.
b. enuresis.
c. frequency.
d. polyuria.
e. dysuria.
____ 29. The ureters carry urine from the kidneys to the:
a. urethra.
b. bladder.
c. renal pelvis.
d. renal artery.
e. meatus.

____ 30. Obstruction that causes cessation of urine flow may result in the condition of:
a. hydronephrosis.
b. pyorrhea.
c. hematuria.
d. diuresis.
e. hypospadias.

____ 31. What nuclear procedure uses a radioactive substance to produce images of the kidney's structure and
a. KUB
b. CT scan
c. BUN
d. Renal scan
e. IVU

____ 32. The outer layer of the kidney is called the:

a. renal cortex.
b. renal medulla.
c. trigone.
d. renal tubule.
e. nephron.

____ 33. The combining form py/o means:

a. pus.
b. fever.
c. hidden.
d. heat.
e. renal pelvis.

____ 34. Which term is matched with its correct meaning?

a. oliguria—decrease in urine volume
b. hematuria—painful urination
c. diuresis—increase in urine flow
d. polyuria—complete absence of urine flow
e. anuria—blood in the urine
____ 35. The combining form vesic/o means:
a. seminal vesicle.
b. vas deferens.
c. vessels.
d. bladder.
e. prepuce.

____ 36. The abbreviation ESWL is associated with:

a. circulatory collapse.
b. severe hypotension.
c. hemorrhage.
d. dehydration.
e. nephrolithiasis.

____ 37. Some wastes filtered from the blood by the kidneys are:
a. chyle.
b. diuretics.
c. carbon dioxide.
d. nitrogenous products.
e. chyme.

____ 38. Wilms tumor is a:

a. malignant tumor of the kidney, usually occurring in children.
b. malignant tumor of the prostate associated with the aging process.
c. nonmalignant tumor resulting from kidney stones.
d. nonmalignant tumor present at birth.
e. malignant tumor of the bladder.

____ 39. The doctor orders physical, chemical, and microscopic evaluation of a urine sample as a(n):
a. IVPB.
b. CT.
c. BUN.
d. UA.
e. RP.

____ 40. What is an accurate description of nephrorrhaphy?

a. Hemorrhage in the kidney
b. A stone present in the kidney
c. An inflammation of the kidney
d. A prolapse of the kidney
e. Suturing of the kidney

____ 41. Which urinary structure stores urine?

a. Renal tubule
b. Ureter
c. Renal pelvis
d. Calyx
e. Bladder
____ 42. What surgical procedure is the fixation of a floating kidney?
a. Nephrorrhaphy
b. Nephropexy
c. Nephroptosis
d. Nephrolithiasis
e. Nephrolithotomy

____ 43. Renal abscess may lead to:

a. pyuria.
b. ascites.
c. nephroptosis.
d. hypospadias.
e. nephrocele.

____ 44. Which laboratory test measures the amount of urea (nitrogenous waste product) in the blood?
a. IVP
b. RP
c. BUN
d. VCU
e. KUB

____ 45. What is the meaning of nephrolithotomy?

a. Hardening of a stone
b. Removal of the urinary bladder and a calculus
c. Removal of the kidney and stones
d. Incision to remove a renal calculus
e. Incision to remove a kidney

____ 46. What drug category promotes a reduction of fluid in body tissues and also edema?
a. Antiinflammatories.
b. Diuretics.
c. Thrombolytics.
d. Statins.
e. Antibiotics.

____ 47. End-stage renal disease is synonymous with:

a. chronic renal failure.
b. BPH.
c. disease of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder.
d. urinary tract infection.
e. hemodialysis.

____ 48. Herniation of the tube connecting the kidney and urinary bladder is known as:
a. herniorrhaphy.
b. urethrocele.
c. ureterocele.
d. urethroileostomy.
e. urethrostomy.
____ 49. An artificial kidney machine is involved in:
a. hemodialysis.
b. renal transfusion.
c. renal calculi.
d. neprhopexy.
e. renal transplantation.

____ 50. Radiographic examination of the urinary tract is known as:

a. CBC.
b. KUB.
c. BUN.
d. WBC.
e. VCUG.


Match the word elements with their meanings.

a. aden/o k. pyel/o
b. azot/o l. ur/o
c. bacteri/o m. ureter/o
d. cyst/o n. urethr/o
e. glomerul/o o. -iasis
f. meat/o p. -lysis
g. nephr/o q. -pathy
h. noct/o r. -pexy
i. olig/o s. -ptosis
j. py/o t. -tripsy
____ 51. bladder
____ 52. glomerulus
____ 53. disease
____ 54. fixation (of an organ)
____ 55. prolapse, downward displacement
____ 56. urine; urinary tract
____ 57. crushing
____ 58. urethra
____ 59. gland
____ 60. bacteria
____ 61. nitrogenous compound
____ 62. night
____ 63. opening, meatus
____ 64. kidney
____ 65. renal pelvis
____ 66. abnormal condition (produced by something specified)
____ 67. ureter
____ 68. scanty
____ 69. pus
____ 70. separation; destruction; loosening

Match the medical words with their definitions.

a. anuria k. lithiasis
b. azoturia l. lithotripsy
c. dialysis m. lumen
d. diuresis n. nephrolithiasis
e. diuretics o. nephromegaly
f. dysuria p. nephropathy
g. enuresis q. nephropexy
h. hypertension r. nephroptosis
i. hypospadias s. uremia
j. hypotension t. Wilms tumor

____ 71. Increase of nitrogenous substances, especially urea, in urine

____ 72. Increased formation and secretion of urine
____ 73. Painful or difficult urination, symptomatic of other urinary tract conditions
____ 74. Involuntary discharge of urine after the age by which bladder control should have been established
____ 75. Abnormal congenital opening of the male urethra on the undersurface of the penis
____ 76. Elevated level of urea and other nitrogenous waste products in the blood
____ 77. Malignant neoplasm of the kidney that occurs in young children
____ 78. Abnormal condition or presence of calculi
____ 79. Process of removing toxic substances from the blood when the kidneys do not function adequately
____ 80. Any disorder of the kidneys, including inflammatory, degenerative, and sclerotic conditions
____ 81. Downward displacement of a kidney
____ 82. Crushing a stone in the bladder
____ 83. Enlargement of a kidney
____ 84. Abnormal condition of kidney stones
____ 85. Agents used to control edema and stimulate the flow of urine
____ 86. High blood pressure
____ 87. Absence of urination
____ 88. Tubular space within a structure
____ 89. Decrease in blood pressure below normal
____ 90. Surgical fixation of a floating kidney
Chapter 7: Urinary System
Answer Section


1. ANS: B PTS: 1
2. ANS: A PTS: 1
3. ANS: B PTS: 1
4. ANS: D PTS: 1
5. ANS: D PTS: 1
6. ANS: C PTS: 1
7. ANS: D PTS: 1
8. ANS: E PTS: 1
9. ANS: B PTS: 1
10. ANS: B PTS: 1
11. ANS: B PTS: 1
12. ANS: C PTS: 1
13. ANS: C PTS: 1
14. ANS: E PTS: 1
15. ANS: C PTS: 1
16. ANS: A PTS: 1
17. ANS: D PTS: 1
18. ANS: C PTS: 1
19. ANS: C PTS: 1
20. ANS: B PTS: 1
21. ANS: C PTS: 1
22. ANS: B PTS: 1
23. ANS: A PTS: 1
24. ANS: E PTS: 1
25. ANS: B PTS: 1
26. ANS: B PTS: 1
27. ANS: A PTS: 1
28. ANS: B PTS: 1
29. ANS: B PTS: 1
30. ANS: A PTS: 1
31. ANS: D PTS: 1
32. ANS: A PTS: 1
33. ANS: A PTS: 1
34. ANS: A PTS: 1
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36. ANS: E PTS: 1
37. ANS: D PTS: 1
38. ANS: A PTS: 1
39. ANS: D PTS: 1
40. ANS: E PTS: 1
41. ANS: E PTS: 1
42. ANS: B PTS: 1
43. ANS: A PTS: 1
44. ANS: C PTS: 1
45. ANS: D PTS: 1
46. ANS: B PTS: 1
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48. ANS: C PTS: 1
49. ANS: A PTS: 1
50. ANS: B PTS: 1


51. ANS: D PTS: 1

52. ANS: E PTS: 1
53. ANS: Q PTS: 1
54. ANS: R PTS: 1
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56. ANS: L PTS: 1
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58. ANS: N PTS: 1
59. ANS: A PTS: 0
60. ANS: C PTS: 0
61. ANS: B PTS: 0
62. ANS: H PTS: 0
63. ANS: F PTS: 0
64. ANS: G PTS: 0
65. ANS: K PTS: 0
66. ANS: O PTS: 0
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70. ANS: P PTS: 0

71. ANS: B PTS: 1

72. ANS: D PTS: 1
73. ANS: F PTS: 1
74. ANS: G PTS: 1
75. ANS: I PTS: 1
76. ANS: S PTS: 1
77. ANS: T PTS: 1
78. ANS: K PTS: 1
79. ANS: C PTS: 0
80. ANS: P PTS: 0
81. ANS: R PTS: 0
82. ANS: L PTS: 0
Test Bank for Medical Terminology Simplified : A Programmed Learning Approach by Body System

83. ANS: O PTS: 0

84. ANS: N PTS: 0
85. ANS: E PTS: 0
86. ANS: H PTS: 0
87. ANS: A PTS: 0
88. ANS: M PTS: 0
89. ANS: J PTS: 0
90. ANS: Q PTS: 0

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