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Case Report

Corpus Callosotomy for Refractory Epilepsy in Aicardi Syndrome: Case Report and
Focused Review of the Literature
Joshua D. Bernstock1,2, Hannah E. Olsen4, David Segar1,2, Kevin Huang1,2, Ari D. Kappel1,2, Walid Ibn Essayed1,2,
Phillip L. Pearl3, Joseph R. Madsen2

Key words - BACKGROUND: Aicardi syndrome is a severe neurodevelopmental disorder

- Aicardi syndrome that occurs primarily in females and is characterized by seizures, agenesis of the
- Corpus callosotomy
- Epilepsy
corpus callosum, and chorioretinal lacunae, which occur together in the ma-
jority of affected individuals. Seizures begin in infancy and tend to progress in
Abbreviations and Acronyms intensity and are often refractory to standard multimodal medication treatments.
EEG: Electroencephalogram
VNS: Vagus nerve stimulation - CASE DESCRIPTION: We present here a unique case of a 12-year-old girl
with partial agenesis of the corpus callosum who underwent a corpus callos-
From the Departments of 1Neurosurgery, Brigham and
Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, and otomy for treatment of medically refractory epilepsy. In so doing, we also review
Neurosurgery and 3Neurology, Boston Children’s Hospital, the literature with regard to the neurosurgical management of these unique
Harvard Medical School; and 4Harvard Medical School,
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
To whom correspondence should be addressed: - CONCLUSIONS: For the subset of children who present with partial, rather
Joshua D. Bernstock, M.D., Ph.D.
than complete, agenesis of the corpus callosum, corpus callosotomy should be
[E-mail: Jbernstock@partners.org]
considered as a treatment option to reduce seizure burden.
Joshua D. Bernstock and Hannah E. Olsen contributed
equally to this work.
Citation: World Neurosurg. (2020) 142:450-455.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wneu.2020.06.230 refractory epilepsy.12-14 Here, we present spontaneous discharges over the right
Journal homepage: www.journals.elsevier.com/world- the case of a 12-year-old girl with Aicardi hemisphere without evidence of frank
neurosurgery syndrome who underwent a corpus cal- epileptiform activity; valproate was initi-
Available online: www.sciencedirect.com losotomy for intractable epilepsy. ated and levetiracetam dosing was
1878-8750/$ - see front matter ª 2020 Elsevier Inc. All increased. Given our concern over new
rights reserved. seizure activity, the family was referred for
CASE evaluation at Boston Children’s Hospital.
The patient was a 12-year-old, right- Medical history at this time was also
INTRODUCTION handed, full-term female, who first notable for right eye coloboma and pre-
Aicardi syndrome is a rare neuro- developed myoclonic seizures with asso- cocious puberty, treated for a period of
developmental disorder characterized by ciated left lower extremity spasms at 5 time with gonadotropin-releasing hor-
the classic triad of complete or partial months of age. At that time, electroen- mone. Family history was notable for a
agenesis of the corpus collosum, chorior- cephalogram (EEG) showed multifocal maternal second cousin with cleft lip and
etinal lacunae, and infantile spasms, with spikes, predominantly over the right tem- palate, agenesis of the corpus callosum,
polymicrogyria, intracranial cysts, and poral region. Following initiation of leve- and developmental delay.
periventricular heterotopias also tiracetam, symptoms improved and she Magnetic resonance imaging done on
commonly observed.1-4 Though the pre- required no further treatment for several presentation demonstrated findings char-
cise genetic etiology remains unknown, years. During that time, the patient acteristic of Aicardi syndrome including
Aicardi syndrome is an X-linked dominant demonstrated evidence of moderate polymicrogyria involving the right frontal
disorder that primarily affects females learning disabilities, demonstrating lobe, bilateral cingulate gyri, and right
with an estimated incidence of 1 in particular difficulty with social interaction posterior insula, as well as bilateral peri-
100,000 live births.5-8 Given the severity of and abstract thought. At age 10, the pa- ventricular subependymal nodular hetero-
brain dysgenesis, children with Aicardi tient began to experience frequent yet topia, a 4.8-mm round lesion in the
syndrome generally have profound psy- brief events again, concerning for seizure atrium of the right lateral ventricle, most
chomotor retardation and experience poor activity, in which she would become likely representing a choroid plexus pap-
functional outcomes.2,9-11 Current briefly unaware of her environment and illoma and bilateral colobomas.
mainstays of clinical management exhibit brief myoclonic right hemibody The patient was admitted for contin-
include antiseizure agents and physical movements, often triggered by sound and uous EEG monitoring and monitored for a
therapy with neurosurgical intervention associated with urinary incontinence. total of 5 days while on her home dose of
reserved for patients with medically Video EEG at age 11 demonstrated levetiracetam and valproate. During the

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hospitalization, there were frequent inter- Our operative technique was in line with blunt nerve hook. The ventral surface
ictal right frontal sleep potentiated spikes, our standard approach for corpus callos- was also found to be invested with a
as well as right anterior temporal rhythmic otomies. The patient was positioned su- thick layer of arachnoid rather than any
sharp waves and occasional fast spikes. pine with the head slightly flexed. A ependymal lining. An intraoperative MRI
Fourteen seizures—1 electrographic and 13 bicoronal incision was made anterior to was performed and confirmed a
with electroclinical correlates—were the coronal suture and behind the hair- complete callosotomy (Figure 3).
recorded, manifest by high-amplitude, line, with stereotactic navigation Postoperatively, the patient recovered
broadly distributed delta activity with employed to optimize the subsequent rapidly, without evidence of postoperative
superimposed beta and attenuated back- approach to the atrophic corpus callosum. interhemispheric disconnection syn-
ground, better developed over the right After the scalp was reflected, 2 burr holes drome, presumed to be related to the
hemisphere. Each electrical event lasted were placed on the contralateral (left) side reduced baseline connectivity through the
between 2 and 4 seconds, with clusters up of the sagittal sinus approximately 5 cm shortened and dysgenic corpus callosum.
to 10 seconds, and was clinically associ- apart in the sagittal orientation and used She was discharged home on post-
ated with bilateral upper extremity tonic to dissect the sinus and dura free from the operative day 3 on her baseline antiseizure
stiffening, head drop, whole body underside of the bone. The dura was medications, without clinical evidence of
myoclonic jerking, and hip abduction. opened from lateral to medial and flapped seizure activity during her hospitalized
Each time, events were preceded by audi- toward the superior sagittal sinus, with postoperative course. Subsequent follow-
tory stimuli. Positron emission tomogra- care taken to preserve any bridging veins. up 4 months postoperatively revealed a
phy computed tomography demonstrated Eventually, a 3-cm window was identified seizure reduction rate of >50%, consistent
right inferior frontal, right insular, and for interhemispheric dissection. with Engel IIIA (worthwhile improvement)
right lateral temporal and bilateral cingu- As the interhemispheric dissection was and ILAE 4 (of 6) outcome scores.
late hypometabolism. Given the nonle- performed, the corpus callosum was
sional, generalized nature of her seizure rapidly encountered. Notably, the arach-
semiology and ictal EEG signature noid tissue dorsal to the callosum was DISCUSSION
(Figure 1), a corpus callosotomy thickened and formed a cystic structure Children with Aicardi syndrome are
addressing the residual callosal fibers (Figure 2). Moreover, both the extreme neurologically complex and present within
was recommended by our anterior and posterior border of the the first several months of life with sei-
multidisciplinary team. After discussion corpus callosum could be visualized with zures that nearly invariably become re-
with the family and informed consent, different angulations of the operating fractory to multiagent pharmacotherapy.
the patient was scheduled for open microscope from our approach. The Infantile spasms are present in the vast
corpus callosotomy. callosotomy was then performed using a majority of patients, with clonic,

Figure 1. Ictal electroencephalogram (EEG). Head drop associated with marks onset of clinical seizure and “e” marks end. EEG shows an 8-second
shoulder myoclonus associated with a high voltage generalized delta epoch using bipolar longitudinal montage, HFF 70 Hz, LFF 1 Hz, sensitivity 7
transient with overriding low voltage fast activity that evolves into mcV/mm, and time base 30 mm/sec.
polyspikes having right hemispheric predominance. The designation “o”

WORLD NEUROSURGERY 142: 450-455, OCTOBER 2020 www.journals.elsevier.com/world-neurosurgery 451


poor candidates for resective surgery due

to bihemispheric multifocal
epileptogenicity. Multiple reports have
demonstrated both amelioration and
complete cessation of seizures with
minimal morbidity after corpus
callosotomy in children with bilateral
brain malformations.14,22-29 To our
knowledge, this is the sixth report of a
corpus callosotomy performed in a child
with Aicardi syndrome for palliation of
drug-resistant epilepsy. A summary of
the following cases can be found in
Table 1.
Reports on the use of epilepsy surgery
in patients with Aicardi syndrome are
scarce. Rosser et al9 reviewed data from
the Aicardi Syndrome Foundation’s
family-based, self-reported survey of 77
children with Aicardi Syndrome and found
6 patients had undergone surgery for re-
fractory epilepsy. Five patients had a VNS
device implanted, 2 of whom reported
improved seizure control and alertness
postoperatively. One patient underwent a
hemispherectomy and subsequently
became seizure-free on a significantly
reduced drug regimen. Her parents also
reported substantial developmental
improvement. In a multidecade nation-
wide survey in Sweden, Palmer et al21,30
identified 18 patients with Aicardi
syndrome, 1 of whom underwent
resection of a parietal epileptogenic zone
at age 11, resulting in a seizure-free
period of 4 years. In a retrospective study
Figure 2. Intraoperative views of the interhemispheric approach. (A) An examining methods of epilepsy treatment
approximately 3-cm-long working angle could be identified between 2 in children with bilateral cortical malfor-
bridging veins to perform the dissection. (B) A thick arachnoid layer was
mations, Saito et al14 describe a 3-year-old
found to be investing the corpus callosum upon initial approach. (C) After the
callosotomy was performed, the ventral border of the callosum was found to patient with Aicardi syndrome and partial
end in a thickened layer of arachnoid as well. agenesis of the corpus callosum who un-
derwent total callosotomy, which resulted
in partial alleviation of the severity of her
tonic-clonic seizures. An additional left
functional hemispherectomy performed 5
myoclonic, and focal seizures also neurosurgical intervention may be months later produced a seizure-free
commonly seen with increasing age. considered.18-20 period of 7 months at time of study
Classic EEG findings include asynchro- Optimal surgical management of pa- publication.
nous multifocal epileptiform abnormal- tients with Aicardi syndrome has yet to be In a case series of 4 patients with
ities with burst-suppression and definitively established, due in large part Aicardi syndrome who underwent surgical
hemispheric dissociation.1,2,15-17 to the rarity of the condition. Vagus nerve management of refractory epilepsy,
Hypsarrhythmia has been reported in a stimulation (VNS) and various forms of Kasasbeh et al12 identified 3 children with
minority of patients.11,16 As children age resective surgery have been performed in VNS implantation and 2 who had a corpus
and seizure control becomes patients with variable efficacy in seizure callosotomy. Outcomes were remarkably
progressively more difficult to manage reduction and developmental out- variable, ranging from near-complete
their risk for secondary complications,1-35 comes.12-14,21 Corpus callosotomy has reduction in seizure burden to a wors-
such as injuries from falls and worsening been used as a palliative surgery in ening of seizure frequency and severity
neuropsychologic deficits, increases and patients with intractable epilepsy who are postoperatively irrespective of surgical

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Figure 3. T1-weighted images from the preoperative magnetic T1-sequences after the callosotomy demonstrate complete
resonance imaging demonstrated a small corpus callosum in (A) sectioning of the corpus callosum, as well as the operative
axial, (B) sagittal, and (C) coronal views. Intraoperative corridor in (D) axial, (E) sagittal, and (F) coronal views.

method or degree of corpus callosum epilepsy due to Aicardi syndrome are recurrence of myoclonic seizures that did
agenesis.12 Podkorytova et al13 identified 8 scant, with fewer than 10 published re- not respond to intensified dosing or
patients with Aicardi syndrome from the ports. Though it is difficult to draw con- addition of new antiseizure medications.
Cleveland Clinic epilepsy database, 2 of clusions regarding best clinical practice She underwent a corpus callosotomy and
whom underwent resective epilepsy from such a limited number of cases, it has had a reduced seizure burden on
surgery. They describe a 6-year-old pa- does appear that a subset of patients with baseline drug regimen for 4 months as of
tient who had a left functional hemi- intractable epilepsy due to Aicardi syn- the time of this study publication.
spherectomy and was seizure free for 6 drome who are not candidates for resec- Our findings in conjunction with the
months after surgery. She then experi- tive surgery given the bilateral nature of previous literature underscore the utility of
enced a recurrence of asymmetric epileptic their cortical dysgenesis and diffuse epi- corpus callosotomy as an effective, well-
spasms, which have remained amenable leptogenicity stand to derive significant tolerated method of controlling seizures
to medical therapy for 42 months as of the benefit from corpus callosotomy when that have become refractory to medical
time of study publication. They also there is partial callosal agenesis. Of the 5 management, particularly for patients with
describe a patient with global develop- previously reported cases, 4 of the patients partial, rather than complete, agenesis of
mental delay, left hemiparesis, and right with Aicardi syndrome who underwent the corpus callosum. Though corpus cal-
microphthalmia who had a right fronto- corpus callosotomy experienced a partial losotomy is unlikely to result in complete
parietal lobectomy at 1 year of age. After a or complete reduction in seizures after seizure cessation in all patients, there is
complicated postoperative course surgery with 1 patient also reporting sub- also evidence to suggest that in the event
involving 1 week of status epilepticus, she stantial developmental improvement. In of recurrence after surgery, seizures are
ultimately saw a 50% reduction in seizures this case report, we describe a 12-year-old more easily amenable to management
and marginal developmental girl with Aicardi syndrome who developed with antiseizure medication. Moreover,
improvement. infantile spasms at 5 months of age, which even a temporary seizure-free period may
Data guiding the neurosurgical man- were initially well controlled with medi- allow for significant developmental pro-
agement of patients with refractory cation. At age 10 she began to experience a gression. However, larger cohort studies

WORLD NEUROSURGERY 142: 450-455, OCTOBER 2020 www.journals.elsevier.com/world-neurosurgery 453


Table 1. Summary of Cases

Age Surgery Seizure Outcome Developmental Outcome

Rosser et al., 20029 Unknown Hemispherectomy Seizure free on 1 AED Improved from a 2-month to a
9-month level
Palmer et al., 200730 11 years Right parietal resection Seizure free for 4 years High motor function (walks
and runs); functional age of 7
years at 15 years of age
Saito et al., 200914 3 years Corpus callosotomy with left Seizure free for 7 months Unknown
functional hemispherectomy 5
months afterwards
Kasasbeh et al., 201312 7 years Corpus callosotomy 90% reduction in partial and tonic Behavioral and communication
seizures; cessation of drop attacks improvements
8 years VNS followed by corpus Reduced seizure burden at 6 months Unknown
callosotomy postoperative,
followed by an increase in seizure
frequency beginning at 1 year
Podkorytova et al., 201713 6 years Left functional hemispherectomy Seizure free 6 months after surgery Improved alertness, affect,
behavior and growth; able to
sit and stand
1 year Right fronto-parietal lobectomy 50% seizure reduction Improved alertness and
recognition of caregivers;
head and trunk control
Bernstock et al., 2020 12 years Corpus callosotomy Reduced seizure burden Pending clinical follow-up

will be critical in furthering our under- an invaluable tool in subsets of medical original draft, Writing - review & editing.
standing of the indications for and long- fragile patients were open surgical Kevin Huang: Writing - original draft,
term outcomes of palliative epilepsy sur- callosotomy is associated with higher Writing - review & editing. Ari D. Kappel:
gery in children with Aicardi syndrome. morbidity.35 Writing - original draft, Writing - review &
It is prudent to note that less invasive editing. Walid Ibn Essayed: Writing -
approaches to corpus callosotomy have original draft, Writing - review & editing.
recently been described within literature, CONCLUSION Phillip L. Pearl: Writing - original draft,
including endoscopically assisted versus Aicardi syndrome is an extremely rare Writing - review & editing. Joseph R.
purely endoscopic callosotomy.31-33 These neurologic disorder characterized by sei- Madsen: Writing - original draft, Writing -
approaches have indeed been proven to be zures, agenesis of the corpus callosum, review & editing.
safe surgical options in select cases.32,33 and chorioretinal lacunae. For the subset
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