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“Arrnged in Order to Fulfill Assingments in English course”

Arranged by :
 Ahmed sutoyo 200140064
 Annisa zaen allawiyah 200140062
 Sri Wulan syafitri 200140051
 Amalia wahyu ningsih 200140052

Chemical Engineering Study Program, Fakulty of Engineering

Malikussaleh Univesity

BAB I PENDAHULUAN..........................................................................................................................2
1.1. LATAR BELAKANG.................................................................................................................2
1.2. RUMUSAN MASALAH.............................................................................................................2
1.3. TUJUAN PENELITIAN..............................................................................................................2
1.4. MANFAAT PENELITIAN.........................................................................................................2
1.5. BATASAN MASALAH..............................................................................................................2
1.6. RELEVANSI PENELITIAN.......................................................................................................2
BAB II LANDASAN TEORI......................................................................................................................2
II.1 DEFINISI....................................................................................................................................2
II.2. TEORI TERKAIT............................................................................................................................2
II.3. KAJIAN TERDAHULU..................................................................................................................2
BAB III METODOLOGI PENELITIAN....................................................................................................2
III.1. POPULASI DAN SAMPEL....................................................................................................2
III.2. WAKTU DAN TEMPAT........................................................................................................3
III.3. ANALISA DATA....................................................................................................................3
III.4. ALUR PENELITIAN..............................................................................................................3
BAB IV HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN.....................................................................................................3
BAB V PENUTUP......................................................................................................................................3
DAFTAR PUSTAKA..................................................................................................................................3

A. Environmental conditions, interests, and current learning outcomes
B. Good learning environment (which supports students to learn)
C. How learning materials are formed
D. Factor factors that influence student learning outcomes

Name Tittle Actual Sentence Paraphrasing

Annisa Zaen 1.1 learning method, Use of methods that Learning outcomes
Allawiyah reciprocal, interest doesn't match the are determined by
in learning, characteristics appropriate learning
construction students, the method methods. This low
management, used is also less student learning
learning outcomes. relevant. It is worth outcomes, can be
assuming that low caused by
student learning inappropriate learning
outcomes the use of methods
learning methods that
are not relevant to
both student
characteristics as well
as course
characteristics. The
learning method is
still conventional.

1.2 learning The learning means Interest in learning

method, reciprocal, being able to develop arises indirectly, the
interest in learning, creativity students so formation of creative
construction as to create effective learning can foster
management, learning. student- student interest in the
learning outcomes centered learning learning process
capable aroused his
interest and did not
immediately they
understand the
concept and relation
to aspects of life.

1.3 learning the factors that are There are several

method, reciprocal, affect learning into factors that influence
interest in learning, three kinds, including psychology,
construction namely,internal interests, learning
management, factors external methods,
learning outcomes factors and the environment, and
learning approach student motivation
factor. Internal factors
includes two aspects,
namely the
physiological aspect
and psychological
aspects such as
intelligence or
intelligence, attitude,
talents, interests and
motivation college
student.those aspects
influential in the
learning process so
that it can produce
optimal learning
outcomes, namely:
Motivation, Attitudes
and Interests, as well
Name Tittle Actual Sentence Paraphrasing

Annisa Zaen Allawiyah 2.1 Motivation, Students with low some students have
Interest, Learning achievement, they low learning
Environment, and generally have outcomes due to a
Achievement problems with the lack of interest and
situation family, self-motivation,
namely the lack of support from parents
family attention, or and the campus
due to college environment, to
coercion from support their learning
parents, also due to outcomes.
less than self-interest
and motivation
students themselves
and a conducive
learning environmen.
Campus is a vehicle
for educational
activities and
processes to take
place. On campus the
values of life are
cultivated and
developed. Therefore,
the campus becomes
a very dominant
vehicle for the
influence and
formation of
attitudes, behaviors,
and a student's

2.2 Motivation, From the description discipline must exist

Interest, Learning above, indicators in a at the campus,
Environment, and supportive campus discipline must be
Achievement environment are: possessed by all parts
of the campus such as
students, lecturers
a. discipline, campus and staff. The
discipline is closely relationship between
related to the craft of lecturers and
students on campus students is also very
and study. Discipline important for student
includes discipline in learning outcomes,
lecturers teaching, with lots of
employees at work, interactions, and the
directors in managing right learning
the institution, and methods of lecturers,
PA in providing it can create a good
services. relationship between
lecturers and
b. the relationship Relationships
between lecturers between fellow
and students. The students, this includes
teaching and learning friendship, if the
process occurs relationship with
between educators friends is not good, it
and students. This could be that he will
process is influenced be lazy to go to
by the relations in the campus, because
process. Educator friends share
relations with good expressions and etc.
students, making
students like
educators her, will
also like the courses
she gives the
participants students
try to learn their best.
Less educators
interacting with
students well leads to
the learning process
teaching is not

c. student-student
relations, students
who have a
disagreeable nature,
low self or
experiencing stress
will be isolated in the
group. If this is getting
worse, will result in
disruption of learning.
Learners it will be lazy
to go to campus for a
variety of reasons No,
no. If this happens,
these students need
guidance and
counseling. Creating
good relationships
between students will
have a positive
influence on learning.

d. campus facilities,
learning tools are
closely related to how
students learn
because the learning
tool is used to receive
learning materials
and used by
educators when
teaching. Complete
and precise learning
tools will accelerate
the acceptance of
study materials.

2.4 Motivation, factors contained in There are internal

Interest, Learning the individual factors, namely
Environment, and (internal factors), and factors that drive
Achievement factors consisting of from within, this is
outside the individual owned by individual
(external factors). students themselves,
a. Internal Factors such as intelligence,
talents, interests,
1. Intelligence /
motivation and
intelligence, In the
health. this factor
learning process in
arises itself through
college, the factor of
personal lifestyle and
intelligence students
etc. external factors,
have a positive
external factors such
relationship with
as family, campus
learning outcomes.
This means that
relationship with
someone with a high
campus, other
level of intelligence
students and
will achieve satisfying
lecturers. family is the
most important
factor, the family
2. Talent, in the must know what the
learning process, interests and talents
especially learning of their children are
skills, talent plays an and then support
important role in them. for example, if
achieving a the result you have a talent in
will be good painting and
performance. photography, you
Moreover, a lecturer must support that
or parent forcing his field. if it doesn't
son to do something match his talent, it
incompatible with his will affect his learning
talents will destroy outcomes.
the will of the child.
3. Interests, learning
achievement is
closely related to
student interests
against the field of
education that he
enters. Someone who
doesn't interested in
learning something
cannot be expected
to succeed study it
4. Motivation. In
providing motivation,
a lecturer must try
with all the available
ability to direct
attention students to
a specific target. With
this urge deep
students will take the
initiative with the
reasons why they are
engaged in it these
courses. To motivate
them so that you can
carry out learning
activities on your own
and learn actively.
5. Health,
psychological health
or mental health is a
factor very big role in
achieving satisfactory
learning achievement.

b. Extern Factors
1. Family
Environment, a
healthy family means
little education, but is
decisive in size big
namely the education
of the nation, state
and world. " There is
a sense of security in
the family is very
important in one's
success in study. This
sense of security
makes a person
motivated to learn
actively, because
security is one of the
driving forces from
outside which adds
motivation to learn.
2. Campus conditions,
an unpleasant
campus environment
will make students
lazy to learn which of
course will affect their
learning achievement
too. The relationship
between lecturers
and students will be
less good resulting in
someone displeasing
the lecturer and not
liking everything
related to the
lecturer. Including
lectures he teaches so
that this will affect
the results learning
3. Community
Environment, the
environment both at
home and boarding
house affect student
learning patterns.
When someone is on
environment of fellow
students, who are
studious, then he will
aroused to study
hard. Otherwise if
people in the
neighborhood around
it is a collection of
people who are not
students, for example
are workers or even
unemployed, then
this will influencing
student learning
Name Tittle Actual Sentence Paraphrasing

Annisa Zaen Allawiyah 3.1 Learning student achievement student achievement

Achievement, has not yet reached has not yet reached
Learning the level maximum the level maximum
Environment, Interest performance, and an performance
Learning environment that is
not conducive.

3.2 Learning suggests that the environment is a

Achievement, environment is place for students to
Learning everything that is get every day. A good
Environment, Interest different outside the environment must
Learning individual where in pay attention to
the overall behavior several aspects,
of the individual including a
interacts with the comfortable place to
environment, both study, good facilities
consciously or and associations.
directly or indirectly.
Learning environment
that needs attention
including a place to
learn, tools for
learning, a learning
atmosphere, and

3.3 Learning interest is a feeling of interest appears

Achievement, preference and unconsciously, you
Learning interest in something will see the
Environment, Interest or activity, without movement of interest
Learning being asked. Interests in something without
basically is the having to ask
acceptance of a questions, interest
relationship between related to oneself and
oneself and something you want
something on outside to know.
3.4 Learning To achieve high achieving high
Achievement, learning achievement learning outcomes is
Learning is not a thing easy, not easy, there are
Environment, Interest because learning several factors that
Learning success is very much affect learning
influenced by many outcomes, and we
factors which can must pay attention to
influence, that is them that is internal
internal factors and factors and external
factors external. factors. in order to
achieve good learning


A. How to form a good environment, interest in learning for good results

B. How to ensure that students are in a good learning environment
C. How to make students maintain high learning interest




A. What is the definition of the learning environment?

Name Title Actual Paraphrasing

Amalia Wahyu 4.1 The influence of The environment is a The learning
Ningsih interest in learning system component environment is a
and the learning that determines the condition that
environment on success of the affects human
student educational process. behavior involved in
achievement in the The learning learning, especially
faculty of teacher environment is also teachers
training and called the And students as the
education at the educational spearhead of the
Muhammadiyah environment. learning process at
University of According to school.
Surakarta. Purwanto (2003:
148) "the education
environment or
environment is
divided into 3
groups, namely:
family environment,
school environment,
and community
environment. The
supports and plays a
major role in the
success of children's

Sri wulan Syafitri 7.1. Relationship to The learning The learning

the Campus environment is a environment is a
Environment, place of formal major factor for
Parenting Patterns and education. It is said students to study.
Student Achievement to be formal because Then the learning
Motivation at the like schools, on environment
Faculty of Economics, campus a series of becomes a formal
State University of planned activities are place because there
Jakarta also carried out are many rules in it
organized, including that must be obeyed.
in the context of the
teaching and
learning process in
the classroom

B. Apakah definisi dari minat belajar?

Name Title Actual sentence Paraphrasing

Amalia Wahyu 4.2. The influence of Interest is the The role of the
Ningsih interest in learning tendency in an teacher in interested
and the learning individual to be in student learning is
environment on attracted to an object very important. The
student achievement or like an object, so teacher must be able
in the faculty of that individual to provide a fun
teacher training and behavior towards a learning method so
education at the certain object is that students can
Muhammadiyah strongly influenced improve their
University of by student interest in learning so that
Surakarta a particular object. learning does not
Therefore the feel bored
importance of
increasing student
interest in learning
for learning
achievement because
it can affect the
learning process and
Amalia Wahyu 5.1. The relationship Researchers can Learning interest
Ningsih between interest in conclude that must be embedded
learning and learning interest in learning is in humans with a
outcomes in grade V a desire and student sense of pleasure
elementary school in interest in learning and interest in
the Kusumangaliyan accompanied by learning in order to
area of Semarang attention and achieve good and
activeness to master maximum learning
knowledge and outcomes.
accompanied by
pleasure and
Sri Wulan 8.1. The Effect of Student learning Student interest in
Syafitri Learning Methods and interest is student learning is called
Student Interest in interest in interest in learning.
Learning Outcomes of participating in Because there is
Construction learning activities student interest, it is
Management consistently, in order certainly easier to
to understand a understand the
concept in achieving learning concept
learning goals as given.
seen from the
indicators: interest,
pleasure, desire, and

C. What is the definition of learning outcomes?

Name Title Actual sentence Paraphrasing

Amalia Wahyu 5.2. The relationship Learning outcomes Learning outcomes
Ningsih between interest in are abilities obtained are the abilities that
learning and learning by students after students have after
outcomes in grade V going through receiving their
elementary schools in learning activities in learning experience
the Kusumangaliyan a subject, marked by with an effort to
area of Semarang mastery of the master the material
material being and science after
studied and experiencing the
experiencing learning process by
changes in behavior first conducting an
in the cognitive, evaluation of the
affective, and learning process
psychomotor carried out.
Sri Wulan 8.2. The Effect of Learning outcomes Learning outcomes
Syafitri Learning Methods and are a measure are in the form of
Student Interest in the success of results in the form of
Learning Outcomes of implementing a values carried out
Construction learning program. during the learning
Management process.


Name Title Actual Sentence Paraphrasing
Sri Wulan 9.1. Student Initially, the endurance Resistance or what
Syafitri Resilience Study in study is part of the is commonly called
Campus Environment phenomenological study at home, is a sense
(Altman, 1992) of comfort in
emphasize experience something. Usually
unique subject matter dedicated to the
related to behavior in the place and
environment. Durability atmosphere around.
can also be defined as Students feel at
relationships formed home with the
between individuals and campus
specific places (Hidalgo environment. The
and Hernadez in more comfortable
Ujang, 2010). Resistance they are in the
is the result of a two-way campus
interaction between the environment, the
observer and the students will be
environmental conditions lighthearted doing
himself (Lynch, 1960). all kinds of
Term activities on
resilience will always be campus.
related to the context of
the place and space
(place), where someone
will feel
tied up emotionally and
Sri Wulan 7.2. Relationship to McClelland (via Mirza S. The campus
Syafitri the Campus Saiyadain, 2006: 47-49) environment is an
Environment, divides the theory important factor as
Parenting Patterns and needs to be n-Ach (need a background for
Achievement for Achievement), n-Pow outstanding
Motivation of (need for Power), and n- students. The
Economics Faculty Aff (need for Affiliation). positive
Students According to McClelland, environment he
State University of someone who owns feels will have an
Jakarta achievement motivation impact on his mood
(n-Ach) is high, has the and make it easier
following characteristics: for his brain to
(1) take think. In addition to
personal responsibility; the campus
(2) take moderate risks; environment, the
(3) want to know the parenting style that
results of the parents apply to
efforts; (4) tends to persist their children is the
in the face of adversity; earliest very
(5) tends to be innovative; important
(6) foundation for the
usually demonstrates formation of a
some interpersonal child's brain.
competence, and (7) Psychologically
oriented towards the that is well formed
future. from the brain,
Horlock defines parenting makes it easier for
as the method parents use the child's brain to
in establishing think creatively
relationships because there is no
with her children. In line pressure from their
with McClelland (via parents. Therefore,
Schultz & Schultz, 1994) intelligent children
defines parenting as the will be born from
way in which parents act psychologically
towards their children healthy families. A
his son, by doing a series good relationship
of active endeavors. between parents
and children is also
very necessary. So
that children think
easier and less
Sri Wulan 8.3. The Effect of According to Hamdayama Learning methods
Syafitri Learning Methods (2014: 44), learning greatly affect
and Student student-centered is able to student interest in
Learning Interests generate interest and not learning. Especially
Against they immediately if students are
understand the concept ordered to
and its relation to aspects intervene directly,
Management of life. it will increase
Learning Outcomes Another defining aspect their interest
learning success in power. Compared
addition to learning to students who
methods, only listen to
is student interest in explanations from
learning. Without it very long lecturers,
interest in learning, it can make their
students have difficulty interest in the
following every process in subject disappear.
learning. Interest to learn Lecturers must pay
students are also a support attention to the
in achieving increased learning method, so
student learning outcomes that students do not
(Suryabrata, 2010: 70). lose interest in
Interests are understood as learning. Many
attention or a tendency students have a
towards something, which high interest in
is usually accompanied by learning, but just
liking. Thus interest is disappear because
interest the teaching
students on what they methods of the
learn, and becomes one of lecturers are not
the most important factors fun. Good learning
in education. methods will foster
even greater
interest in learning,
and of course
satisfactory results.
Amalia wahyu 5.3. RELATIONSHIP Evaluation according to In the learning
ningsih OF LEARNING Sudjana (in Dimyati, process that must
INTEREST AND 2013: 191) is the process be done, namely by
LEARNING of giving or determining a planning,
OUTCOMES IN implementing, and
value to certain objects
CLASS V PRIVATE evaluating.
based on certain criteria
VOCATIONAL Evaluating this
SCHOOL OF GUGUS which are then used to
final stage will
WIJAYA KUSUMA determine learning
determine the
NGALIYAN outcomes. Factors that
results of student
SEMARANG affect learning outcomes achievement
according to Shah (2013: through student
129) are internal factors of interest in learning
students, external factors that is embedded in
of students, and factors of these students. If
learning approaches. the interest is very
Internal student factors serious, the results
include interest. will be achieved
According to Susanto will be maximized.
(2016: 16) interest means Meanwhile, if the
a tendency and high interest instilled in
enthusiasm or a great him is less then the
desire for something. A results of the
student who has a great achievement will
interest in the lesson will be less than
focus his attention more optimal as well
than other students, then
because of the intense
concentration of attention
to the material that allows
the student to study even
harder, and finally achieve
the desired result
Meanwhile, learning
outcomes according to
Suprijono (2012: 5) are
patterns of actions, values,
definitions, attitudes,
appreciation, and skills.
Meanwhile, according to
Soedijarto (in Purwanto,
2014: 46) learning
outcomes are the level of
mastery achieved by
students in following the
teaching and learning
process in accordance
with the set educational
Amalia Wahyu 4.3. THE INFLUENCE OF Learning achievement is Factors that
Ningsih LEARNING INTEREST the result of learning that influence learning
AND LEARNING is achieved after going achievement can be
ENVIRONMENT ON through the process of seen in the
LEARNING teaching and learning student's interest in
ACHIEVEMENT IN activities. Learning learning, while
STUDENTS OF THE achievement can be other factors can be
FACULTY OF shown through the value seen from the
TEACHERRY AND given by a lecturer in the learning
EDUCATION, form of an achievement environment.
MUHAMMADIYAH index (GPA) that has been Interest in learning
taken by students. Every with a learning
learning activity, of environment is
course, always hopes to closely related if a
produce maximum student has a high
learning. In the process of interest in learning
achieving it, learning and a supportive
achievement is strongly learning
influenced by various environment, it can
factors, one of which may be ensured that the
be student interest in student can achieve
learning and student the expected
learning environment learning
which is able to support achievement.
student interest in learning
which affects learning
achievement. And
according to Sukmadinata
(2003: 101) "Learning
achievement is the
realization of a person's
potential skills or


A. The learning environment has a relationship with learning outcomes?

Name Title Actual sentence Paraphrasing

Amalia Wahyu 4.4 The influence of The learning A good learning
Ningsih interest in learning environment has an environment will
and the learning important role in the generate enthusiasm
environment on teaching and for students in
learning achievement learning process. learning. Students
in students of the Where the who are happy with
faculty of teacher conditions of a good the enthusiasm for
training and education learning learning. On the
at the Muhammadiyah environment can other hand, students
University of foster students' who feel unhappy
Surakarta enthusiasm for will not be excited
achieving good
learning outcomes.
This of course will
increase the
achievement of
student learning
Sri Wulan 7.3. Relationship to Dimyati and A good learning
Syafitri the Campus Mudjiono (2013: environment has an
Environment, 99), with a little impact on good
Parenting Patterns and adaptation by the learning outcomes.
Achievement author, suggest that a A comfortable
Motivation of beautiful campus environment will
Economics Faculty environment and make students
clearer to think and
Students harmonious student
be creative. Because
State University of struggles will
the influence of the
Jakarta strengthen learning circumstances has
motivation. an impact on
Therefore, the students to increase
condition of a student achievement
healthy campus motivation.
harmony in life, and
social order needs to
be abandoned to
increase student
motivation. Based on
several opinions as
described above, it
can be concluded
that the better
environment, the
better student

B. Interest in learning has a relationship with learning outcomes

Name Title Actual Sentence Paraphrasing
Amalia Wahyu 5.4. RELATIONSHIP .interest in learning Interests are closely
Ningsih OF LEARNING can affect the quality related to learning
INTEREST AND of student outcomes if students
LEARNING achievement in are very interested in
learning outcomes in certain fields, they
certain fields of will achieve the
SCHOOL OF GUGUS study. For example, desired
WIJAYA KUSUMA a student who achievements
NGALIYAN expresses great
SEMARANG interest in
mathematics will
focus his attention
more than other
students, thus
enabling the student
to study harder and
ultimately achieve
the desired
Learning activities
that are based on
interest will further
encourage students
to learn better so that
it will improve
learning outcomes.
Sri Wulan Syafitri 8.4. The Effect of Students who have Interest is our taste
Learning Methods an interest in for something. One
and Student Interest learning affect the of them is interest in
in Learning learning outcomes of learning. Which
Outcomes of the students means we are happy
Construction themselves. Interest to learn and without
Management can generate feelings objections. In this
of pleasure and aspect, interest in
cause someone's learning is very
attention so that it important to be
can support success instilled in us as
in the student students. Due to
learning process. high interest, you
Students who have will get satisfying
an interest in learning results. If
learning we don't have
High, higher than interest, then the
the learning results we will get
outcomes will not be perfect.
students who have
low interest in

Look for some references related to previous studies that discuss:

A. Look for some references related to previous studies that discuss

Name Title Actual Paraphrase

Amalia Wahyu 4.5. The Influence Students will be Students will be
Ningsih of Learning Interest encouraged to learn enthusiastic when a
and the Learning when students have an supportive and
Environment on environment and demanding learning
Learning interest in learning, environment that is
Achievement in namely the relationship always implanted in
Students of the of the subject matter to these students will
Teacher Training be taught with the needs produce good
and Education of students, then use learning outcomes
Faculty, various learning models
Muhammadiyah and strategies such as
University of discussions, group
Surakarta work, experiments,
demonstrations, and
Sri wulan 8.5. The Effect of Suryosubroto (2002: One alternative is to
Syafitri Learning Methods 167) states that the form a learning
and Student discussion method is a environment by
Interest in way of presenting forming groups.
Learning lesson material in which This makes students
the lecturer gives the more relaxed to
Outcomes of
opportunity to students study. Apart from
Construction (student groups) to hold learning they are
Management scientific conversations also required to
to gather opinions, interact with each
make other and work
conclusions or compile together. Due to the
various alternative learning method in
solutions to a problem. the form of groups,
The discussion method student interest in
is a form of learning learning is definitely
management that is higher. Because they
quite dynamic if it is can learn from their
properly implemented. friends. The method
In this case discussion of joint discussion
is a learning method also makes it easier
that demands an active for them to get high
role of students. Eggen results, because the
and Kauchak (2012: work can be done
155) suggest that together, thereby
discussion is an reducing the burden
instructional strategy or on each individual.
teaching that involves
students to share ideas
about a common topic
and can
combined efficiently
with group work and
cooperative learning.
It is concluded that the
discussion method is a
learning method that
requires involvement
students to be active in

Sri Wulan 7.4. Relationship to campus learning

syafitri the Campus can influence student environment is the
Environment, learning enthusiasm. main thing that
Parenting Patterns Lecturers who show needs to be
and Student sympathetic attitudes considered in
Achievement and behavior, provide learning. If students
Motivation at the support and motivation are comfortable with
Faculty of to students and show the campus
Economics, State A good role model, and environment, their
University of being diligent especially interest in learning
Jakarta in terms of learning, for will naturally arise.
example diligently If a high interest in
reading and discussing, learning has been
can be a positive formed, it will get
driving force for student satisfying results
learning activities. The
better the campus
environment, the better
student learning

B. How can students be in a good learning environment?

Title Actual Paraphrase
Amalia Wahyu 4.6. . The According to Oemar The environment
Ningsih Influence of Hamalik (2003: 195) has a huge impact
Learning Interest The environment is on the person's life.
and the Learning anything that is If the environment
Environment on surrounded by humans is positive, then by
Learning that can affect behavior itself we will lead to
Achievement in directly or indirectly. a positive direction
Students of the An educational and vice versa.
Teacher Training environment that has a Therefore, as a
and Education good influence will student, he must be
Faculty, have functions such as able to choose a
Muhammadiyah psychological functions, good environment,
University of fedagogical functions, because living in a
Surakarta and instructional bad environment
functions. will make Kuta
Sri Wulan 7.5. Relationship Based on some of the Students must be
Syafitri to the Campus opinions above, it can good at choosing the
Environment, be concluded that the environment to
Parenting Patterns campus environment blend in. In a
and Student includes all things that campus
Achievement are influential and environment, it
Motivation at the meaningful for would be nice to be
Faculty of students while good at choosing
Economics, State undergoing the lecture friends. Because the
University of process on campus, be it friendship level in
Jakarta the environment the world of lectures
social and non-social is very wide, then
environment (physical choose friends who
and academic agree with you.
environment). How nice it would
According to Muhibbin be to pass the time
Syah (2008: 135), after classes, keep
campus environment, yourself busy by
such as schools, participating in
consists of two kinds; various
namely the social organizational
environment and the activities on
physical environment. campus. It keeps
Environment you in a positive
campus social activities environment.
such as lecturers,
education staff, and
classmates. The
physical environment of
the campus includes the
campus building,
learning equipment,
weather, and so on. The
campus social
environment can affect
students' enthusiasm for

C. How can students maintain high interest in learning?

Name Title Actual Paraphrase
Amalia Wahyu 6.1. Concept One of the learning Learning models that
Ningsih Achievement Model models that increase increase interest in
Design on Student students' interest in learning have models
Learning Interests of learning is the such as concept
FKIP UHN concept achievement achievement models.
model, in which this Where this model is
learning model has a very important in
very very important increasing interest in
role, namely creating learning
an environment so
that students feel free
to think and suspect
without fear of
criticism and ridicule.
Sri Wulan 8.6. The Effect of The resulting To maintain students'
Syafitri Learning Methods learning outcomes interest in learning,
and Student Interest are largely one of them is by
in Learning determined by the means of the
Outcomes of learning methods that learning method
Construction are taught to students. used by the lecturer.
Management Meaningful learning The more interesting
is able to develop and enjoyable the
student creativity so learning method
that it can create provided, the more
effective learning. interested students
Creative learning is will be to learn.
realized because it Therefore, lecturers
can grow power and teachers alike
creative for students must understand
so that they can equip learning methods
students with a that are fun but easy
variety of abilities to respond to by
aimed at students students.
mastering the
targeted skills
reciprocal is learning
through peers. In this
method students play
an active role so that
guidance is carried
through scaffolding
(giving a number of
assistance) to
students during the
early stages of
learning, then reduce
assistance and
provide opportunities
for students to think
creatively (Anghileri,
2006). According to
Slavin (Trianto 2010)
that scaffolding
assistance can be in
the form of
problems into steps
for solving,
provide examples,
and other actions that
allow the student to
study independently.







A. Things that make up a good learning environment
B. Things that form good learning interest

Name Title Actual Paraphrase
Amalia Wahyu 5.5. the relationship Based on the material The success of good
Ningsih between interest in above, it can be learning cannot be
learning and learning concluded that success in separated from the
outcomes in grade V learning cannot be existing environment
elementary schools separated from the and interest in learning.
in the Kusuma existence of student Therefore, interest in
Ngaliyan region of interest in learning. learning and the learning
Semarang Learning interest has a environment are closely
relationship with learning related in order to
outcomes. Students who achieve maximum
are interested in a subject learning outcomes.
will study it seriously,
because there is an
attraction for it, allowing
students to learn more
active and can affect the
achievement of
maximum learning
outcomes and the
teaching and learning
process, interest is
needed because there is
no interest so there is no
desire to learn so that it
will affect learning

Name Title Actual Paraphrase
Amalia Wahyu 5.6. The relationship Based on the above Suggestions that can be
Ningsih between interest in conclusions, it shows that taken are that students
learning and learning interest in learning and the must be able to instill a
outcomes in grade V environment has a very very high interest in
elementary schools significant relationship with learning in themselves so
in the area of the achievement of that it will generate an
Kusuman Galiyan student learning outcomes, impetus from within
Semarang it is suggested themselves to learn with
For students: want to pleasure without any
increase and instill a high coercion.
interest in learning in
oneself and realize that
learning is an activity that
is beneficial to life, so that
it will add impetus to
students to learn with a
sense of pleasure without


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