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Received: 10 April 2023 Revised: 4 August 2023 Accepted: 22 August 2023

DOI: 10.1002/ar.25317


New information on the mandibular anatomy of

Agudotherium gassenae, a Late Triassic non-mammaliaform
probainognathian from Brazil

Leonardo Kerber 1,2 | vio A. Pretto 1,2

Fla | Rodrigo T. Müller 1,2
Centro de Apoio à Pesquisa Paleontol
ogica da Quarta Colônia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, São João do Polêsine, Brazil
Programa de P
os-Graduação em Biodiversidade Animal, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Brazil

Correspondence Abstract
Leonardo Kerber, Centro de Apoio à Agudotherium gassenae is a poorly known non-mammaliaform probainog-
Pesquisa Paleontol ogica da Quarta
nathian cynodont from the Late Triassic of southern Brazil. It is known only by
Colônia, Universidade Federal de Santa
Maria, São João do Polêsine, RS, Brazil. mandibular remains, and its affinities within Probainognathia are unclear.
Email: Furthermore, its phylogenetic affinities were never investigated through com-
putational analyses. In this study, we described new lower jaw remains exca-
Funding information
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento vated from the type locality and performed the first phylogenetic investigation
Científico e Tecnol
ogico, Grant/Award of this taxon. The new specimen provides further anatomical information. The
Numbers: 303034/2022-0, 309178/2022-3,
309414/2019-9, 404095/2021-6,
rostral region of the lower jaw was poorly preserved in the type series, leading
406902/2022-4, 422568/2018-0; Fundação to the interpretation that A. gassenae had three lower incisors. The new speci-
de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio men demonstrates the presence of four incisors. The phylogenetic analysis posi-
Grande do Sul, Grant/Award Numbers:
21/2551-0000619-6, 21/2551-0002030-0; tioned A. gassenae as the sister group of Prozostrodontia. This hypothesis differs
Proyectos de Investigaci
on Científica y from that previously presented in the former description of the taxon, in which
Tecnologica (PICT), Grant/Award
it was considered a non-mammaliaform prozostrodont by means of character-
Number: 2020-SERIEA-01498
state comparisons.

Carnian, Niemeyer site, Norian, Paleobiodiversity, Prozostrodontia

1 | INTRODUCTION (Abdala et al., 2020; Martinelli & Soares, 2016; Schultz

et al., 2020). Agudotherium gassenae Stefanello et al. (2020)
Eucynodontia is one of the most diverse and abundant is a probainognathian recently described based on lower
tetrapod clades in the Brazilian Triassic strata (Schultz jaws collected in the Niemeyer site (Agudo, State of Rio
et al., 2020). Non-mammaliaform probainognathians are Grande do Sul, Brazil), which was originally considered a
eucynodonts with a wide range of body shapes and life- prozostrodont with uncertain phylogenetic relationships
styles, including small to large-sized carnivorous, omnivo- (Stefanello et al., 2020).
rous, or herbivorous forms (Abdala, 2021; Hopson & Here, we describe the mandibular anatomy of a new
Kitching, 2001; Liu & Olsen, 2010; Martinelli & specimen assigned to this small mammal forerunner.
Soares, 2016). The southern Brazilian Santa Maria Superse- Furthermore, a phylogenetic analysis was performed to
quence within the Parana Basin holds a significant portion analyze the relationships of A. gassenae within the Pro-
of the Triassic probainognathian diversity known to date bainognathia clade.

Anat Rec. 2023;1–9. © 2023 American Association for Anatomy. 1


2 | MATERIALS AND METHODS Universidade Cato lica do Rio Grande do Sul (Porto
Alegre, Brazil), using 80 kV and 88 μA. The scanning
2.1 | Provenance resulted in 2995 tomographic slices with a voxel size of
17.014 μm. The software AvizoTM (3D) was used to seg-
The specimen CAPPA/UFSM 0377 was collected at the ment the 3D models of the specimen.
Niemeyer site in Agudo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (see
Pavanatto et al., 2018; Figure 1). The horizon of this
locality is part of the Candelaria Sequence, Upper Trias-
sic (Santa Maria Supersequence; Horn et al., 2014;
Zerfass et al., 2003). Whereas this locality has not been
radioisotopically dated, current biostratigraphic
approaches suggested an age from the late Carnian to
early Norian (Martinelli et al., 2021; Miron et al., 2020;
Müller, 2021; Novas et al., 2021; Pavanatto et al., 2018;
Schultz et al., 2020).

2.2 | CT scanning and 3D modeling

The specimen is preserved within a sedimentary matrix

that can hardly be removed without damaging its frag-
ile dentition (Figure 2). For this reason, we employed
digital preparation to access its morphological informa-
tion. The specimen CAPPA/UFSM 0377 was scanned F I G U R E 2 Left lower jaws of Agudotherium gassenae in lateral
employing a μCT scan Skyscan™ 1173 at the Labor- view: CAPPA/UFSM 0377 (a) and the holotype CAPPA/UFSM
orio de Sedimentologia e Petrologia of the Pontifícia 0262 (b).

F I G U R E 1 Location of the
Niemeyer site (Agudo, Brazil). Surface
distribution of the geologic units in the
area (a) and aerial photograph of the
fossiliferous site (b).

2.3 | Phylogenetic analysis Agudotherium Stefanello et al., 2020.

Agudotherium gassenae Stefanello et al., 2020.
Agudotherium gassenae was scored (Supporting informa-
tion S1) in the data matrix presented in Kerber et al. Holotype: CAPPA/UFSM 0262, a left lower jaw with
(2023) based on all three available specimens (CAPPA/ teeth.
UFSM 0262, 0208, 0377). This dataset is an updated ver- Paratype: CAPPA/UFSM 0208, a right lower jaw
sion of the phylogenetic matrix of Liu and Olsen (2010), with teeth.
which was modified by a series of authors (e.g., Kerber Referred specimen: CAPPA/UFSM 0377, mandible
et al., 2022, 2023; Martinelli, Eltink, et al., 2017; Marti- including right and left dentaries with incisors, canines,
nelli, Soares, et al., 2017; Soares et al., 2014; Stefanello and postcanine teeth.
et al., 2023; Wallace et al., 2019). Here, we corrected some Locality and horizon: Niemeyer Site (29 400 3000 S;
 0 00
miscodings introduced by Wallace et al. (2019). Hence, we 53 13 59 W), municipality of Agudo, State of Rio Grande
returned the codifications from previous versions do Sul, Brazil. Candelaria Sequence, Santa Maria Super-
(i.e., Martinelli, Eltink, et al., 2017; Martinelli, Soares, sequence (see Schultz et al., 2020; Langer et al., 2018).
et al., 2017). The states of the characters 107 and 108 (former The age of these strata has been interpreted as late Car-
106 and 107) change from 1 to 2 in Morganucodon spp. and nian to early Norian (see above).
Sinocodonon rigney. Tritylodontids had the state of charac-
ter 107 (former 106) changed from 2 to 3. Paleoneurological
characters were coded for Lumkuia fuzzi based on 3.1.1 | Description and comparison
Benoit (2023).
The final data matrix includes 158 characters and General comments: CAPPA/UFSM 0377 is similar to
40 operational taxonomic units. It was processed in the both specimens of the type series (Stefanello et al., 2020).
software TNT v.1.5 (Goloboff & Catalano, 2016). Procyno- For this reason, here, we only highlight the most impor-
suchus delaharpeae was used to root the most parsimoni- tant features of the specimen.
ous trees (MPTs), which were recovered with a heuristic Dentary: The specimen is represented by a lower
search (random addition sequence + tree bi- jaw, including both dentary bones (Figures 2–4). The
section reconnection), with 1000 replicates of Wagner symphysis of the dentary is not fused, similar to
trees (with random seed = 0) and using tree bi- CAPPA/UFSM 0262, CAPPA/UFSM 0208, Bonacynodon
section reconnection and branch swapping (holding schultzi, and prozostrodonts (Liu & Olsen, 2010;
10 trees save per replication). All characters received the Martinelli et al., 2016; Stefanello et al., 2020, 2023), and
same weight and were treated as unordered (i.e., non- distinct from non-prozostrodont probainognathians,
additive). An additional analysis was performed enfor- such as L. fuzzi, Chiniquodon theothonicus, Aleodon
cing A. gassenae within Prozostrodontia to assess the spp., Protheriodon estudianti, Candelariodon barberenai,
number of extra steps necessary to support the former Trucidocynodon riograndensis, and Probainognathus jen-
hypothesis of Stefanello et al. (2020). This analysis fol- seni (Abdala & Giannini, 2002; Bonaparte et al., 2006;
lowed the same procedures as the first analysis. Hopson & Kitching, 2001; Martinelli et al., 2016; Marti-
nelli, Soares, et al., 2017; Oliveira et al., 2010;
Romer, 1970). The dentary body of CAPPA/UFSM 0377
2.4 | Institutional abbreviations is more robust than in CAPPA/UFSM 0262 and CAPPA/
UFSM 0208. It increases in height caudally (less than in
CAPPA/UFSM, Centro de Apoio à Pesquisa Paleon- the type series; see below; Figure 3a,d), resembling the
ogica da Quarta Colônia da Universidade Federal de mandibular anatomy of L. fuzzi, Riograndia guaibensis,
Santa Maria, São João do Polêsine, Rio Grande do Sul, and Irajatherium hernandezi (Abdala & Ribeiro, 2010;
Brazil. fig. 5; Kerber et al., 2022), and differing from the pattern
found in Prozostrodon brasiliensis and Brasilodon quad-
rangularis (Martinelli, Soares, et al., 2017; Pacheco
3 | R E SUL T S et al., 2018), in which the height of the body of the den-
tary is similar along its extension. In C. barberenai, the
3.1 | Systematic paleontology dentary is deeper than in A. gassenae and the height of
the dentary body is uniform along the main axis (see
Cynodontia Owen, 1861. Martinelli, Soares, et al., 2017). The height of the den-
Eucynodontia Kemp, 1982. tary body of P. jenseni is proportionally similar to A. gas-
Probainognathia Hopson, 1990. senae, but it does not increase in height caudally (see

F I G U R E 3 Lower jaw and dentition

of CAPPA/UFSM 0377. (a–c) Left
dentary (with a translucent dentary on
the right showing the mandibular canal
in red) in lateral (a), medial (b), and
rostrolateral (c) views. (d) Right dentary
and teeth, in lateral and medial views.
(e) Left pc9 in labial and lingual views.
(f) Left pc10 in labial and lingual views.
a–e, cusps a–e; ca, canine; i 1–4, first to
fourth lower incisors; f, foramina; msf,
masseteric fossa; Mg, Meckelian groove;
mf, mental foramen; pc1-10, first to
tenth postcanine; sy, symphysis.

Martinelli & Soares, 2016; fig. 5). The coronoid process guaibensis, and B. quadrangularis (see Abdala & Ribeiro,
is broken, and its base is located at the level of the pc10 2010; fig. 5; Martinelli & Soares, 2016, figure 5). On the
(Figure 3a). medial aspect, CAPPA/UFSM 0377 displays a Meckelian
The rostralmost region of the dentary of CAPPA/ groove at the mid-height on the dentary (Figure 3b), simi-
UFSM 0377 is better preserved than in CAPPA/UFSM lar to CAPPA/UFSM 0262. The mandibular canal (passage
0262 and CAPPA/UFSM 0208 (Figure 3a–d). The dorsal- of the mandibular nerve) is rostrocaudally oriented
most area of this region surpasses the alveolar level of the (Figures 3a,b, and 4a,b). A small branch separates from
postcanines (Figure 3a). On the rostral face of this region, the main canal near the base of the canine tooth and exits
the dentary is perforated by two foramina (Figure 3a,c). the dentary through the mental foramen (Figures 3a and
On the lateral aspect of the body of the dentary, the men- 4c). In the rostralmost region of the dentary, the canal is
tal foramen is located caudally to the canine (Figure 3a), branched in small canaliculi. On the anterior face of the
as in the holotype and paratype. dentary, three ramifications were observed (Figure 3c).
On the lateral face of the dentary, a shallow masse- Two of them exit the dentary via two foramina, and the
teric fossa is located on the caudal region of the den- other extends to the base of the incisors (Figure 3c).
tary, ventrally to the coronoid process (Figure 3a,d). Teeth: The most remarkable trait observed in
The fossa is not as marked as observed in P. jenseni, R. CAPPA/UFSM 0377, which is not observed in CAPPA/

approximately the same size, while the fourth one is

smaller. In the original description, Stefanello et al.
(2020) described the presence of three incisors. However,
in CAPPA/UFSM 0377, in which the rostral region of the
lower jaw is better preserved, there are four incisors
(Figures 3a–c and 4b). Four lower incisors are present in P.
estudianti and P. brasiliensis (Bonaparte & Barberena, 2001;
Martinelli, Soares, et al., 2017; Pacheco et al., 2018;
Stefanello et al., 2023), but not in Alemoatherium huebneri,
which has five incisors, possibly representing a juvenile
condition (Martinelli, Eltink, et al., 2017), while other pro-
bainognathians have three, such as Aleodon spp., T. rio-
grandensis, R. guaibensis, I. hernandezi, and adult
individuals of B. quadrangularis (Bonaparte et al., 2005;
Bonaparte & Barberena, 2001; Kerber et al., 2022;
Martinelli et al., 2016; Oliveira et al., 2010, 2011; Soares
et al., 2011). More incisors are present in juvenile forms of
the latter taxon (Martinelli, 2017). In CAPPA/UFSM 0377,
there is no diastema between the fourth incisor and the
canine (Figure 3a).
The canine is well developed, linguo-labially com-
pressed (Figure 4c), without mesial or distal serrations,
which are present in ecteniniids, B. schultzi, and variably
in P. brasiliensis (Martinelli et al., 2016; Oliveira
et al., 2010; Stefanello et al., 2023). The canine of CAPPA/
UFSM 0377 is more robust than those of the type series.
The tips of both canines are missing (Figure 3a–d).
CAPPA/UFSM 0377 has 10 postcanines (Figures 3a–d
and 4a,b), unlike the holotype and paratype, which have
only seven (Stefanello et al., 2020). On the left side, the
pc8-10 are better preserved (Figure 3a,b,e,f). The postcanine
roots are constricted by a longitudinal groove (Figures 3e
and 4a–c). The pc8 has a small cusp a, followed by a dor-
sally projected cusps a–c. The pc9 is better preserved than
the pc8 (Figure 3e). It shows a small cusp b, followed suc-
cessively by cusps a, c, and d. The cusp a is sharp and is the
largest one. It is slightly curved distally (Figure 3e) but not
as the pattern shared by chiniquodontids and ecteniniids, in
F I G U R E 4 Digital sections of the lower jaw of Agudotherium which the curvature is more accentuated (Abdala &
gassenae. (a,b) Sagittal and parasagittal sections of the left dentary Giannini, 2002; Martinelli, Kammerer, et al., 2017; Martinez
of CAPPA/UFSM 0377 and transverse plane of the right dentary et al., 1996; Oliveira et al., 2010). Both teeth are similar to
(above). (c) Transverse sections of the left dentary. (d,e) Sagittal the distal postcanines of the holotype and paratype. Mesio-
and parasagittal sections of the right dentary of CAPPA/UFSM lingually, there is a weak cingulum (cusp e), representing a
0262. 1–10, 1 to 10th postcanines; c, lower canine; cr, canine root; pattern less complex than in C. barberenai, P. brasiliensis,
dl, dental lamina; ea, empty alveolus; i1-4, first to fourth incisors; Botucaraitherium belarminoi, and B. quadrangularis (Soares
mc, mandibular canal; mf, mental foramen; rpc, replacement et al., 2014; Martinelli, Soares, et al., 2017; Pacheco
et al., 2018). The pc10 is an erupting tooth (Figure 3f). Its
cusps are sharper than in the other postcanines. The cusp a
is smaller than in the pc8-9, and the cusps a–c are more
UFSM 0262 and CAPPA/UFSM 0208, is the incisor curved distally than in the other postcanines (Figure 3a).
morphology (Figure 3a–c). They are conical and well- The cusp a is slightly lingually oriented. On the right side,
developed, and their apex is generally higher than those pc1-8 are present, but most have broken crowns and do not
of postcanines (Figure 3a–c). The first three incisors have provide new anatomical data (Figure 3d).

F I G U R E 5 Abbreviated strict
consensus tree depicting the position of
Agudotherium gassenae (bold). The
numbers on nodes indicate the
Bootstrap values and Bremer support of
the main clades.

3.2 | Phylogenetic analysis UFSM 0262 and CAPPA/UFSM 0208. Hence, the dentary
body becomes deeper as the individual grows.
The phylogenetic analysis recovered two MPTs with The canine becomes more robust, and postcanines
499 steps (CI = 0.454, RI = 0.774; Figure 5). Agudother- are added during ontogeny (seven in the type series and
ium gassenae emerges as the sister group of Prozostro- 10 in the new specimen). CAPPA/UFSM 0262, the holo-
dontia. The clade including A. gassenae + prozostrodonts type, has two replacement postcanines replacing the pc2
is supported by two character-state transformations in and pc5, respectively (Stefanello et al., 2020). On the
the strict consensus tree: unfused dentary symphysis other hand, CAPPA/UFSM 0377 does not show any
(83:1 ! 0) and lower postcanine teeth with roots replacement teeth, which may indicate that the replace-
constricted by a longitudinal groove (108:0 ! 1). The ment ceased (or was ceasing) at this ontogenetic stage.
Ladinian/early Carnian probainognathian P. estudianti is Considering that A. gassenae had delayed ankylosis as
the sister-taxon of A. gassenae + prozostrodonts. the pattern of tooth attachment (LeBlanc et al., 2018), in
The constrained analysis recovered two MPTs which the tooth goes through an early stage of gomphosis
with 501 steps (CI = 0.453, RI = 0.773). In the strict and ends with ankylosis, the pc6 and pc9 seem to be
consensus tree, there is a polytomy at the base of among the latest postcanines that erupted. In such teeth,
Prozostrodontia, which is composed A. gassenae, Therioh- there is an alveolar space formerly occupied by periodon-
erpeton cargnini, Prozostrodontidae (P. brasiliensis tal ligament in life (gomphosis; LeBlanc et al., 2018).
+ Pseudotherium argentinus), and a clade with late diverging
4.2 | Morphological and phylogenetic
C O N C L U S IO N CAPPA/UFSM 0377 is referred to A. gassenae according
to the shared diagnostic suite of traits proposed for the
4.1 | Ontogenetic remarks taxon (Stefanello et al., 2020). Whereas this assignation
expands the fossil record of A. gassenae, it is a still poorly
CAPPA/UFSM 0377 is larger than the holotype and para- known cynodont. Nevertheless, the new specimen pro-
type, and we assumed that it is ontogenetically older than vides new anatomical information. Its dental formula
the individual(s) of the type series. In this case, some presents 4 incisors, 1 canine, and 7–10 lower postcanines.
ontogenetic observations are pertinent. The dentary of In the type series, the rostral region of the dentary was
CAPPA/UFSM 0377 is more robust, and the difference in not well preserved, and A. gassenae was interpreted as
height between the rostral region of the dentary ramus having three lower incisors (Stefanello et al., 2020). In the
and the caudal region is less evident than in CAPPA/ description of this taxon, Stefanello et al. (2020) suggested a

possible relationship with sectorial-toothed non-mamma- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

liaform prozostrodonts, such as B. quadrangularis, B. belar- Agustin G. Martinelli and Jun Liu, for their valuable
minoi, or I. hernandezi, mainly due to the presence of three comments that significantly improved this article's first
incisors (although three incisors are present in non-prozos- version. We also extend our gratitude to the Willi Hennig
trodont probainognathians, they are shared by all non- Society for the gratuity of TNT software.
mammaliaform Norian prozostrodonts with preserved
incisors) and unfused dentary symphysis. Although it F U N D I N G IN F O R M A T I O N
presents some traits more commonly distributed among Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tec-
prozostrodonts (e.g., non-fused symphysis, postcanine roots nol
ogico (Leonardo Kerber [422568/2018-0, 309414/2019-9,
with a constriction), it also has lower postcanines with less 309178/2022-3, and 406902/2022-4], Rodrigo T. Müller
complex morphology, with weak mesiolingual cingulum [CNPq 404095/2021-6, 303034/2022-0, and 406902/2022-4]),
(not complete), not evidently developed as in P. brasiliensis Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do RS (Leonardo
and B. belarminoi (Pacheco et al., 2018; Soares et al., 2014). Kerber [21/2551-0002030-0] and Flavio A. Pretto
Based on the available morphological information on this (21/2551-0000619-6), and PICT (2020-SERIEA-01498;
taxon, our phylogenetic analysis recovered it as the sister Leonardo Kerber).
group of Prozostrodontia (a node-based clade; Liu &
Olsen, 2010). Indeed, the constrained analysis demands C O N F L I C T O F I N T E R E S T S T A TE M E N T
two extra steps to recover A. gassenae within The authors declare no competing financial interests.
We consider the results of this phylogenetic analysis to DA TA AVAI LA BI LI TY S T ATE ME NT
be preliminary, considering that little is known about the Data (CT-Scan) are available on request from the
anatomy of A. gassenae. Even so, its phylogenetic position authors.
contributes to the discussion of an unappreciated diversity
of probainognathians that flourished during the Late Trias-
sic in the branch leading to prozostrodonts (Bonaparte ORCID
et al., 2006; Martinelli et al., 2016; Martinelli, Soares, Leonardo Kerber
et al., 2017). However, the main forces that drove this evolu- avio A. Pretto
tionary context are poorly investigated. The Carnian Pluvial Rodrigo T. Müller
episode is usually regarded as one of the factors that 9875
impacted the diversification of tetrapods and its subsequent
success (Bernardi et al., 2018; Griffin et al., 2022). Con- RE FER EN CES
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Schultz, C. L., Martinelli, A. G., Soares, M. B., Pinheiro, F. L., Additional supporting information can be found online
Kerber, L., Horn, B. L. D., Pretto, F. A., Müller, R. T., & in the Supporting Information section at the end of this
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Basin, southern Brazil. Journal of South American Earth Sci-
ences, 104, 102846.
Soares, M. B., Martinelli, A. G., & De Oliveira, T. V. (2014). A new How to cite this article: Kerber, L., Pretto, F. A.,
prozostrodontian cynodont (Therapsida) from the Late Triassic & Müller, R. T. (2023). New information on the
Riograndia assemblage zone (Santa Maria Supersequence) of mandibular anatomy of Agudotherium gassenae, a
southern Brazil. Anais Da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias, 86(4),
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probainognathian from Brazil. The Anatomical
tion on Riograndia guaibensis Bonaparte, Ferigolo & Ribeiro, Record, 1–9.
2001 (Eucynodontia, Tritheledontidae) from the Late Triassic

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