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Ocean Pollution:

Causes and Effects


Ocean pollution is a serious issue

that affects marine life and the
environment. It is caused by
human activities such as
industrial waste, plastic waste,
and oil spills. This presentation
will discuss the causes and
effects of ocean pollution.
Industrial waste is one of the main causes of
ocean pollution. Chemicals and toxic waste Industrial Waste
from factories and industries are dumped into
the ocean, contaminating the water and
harming marine life. This pollution can also
affect human health when we consume
contaminated seafood.
Plastic Waste

Plastic waste is another major

contributor to ocean pollution.
Millions of tons of plastic waste
end up in the ocean every year,
harming marine life and
disrupting the ecosystem. Plastic
waste can also break down into
microplastics, which can be
consumed by marine organisms
and enter the food chain.
Oil spills are a catastrophic event that can
cause significant damage to marine life and Oil Spills
the environment. When oil spills occur, they
can coat the ocean surface and harm marine
animals such as birds, fish, and sea turtles. Oil
spills can also contaminate the water and
affect human health.
Effects on Marine Life

Ocean pollution has a

devastating effect on marine life.
It can cause harm to fish, sea
turtles, whales, and other marine
animals. The pollution can also
disrupt the food chain and
ecosystem, leading to a decline in
fish populations and other
marine life.

Ocean pollution is a serious issue

that requires immediate action.
We must take steps to reduce our
impact on the ocean and protect
marine life. This can be done by
reducing plastic waste, properly
disposing of industrial waste, and
preventing oil spills. By working
together, we can make a
difference and ensure a healthy
ocean for future generations.
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