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(ETC/ECE) (Semester – V) (RC 2019-20) Examination, Dec 2020/ Jan 2021


Instructions: 1) Assume suitable data only if necessary.

2) All symbols and notations have their usual meaning.


1. a) The signal xc(t) =sin(2 π (300) t) was sampled with a sampling period T= 1/1200
second to obtain a discrete time sequence x[n].Find x[n]

b) Consider the system of following Fig.1 with discrete time system an ideal low pass filter
with cutoff frequency π/8 radians/s.
i) If xc(t) is bandlimited to 20 Khz what is the maximum value of T that will avoid aliasing
in the C/D converter?
ii) If 1/T = 20 KHz, what will the cutoff frequency of the effective continuous-time filter
be? 8
xc(t) C/D time D/C yr(t)
x[n] System y[n]

Fig. 1

c) The continuous time signal xc(t) = sin(20 π t) + cos(40 π t) is sampled with sampling rate
T to obtain the discrete time signal
x[n] = sin( πn/5) + cos(2 π n/5).
Determine a choice of T consistent with this information. Is your choice of T obtained
unique. If so explain why. If not specify another value of T consistent with the above
information. 6

2. a) Given x[n] = {1,0,1,1} , h[n] = { 3,4,5}. y[n] obtained by performing N-point circular
convolution of x[n] with h[n]. The value of N is such that y[n] is same as linear convolution
of x[n] with h[n]. Find N and y[n]. 6

b) Given x[n] = ∑𝑟=−∞ 𝛿[𝑛 − 𝑟𝑁][n] . Find the DTFT of x[n] 4

c) Given x[n] = { 1, 2, 1, 0, 1, -1, 1} . Find the N point-FFT of x[n] using the butterfly
structure by choosing an appropriate N. 10
3.a) Suppose we have two four point sequences x[n] and h[n] as follows:
x[n] = cos(πn) n=0, 1, 2, 3
h[n] = n + 1 n=0, 1, 2, 3
If Y[k] = X[k] . H[k], where Y[k], X[k] and H[k] are 4-pt DFTs of y[n],x[n] and h[n]
respectively. Calculate y[n] using DFT-IDFT method. 8

b) State and explain any two properties of DFT. 6

c) Given x[n] = { 1, 1,1,-1} . Find the 4 point-FFT of x[n] using DIF-FFT butterfly structure.

4.a). Implement the following using any two realizations 8
H(Z) = 5 + (1-Z-1)/(1+ Z-2 + 3 Z-4)
H(Z) = 1/ ( 0.75Z-1 + .5 Z-2 + 1.3 Z-3 + .5 Z-4)

b). Design a Digital Butterworth filter that satisfies the following constraint:
0.8 ≤ | H(ejω)| ≤ 1 0 ≤ ω ≤ π/4

| H(e )| ≤ 0.2 3π/4 ≤ ω ≤ π
Assume T =1s. 12

5.a) Design a digital Chebyshev filter to satisfy the constraints 10

0.707 ≤ | H(ejω)| ≤ 1 0 ≤ ω ≤ 0.2π
|H(ejω)| ≤ 0.1 0.5π ≤ ω ≤ π
Assume T =1s.

b) Determine the system function of the following flow graph. 10

c) Determine the impulse response of the system shown

6. a) The desired frequency response of a low pass filter is
Hd(𝑒 𝑗𝜔 ) = 𝑒 −𝑗3𝜔 -3 π/4 ≤ω ≤3 π/4
=0 3 π/4 < |ω| ≤ π
Design a FIR filter for M =7 using a Hanning window. Find the designed frequency
response. 12

b) Explain interchange of filtering and upsampling/downsampling.



7. a) Given x[n] = { 1,2,1} and h[n]={1,1,-1}. Find y[n] using the DFT-IDFT method such
that y[n] is non-aliased. 8

b) Determine the magnitude response and frequency response of a linear phase FIR filter with
length M=9. 8

c) Find the IDFT of the the following sequence x[k] = {3, (2+j), 1, (2-j)} 4

8.a) Design an FIR digital filter to approximate an ideal low-pass filter with passband gain of
unity, cut-off frequency of 850 Hz and working at a sampling frequency of fs= 5KHz. The
length of the impulse response should be 5. 10

b) Explain the process of decreasing the sampling rate by an integer factor with neat
sketches at every stage. 10

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