All Verified Physics Icse Quarterly Examination

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Maximum marks: 80
Time allowed: Two hours
Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
You will not be allowed to write during first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.

Section A is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section B.

The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].

(Attempt all questions from this section)
Question 1
Choose the correct answers to the questions from given options: [ 15 ]
(ⅰ) The body starts moving in a straight path in direction of applied force is called
(a) Rotational motion
(b) Uniform circular motion
(c) Translation motion
(d) None of these
(ⅱ) The algebraic sum of moments of the weight of all particles is zero abouts its
(a) Centre of upper part
(b) Centre of lower part
(c) Not fixed
(d) Centre of gravity
(ⅲ) The direction of centrifugal force is
(a) Towards the centre
(b) Away from the centre
(c) Perpendicular to the surface
(d) None of these
(ⅳ) Which factor does not affect quantity of heat
(a) Shape
(b) Temperature
(c) Material
(d) Mass
(ⅴ) The base of cooking pan is made thick
(a) To have high latent heat
(b) To have high specific heat
(c) To have high heat capacity
(d) None of the above
(ⅵ) Due to the presence of impurities, melting point
(a) Does not change
(b) Decreases
(c) Increases
(d) Increases to 100°C

(ⅶ) Drinks get more cooled quickly by adding ice pieces at 0°C than ice cold water at 0°C due to
(a) High specific latent heat of fusion of ice
(b) High heat capacity
(c) High specific latent heat of vaporization of water
(d) High specific heat capacity

Pu . What is the number of neutrons in its nucleus?

(ⅷ) A nuclide of the element plutonium is 94

(a) 242
(b) 336
(c) 148
(d) 94
(ⅸ) The particle used for bombarding in nuclear fission
(a) Neutron
(b) Proton
(c) Electron
(d) Nucleon

(ⅹ) 107 K temperature is needed to start the process of nuclear reaction of

(a) Nuclear fission

(b) Thermos nuclear fission
(c) Controlled neutron reaction
(d) Nuclear fusion
(ⅺ) The most harmful radiation is
(a) Alpha
(b) Gamma
(c) Beta
(d) UV
(ⅻ) The mirror isobars have
(a) Interchanged protons and electrons
(b) Interchanged neutrons and electrons
(c) Interchanged neutrons and protons
(d) Interchanged atoms
(ⅹⅲ) SI unit of heat capacity

(a) J/ K
(b) JK
(c) cal /℃
(d) kcal /K
(ⅹⅳ) Conventionally, anticlockwise moment is taken as
(a) Zero
(b) Negative
(c) Imaginary
(d) Positive
(ⅹⅴ) The SI unit of moment of force is kgf m when it is measured in
(a) CGS system
(b) Gravitational unit
(c) Metric system
(d) None of these
Question 2
(ⅰ) α or β and γ rays emits from radioactive substances during their decay [3]
(a) Arrange them in ascending order of penetrating power
(b) Which of the above will pass undeviated if subjected to an electric field ?
(c) In which ray emission , the atomic number of daughter nucleus decreases by two and
mass number decreases by four? .Give one of its scientific use.
(d) In which emission, parent and daughter nuclei becomes isobars?
(ⅱ) (a) A uniform wire is bent into a circular ring. Does the centre of gravity shift? Explain [2]
(b)A stone tied at the end of a string is whirled in a circular path .Which force drives the stone
to move in a circular path? Is it real or virtual?
(ⅲ) Calorimeter is made up of thin sheet of copper. Why?
(ⅳ) From the radio isotope of carbon, an alpha particle is emitted. find the product nucleus ? [2]
(ⅴ) A refridgerator extracts energy at the rate of 100W. How much time will be taken to cool
100g water from 30°C to its freezing point?
(ⅵ) Complete the following reactions
226 …. 4
(a) 88 X → … .Y + 2 He
14 …. 0
(b) 6 A → …. B + −1e

(ⅶ) Two spanners with different handle length are given. Spanner A has longer handle than B.
which has less effort to loosen a nut? Explain on the basis of moment of force. [2]

Question 3
(ⅰ) Even though atmospheric temperature changes, body temperature does not change [2]
significantly. Why?
(ⅱ) A man opens a nut by applying a force of 100N with a spanner of handle length 40cm. [2]
If he tightens the same nut with another spanner by applying only a force of 50N.
Find the length of the second spanner?
(ⅲ) Why is it that in hot countries we put salt on ice in the ice cream makers to keep the ice [2]
from melting, while in cold countries, we put salt on ice to melt the snow on the roads?
37 35
(ⅳ) Chlorine has two isotopes 17Cl and 17Cl .[2]
37 35
(a) What is the ratio of relative abundance of 17Cl to 17Cl? which is more abundant?
37 35
(b) If a substance contains X chlorine atoms, find the number of 17Cl and 17 Clatoms.

(ⅴ) (a) What is the working principle of calorimeter? State the principle [2]
(b) Is the above principle valid if the system is not perfectly insulated? Why?
(Attempt any four questions)
Question 4
(ⅰ) (a) What is the turning effect of force?
(b) How to maximise turning effect of force?
(c) When turning effect of force becomes zero?
(ⅱ) Find the result of mixing when 10g ice at -10°C is mixed with 10g water at 10°C.
Specific heat capacity of water is 4.2J/g°C. Specific heat capacity of ice is 2.1J/g°C.
Specific latent heat of fusion of ice is 336J/g
(ⅲ) (a) What is the difference between controlled and uncontrolled chain reaction? write
an application of each.
(b) Name the radioactive isotope used to find the age of fossils. Name the radioactive
radiation which it emits? Differentiate radioactive decay and nuclear fission.

Question 5
(ⅰ) (a) When a square lamina is suspended freely from any one vertex , what is the moment
of force produced by its own weight in its rest position?
(b) The centre of gravity of a hollow cone having a fixed height is at a certain distance
from its vertex, Find the value of height and distance from vertex if position of centre
of gravity is 10 cm from the base?
(ⅱ) The diagram shows a circular disc O pivoted at point Y in two cases. Three equal [4]
forces F1, F2 and F3 act at point X and Y on the disc

(a) Which force will produce maximum moment about Y in fig 1?

(b) Which force will produce maximum moment about Y in fig 2?
(c) If the disc was pivoted at O with only force F1 act at point X in fig1, what will be
the direction of moment of force?
(d) If the disc was pivoted at O with only force F3 act at point Y in fig2, what will be
the direction of moment of force?
(ⅲ) A piece of ice is heated at a constant rate. The variation of temperature with heat

input is shown in the graph below:

a) What are represented by AB and CD?
(b) What conclusion can you draw regarding the 110°c nature of ice from the above graph?
(c) What is the state along BC? is it a phase change or temperature change?
Question 6
(ⅰ) (a) Find the net moment of force about the fulcrum of the given scale if the meter [3]
scale balances at its midpoint by fulcrum

235 238
(b) 92 U is more easily fissionable than 92U .Why?
(ⅱ) (a) Compare nuclear fission and thermonuclear reaction [3]
(b) Write any three safety measures while building a nuclear power plant.
(ⅲ) Derive the expression for principle of method of mixtures when cold water taken [4]
in a copper vessel is mixed with hot water.
Question 7
(ⅰ) Select maximum pairs of isotopes, isobars and isotones from the data given below. [3]

Mg, 6C , 11 Na, 7 N , 12 Mg, 6C

23 14 23 14 24 13

(ⅱ) Differentiate between heat and temperature. [3]

(ⅲ) (a) 10kg weight is suspended at the initial end (0 cm) of meter scale when fulcrum [4]
is at 30 cm and it get balanced. What is the mass of the ruler?
(b) find the amount of heat needed to change 10 g of ice at -5°C to water at 20°C .
Specific heat capacity of water is 4.2 J/g°C .Specific heat capacity of ice is 2.1 J/g°C .
Specific latent heat of fusion of ice is 336J/g

Question 8
(ⅰ)From a radioactive isotope A, an alpha particle is emitted and then followed by a nuclear [3]
emission without any change in nucleons. The new nucleus has 82 protons and
126 neutrons.
(a) Write the nuclear reaction
(b) What is the mass number and atomic number of A
(c) State any two properties of the second emission of the above nuclear reaction.
(ⅱ) State the effect of pressure and impurities on
(a) Melting point

(b) Boiling point

(c)Explain the effect of pressure on boiling point for cooking inside a pressure cooker

and at a high altitude mountain

(ⅲ) (a) How centre of gravity depends on the stability of the body? [3]

(b) Draw the following in uniform circular motion

● Direction of velocity
● Direction of force

(c) Mark the position of centre of gravity of the below diagram by letter G. State the

reason for your answer.

Question 9

(ⅰ) A piece of ice of mass 40g is added to 200g of water at 50°C. Calculate the final
temperature when all ice is melted. Specific heat capacity of water 4200 J/kg K.
Specific latent heat of fusion of ice is 336×103 J/kg
(ⅱ) (a) Why radioactivity is known as a random nuclear phenomenon?
(b) Why beta particles are more deviated than alpha particles when subjected to
electric and magnetic fields?
(ⅲ) (a) Can we consider the weight of a body as a weight of point particle according
to the concept of centre of gravity? why?
(b) Does the centre of gravity always be within the material of the body?
Explain with an example.

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