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Anticoagulation-Associated Adverse Drug Events

in Hospitalized Patients Across Two Time Periods
John Fanikos, BS, MBA, Yahya Tawfik, PharmD, Danya Almheiri, PharmD, Katelyn Sylvester, PharmD,
Leo F. Buckley, PharmD, Chris Dew, BA, Heather Dell’Orfano, PharmD, Andre Armero, BS, Antoine Bejjani, MD,
Behnood Bikdeli, MD, MS, Umberto Campia, MD, Julia Davies, BA, Karen Fiumara, PharmD, Heather Hogan, BSN,
Candrika Dini Khairani, MD, Darsiya Krishnathasan, BS, Junyang Lou, MD, PhD, Alaa Makawi, PharmD,
Ruth H. Morrison, RN, Nicole Porio, BA, Anthony Tristani, BS, Jean M. Connors, MD, Samuel Z. Goldhaber, MD,
Gregory Piazza, MD, MS
Thrombosis Research Group, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass.


PURPOSE: Anticoagulants often cause adverse drug events (ADEs), comprised of medication errors and
adverse drug reactions, in patients. Our study objective was to determine the clinical characteristics, types,
severity, cause, and outcomes of anticoagulation-associated ADEs from 2015-2020 (a contemporary
period following implementation of an electronic health record, infusion device technology, and anticoag-
ulant dosing nomograms) and to compare them with those of a historical period (2004-2009).
METHODS: We reviewed all anticoagulant-associated ADEs reported as part of our hospital-wide safety
system. Reviewers classified type, severity, root cause, and outcomes for each ADE according to standard
definitions. Reviewers also assessed events for patient harm. Patients were followed up to 30 days after
the event.
RESULTS: Despite implementation of enhanced patient safety technology and procedure, ADEs increased
in the contemporary period. In the contemporary period, we found 925 patients who had 984 anticoagula-
tion-associated ADEs, including 811 isolated medication errors (82.4%); 13 isolated adverse drug
reactions (1.4%); and 160 combined medication errors, adverse drug reactions, or both (16.2%). Unfractio-
nated heparin was the most frequent ADE-related anticoagulant (77.7%, contemporary period vs 58.3%,
historical period). The most frequent anticoagulation-associated medication error in the contemporary
period was wrong rate or frequency of administration (26.1%, n = 253), with the most frequent root cause
being prescribing errors (21.3%, n = 207). The type, root cause, and harm from ADEs were similar
between periods.
CONCLUSIONS: We found that anticoagulation-associated ADEs occurred despite advances in patient
safety technologies and practices. Events were common, suggesting marginal improvements in anticoagu-
lant safety over time and ample opportunities for improvement.
Ó 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (  The American Journal of Medicine (2023)

KEYWORDS: Adverse drug events; Adverse drug reactions; Anticoagulants; Direct oral anticoagulants; Medication
errors; Unfractionated heparin; Warfarin


Conflict of Interest: None. Anticoagulants often cause adverse drug events (ADEs),
Authorship: All authors had access to the data and a role in writing comprised of medication errors and adverse drug reactions,
this manuscript. in hospitalized patients, long-term care residents, and
Requests for reprints should be addressed to John Fanikos, BS, MBA,
Pharmacy Department, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 75 Francis Street,
elderly outpatients (Figure 1). These complications arise
Boston, MA 02115. from the complexity of anticoagulant dosing, inadequate
E-mail address: laboratory monitoring, inconsistencies in patient adherence,

0002-9343/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
928 The American Journal of Medicine, Vol 136, No 9, September 2023

and underlying patient comorbidities.1−3 Complications of a 5-year period (2015-2020; “contemporary period”) at
anticoagulant therapy generate a disproportionate number Brigham and Women’s Hospital, an 826-bed academic
of emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and pre- medical center. We reviewed all anticoagulant-associated
ventable injuries.4−6 In the United States, hospitalization ADEs reported at Brigham and Women’s Hospital as part
costs associated with anticoagulant-associated ADEs have of our hospital-wide safety reporting system. We compared
been estimated at more than $2.5 billion.1,7 the ADEs during this period with a historical comparator
Since 2008, decreasing patient harm related to anticoag- (2004-2009).1
ulant use has been a Joint Commission National Patient Our clinicians voluntarily report ADEs through a soft-
Safety Goal (NPSG.03.05.01) and a ware application RL6 systemÓ
component of their current survey (RL Solutions, Columbia, South
process.8 Anticoagulant safety is a CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE Carolina). RL6 is a desktop appli-
major focus of the National Action  Anticoagulation-associated adverse cation that captures safety incident
Plan for Adverse Drug Event Preven- details including date, time,
drug events occurred despite advances
tion, released in 2014 by the Office patient identifiers, location, medi-
of Disease Prevention and Health in the hospital’s patient safety efforts, cation, event type, severity, and a
Promotion of the US Department of such as the implementation of a brief event description. Our medi-
Health and Human Services. In 9 sophisticated electronic health record, cation safety officer reviews every
addition, anticoagulation safety was installation of new infusion device report daily, captures further
a key component of the Centers for technology (“smart” pumps with drug details and outcomes of the events,
Medicare and Medicaid Services’ libraries), and adoption of anticoagu- and inputs the final information
Quality Innovation Network and lant dosing nomograms. into the report to close the inci-
Hospital Improvement Innovation  Unfractionated heparin was the most dent.
Network within efforts to improve common anticoagulant associated with We collected patient demo-
medication safety.10 Local solutions adverse drug events. graphics from the electronic health
and systematic efforts on improving  While record (DA, CD, HD, JF, AM, YT)
quality of anticoagulant administra- and adjudicated the event type, root
adverse drug events were commonly
tion have been limited.11−13 causes, and outcomes (HD, JF, KF),
In 2011, we reported that most reported, patient harm was infrequent. according to standardized defini-
anticoagulant-associated ADEs were tions as previously reported.1,17
potentially preventable medication errors. Since that his- Instances of anticoagulant-related ADEs and their causes were
torical period, our institution has implemented several analyzed by our team of physicians (AB, BB, UC, SG, CK,
patient safety-first practices. The hospital system imple- GP, JL), pharmacists (DA, LB, HD, JF, AM, YT), and a hos-
mented a new, more sophisticated electronic health record pital patient safety officer (KF). For all ADEs, we determined
(Epic, Verona, WI) with enhanced provider order entry fea- the ADEs’ type of error (see Supplemental Appendix A, avail-
tures and prescribing safeguards and placed new infusion able online), root cause (see Supplemental Appendix B, avail-
device technology (“smart” pumps with drug libraries) into able online), and outcomes.18−20 We also included additional
service, in 2015 and 2019, respectively. All physicians, types of errors (documentation error, medication discontinued
nurses, and pharmacists underwent “Just Culture” training without an order, and system error) and root causes (prescrib-
to implement a system of shared accountability for health ing error and system error) when categorizing ADEs. In cases
care delivery and provider behavior.14,15 Two new unfrac- where disagreement existed, resolution was decided by the
tionated heparin dosing nomograms were developed, senior pharmacist (JF).
approved, and implemented. Finally, we launched a hemo- ADEs were categorized into either the medication error
static and antithrombotic stewardship program to provide and adverse drug reaction categories, or both. All ADEs
real-time clinical surveillance and management of hemo- that resulted from medication errors were considered poten-
static and antithrombotic agents to optimize appropriate tially preventable. An adverse drug reaction was defined as
use, decrease serious adverse events, and minimize costs.16 a patient’s bodily response to a drug normally used for pro-
Whether these safety infrastructure improvements were phylaxis or therapy of disease and that was potentially nox-
associated with a change in the number, type, and down- ious and unintended. A subset of adverse drug reactions
stream consequences of anticoagulant-related ADEs has may lead to patient harm. A medication error was defined
been unclear. The objective of this study was to determine as an event that caused or led to inappropriate medication
the clinical characteristics, types, severity, root cause, and use or patient harm. A medication error that was discovered
outcomes of anticoagulant-associated ADEs. and corrected before reaching the patient was classified as a
near hit.
We evaluated bleeding complications by applying the
METHODS GUSTO (Global Use of Streptokinase and t-PA for
We performed a retrospective review of anticoagulation- Occluded Coronary Arteries) bleeding criteria, and we fol-
associated ADEs that originated during hospitalization over lowed patients for 30 days after an event.21 We included all
Fanikos et al Anticoagulation-Associated Adverse Drug Events in Hospitalized Patients 929

(StataCorp. 2021. Stata Statistical Software: Release 17.

College Station, TX: StataCorp LLC.).

ADE Characteristics
The total number of hospital admissions was 250,725 in the
historical period and 287,136 in the contemporary period.
In the contemporary period, we found 925 voluntary reports
of patients who had an anticoagulation-associated ADE
(Table 1). Patients had a median age of 64 years, 53.6%
were male, and the median body mass index was 27 kg/m2.
More patients had a history of hypertension, atrial fibrilla-
tion, renal disease, venous thromboembolism, stroke, other
thromboembolism, heart failure, diabetes, and cancer dur-
ing the contemporary period compared with the historical
period. Fewer patients in the contemporary period had a
prior surgical procedure.
In the contemporary period, we found 984 ADEs, com-
prised of 811 isolated medication errors (82.4%), 13 iso-
lated adverse drug reactions (1.3%), and 160 combined
medication errors and adverse drug reactions (16.2%)
(Table 2, Figure 2). We found that 98.6% (n = 971) of
ADEs, defined as comprising both medication errors and
adverse drug reactions, were potentially preventable. There
was a higher reported ADE rate per admission (0.34 ADE
per 100 contemporary patient admissions vs 0.18 ADE per
100 historical patient admissions, respectively). There was
also a higher number of ADEs during the contemporary
period compared with the historical period (984 ADEs vs
463 ADEs, respectively).
Unfractionated heparin was the most frequent anticoagu-
lant associated with an ADE, accounting for 769 (77.7%) of
all ADEs in the contemporary period and 270 (58.3%) dur-
ing the historical period. There was a lower number of
ADEs attributed to warfarin in the contemporary period
compared with the historical period (6.6%, n = 66 vs
Figure 1 Anticoagulation-associated adverse drug
events: medication process and outcomes. 20.7%, n = 96, respectively). Low-molecular-weight hepa-
rin was associated with 5.5% (n = 55) of ADEs in the con-
temporary period and 9.5% (n = 44) in the historical period.
We found a small number of direct oral anticoagulants
(DOACs) associated with ADEs in the contemporary
anticoagulants intended for the prevention and treatment of period; apixaban (2.7%, n = 27), rivaroxaban (1.9%,
thrombosis, including parenteral (unfractionated heparin, n = 19), and dabigatran (0.9%, n = 9). These agents were
low-molecular-weight heparin, fondaparinux, argatroban, not available or not in routine use during the historical
and bivalirudin) and oral (apixaban, dabigatran, edoxaban, period.
rivaroxaban, and warfarin) agents.
The proportions of categorical variables were compared
between the historical and contemporary periods using the ADE Types
x2 test. Continuous variables were compared between the 2 In the contemporary period, the most frequent types of anti-
periods using the Student t-test for normally distributed coagulation-associated medication errors were wrong rate
data and the Mann-Whitney U test for non-normally distrib- or frequency of administration (26.1%, n = 253) and missed
uted data. The statistical significance threshold was set at dose or late dose (20%, n = 195), which was similar to the
P < .05. For other comparisons, we did not adjust for multi- historical period (Table 3, see Appendix A, available
plicity of the tests and potential error rate inflation and online, for definitions). Wrong dose (13.1%, n = 127 vs
therefore, other analyses should be considered exploratory. 7.1%, n = 23), inadequate monitoring (7.5%, n = 73 vs
Statistical comparisons were performed using Stata 0.3%, n = 1), and administration without an order (2.5%,
930 The American Journal of Medicine, Vol 136, No 9, September 2023

Table 1 Comparison of Baseline Characteristics and Medical Conditions in Patients with Anticoagulation-Associated Adverse Drug
Events Between 2004-2009 and 2015-2020 Studies
Baseline Characteristic 2004-2009 Study 2015-2020 Study P Value
(N = 463 patients) (N = 925 patients)
Number of hospital admissions 250,725 287,136 -
Median age on admission, years (interquartile range) 62 (49-72) 64 (52-72) .05
Age >75 years, n (%) 92 (19.9) 180 (19.4) .82
Male, n (%) 246 (53.1) 496 (53.6) .86
Median body mass index, kg/m2 (interquartile range) 27.4 (23.8-33.1) 27 (23.2 - 32.3) -
Median length of stay, d (interquartile range) 13 (7-32) 10 (5 − 22) -
Medical condition, n (%)
Hypertension 243 (52.5) 612 (66.1) <.0001
Surgery in past 2 months 213 (46) 167 (18) <.0001
Status post valve replacement 68 (14.7) 108 (11.6) .10
Coronary artery disease − ischemic heart disease NA 295 (31.9) -
Atrial fibrillation 126 (27.2) 313 (33.8) .01
Serum creatinine >1.5 mg/dL 125 (27) 266 (28.7) .51
End-stage kidney disease on renal replacement 30 (6.5) 98 (10.5) .01
Venous thromboembolism* 121 (26.1) 382(41.3) <.0001
History of stroke 45 (9.7) 144 (15.5) .003
History of MI NA 193 (20.8) -
Other thromboembolism 40 (8.6) 195 (21.0) <.0001
Heart failure 106 (22.9) 310 (33.5) <.0001
Diabetes 104 (22.5) 292 (31.5) .005
Active cancer without metastases 34 (7.3) 198 (21.4) <.0001
Active cancer with metastases 42 (9.1) 182 (19.6) <.0001
History of cancer 34 (7.3) 380 (41) <.0001
Pulmonary diseasey 66 (14.3) 132 (14.2) .96
Thrombophilia 16 (3.5) 39 (4.2) .53
MI = myocardial infarction; NA = not applicable, not available.
*Includes history or active venous thromboembolism (deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism)
yIncludes chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, interstitial lung disease, cystic fibrosis, restrictive lung disease, pulmonary fibrosis

n = 25 vs 0.6%, n = 2) occurred more often in the contem- transcription errors, the leading cause of medication errors
porary period compared with the historical period. Incorrect in the historical period, decreased from 48% (n=155) to
anticoagulation administration timing (2.9%, n = 29 vs 4.7% (n=46) in the contemporary period.
5.3%, n = 17), anticoagulant not discontinued (2.3%, In the contemporary period, we completed a secondary
n = 23 vs 9.6%, n = 31), wrong patient (0.8%, n = 8. vs contributing type of unfractionated heparin-associated med-
2.2%, n = 7), expired medication (0.4%, n = 4 vs. 2.5%, ication error and root cause for each patient that was not
n = 8), and wrong route of administration (0.4%, n = 4 vs reported in the original study (Figure 3). We found that the
3.1%, n = 10) occurred less frequently in the contemporary most frequent types of anticoagulant-associated adverse
period than in the historical period. events resulted from incorrect use of the unfractionated
heparin nomograms (inappropriate patient selection, incor-
rect weight, failure to respond to coagulation study results,
ADE Root Causes and failure to deliver correct bolus or infusion dose).
The most common root causes of anticoagulation-associ-
ated medication errors reported in our contemporary period
were prescribing errors (21.3%, n = 207), rule violation ADE-Associated Outcomes
(18.1%, n = 176), and memory lapse (14.8%, n = 144) We reviewed the adverse drug reactions and found that
(Table 3, see Appendix B, available online, for definitions). 52.7% (n = 91) of anticoagulant adverse drug reactions
When we compared the 2 periods, we found that rule viola- were associated with abnormal coagulation studies
tion, faulty dose checking, and faulty interaction or commu- (Table 4). Of these, 29.4% (n = 51) were associated with
nication between services as root causes of medication excessive intensity of anticoagulation demonstrated by a
errors were more frequent in the contemporary period supratherapeutic activated partial thromboplastin time,
(18.1% [n = 176] vs 5.9% [n = 19], 13.9% [n = 135] vs anti-Xa assay, or international normalized ratio and
0.3% [n = 1], and 7.7% [n = 75] vs 2.2% [n = 7], respec- occurred less frequently than our historical study. Any
tively) compared with our historical period. However, bleeding event occurred in 14.4% (n = 25) of adverse drug
Fanikos et al Anticoagulation-Associated Adverse Drug Events in Hospitalized Patients 931

Table 2 Comparison of Characteristics of Adverse Drug Events in Patients Receiving Anticoagulation Between 2004-2009 and 2015-2020
Characteristics of Adverse Drug Event, n (%) 2004-2009 Study (n = 463 Events) 2015-2020 Study (n = 984 Events) P Value
Near miss 33 (7.1) 116 (11.7) .007
Potentially preventable ADE 322 (69.5) 971 (98.6) <.0001
Number of hospital admissions 250,725 287,136 -
Crude event rate (ADE per 100 patient-admissions) 0.18 0.34 -
Total ADEs 5,585 10,047
% of anticoagulant contributing events 8.3 9.8
Anticoagulant perpetrator, n (%)
Unfractionated heparin 270 (58.3) 769 (77.7) <.0001
Warfarin 96 (20.7) 66 (6.6) <.0001
Low-molecular-weight heparin (enoxaparin) 44 (9.5) 55 (5.5) .005
Bivalirudin 18 (3.9) 31 (3.1) .43
Apixaban NA 27 (2.7) -
Rivaroxaban NA 19 (1.9) -
Dabigatran NA 9 (0.9) -
Fondaparinux 3 (0.67) 4 (0.4) .49
Edoxaban NA 2 (0.2) -
Argatroban 29 (6.3) 2 (0.2) <.0001
Lepirudin 3 (0.7) NA -
ADEs = adverse drug events; = not applicable, not available.

reactions, and thromboembolic events were infrequent, predisposing condition were the most frequent root causes
occurring in 3.4% (n = 6), in the contemporary period. We associated with characteristics of anticoagulant-associated
further reviewed the 25 bleeding events. We found that 14 adverse drug reactions for both the original and current
were related to medication errors. Eleven events were studies. When we compared the contemporary period with
linked to wrong application of an unfractionated heparin the original study, we found that the contribution of medi-
nomogram, 2 events employed incorrect patient weights, cation error increased by 2-fold from the original study
and in 1 event, the infusion device was programmed incor- (40% vs 85%, respectively), and undetected predisposing
rectly. The remaining 11 events were unanticipated bleed- conditions declined in the contemporary period compared
ing without errors in care delivery. Of the 6 thrombotic with the original study (14.4%, n = 25 vs 58%, n = 138,
events documented, none were a consequence of medica- respectively). In the management of bleeding, we found
tion errors. fewer patients required blood transfusions for bleeding
When we compared our contemporary period with the management (9.3% vs 16.8%), and a less frequent use of
historical period, there was a lower frequency of abnormal fresh frozen plasma (1.2% vs 4.6%) and vitamin K (1.2%
coagulation studies (52.7%, n = 91 vs 72.3%, n = 172), vs 4.2%) in the contemporary period compared with the his-
excessive anticoagulation (29.4%, n = 51 vs 71.9%, torical period.
n = 171), any bleeding event (14.4%, n = 25 vs 24.8%, Although we observed 82 (8.3%) in-hospital deaths in
n = 59), and thrombocytopenia (0.5%, n = 1 vs 18.1%, our contemporary period compared with 26 (5.6%) deaths
n = 43). We found medication error and undetected in the original study, in only 1 patient in each study period
did an ADE contribute to this outcome (Table 5). In our
contemporary period cohort, 1 patient in whom anticoagu-
lation was unintentionally discontinued in the hospital suf-
fered an ischemic stroke and expired.

In this study of anticoagulant-associated ADEs in hospital-
ized patients, we found unfractionated heparin to be the
most frequently implicated drug. The most common type of
anticoagulant medication errors included wrong rate, wrong
frequency, wrong dose, or missed dose (accounting for half
of our reports). Prescribing errors emerged as a common
Figure 2 Types of anticoagulants-associated adverse root cause in 1 of 5 patients. Although the most common
events. adverse outcomes of an adverse drug reaction were abnor-
mal coagulation studies and excessive anticoagulation,
932 The American Journal of Medicine, Vol 136, No 9, September 2023

Table 3 Comparison of Types and Root Causes of Anticoagulant-Associated Medication Errors Between 2004-2009 and 2015-2020
Type of Medication Error 1, n (%) 2004-2009 Study (n = 323) 2015-2020 Study (n = 971) P Value
Wrong rate or frequency 75 (23.2) 253 (26.1) .30
Missed dose, late dose 79 (24.5) 195 (20.0) .09
Wrong dose 23 (7.1) 127 (13.1) .004
Inadequate monitoring 1 (0.3) 73 (7.5) <.0001
Extra dose 26 (8.1) 62 (6.3) .26
Failure to act on laboratory result 17 (5.3) 41 (4.2) .41
Wrong drug 7 (2.2) 34 (3.5) .25
Wrong time of administration 17 (5.3) 29 (2.9) .04
Documentation error NA 29 (2.9) -
Medication administered without order 2 (0.6) 25 (2.5) .04
Medication not discontinued when ordered 31 (9.6) 23 (2.3) <.0001
Preparation error 6 (1.9) 22 (2.2) .75
Wrong technique of administration 3 (0.9) 21 (2.1) .16
Wrong patient 7 (2.2) 8 (0.8) .04
Medication discontinued without order NA 8 (0.8) -
Known allergy or contraindication 1 (0.3) 7 (0.7) .42
System error NA 6 (0.6) -
Medication expired 8 (2.5) 4 (0.4) .0006
Wrong route 10 (3.1) 4 (0.4) <.0001
Root cause of medication errors, n (%)
Prescribing error NA 207 (21.3) -
Rule violation 19 (5.9) 176 (18.1) <.0001
Memory lapse 52 (16.1) 144 (14.8) .57
Faulty dose checking 1 (0.3) 135 (13.9) <.0001
Faulty interaction between services 7 (2.2) 75 (7.7) .0004
Infusion or parenteral administration problem 28 (8.7) 68 (7.0) .31
Transcription error 155 (48) 46 (4.7) <.0001
Drug stocking or delivery problem 9 (2.8) 33 (3.4) .60
Lack of knowledge about drug 18 (5.6) 26 (2.6) .01
System error NA 21 (2.1) -
Drug preparation error 12 (3.7) 15 (1.5) .02
Lack of information about the patient 4 (1.2) 11 (1.1) .88
Faulty drug identity checking 17 (5.3) 10 (1) <.0001
Known allergy or contraindication 1 (0.3) 4 (0.4) .80
NA=Not applicable, not available.
*Includes medications errors alone (n = 811) and combined medications errors and adverse drug reactions (n = 160).

hemorrhagic and thrombotic events were infrequent, and computer application. Our hemostatic and antithrombotic
most patients suffered no harm. When comparing our study stewardship program, an interdisciplinary program created
periods, unfractionated heparin remained the primary cause to monitor and manage hemostatic and antithrombotic
in both periods, ADEs with warfarin declined, and DOAC agent usage, lower costs, and decrease the frequency of
events appeared in the contemporary period. We found ADEs, led to several improvements in patient outcomes
abnormal anticoagulant studies, excessive anticoagulation, and costs.16, 22−24 Thus, we believe that the higher number
and any bleeding events were less common in the contem- of anticoagulation-related ADEs in the contemporary
porary period compared with our historical period. period compared with the historical period (9.8% vs 8.3%
There are several differences in our hospital operations of reported ADEs) reflected changes in the hospital safety
when comparing the contemporary period to our historical culture and infrastructure and use of dosing nomograms
period. We recognize that in our contemporary period the that increased clinician reporting of ADEs. Furthermore,
hospitalized patient population had a higher proportion of the introduction of unfractionated heparin nomograms cou-
hypertension, stroke, other thromboembolism, heart failure, pled with the inability to interpret and complete the tasks
diabetes, and cancer. This increased complexity could have associated with them was a frequent contributing cause of
contributed to a higher number of reported ADEs. We cap- reported events. Finally, we urge caution in interpreting the
tured anticoagulant-associated ADEs during the implemen- increase in reported events as compromising care. The
tation period of the new electronic health record. Some of operational changes, while increasing care complexity,
the reported ADEs were the result of learning a new were intended to improve anticoagulation management by
Fanikos et al Anticoagulation-Associated Adverse Drug Events in Hospitalized Patients 933

Figure 3 Unfractionated heparin adverse drug events, secondary review.

broadening clinician responsibilities including greater par- had an ADE, of these 33% were drug related. These find-
ticipation in the culture of safety and providing more timely ings support the need for routine, reliable reporting coupled
surveillance and response. These changes also encouraged with continuous safety improvements.27
the identification of pitfalls in anticoagulation care that had Since their introduction, DOACs have accounted for a
not been recognized and reported in the past. growing proportion of total anticoagulant use.28 The greater
Recent national reporting of ADEs in hospitalized number of warfarin-associated ADEs in the historical
patients has been conflicting. Comparing event rates across period compared with the contemporary period likely
hospitals or time periods is difficult. Some have shown a reflects the contemporary period decrease in warfarin use
reduction in ADEs across a series of disease populations, and the increase in DOAC prescription during these study
all of whom would require anticoagulation for prevention periods. Unfractionated heparin remains a pervasive antico-
or treatment of thrombosis.25 Others have reported no agulant tool in the hospital because of its pharmacokinetic
change in ADE rates in hospitalized Medicare patients over characteristics (rapid onset, short half-life, low cost, dose
the past 10 years.26 However, a common type of medica- adjustment in renal dysfunction, and drug interactions) in
tion-related harm identified was excessive bleeding, which medically and surgically managed patients. Administration
was most often related to anticoagulant use. In addition, a of unfractionated heparin requires frequent monitoring and
study across 11 hospitals found that 1 in 4 patients admitted titration using hospital specific nomograms. Successful

Table 4 Comparison of Characteristics, Root Causes, and Management of Adverse Drug Reactions Between 2004-2009 and 2015-2020
Characteristic of Adverse Drug Reaction n, (%) 2004-2009 Study (n = 238) 2015-2020 Study (n = 173) P Value
Abnormal coagulation studies 172 (72.3) 91 (52.7) <.0001
Occurrence of excessive anticoagulation during hospitalization 171 (71.9) 51 (29.4) <.0001
Any bleeding event 59 (24.8) 25 (14.4) .01
Any thromboembolic event 16 (6.7) 6 (3.4) .14
Other arterial thromboembolic event 1 (0.4) 4 (2.3) .08
Stroke 2 (0.8) 2 (1.1) .75
Thrombocytopenia 43 (18.1) 1 (0.5) <.0001
Root cause of adverse drug reaction n, (%)
Medication error 94 (39.5) 147 (84.9) <.0001
Undetected predisposing condition 138 (58) 25 (14.4) <.0001
Patient medication non-adherence 2 (0.8) 1 (0.5) .71
Management of bleeding n, (%)
Packed red blood cells 40 (16.8) 13 (9.3) .03
4-factor prothrombin complex concentrate (Kcentra) Not reported 1 (0.58) -
Fresh frozen plasma 11 (4.6) 2 (1.2) .05
Platelets Not reported 2 (1.2) -
Vitamin K 10 (4.2) 2 (1.2) .07
*Includes adverse drug reactions alone (n = 13) and combined medication errors and adverse drug reactions (n = 160)
934 The American Journal of Medicine, Vol 136, No 9, September 2023

Table 5 Comparison of Outcomes of Adverse Drug Reactions Between 2004-2009 and 2015-2020 Studies
Outcome, n (%) 2004-2009 Study (n = 463) 2015-2020 Study (n = 984) P Value
In-hospital death 26 (5.6) 82 (8.3) .11
Death after discharge but within 30 days of ADEs 23 (5.0) 0 (0.0) <.0001
Death due to thromboembolism 4 (0.86) 1 (0.1) .04
Death due to bleeding event 1 (0.22) 0 (0.0) .32
Discharge status, n (%)
Home 236 (51.0) 625 (63.5) <.0001
Rehabilitation center 186 (40.2) 235 (23.8) <.0001
Hospice 13 (2.8) 26 (2.6) .86
Other acute care facility 2 (0.4) 16 (1.6) .07
Deceased 26 (5.6) 82 (8.3) .11
ADEs = adverse drug events.

unfractionated heparin delivery requires nomogram famil- We also note limitations to our analysis. It was con-
iarity, timely coagulation study ordering, result interpreta- ducted at a single center. All event reporting was volun-
tion, and adjustments in dosing, all of which create more tary, which could lead to under-reporting.42 We
workload on physicians, physician-assistants, nurses, nurse recognize that the there is substantial variability in ADE
practitioners, and pharmacists. Nurse to patient ratio, nurse reporting, which limits the ability to analyze data across
shift changes, night shift staffing, and parenteral medica- time periods and institutions. We also acknowledge that
tions are risk factors that increase the odds of medication voluntary incident reporting results in a much lower rate
errors.29,30 The use of systemic guidance by hospital care specifically in reporting of adverse drug events.43 More
pathways or computer alerts that aid clinicians in recom- efforts to standardize as well as increase rates of report-
mending less heparin use or switching patients to low ing in cases of ADEs would improve quality of data for
molecular weight heparin would be helpful and potentially future studies. We captured anticoagulant-associated
reduce instances of anticoagulant-related ADEs. For ADEs during the implementation period of the new elec-
instance, expert opinion suggests the use of low-molecular- tronic health record. Some of the reported ADEs were
weight heparin, rather than unfractionated heparin, as the likely the result of learning a new computer application.
preferred immediate anticoagulant for patients with inter- Finally, the RL6 application (RLDatix, London, England,
mediate risk for pulmonary embolism.31 This practice is in the United Kingdom) may have restricted reporting
fact frequent in many European hospitals.32 details of the events, and it may lack interoperability and
Some have advocated for specialized, dedicated consulta- adaptability to newer technologies and services at other
tion services or stewardship programs that rigorously follow health care systems.
evidence-based, professional, or societal guidelines.33,34
Others have promoted the electronic health record as a tool
for safety. Although a consensus list of features has been CONCLUSION
established to optimize anticoagulant management, we have In conclusion, we found that reported anticoagulation-asso-
not identified which strategies provide the most benefit.35 ciated ADEs increased when comparing a contemporary
Studies of clinical decision support systems and anticoagulant period to a historical period. Unfractionated heparin was
monitoring systems have not demonstrated consistent the most common anticoagulant associated with ADEs. The
improvements in safety and outcomes.33,36−39 Other studies fostering of “Just Culture” training and anticoagulation
have focused on human and organizational factors to identify stewardship, the implementation of a new electronic health
problems associated with human-machine interfaces and record, “smart” infusion devices, and dosing nomograms
mimic routine work sequences. However, few initiatives have likely contributed to the additional reported events.
focused on anticoagulant use.40,41 Although ADEs were commonly reported, patient harm
Our study has several strengths. We have dedicated hospi- was infrequent. These data suggest that clinicians should be
tal resources to address and evaluate the medication safety mindful of dosing errors when prescribing unfractionated
quality in our hospital in a multidisciplinary approach that heparin and consider alternatives, such as low-molecular-
involves all hospital personnel including, physicians, physi- weight heparin, when appropriate to ensure the safe and
cian assistants, nurses, nurse practitioners, and pharmacists. effective care of patients. Advances with electronic health
We used the Epic electronic medical record system (Epic safety applications and human factor engineering require
Systems Corporation, Verona, Wis) to collect our data and to more attentiveness during the process of delivering care to
gather more information and details regarding the events and patients on anticoagulants. Healthcare team members
patient characteristics. Each patient included in the study also should proactively take measures to analyze and mitigate
had consistent and thorough follow up within 30 days. anticoagulation-associated adverse drug events.
Fanikos et al Anticoagulation-Associated Adverse Drug Events in Hospitalized Patients 935

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Fanikos et al Anticoagulation-Associated Adverse Drug Events in Hospitalized Patients 936.e1

Supplementary Appendix A Types of Anticoagulant-Associated Medication Errors: Definition and Example

Type of Medication Error Definition Example
Wrong rate or frequency Anticoagulant is prescribed with an infu- Unfractionated heparin infusion prescribed
sion rate or frequency, but the anticoag- with a rate of 15 units/kg/hour but
ulant is being administered at a different incorrectly administered with a rate of
rate or frequency. 18 units/kg/hour.
Missed dose, late dose Administration outside a predefined time Enoxaparin ordered to start at 9 AM but the
interval from the anticoagulant’s dose is incorrectly administered at 9 PM.
scheduled administration time.
Wrong dose Anticoagulant dose resulting in overdosage Fondaparinux ordered and administered as
or underdosage. 2.5 mg daily when indicated dose was
10 mg daily.
Inadequate monitoring Inadequate therapy assessment of antico- Unfractionated heparin infusion initiated
agulant response. but, no corresponding coagulation study
was performed.
Extra dose Patient given an additional dose of antico- Edoxaban prescribed 30 mg once daily but
agulant he or she was not supposed to incorrectly administered as 2 doses at 2
receive. different times.
Failure to act on coagulation study or labo- Coagulation study completed and result Activated partial thromboplastin time
ratory result reported but anticoagulant dose not result reported at 30 seconds and target
adjusted. range activated partial thromboplastin
time is 60-80 seconds. The infusion rate
was not adjusted according to the hospi-
tal’s unfractionated heparin dosing
Wrong drug Patient is given a medication other than Patient ordered for enoxaparin subcutane-
the prescribed medication. ously but incorrectly administered fil-
grastim subcutaneously.
Wrong time of administration Anticoagulant administration at the wrong Warfarin prescribed to be administered
time. evening before surgery but incorrectly
administered day of surgery.
Documentation error Documentation error or omission in medi- Enoxaparin documented as being adminis-
cal record chronicling anticoagulant tered to the patient in the medication
dose, route, time, or duration. administration record, but dose was
never administered.
Medication administered without order Anticoagulant administration to a patient Intravenous unfractionated heparin initi-
without the prescriber’s proper ated in the Emergency Department but
authorization. never prescribed by a clinician.
Medication not discontinued Drug continued to be given despite order Intravenous unfractionated heparin
when ordered for administration to stop. ordered to be discontinued at 10 AM but
was still infusing at 3 PM.
Preparation error Anticoagulant is not properly prepared Argatroban prepared as 0.5 mg per mL but
prior to dispensing or administration correct concentration was 1 mg per mL.
such as improper reconstitution.
Wrong technique of administration Anticoagulant administered using an Dabigatran administered via gastrostomy
inappropriate procedure or incorrect tube.
Wrong patient Medication intended for one patient was Unfractionated heparin 5000 unit intrave-
given to another. nous bolus prescribed for a patient but
incorrectly given to another patient
who was not prescribed unfractionated
Medication discontinued without order Anticoagulant stopped despite no order Unfractionated heparin administered intra-
given to do so. procedure with intent to continue but
incorrectly stopped during recovery.
Known allergy or contraindication Patient administered anticoagulant A patient with a history of heparin-induced
despite recognized allergy or indication thrombocytopenia and administered
not to give said drug. unfractionated heparin to “flush” the
intravenous line.
936.e2 The American Journal of Medicine, Vol 136, No 9, September 2023

Supplementary Appendix A (Continued)

Type of Medication Error Definition Example
System error Error occurring in the electronic medical Unfractionated heparin ordered for a future
record. encounter (procedure) date but this
order is displaying in the current encoun-
ter and medication administration
Medication expired Medications that are dispensed or adminis- Bivalirudin infusing with a beyond use date
tered beyond their expiration date or of the prior day.
beyond use date.
Wrong route Ordered as one route of administration and Patient prescribed morphine intravenously
given through different route. and heparin subcutaneously but incor-
rectly administered morphine subcutane-
ously and heparin intravenously.
Fanikos et al Anticoagulation-Associated Adverse Drug Events in Hospitalized Patients 936.e3

Supplementary Appendix B Root Causes of Anticoagulant-Associated Medication Errors: Definition and Example
Root Cause Definition Example
Faulty interaction or communication Incomplete, omitted, or misinterpreted Nurse communicates elevated activated
between services communication between disciplines or partial thromboplastin time lab result to
services. physician. Nurse assumes physician will
prescribe new dose. Physician assumes
nurse would adjust dose based on nomo-
gram. Anticoagulant doses unchanged
6 hours later.
Faulty dose checking Clinician failed to complete a proper proc- Argatroban prescribed based on a body
essing step to ensure the correct antico- weight of 60 kg, but dose entered on
agulant or dose was dispensed or infusion device was for 65 kg.
Rule violation Failure to follow accepted and well-estab- Nurse administered incorrect dose of enox-
lished procedures. aparin first then bar code scanned the
drug and patient wristband identifier
rather than scanning the drug and iden-
tifier first.
System error Error occurring in the electronic medical Unfractionated heparin ordered for a future
record. encounter (procedure) date but display-
ing in the current encounter and medica-
tion administration record.
Lack of information about the patient Nurse, physician, or pharmacist was Medical patient administered unfractio-
unaware of an important aspect of the nated heparin 5000 unit dose for throm-
patient’s condition or treatment plan. boprophylaxis because the patient was
incorrectly thought to be a thoracic sur-
gery patient where this prescription is
routinely employed.
Transcription error Error associated with the prescribed anti- Apixaban prescribed with specific instruc-
coagulant order being transcribed and tions to be discontinued in the peri-
verification for medication administra- operative period, but these instructions
tion steps. were not forwarded to the medication
administration record and hence therapy
not stopped.
Memory lapse Error occurring when a clinician forgets to Patient prescribed unfractionated heparin
perform a function that he or she would by nomogram. Nurse administered
ordinarily do or performs a task for which 40 unit/kg bolus, forgot giving this ini-
he or she does not recall the reason. tial dose, and erroneously administered a
second bolus dose.
Lack of knowledge about drug Inadequate knowledge of the anticoagu- Argatroban dispensed in 1 mg/mL “ready-
lant, indications for use, available forms, to-use” formulation. Nurse incorrectly
appropriate doses, routes, and incompat- thought that additional mixing/diluting
ibilities. preparation was necessary prior to
Prescribing error Clinician error in prescribing of anticoagu- Physician prescribes enoxaparin 1.5 mg per
lants resulting in too high or low a dose. kg but as a twice daily dose rather than
the correct once daily dose.
Infusion or parenteral administration Errors in setting pumps; accidental tubing Nurse programs intravenous unfractionated
problem disconnections; confusion between cen- heparin to infuse at 12 units/kg/hour.
tral and peripheral lines, or suspected Returns to room 2 hours later and pump
device malfunction. is off despite being plugged into electri-
cal outlet.
Drug preparation error Anticoagulant is not properly prepared Argatroban prepared as 0.5 mg per mL, but
prior to dispensing or administration correct concentration was 1 mg per mL.
such as improper reconstitution.
Known allergy or contraindication Patient administered anticoagulant A patient with a history of heparin-induced
despite recognized allergy or indication thrombocytopenia is erroneously admin-
not to give said drug. istered unfractionated heparin to “flush”
the intravenous line.

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