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Hi, I’m Anne Turnbull, and I help people who are looking for opportunity to make money with a
business everyone can afford.

We all know people who’ve had their phones or laptops lost, stolen, or damaged and let’s face
it, most of us don't back up our devices like we know we should. With almost 7 billion
smartphone users globally, there’s a massive market for data backup solutions that are
affordable and that work.

GotBackUp is a US company offering 6TB of automatic data backup & storage for less than $10 a
month. And this data can be shared by up to 6 Family Members, even if they’re in a different
household or a different country. Other services like dropbox, Icloud or google drive, offer just
2TB for $10. Gotbackup offers 3 x the data for the same price so it’s a great deal.

Aside from the great pricing, what makes GotBackUp so unique is that it also offers an amazing
business opportunity.

So many people today would love to have an extra income, and for just $10 per month, you can
also have a business with GotBackUp.

Here’s how it works:

You Start your business with a one-time $40 fee plus pay for your GotBackUp service at $10 per

You are now set to earn in 3 different ways.

The first way you earn is when you introduce others to GotBackUp and they get started as a
customer or business partner. We call these people your Direct Referrals. For every customer
or business partner you introduce who purchases the GotBackUp service you will earn Direct
Referral Commissions.

You earn $20 the 1st month, and 25% of their subscription fee every month after that.

So let’s say you directly referred 20 people who joined GotBackUp as a business partner.

You would have earned $20 x 20 direct referrals, or $400 commission in Month 1, plus an
ongoing monthly commission of $50 every month after that.

The 2nd way you earn is through Matching Check Commissions

If we stay with the example of the 20 Business Partners you signed up, let’s say they’re earning
$200 per month in commissions.

In addition to your Direct Referral Commissions, you’ll also be earning 25% of whatever your
Direct Referral Business Partners are earning. This is called the Matching Check Commission.

If you have 20 Direct Referral Business Partners each making $200 a month, you’ll be earning
$50 per Business Partner or $1000 per month in additional commissions paid to you.

You can have an unlimited number of Direct Referral Business partners, so you can see this is a
huge opportunity!

The 3rd way you earn is in Team Commissions As your team grows, you have the opportunity to
earn additional commissions.

By now you can see that GotBackUp offers a service everyone needs and a business everyone
can afford. GotBackUp is already in over 70 countries and growing fast. This is truly an
unlimited income opportunity!

I’ve spent the last 14 years helping people build their businesses and earn a great income.
When you join our team, you’ll have all the support you need to be successful.

If you’re ready to build a global business and to start earning the income you’ve always
dreamed of, enter your details now and let’s get started.

Can’t wait to celebrate you at the top!

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