Arts LP

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in

Arts 4
Prepared by: RJ A. BANLUTA

I. Objective
At the end of 60-minute lesson, the students will be able to;

a. identify correctly the two types of shape;

b. appreciate the importance of the different types of shape; and
c. draw different example of shapes according to its type.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic
 Shapes (Organic and Geometric)

B. Instructional Materials
 PowerPoint
 Paper tarp
 Marker

C. References
 Curriculum Guide Music 3, Page 28

III. Procedure/Learning Activities

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Before proceeding to our lesson this
morning, let us all stand for our prayer.
Jea, kindly lead the prayer
(Jea goes in front)
Are you ready to pray classmates?

(Student’s answer)
Yes, we are ready

In the name the father, and of the Son and the

Holy Spirit, Amen

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy

name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on
earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our
daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we
forgive those who trespass against us; and lead
us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

In the name the father, and of the Son and the

Holy Spirit, Amen.

2. Greetings
Good morning, class Good morning, Ma’am

How are you feeling today? We’re fine teacher, how about you?

Teacher is fine too.

Who among you here know how to

dance? (Student raised their hand)

Wow, the majority of you knows how

to dance and since you tell me you
know how to dance, I want to see you
all dancing.

Are you ready?

Okay so I have here a video, what we

are going to do is that we will follow
what the video is doing. Is that clear?
Yes Ma’am
Are you ready to dance?
Yes Ma’am
Okay everybody stand up and let us
all dance.

3. Setting of Class Standard

Before proceeding on checking your
attendance, let me remind you first about
our classroom rules.

Kindly read rule number 1 Michael

(Michael starts reading)
Avoid Talking
Avoid Talking
Okay thank you Michael. For you to be
able to concentrate to lesson we will
going to tackle this morning, you should
avoid talking to your seat mate especially
when our discussion started.

Did you get it class?

(Students respond in chorus)
Okay very good. What about rule number Yes Ma’am
2, kindly Nichole
(Nichole starts reading)
Raise your hand if you
want to answer Raise your hand if you
want to answer
Okay thank you. So, what are you going
to do if you want to answer?
(Students answer in chorus)
Okay very good. Always bare in mind Raise our hand)
that anytime you wanted to talk or you
want to answer, always raise your hand to
avoid distraction. Understood?
(Students answer)
Yes Ma’am

For our last rule, kindly read Jea

(Jea starts reading)
Cooperate during
activities Cooperate during
Okay thank you, as a students you are
tasked to cooperate especially during
activities for you to be able to practice
what you have during our discussion.

Are we clear?
(Students answer)
Okay very good. Let us read our rules Yes Ma’am
again all together.
(Students do what is being told)
4. Attendance Checking
Before we will be going to proceed in to
our topic this morning, I will be going to
check first your attendance.

Who among you here is absent?

(Students respond)
Okay very good. Let us clap our hands for None Ma’am
a perfect attendance
(Students do what is being told)
B. Developmental Activities

1. Motivation
Before proceeding to our class discussion
this morning, I will show you first a short
clip but before letting you see it, I have
here some guide questions. For you to be
able to answer these questions, you need
to pay attention to the video I will show to

Are we clear?

Okay very good. Let us read first these Yes Ma’am

questions pasted in front
(The students starts reading)
Guide Questions:
Guide Questions:
1. What is the video all about?
2. What are the shapes found 1. What is the video all
in the video? about?
3. Why do you think that 2. What are the shapes
shapes are important based found in the video?
on the video? 3. Why do you think that
shapes are important
based on the video?
Okay thank you. Now please take your
seat properly, observe and pay attention
so that you can answer the question later.

(The teacher plays the video)

For you to fully understand the video, I
will play it again

(The teacher plays the video again)

Okay now that you are done watching the

video, let us now answer the guide

Number 1, what is the video all about?

(Student raised a hand)
Yes Mery Rose?
The video is all about shape Ma’am
Okay very good, let’s clap our hand to
Mery Rose
(Student do what is being told)
So the video is all about the shapes.

Based on the video, what are shapes

mentioned or what are the shapes found in
the video?
(Student raised a hand)
Yes Nerva?
Circle Ma’am
Okay circle, very good. What else?
(Student raise a hand)
Circle, triangle, what else? Triangle Ma’am
(Student raise a hand)
Yes Jenny?
Square Ma’am
Square, very good. What else?
(Student raise a hand)
Yes Shanty?
Rectangle Ma’am
Okay very good. There is a circle,
triangle, square, and rectangle.

Let’s clap our hands

(Students do what is being told)
For the last question, why do you think
shapes are important based on the video?

(Student raise a hand)
Yes Isabelle?
Based on the video, shapes are important Ma’am
Okay very good. Let’s give Isabelle a because it can create different objects.
round of applause.
(Students do what is being told)
So based on the video, shape is important
because it can create objects such as the
mountain, sun, gifts and etc.
Now that you’re already done watching
the video, do you have any idea now what
will be our topic this morning?

Wow very good. if so then what is it? Yes Ma’am

Yes Nichole? (Student raised a hand)

Okay very good. Thank you, Nichole I think our topic this morning is all about shapes
2. Presentation
Our topic this morning is all about shapes
but to be specific is it about the two
common types of shapes.

Before proceeding to the discussion, let us

read first our objectives for today’s topic.
Everybody read

Objectives (The students starts reading)

a. identify correctly the two types of Objectives
shape through looking at the
examples a. identify correctly the two types of
b. appreciate the importance of the shape through looking at the
different types of shape through examples
oral recitation; and b. appreciate the importance of the
c. apply the knowledge about the different types of shape through
different types of shapes through oral recitation; and
the differentiated activities c. apply the knowledge about the
different types of shapes through
the differentiated activities
Do you know what are the common types
of shapes?

Okay if so, kindly take your seat properly No Ma’am

and fasten seatbelt as we are going to
travel now the world of shapes.

Are you ready?

3. Discussion Yes Ma’am

Shapes are normally circle, square,
triangle and many others but do you also
know that in nature, we can also find

Later on as we go through discussion you No Ma’am

will find out that there is shapes in nature.

So the two different types of shapes

geometric shape and organic shape.

When we say geometric, what subject

matter we usually hear this word?

Okay so in mathematics but have you ever

wondered why there is geometry in arts? Math Ma’am

Who has an idea?

Okay, the reason behind why geometry is
in arts it is because the shapes under
geometry is used in mathematics such as
hexagon and etc.

So what is geometric shapes?

Geometric Shape- are closed figures

created using points, line segments,
circles, and curves. Such shapes can
be seen everywhere around us
Geometric Shape- are closed figures
created using points, line segments,
circles, and curves. Such shapes can
As what I have mentioned earlier,
be seen everywhere around us
geometric shape can be also be use in
mathematics. These are composed of
shape that are easy to recognize and has a
simple form. If you can still remember the
shape found in the video played earlier,
those are an example of geometric shape.

When we say line, these are the common

lines we can use in creating geometric

Geometric shape also has another name

and this is the regular shape.

They are called regular because they are

symmetrical. They are 2D wherein all
angle or all interior has the same measure
both sides.

For example, the square, how many sides

do a square has?

Okay very good, are they equal?

Geometric shapes are used to give sense

of order and cleanliness of an artwork.
They provide patterns.
4 Ma’am
Did you get it?
Yes Ma’am
Based on the definition of geometric
shape, who can give an example of those
type of shape?

Yes Christy
Yes Ma’am
Okay very good, what else?
Okay thank you. So here is the example of
geometric shapes. (Students raise their hand)

Rectangle Ma’am


Let us all read the example

Did you now understand what is an

organic shape?

Okay, let us now proceed to the other type (Students starts reading)
which is the organic shape.

What is organic shape? Yes Ma’am

Everybody read.

(Students starts reading)

Organic Shape- shapes that are Organic Shape- shapes that are
similar to those found in nature, such similar to those found in nature, such
as you.
plants, animals, and rocks. They as plants, animals, and rocks. They
are often curved and flowing and can are often curved and flowing and can
the word itself organic, it means it
unpredictable seem unpredictable
came from nature and from living things
such as animals and everything that has
lives. This type of art in unpredictable or
can merely recognized because of its
nature which freeform.

When we say freeform, it is a type of art

that follows no rule. They do not have
exact dimension because of coure they are

Did you get it?

This is also known as freeform since it

has no exact dimension. This type of
shape produces a sense of calmness and
naturalness since it ties with nature. Yes Ma’am
They're often used in graphic design when
we want to convey those feelings in a

For you to fully understand and visualize

what organic shape looks like, here is an

Shape of leaf:
Shape of leaf:

A cloud

A cloud

A rain puddles

A rain puddles





The mentioned examples above are

the very familiar one.

Did you understand what is organic


Can you distinguish geometric shape and

organic shape by just looking at the
Yes Ma’am
Okay let’s try.

I will now group you into two different

groups, in order for you to determine Yes Ma’am
your group, I paste different words in
your chair.

Did you find some?

Okay who among you here pick the

word organic?

Okay very good. What about the group Yes Ma’am


(Students raised their hands)

Okay group organic will stay here and
Then group geometric will stay here.
(Students raised their hands)
I will give you 15 seconds to go your
designated area.

Okay listen, I have here pictures. This

Activity is called shape naming.

What you are going to do is that you will (Students do what is being told)
Guess what kind of shape is the picture

Did you get it?

I will give you time to process what is

In the picture and later on I will give you
signal for you to raise your flags.


First picture

Is this an organic shape or geometric

shape? Yes Ma’am

Very good

What about the third photo?

Geometric Ma’am
Wow very good, it is organic because it
no exact dimension and it comes from
the nature.

Organic Ma’am

Are you sure?

Why do you think it is geometric?

Yes Isabelle?
Geometric Ma’am
Okay very good, Kite is an example of
geometric shape because it has sides Yes Ma’am
and has dimension and aside from that,
it is made by humans. (Students raised a hand)

Did you get it? Because it has four side ma’am with exact
dimension both sides

Yes Ma’am

Geometric or Organic Shape?

Okay very good.

Organic Ma’am
Did you understand what is organic and
geometric shape class?

Do you have any questions?

If so, prepare for you activity.

C. Concluding Activities
Using the same group, this time we will Yes Ma’am
None Ma’am
(the teacher distributes the envelope)

Group organic kindly read the instruction

of your activity

Draw 2 example of each type and explain why it
Group geometric kindly read. is organic and geometric

Yes Ma’am
Okay now that you already have the
materials, I will give you 10 minutes to Using the different example of geometric
do you activity, after 10 minutes finish shapes, draw or form a simple artwork. Present
or not, you will present you work in your work in front.

Are we clear?

Okay. Do your activity quietly.

(After 10 minutes)
Yes Ma’am
Time is up class, paste your work here in
Front so that you can start presenting. (Students do what is being told) \

Let start with group organic

(Series of presentation from different)

Okay class, let’s give a hand to ourselves

and for the job well done. (Group square starts presenting)

Did you learn and enjoy your activity this

Very good. (Student do what is being told)

Do you have any question?

Yes Ma’am

2. Generalization

Always bear in mind class that there are None Ma’am

different types of shape such as geometric
and organic shape.

What is geometric shape again, Jera?

Okay very good. What about the organic?

Geometric shape Ma’am are the shape that are
Yes Jonathan made by curves, point, and line segment that are
easy to recognize Ma’am
Okay very good.
(Student raise a hand)
How will you differentiate organic shape
From geometric shape, Chaeven? It comes from nature Ma’am that has no exact

Very good Chaeven, very well said. Organic shape is different from geometric
Ma’am because geometric shape has exact
Now, that you can already define, dimension and is made up from line segments
identify, and distinguish the different while organic has no exact dimension and has
types of shapes, how are these shapes free form.
important to arts Aib?

Okay very good. Did you get it class? They are important Ma’am because they can
give calmness and harmony to the artwork. They
Do you have any questions? also represent patterns of how artwork are made.

If so, prepare for a short quiz. Yes Ma’am

None Ma’am

IV. Evaluation
Test I
Instruction: Put (/) to the picture that belongs to geometric shape and put (X) if it belongs to organic

Test II
Instructions: Draw inside the box at least 3 examples of each type of shape

Organic Geometric

V. Assignment
Instructions: Draw 5 example of organic and geometric shape you can find in your home. Color it
using with the colors that are familiar to you. Write it in your assignment notebook.

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