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AC Activity Comment Response Remark / Changes

AMR Convene 5 workshop/meetings in 5 This is a good step to cascade AMR to Thanks. FAO will be covering the meeting
P4.1.1 regions (Oromia, Amhara, SNNP, Addis subnational level. Are the responsible costs only. No further financial
Ababa, Somali/DireDawa)and to cover the cost needed to execute commitment, however, as demanded
institutions to develop sub-national the action plans? technical support and follow up there
action plans to cascade the One Health after. The assumption is that once fully
(OH) AMR prevention and containment owned can include in their annual plans.
strategic plan (2021-25) What were the criteria for selecting The strategy is to do it in progressive
these 5 regions and what are the ways/to certain areas in the first year
plans for the remaining regions? and then expand. Readiness for
implementing activities and difficulty to
reach all in once. The rest of the regions
will be included the following years.
AMR Support 2 of the 4 National OH AMR Who is chairing the national OH AMR MOH is currently chairing and MOA/EPA
P.4.1.1 advisory quarterly coordination advisory group? P4.1.1 is co-chair meetings?
meetings to review the
operationalization of NAP

AMR Support sub-national level OH World Is this not supposed to be conducted Yes, thank you. We will replace National Remove National
P4.1.2 Antimicrobial Awareness Week at subnational level since P4.1.2 level with Sub-national level and insert
(WAAW) 2023/24 events in refers to subnational level activities subnational
collaboration with other OH AMR
partners in the country
AMR Conduct refresher training on AMR Has a similar training been given Yes, the training was provided in 2019.
P4.2.1 surveillance system, detection, isolation before within the animal health
and Antimicrobials Susceptibility space? My understanding is that this
Testing (AST) to 14 animal health and has taken place in human health
food labs (AHI, EAA labs and 12 regional before.
level (Asella, BaherDar, Sodo, Mizan,
Hirna, Kombolcha, Semera, Assosa,
Addis Ababa, Jijiga, Sidama, Yabello))
AMR Support AHI to conduct on-site This is great! Since EPHI has a lot of A mentorship manual for the animal
P4.2.1 mentorship training for 5 Sub-national experience within the human health health sector was drafted by AHI with
labs (Asella, BaherDar, Sodo, Mizan, labs, would it not be helpful to have support of EPHI.
Hirna) on Bacterial Isolation, EPHI included in these sessions for
Identification, and preservation and AST the first sessions just as a way of AHI has now some knowledge on
methods. learning from human health conducting mentorship training, but EPHI
will still be approached for additional
support as suggested.
AMR Provide AMR/AST laboratory Have you explored from EPHI if the The activity is procurement of AST
P.4.2.1 consumables to AHI, EAA and NVI labs WHONET reporting is applicable to supplies.
and 5 sub-national laboratories animal health or is there a similar
software for animal health partners? To respond to the query raised, yes,
EPHI should have the answer to this. discussions are ongoing at National,
region and Global level on alternatives
for a consolidated database considering
both SILAB, WHONET. We also have had
discussions with WHONET coordinator,
John Stelling more than and he was at
AHI in 2 June 2023 ...
AMR Support AMR active surveillance field Not clear what these interventions Up to now we have been working on Sampling health
P.4.2.1 activities for 5 sub-national laboratories entail clinical samples from sick animals. We animal in line with
in line with already available active want to field test search samples from active surveillance
surveillance guidelines health animals or food. guideline already
AMR Conduct a three days workshop to Would it not be worthwhile to Thanks. Yes we will be having OH AMR
P.4.2.2 compile, analyze and generate National combine this activity with human surveillance annual review meeting
integrated AMR and AST report health activities since the focus is at every year.
national level.
This activity is to compile data and
produce a summary report on food and
agriculture side based on the integrated
AMR surveillance plan. Human health
will also participate at this.

Then, the OH review and experiences

sharing (the next activity) will follow as
we did every year.

AMR Convene 1 lessons learnt and Similar comment to above Same explanation as above
P.4.2.2 information sharing review session for
labs actively participating in AMR
surveillance lab work and
representatives of key stakeholders
AMR Provide assessment feedback to Who do we share it with? "Policy brief" have been changed to Replaced policy
P4.3.1 stakeholders on poultry and dairy farm summary assessment feedback to MOA, brief with Provide
biosecurity, IPC measures, good regions and other stakeholders to input summary
practices, AMU and AMR based on pilot to the guidelines. assesment
studies conducted earlier to support feedback to MoA
implementation Yelemat Turufat policy to support
document implementation
Yelemat Turufat
AMR Update AMU and AMR guideline for If there is no policy in place already as There are draft guidelines on poultry and
P4.3.1 poultry and dairy farm biosecurity, stated in the above activity, which dairy. We want to push further in their
guideline are we referring to in this finalization and implementation to
case? support implementation of the Yelemat
Turufat policy document.
AMR Provide training on farm Infection Is there a particular reason for picking The idea is to have a prograssive
P4.3.1 prevention, biosecurity, good farming these regions? Any particularly approach, focus on activities on specific
practices, AMU, AMR to 80 frontline reasons as to why Tigray, Afar, geographical areas and then expand
animal healthcare providers/farmers in Sidama, etc are missing? How are the coverage in subsequent years to ensure
5 regions (Oromia, Amhara, SNNP, 80 picked from these regions? available resources are applied to scale
Addis Ababa, Somali/DireDawa) for observable impact. The rest of the
regions will be included the following
Same as responded 4.1.1. Above. Other
regions will be included in the following
AMR Provide Training of Trainers (ToT) on Please explain the relevance of these Training will target supervisors for on the Change
P4.5.1. AMU and AMR to 40 supervisors from professionals to AMU/AMR work and the job cascading of training. This will professionals to
regional Agriculture Authority (EAA), who are they supposed to train after facilitate capacity development of supervisors to
Universities, regional laboratories and they return to the regions to continue AMU and AMR work make it clearer
regional livestock offices on their own.

AMR Provide training to 30 clinic animal Any particular reason why Addis No special reason for selection. Same as
P4.5.1. health care professionals in 5 regions Ababa is prioritized over other above 4.1.1 and 4.3.1. AHI’s feedback
(Oromia, Amhara, SNNP, Addis Ababa, regions like Afar or Tigray after their assessment . Other regions
Somali/DireDawa) with basic clinical will be included in the following year
and laboratory diagnosis skills to
improve the rational medicine use and Awareness training should be a better Yes, awareness is part of the training
prescription alternative to improving their but, the main focus will be hands on labs
diagnostic skills to achieve this procedures training

AMR Organize a One Health Antimicrobials The target trainees and the regions The regions will be targeted but focus Revised activity
P4.5.1. Stewardship (AMS) training to 80 are not specified will be on primary animal health cares discription
animal health care providers at providers
subnational level in (Oromia, Amhara,
SNNP, Addis Ababa, Somali/DireDawa)
AMR Develop BCC materials on AMU/AMR In view of the targets of this activity, Print would be good for facility based
P4.5.2 for poultry and dairy farms for prudent would print material be the right awareness raising.
use of antimicrobials channel of communication? What We will provide training to mass media
about mass media? under 4.1.2. The trained mass media are
expected to broadcast AMU and AMR
issues in the media outlets.
AMR Provide training/awareness raising on How do we prioritize the targets of This will be a pilot and will be done in
P4.5.2 AMU and AMR to 40 animal health care such trainings from a range of consultation with regions. We have
professionals/Community Animal possible targets? targeted the health care providers in the
Health Workers (CAHWs) in 5 regions clinics/Diagnostic services and vets
(Oromia, Amhara, SNNP, Addis Ababa, services including the private clinics.
AMR Provide support for the annual Not a typical GHS event Food is major source of AMR and cause Remove out the
P4.5.2 commemoration of food safety day on of morbidity and mortality. However, if activity plan
June 7 every year and beyond not a typical GHS event, it will be
ZD Organize multisectoral joint risk Great to see Afar and Tigray included We cover for SNNP and Sidama in
P5.1.1 assessment training involving 90 in this. Any particular reason for FY2023. The regions are identified as
multisectoral/disciplinary professionals picking these regions? hotspot for Anthrax and Rabies.
from 3 Regional States (Afar, Tigray and
Amhara) on two priority zoonotic
diseases per Region using JRA-OT in
(three days workshop)
ZD Analyze epidemiological data and map Is this targeting the above three It goes beyond three regions. The whole
P5.1.1 priority zoonotic diseases hotspot/risk regions only or beyond? national database to be analyzed.
areas based on risk periods, risk areas,
risk factors, hot/cold spot interfaces,
and other factors
ZD Organize a workshop to assess national What is the outcome expected and This helps to establish SARE stage for
P5.1.1 rabies prevention and control status follow-up action for this workshop? Ethiopia, identify gaps, generate
using Step-Wise-Approach-for-Rabies What is the progress on the project recommendations on way forward and
Elimination (SARE) tool (three days we discussed earlier? develop action plan.
The project proposal was developed and
will be finalize with input from SARE.
However, some elements of the project
are already implemented under current
GHSA including training on Dog
population management.
ZD Organize 2 joint annual This is great! Will it include all This covers all region who established
P5.1.2 review/assessment and planning regions? If not all, how do we select one health platform.
meeting of the national and/or regional the participating regions? P5.1.2
One Health platforms (Two days)
ZD Conduct a two-days validation and Not clear what validation refers in Desk review of OH related legislations
P5.1.2 awareness creation workshop involving this context if we are referring to (proclamation & regulation) and
60 participants on existing One Health- existing documents. Who are the 60 legislative tools (directives, guidelines,
related policies, strategies, plans and participants will be drawn from? etc) and their implementation status is
legislations, status of their an ongoing activity. The plan here is to
implementation, and identifed gaps validate output(s) of this review.
Participants will include but not limited
to legal experts and subject matter
specialist primarily from MoA, MoH, EPA.
Relating to which specific area? OH relevant legislations issued by the
federal govt and the key ministries (agri,
health, and environment).
ZD Organize a two-days training involving How are the 30 participants selected This shall target all members of the
P5.1.2 30 participants from the national and and from which regions? NOHSC and about 2 individuals each
local One Health platform to enhance from the regional (Amhara, Oromia,
their lobbying capacity and enhance Sidama, Harari, SNNP, etc.) OH
functionality of OH platforms at platforms.
national and sub-national levels
ZD Develop Animal Health Emergency This is great. Is this like an emergency Yes, it is an emergency preparedness and To implement
P5.2.1 Management plan (based on preparedness and response plan? Not response plan for all animal health Progressive
experience from the public health clear how this is to be developed. emergencies. pathway for
emergency management system) emergency
This is one of the activities for preparedness FAO
implementing the FAO animal diseases tool findings
emergency preparedness tool
“Progressive Pathway for Emergency
Preparedness” following a self-
assessment conducted this year using
the same tool
Excellent! Need to link to the public Yes
health emergency management

ZD Support three days training of 50 sub- Are these to be selected from hot Yes
P5.2.1 national (Amhara, Oromia and SNNP) spot woredas?
animal health officers on good
Emergency Management practices
(GEMP - physical and FAO VLC) and
monitor its implementation
ZD Organize three days multisectoral RRT Not clear how this is different from It is part of operationalizing of GAM.
P5.2.1 planning and training meetings in 5 the above training
regional states (Oromia, Amhara, SNNP,
Sidama and Somali) to improve cross-
sector coordinated response to
zoonotic diseases (focal persons, ToR,
RRT plan and operationalization)

ZD Provide TOT training for 40 frontline AH I understand this is the first time FAO This is to be implemented in consultation
P5.2.2 and PH extension workers using the is moving into combining both animal and collaboration CGPP.
syndromic surveillance manual in five and human health workers. Is this
regional states(Oromia, Amhara, SNNP, different from what CGPP is doing
Sidama and Somali) (Four days) and is there not an overlap in
geographic areas as well?
Work with CGPP to identify the The same comment above
areas not covered by them, also later
with the new bilateral for community
surveillance which is under progress
ZD Prepare and distribute Any plan to reprioritize zoonotic No plan for reprioritization since the last
P5.2.2 leaflets/brochures/posters on priority diseases? P5.2.3 one was done in 2020.
zoonotic diseases (#500 copies)

ZD Support printing and dissemination of To whom? Printed OH strategic plan will be Support printing
P5.2.3 the OH strategic plan (#50 copies) disseminated to subnational OH and dissemination
platforms of the OH
strategic plan for
subnational OH
platforms (#50
ZD Conduct impact and cost-benefit What is the significance of this? For Yes, the main purpose is to generate
P5.2.4 analyses of PZDs (e.g., brucellosis, policy, advocacy, etc? P5.2.4 evidence for advocacy and ultimately
bovine tuberculosis, salmonellosis, policy reform, but the evidence will
anthrax) and AMR in cattle dairy influence planning / budget allocation to
production using expert elicitation and the different sectors (e.g. animal health
meta-analysis approaches vs the conventional public health) even
in the absence of policy change.
Not sure how effective this could be, The major benefit of "expert elicitation"
provided the lower diagnosis of the approach is indeed to fil gaps in
cases publicly / formally available records (in
this case diagnosis or prevalence reports
of the targeted zoonotic diseases and
their social and economic impacts).
Meta-analysis from existing researcher
also to be conducted.
Conduct impact and cost-benefit Same as above As above.
analyses of PZDs (e.g., HPAI,
campylobacteriosis, salmonellosis, E.
coli) and AMR in commercial poultry
production using expert elicitation and
meta-analysis approaches
BSBS Provide calibration and maintenance How about developing in-country Calibration of labs equipment is usually
P7.2.3 and certification services of Biosafety capacity? outsourced from certified agencies or
Cabinets (BSC) using NSF49 testing source companies. At the moment, there
standard to 13 sub-national and is no certified company in the country for
national labs most of the equipment which is
NLS Pilot sample transport and referral Specimen transportation is an area Agreed. Additional activity to support
D1.1.1 through data logging system pilot A GPS where we need more emphasis. implementation of agreed referral
kit connected to the Tracking What other activities could be system
application allowing us to trace the included to improve specimen
sample and follow the temperature transportation? D1.1.1
variations until reception at the
laboratory to ensure good quality
samples arrive at the laboratory
NLS Provide initial inputs (sampling material Additional activity:
D1.1.1 sample preservation, packaging
material etc) for implementation of
agreed sample referral system for the
transportation of specimen
NLS Provide equipment calibration and What is the plan to develop in- We we feef its not practical and
D1.3.2 maintenance services to AHI and 12 country capacity for calibration? sustainable to develop internal capacity
sub-national labs for equipment calibration as this is a
highly specialized area which require
certification to serve as an agent for
supplier companies, but rather we can
build capacity for maintenance
NLS Procure sequencing kits and reagents to Will the regional office support this Yes, HQ supports through Long term
D1.3.2 AHI procurement in case of an agreements with identified suppliers and
unforeseen outbreak? to be facilitated by Regional Office.
NLS Provide rapid test kits and portable PCR Are the PCRs in this context refer to Yes,
D1.3.3 to 3 sub-national labs Polymerase Chain Reaction it is planned to provide for the
machines? If so, are they considered subnational laboratories level which can
as community level detection and be used during the disease investigation
response devices? at the community level
NLS Conduct assessment of 13 national and Was this not done before? Is this a re- LMT core was done in 2018 and planned
D1.4.1 sub-national animal health labs using run from the previous workplan? to be carried out in FY2024 to feed into
LMT core D1.4.1 NAPHS.
We conducted LMT for the BSBS and the
tool is different.
S D2.1.1 Provide two rounds TOT on What is the present geographic Current geographic coverage of
ADNIS/DOVAR reporting system for 70 coverage of reporting? SD2.1.1. surveillance reporting is coming from
animal health staff and wildlife wardens 71% of woredas (source: MoA). Woreda
drawn from all the sub-nationals to is the reporting unit.
expand geographic coverage, improve
reporting rate to and reporting
S D2.1.1 Provide awareness raising training on Collaboration with CGPP and the new We will align the implementation of this
use of syndromic surveillance manual bilateral suggested activity in collaboration with CGPP in the
for 100 frontline animal health staff & areas where they are operating.
CAHWs to enhance event-based
S D2.1.1 Increase geographic coverage and Interested to know the constraints to From experience it requires time and
reporting rate of monthly disease make it 100% efforts through process to bring low
outbreak and vaccination (DOVAR) for reporting Regional States like Afar,
priority high impact TADs including Somali, Harari, Gambella, Diredawa and
PZDs from 71% to 78%. Tigray (due to conflict) up to the
minimum reporting requirement 80%
S D2.1.1 Support operationalization of Animal Does this mean that only 30% ADNIS has been down for long months
disease notification and Investigation geographic coverage at present? due to technical problem on the
system (ADNIS) to reach 30% reporting database server. But the system is now
rate start to operate and we plan activate
reporting ends to reach 30% coverage by
this year which translated to
S D2.1.1 Support operationalization of Animal Is any regional activity planned for Such Cross-border targeted surveillance
disease notification and Investigation cross-border surveillance through the for (re)emerging zoonotic diseases will
system (ADNIS) to reach 30% reporting regional office? be discussed and planned on this
rate platform through Regional stakeholders
and Regional ECTAD office.
HR Train 50 frontline animal health staff on Are these trainees the same group as No, these trainings are for different Above activity
D3.2.1 use of GARC tool kit for dog handling, above HRD 3.2.1 groups of staff. The above training is being referred to
dog vaccinations, dog vaccination aimed for epidemiology/surveillance is “HRD 3.2.1Train
tracking, responsible dog ownership data managing experts; whereas this 50 animal health
and dog population management training is intended for Vet. Public health staff working on
incollaboration with FHI360, WHO and experts working on dog vaccination Epidemiology and
etc against Rabies and relevant staff from Surveillance data
OH key stakeholders. managing in PDS,
surveillance data
analysis and
disease mapping,
in collaboration
with Regional Vet
labs in the
respective sub-
HR Provide ISAVET training for 50 trainees How do you plan to extend training We have planned to expand this training
D3.3.1 both in classroom and field project to more vets in a year? More ToTs in other University (TBD) in this year and
study in collaboration with College of trained to conduct the training? gradually we will increase the number of
Vet Medicine and Agriculture (CVMA) graduates per year (See Row 127).
and MoA.
HR Support collaboration and joint actions Joint curriculum and training? We will focus on joint planning and
D3.3.1 between the FETP and frontline ISAVET actions in OH approach at community
graduates to prepare joint planning and level.
implementation of OH activities at Currently frontline ISAVET curriculum is
community level in selected sub- tailored for animal health staff and
nationals and districts. wildlife Vets.
HR Develop a training plan that outlines The Training plan should also include OK, well noted.
D3.3.3 the training programs, courses, a plan to cover the entire workforce
workshops, or activities that will be and make it part of something like
offered. Determine the target audience mandatory CVE (Continuing vet
(National/sub national/Local), content, education)
delivery methods (Pure

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