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Course Code: PHYS 401
Title of the Paper: Electrical Circuits and Network Skills
Full Marks: 30 Time: 2 Hours
Pass Marks: 09

(The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions)

1. Derive an expression for resistivity from the laws of resistance. 4

Show that the equivalent resistance of two resistors in parallel is less than their equivalent
resistance in series. 4
2. Write some characteristics of a DC circuit. What are Linear and Nonlinear circuit? What
do you mean by an active and passive network? Draw a simple DC circuit consisting of
three resistors. 2+1+2+1=6
Draw the diagrams of a balanced two phase three wire system and a balanced three phase
four wire system. Describe how a single phase and a three phase ac is generated.
3. Describe the terms Power factor and True power of an ac circuit. Explain how power factor
can be controlled to mitigate power losses in an ac circuit. 2+3=5
What are electrical blue prints? What are different types of them? Write some of the
advantages of using electrical blue prints. 1+2+2=5
4. What is electron drift velocity? Write its expression. 5
Write briefly about the applications of a multimeter. 5
5. A 20KΩ resistor is connected in series with an inductor, a capacitor and an ammeter across
a 25V variable frequency supply. When the frequency is 400Hz, the current is at its
maximum value of 0.5 A and the potential difference across the capacitor is 150 V.
Calculate the capacitance of the capacitor. 5
Explain how an ac can be produced by a generator. 5

6. Answer any one question:

(a) An ac circuit contains RLC in series. Write the expression for its total impedance Z. 5
(b) Calculate its turns ratio. 5
(c) Define the efficiency of a transformer and draw the transformer efficiency triangle to
indicate your definition. 5

IV SEM UG PHYS 401 OBE 2021 Total No. of Page(s)-01

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