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A Detailed Lesson Plan in

Music 3 Fourth Quarter

Prepared by: Rj A. Banluta
(Direct Instruction)

I. Objectives
At the end of fifty-five minutes class discussion, 80% of grade 3 pupils should be able to;
a. identify the slow, moderate and fast tempo;
b. recognize the slow, moderate and fast speed through music; and
c. relate movement of tempo by moving their whole body

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Slow, Moderate and Fast Tempo
B. Instructional Materials: book, pictures, activity sheet, videos and visual aid
B. Reference: Teachers Guide 3, page 146-150
D. Values Integration: Cooperation and Discipline

III. Procedure/ Learning Activities

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities:

1. Prayer and Greetings

Everybody please stand up for the opening (the students are all standing)

Who can lead the prayer? Teacher!

Yes, Bryan please lead us the prayer. (Oh God, Almighty ……. Amen)

Good morning Pupils!

Good morning, Teacher, RJ!
Before you take your seats, kindly arrange
your chairs properly and pick up the pieces of Yes teacher (they arrange the chairs and they
papers. pick up the pieces of papers.)

Okay. You may now take your seats. Thank you, teacher.

Are you done eating your breakfast class? Yes teacher.

Very good! It is important to eat your

breakfast so that you have an energy to our
class discussion.

2. Checking of Attendance

Before we will proceed, I will check first your Yes teacher.

attendance, may I call on to our beautiful

Yes Ms. Secretary, kindly check the Yes teacher.

attendance of your classmates if who are
absent for today. Just give me the paper for
the list of absent.

3. Setting of Class Standards

Please read the classroom agreements in front.

Yes teacher.
(Classroom Agreements)
1. Listen to the teacher attentively. (Classroom Agreements)
2. Avoid talking to seatmates. 1. Listen to the teacher attentively.
3. Raise your right hand if you want to 2. Avoid talking to seatmates.
answer. 3. Raise your right hand if you want to
4. Do not talk if someone talking in front. answer.
4. Do not talk if someone talking in front.
Very Good! I hope you will cooperate with
our classroom agreements in order for us to
have a smooth and clear discussion. Is it
clear? Yes teacher.

B. Developmental Activities

1. Motivation

Class listen to me, I have picture here. Let’s

see if you could identify what’s on the (students are looking in the picture)

It’s a train teacher.

Tell me something about the picture class.

Very good! It is a train, another? What can There are three trains in the picture mam.
you say about the picture? Yes Jake?
Exactly class, did you see already a train in Yes teacher!
person class? No teacher!

Yes/ No teacher.
Okay, have you experienced riding on a train
Totooot, totoot, totoot teacher.
What is the sound of the train? Yes Cathy?
(they are happy clapping)
Very good! Let’s do a very good clap class!

2. Presentation

Base on the picture I’ve presented to you (They don’t have any idea)
earlier, who has an idea or what do you think
is our topic all about for today? Yes, anyone?

You don’t have any idea class, so our topic

for today is all about “Slow, Moderate and
Fast Tempo”.
“Slow, Moderate and Fast Tempo”
Everybody please read the topic for today.

Now class before we proceed to our

discussion let us read first the objectives for
today’s lesson.
At the end of fifty-five minutes class
At the end of fifty-five minutes class discussion, 80% of grade 3 pupils should be
discussion, 80% of grade 3 pupils should be able to;
able to; a. identify the slow, moderate and fast
a. identify the slow, moderate and fast tempo;
tempo; b. recognize the slow, moderate and fast
b. recognize the slow, moderate and fast speed through music; and
speed through music; and c. relate movement of tempo by moving
c. relate movement of tempo by moving their whole body.
their whole body.

3. Discussion Proper

(they observe the pictures)

Class observe the Train A, B and C.

Train A

Train B
Train C

In picture A, B and C. Where is train A going Going Up teacher.

to? Yes Mickyla?

Excellent! How about the train B? Yes Roy? Going down teacher.

Exactly! How about the train C? Yes Jane? Going to crossing teacher.

Very good! All of your answers are correct. (they are happy doing the fireworks clap)
Let us clap our hands by doing the fireworks

Class, if train A is going up to the mountain, The speed will be slow teacher.
what will be the speed of that train? Yes

Yes, very good! If train A goes to the

mountain, the speed is slow.
The speed will be fast teacher.
What will be the speed of the train B if it is
going down? Yes Ivan?

Correct! The speed will be fast if the train is

going down.
Yes teacher.
The train C is nearing or going to the crossing
and about to stop, right class?
The speed will be moderately getting slow
Then, what will be its speed? Yes Hannah?
(Wow clap)

Very good! Let gives them a wow clap!

Listen class, tempo can be shown through

movements. It can be slow, moderate and Not quick teacher.

Do you know what slow tempo is? Anyone Yes teacher.

from the class? Yes Jude?

Very Good! Slow tempo means not quick nor Average in tempo teacher.
fast, it has a slow speed. Is it clear?
Okay, let’s proceed to moderate. What is
moderate class? Yes anyone?

Exactly, it is assumes to be that of a natural

walking pace or of a heartbeat. It has an It is quick or fast teacher.
average quality of speed.

Then, the last is the fast tempo. Do you have

any idea what fast tempo means? Yes Rose?

Yes very good, fast tempo is the quickest of Yes teacher.

all tempo.

Did you understand about the slow, moderate (they enjoy clapping)
and fast tempo class?

Very good! Let us clap our hands.

Yes teacher.
Listen class, now let us play a game. All you
have to do is to listen my instruction. Do not
shout while playing the game. Is everything

I want you to get 1 piece of paper from the

box for your groupings and pass it to your

Who got the whole notes symbol raise your (the student raised their right hand)
right hand.

Who got the half notes symbol raise your


And for those who got the quarter notes raise

your right hand.

(Assign their respective area)

Each group will select a leader who will guide

to his/her members of the proper speed as (yes teacher)
they go up, go down and near to the crossing.

Do you understand?
(they make a line)

You will form a line and the leader will stand

in your area

If I will say “going up”, you will stand

slowly. If I say “going down”, you will sit Yes teacher.
fast, and if I say “about to…………., you will
move forward moderately until you heard the
word “stop”. Do you understand class.
(all groups are sitting)
Now let us begin.
The speed is fast teacher.
Going down!

Very good! What is the speed while you are It also fast teacher.
going down? Yes group 1?

How about the group 2 and 3? (they enjoy clapping)

Excellent! The speed is fast if you move (all groups are move forward moderately)
down. All groups will be given a fireworks
clap! The speed is moderate teacher.

Let’s proceed, about to…………….stop!

The speed is moderate teacher.
Good Job! What is the speed in that moves?
Yes group 3?

How about the group 1 and 2? (they enjoy clap their hands)

Excellent! The speed is moderate if you go to (all groups are move going up)
nearing to the crossing.
Let’s clap our hands! The speed is slow teacher.

Now all groups will be going up!

It is slow speed teacher.
And what is the speed of that moves? Yes
group 2?

How about the group 1 and 3?

Yes, very good! The speed is slow if you

move going up.

All of the groups already know how to Yes teacher!

identify the speed in the relation of different
movements of your body. (they go back to their seats)

Did you enjoy the game?

Okay, you may now go back to your seats.

4. Generalization Tempo can be slow teacher.

Let us see if you already understand the

lesson. Fast teacher.

What are the different movements of tempo? Moderate teacher.

Yes Lysa?

Very good! Another? Yes Kate?

Yes teacher!
And the last one is? Yes Kyla?

Exactly, always remember class that tempo or

speed can be shown as slow, moderate and
fast. Always put that in your mind.

5. Application
Yes teacher.
I will show you a video entitled “Engine-
You need to listen to the recorded video and
apply the different speed or tempo as you sing
the song.

I will assign each group on which tempo that

they are going to use in the song.

Group whole notes “slow tempo”

Group half notes “moderate tempo”

Group quarter notes “fast tempo”

I will give you 3 minutes to prepare

Group Accuracy Creativeness Team
Did you understand? (4) (4) work
Here is the Criteria for your presentation Whole

Yes teacher.

Let’s start the activity! Please cooperate. (they cooperate in the activity)

(the students present in front)

Yes teacher.

Very good! Let’s clap our hands! (they cooperate in the activity)

None teacher.
Are there any questions or clarification class?
Before going to your short quiz.

IV. Evaluation

Instruction: Identify the movement of the following pictures. Write F for fast, S for slow and M
for moderate. You are provided an activity sheet individually.

1. 4.

2. 5.


Answer Key:
1. S
2. F
3. M
4. F
5. S

V. Assignment

Instruction: Listen to different kinds of music and practice identifying tempo

A Detailed Lesson Plan in
Music 3 Third Quarter
Prepared by: Michelle C. Bagalanon
(Direct Instruction)

I. Objectives
At the end of fifty five minutes class discussion, 75% of grade 4 pupils should be able to;
a. identify the different kinds and characteristics of voices
b. compare the voices of selected popular singers in recordings;
c. listen to recorded speaking and singing voices

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: The Human Voice
B. Instructional Materials: recorded songs, copy of poem, book and visual aid
C. Reference: Teacher’s Guide 3, page 99-103
D. Values Integration: Cooperation and Discipline

III. Procedure/ Learning Activities

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity


Everybody please stand up for the opening (the students are all standing)

Who can lead the prayer? Ma’am!

Yes Bryan please lead us the prayer. (Oh God, Almighty …….Amen)

Good Morning Pupils! Good Morning Miss Bagalanon!

Before you take your seats, kindly arrange Yes ma’am (they arrange the chairs and they
your chairs properly and pick up the pieces of pick up the pieces of papers.)

Okay. You may now take your seats. Thank you ma’am.

Did you eat your breakfast class? Yes ma’am.

Very good! It is important to eat your

breakfast so that you have an energy to our
class discussion.

● Attendance Checking
Before we will proceed I will check first your
attendance, may I call on to our beautiful Yes ma’am.

Yes Ms. Secretary, kindly check your

classmates if who are absent for today. Just
give me the paper for the list of the absent. Yes ma’am.

● Setting of Class Standards

What will you do if someone is talking in

Please read the classroom agreements in Yes ma’am.
(Classroom Agreements)
(Classroom Agreements) 1. Listen to the teacher attentively.
1. Listen to the teacher attentively. 2. Avoid talking to seatmates.
2. Avoid talking to seatmates. 3. Raise your right hand if you want to
3. Raise your right hand if you want to answer.
answer. 4. Do not talk if someone talking in front.
4. Do not talk if someone talking in front.

Very Good! I hope you will cooperate with

our classroom agreements in order for us to Yes ma’am.
have a smooth and clear discussion. Is it

1. Preparatory Activities
a. Motivation
(the 5 pupils are going in front)
Class we have an activity, I want you to listen
the different kinds of voices. I need 5 pupils
to come forward.

Now I want to hear your voice. You can say

something in order for your classmates to hear
your voice. (the five pupils say something and the class
will listen to their voice)
You can start now.
Yes ma’am.
Class are their voices are different?

Very Good! They have different voice ranges. (they say something about the voice of their
Can you say something about their voice? (they go back to their seats)

You may now go back to your seats class.

b. Presentation

Based on the activity you did earlier, who I think our topic for today is all about voice
have an idea or what do you think is our topic ma’am.
for today? Anyone from the class? Yes
Jeany? (no one is raising)


Listen class, today we will discussing about

the human voice. The Human Voice.

Please read for our topic today. (two pupils will read the poem)

I need two boys with different voice quality to

read the poem, “Bayang Sinilangan”.

The class identify if who has the big voice.

Between the two voice has a big voice? The class identify if who has the small voice.

Who has a small voice? (they enjoy clapping)

Okay, Very Good! Let us clap our hands for


2. Developmental Activities Sharon Cuneta ma’am.

Class, did you know if who among the female

popular singer has a low voice? Anyone from
the class? Yes Jane? Aiza Seguerra ma’am.

Another? Yes Kate?

Exactly! The female popular singer has a low Regine Velasquez ma’am.
voice are Sharon Cuneta and Aiza Seguerra.
Who among the female voice has a high
voice? Yes Jaycel? (No raising of hands)

Yes, Very Good! Another?

Okay, Angeline Quinto also has a high voice. Gary Valenciano ma’am.

Now, let’s proceed to the male singers who

have a high voice? Yes anyone? Jade Madela ma’am.

Exactly! Another? Yes Mickey?

Yes, Jade Madela also have a high voice and

Christian Bautista also. (they don’t have any idea)

Okay, lets proceed to the male singers have a

low voice? Yes anyone from the class?

The male singer who have a low voice are

Nonoy Zuniega and Anthony Castelo. Yes ma’am.

Listen class, I want you to listen the recorded

songs of popular singers. Play song excerpts of the following singers:
Regine Velasquez - “Dadalhin”
Play song excerpts of the following singers: Kuh Ledesma - “Ako ay Pilipino”
Regine Velasquez - “Dadalhin” Martin Nievera- “Be My Lady”
Kuh Ledesma - “Ako ay Pilipino” Jose Mari Chan - “Christmas in Our Hearts”
Martin Nievera- “Be My Lady”
Jose Mari Chan - “Christmas in Our Hearts” Yes ma’am!

You need to listen carefully because I have

questions later. Did you understand? (After listening the recorded songs)

(After listening the recorded songs)

Among the singers you heard earlier, whose

voice has these characteristics?

big/thick small/thin
heavy light
strong gentle
dark bright/brilliant I think Regine Velasquez has strong, bright
and thin voice ma’am.
How would you describe their voices? Yes
Faith? For me Martin Nievera has heavy, strong and
think ma’am.
Very good! Another? Yes Jude?
Light ma’am.

Excellent! For Kuh Ledesma?

Correct! Kuh Ledesma has a light, gentle and

dark voice. Thin ma’am.

And the last is Jose Mari Chan, what is the

characteristics of her voice?

Very good, she have a thin, gentle and light


Listen class, the voice of human has different

tone qualities or timbre when speaking and
singing. Some have thin voices while others
have think and husky voices. Strong and light ma’am.

Can you give me another characteristics of

voice? Yes Hannah? Bright and gentle ma’am.

Very Good! Another? Yes Jeck?

Exactly! That’s the characteristics of voice.

One of the main sources of musical sound is

the human voice. The human voice is capable
of producing singing tones.

The male and female have different voices

because male is bigger and thicker compared
to female’s voices which is smaller and

We use our speaking voice when we talk or

speak and we use singing voice when we sing.

And the two kinds of voices that we use are

speaking and singing voice. The two kinds of voices that we use are
speaking and singing voice.
What are the two kinds of voices that we use?
Yes Lee? Yes ma’am!

Very Good! Did you understand in our

discussion class? None ma’am!

Is there any questions or clarifications?

3. Generalization

Let see if you really understand our topic for

today. Our topic for today is all about The Human
Voice ma’am.
Again our topic for today is all about? Yes

Excellent! Our topic for today is all about The

Human Voice. The characteristics of voice are high, low and
think ma’am.
What are the characteristics of voice? Yes
Lovely? Think, and husky ma’am.

What else? Yes Sarah? (they are enjoy clapping)

Very Good! Let us clap our hands for them.

The voice of male is bigger and thicker
What is the difference between a male voice ma’am.
and a female voice class? The voice of male
is? Yes Cathy? The voice of female is smaller and thinner
Okay, and the voice of female is? Yes Ivy?
Yes that’s it. The voice of a male is bigger
and thicker compared to the female’s voice
which is smaller and thinner. The two kinds of voices that we use are
speaking and singing voice.
What are the two kinds of voices that we use?
Yes Bryan? We use speaking voice when we talk or speak
Exactly! When we use speaking voice? Yes
Jane? When we sing ma’am.

Correct! And when we use singing voice?

Yes ma’am.
Very Good! Let us clap our hands!
I hope that you always put that in your mind

4. Application Yes ma’am!

Now we have a game class. Listen to my

instruction first.
All of you will stand and form a big circle. I
will choose one pupil to stand inside the circle
with a blindfold. And choose one pupil from
the circle to sing or recite a poem. The pupil
at the center will identify the name of his/her
classmate who is singing or speaking. If
he/she gives the correct name, they will
exchange places. Yes ma’am.

Did you understand to our instruction?

Very Good! Please cooperate and avoid

shouting class. (the game is started)

Now let’s start the game! (After the game)

(After the game) Yes ma’am.

Did you enjoy the game class? I listened very well ma’am.

Very Good! How did you identify the person

who is singing or speaking? Yes anyone? I identified his/her because of his/her voice
quality ma’am.
What else? Yes Dianne?
Thank you ma’am!

Very Good! All of you has cooperate in the

game, because of that all of you will be given
5 points each.

Welcome class! None ma’am.

So is there any questions or clarifications

before we will proceed to your short quiz?

IV. Evaluation
Instruction: Listen to the recorded speaking and singing voices. Draw on your paper a star ( )
if you hear a singing voice and a circle ( ) if you hear a speaking voice.

Answer Key:
1. Voice of boy reading a sentence. 1.
2. Yeng Constantino singing “Salamat”. 2.
3. Voice of girl reciting a poem. 3.
4. Christian Bautista singing “The World You Look at Me” 4.
5. Voice of man reading a short story. 5.

V. Assignment

Instruction: Listen to the radio and list two female singers who have a high voice and two male
singers who have a low voice. Write it on your notebook.

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