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A Detailed Lesson Plan

in MAPEH (Arts) III

Prepared by: RJ A. BANLUTA

I. Objectives:

At the end of 45 minutes lesson, the students are expected to:

a. identify the different sizes of people in a picture and drawing to show awareness of distance;
b. give value on one’s ability and confidence in making an artwork showing distance; and
c. draw a picture of persons in different sizes in a composition to show distance.

II. Subject Matter :

A. Topic: People of Different Sizes
B. Materials: Power point presentation, pictures, tarppapel, cartolina, attendance chart, laptop, tv and
crayon, pencil, bond paper.
C. References: K-12 Arts Curriculum Guide May 2016
Music, Art, Physical Education and Health Teacher’s Guide, pages 131 - 133
III. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Prayer and Greetings

Everybody stand, Jia kindly lead the prayer. In the name of the father and of the son and of
the holy spirit, Amen...

Good morning class. Good morning Ma’am.

How are you today? We are fine, Ma’am?

Did you eat your breakfast before coming to school? Yes Ma’am

2. Checking of Attendance

Class, I am going to check your attendance based on

your attendance chart, so as what I have seen all of you are
present today.

Good job! Let’s give everyone around of applause.

(students are clapping)

3. Setting of Class Standards

Before we start with our lesson for today, I want you

all to be reminded with our classroom rules.

Everybody read the classroom rules in the board. (students are reading the classroom rules)

1. Sit Properly 1. Sit Properly

2. Be Quiet 2. Be Quiet
3. Listen Attentively 3. Listen Attentively
4. Raise your right hand if you want to speak or answer. 4. Raise your right hand if you want to
speak or answer.
B. Developmental Activities:

1. Motivation or Drill

(Picture Analysis through a mystery box)

(The teacher will provide a mystery box with photos


Class, we will be having an activity. I have here a

mystery box. I will play music and once the music starts, you
will start passing the box to your clasmates, if the music
stops the last person who holds the box will get one picture
and show it to your classmates and tell something about what (the students are actively participating the
it. activity)

What did you observed in the picture?

I have observed that the picture shows different
sizes of people and trees.
Very Good!

Who among you here, likes and love to draw?

(students have varried answer)
Alright! All of us have different talents, and we
should practice and develop our talents because it is one of
the unique things that we should be proud of.

2. Presentation

Based on the activity that we have done earlier; who

have any idea of what is the lesson that we are going to
discussed for today? It is about the different sizes of a drawing or
Good idea! Amazing!

Who else have other idea? I think the lesson for today is about the different
sizes of person in a drawing or picture.

Incredible! You have a good idea as well.

All your answers are related to the lesson that we are

going to discuss for today, bacause our topic is about
“People of Different Sizes”

Before we will proceed I want you to know first our

objectives for this session.

Everybody kindly read our objectives for today.

At the end of 45 minutes class, the students are
expected to:
a. identify the different sizes of people in a
picture and drawing to show awareness of
b. give value on one’s ability and
confidence in making an artwork showing
distance; and
c. draw a picture of persons in different
sizes in a composition to show distance.

3. Discussion

In your own opinion class, what is drawing? Drawing is an art that shows picture of objects
and scenario.
Very Good!

Drawing is art that represents an object, scenario or

outlining a figure, plan or sketch by means of lines.

Does the sizes of an object, things or a person

matters in a drawing composition? Why? Yes, in order to show the difference between
objects in a drawing.
Very Good!

(Everybody read the first paragraph on the monitor)

In a drawing composition, the sizes of objects differ

because of their distance from the viewer. There is
overlapping of objects and less detail as the image seems
farther away from the viewer. (the students are reading)

(the teacher will discuss further and show sample picture that
shows distance)

(read the second paragraph)

Objects, plants, buildings and people looks smaller

when then are far from the viewer and larger and bigger
when they are near. This is how perspective is shown in a
drawing. (the students are reading)

(the teacher will show a different kind of picture showing


(kindly read everyone)

Perspective – is a way of portraying three

dimensions in a flat, and two dimensional surfaces. This is to
create the appearance and spacial relationship of objects,
buildings, things, people and more relative to each other as
determined by their distance from the viewer.

Sizes of shapes – the elements and principle of arts

being used to show the distance in a drawing composition.

(The teacher will present example pictures of people with

different sizes, and the works of Fernando Amorsolo (local
artist) and Edgar Degas (foreign artist) with works that
emphasize perspective and has good works on Philippine

What did you observed from the picture of people

presented in the monitor? I have observed that the people in the picture
have different sizes. Those who are far from the
viewer are smaller and those who are near are
Very Good! larger and bigger.

How can we show distance in a drawing

We can show distance in a drawing composition
Very Good! through using the sizes of shapes.

How can we give value on ones ability and

confidence in making an artwork that shows distance?
We can give value on ones ability and
confidence in making or creating an artwork
through showing importance and appreciation
in a drawing composition that shows distance to
Excellent! Very Good! the viewer using the sizes of shapes.

C. Concluding Activities

1. Application (Group Activity)

Class, in order for you to understand more about the

lesson that we discussed a while ago, we will be having a
group activity. I will divide you into 2 groups. Kindly look at
the back portion of your chairs and get the different cutting
pictures that I have attached there. Those who got the same
picture are together in one group. I will give you 20 seconds
to meet up your groupmates and proceed to your respective
assigned area. I will give you 10 minutes to do your activity.
Your output will be graded based on the rubric given below.
Each group will choose 1 representative to present your
output in front.

Is that clear?
Yes Ma’am
Do you have any questions?
None Ma’am

Diamond group
1. Draw a view of a farm/farmscape.
2. Draw images of people standing in the
farmscape with different sizes according to the
distance from the viewer.
3. Color your drawing.
4. Give a title for your finish artwork.
5. Show your finish artwork to your classmates
and tell something about it.

Sapphire group
1. Draw a view of a classroom.
2. Draw images of people sitting in the
classroom with different sizes according to the
distance from the viewer.
3. Color your drawing.
4. Give a title for your finish artwork.
5. Show your finish artwork to your classmates
and tell something about it.
Standards/ Very Good Good Needs more
Skills 5 points 3 points improvement
and practice
2 points
Was able to
draw the
different sizes
of people in a
that shows
distance from
the viewer
Creativity and
confidence is
manifested in a

Was able to
finish the
artwork on

(the students are actively participating the


Are you done class? Yes Ma’am

Alright, since you are done we will now start the

presentation of your output.

The first group to present is the diamond group.

(the representative of diamond group present
their output in front)
Incredible! Let’s give a wow clap to diamond group.
(students are clapping)
The next group to present is the sapphire group.
(the representative of sapphire group present
their output in front)
Amazing! Let’s give a fire works clap to sapphire
(students are clapping)
Scoring Board
Standards/ Skills Diamond group Sapphire group
Was able to draw the
different sizes of people
in a drawing composition
that shows distance from
the viewer
Creativity and confidence
is manifested in a
drawing composition

Was able to finish the

artwork on time

Total Score
2. Generalization

What elements and principle of art did we use in

order to show the distance in a drawing composition?
The elements and principles of arts that we use
to show the distance in a drawing composition
Very Good! is the sizes of shapes.

How will you show the distance in a drawing

To show the distance in a drawing sizes of
shapes are use. Those objects, buildings, people
and etc. that are near to the viewer are bigger
and larger while smaller when they are far from
Excellent! You are correct! the viewer.

How can we give value on ones ability and

confidence in making an artwork that shows distance?
We can give value on ones ability and
confidence in making or creating an artwork
through showing importance and appreciation
in a drawing composition that shows distance to
the viewer using the sizes of shapes.
Very Good!

Do you have any questions and clarifications?

None Ma’am
If none, then we will be having a short quiz.
IV. Evaluation

Direction: Read carefully the sentence. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the space
provided before the number.

__________ 1. The objects, people and building in a drawing composition looks ________ when they are far
from the viewer.
a. smaller b. medium c. larger

__________ 2. People, objects and buildings looks _________ when they are near from the viewer.
a. smaller b. larger c. medium

__________ 3. What is the element and principle of arts being used to show distance in a drawing composition.
a. sizes of shapes b. texture and color c. lines and shapes

__________ 4. The way of portraying three - dimension in a flat, two - dimensional surface.
a. distance b. spacial relationship c. perspective

__________ 5. In a drawing composition, the sizes of objects differ because of their_________ from the
a. texture b. distance c. lines

Answer Key

1. a
2. b
3. a
4. c
5. b

V. Assignment:

Direction: Look a picture of a person with different sizes from old magazines or newspaper. Cut the pictures
and paste it into a long bondpaper, appying the right distance from the viewer.

Note: Ask the assistance of your parents or guardian in cutting the pictures for your safety.

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