Osteotomía Varizante de Fémur

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14 SECTION I Hip Disorders

Procedure 5 Intertrochanteric Varus Osteotomy and Internal Fixation With a Blade Plate

Skin incision

Greater trochanter

Tensor fasciae latae muscle

Division of fascia lata

Operative Technique
distally parallel to the femur for a distance of 10 to 12 cm.
A, The operation is performed with the child supine on a The subcutaneous tissue is divided in line with the skin
radiolucent operating table. It is imperative to have image- incision.
intensifier radiographic control. Some surgeons prefer to B, The fascia lata is exposed by deepening the dissection.
operate on an older child on a fracture table because it is It is first divided with a scalpel, and it is then split longitu-
technically easier to obtain a lateral radiograph of the hip. dinally with scissors in the direction of its fibers. The fascia
A straight, midlateral, longitudinal incision is made begin- lata should be divided posterior to the tensor fasciae latae
ning at the tip of the greater trochanter and extending to avoid splitting the muscle.

Descargado para Alejandro Dávila Chávez (alejandro.davilac@my.uvm.edu.mx) en University of the Valley of Mexico - Tlalpan Campus de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en
agosto 08, 2023. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
PROCEDURE 5 Intertrochanteric Varus Osteotomy and Internal Fixation With a Blade Plate 15

Splitting of
vastus lateralis muscle


Exposed femoral shaft


C, With retraction, the vastus lateralis muscle is visualized. posterolateral surface of the femur. The vastus lateralis
Next, the anterolateral region of the proximal femur and muscle fibers are elevated from the lateral intramuscular
the trochanteric area are exposed. It is vital to not injure septum and the tendinous insertion of the gluteus maximus.
the greater trochanteric growth plate. The origin of the D, The lateral femoral surface is exposed by subperiosteal
vastus lateralis muscle is divided transversely from the infe- dissection. The greater trochanteric apophysis should not
rior border of the greater trochanter down to the be disturbed.

Continued on following page

Descargado para Alejandro Dávila Chávez (alejandro.davilac@my.uvm.edu.mx) en University of the Valley of Mexico - Tlalpan Campus de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en
agosto 08, 2023. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
16 SECTION I Hip Disorders

Procedure 5 Intertrochanteric Varus Osteotomy and Internal Fixation With a Blade Plate, cont’d

Head of femur concentrically

reduced in acetabulum
Head of femur (head is covered)
Greater Pin in center of femoral
trochanteric neck and stopped short of
apophysis capital femoral epiphysis
Steinmann pin

Line of osteotomy

E F Leg abducted and

Physis of medially rotated
femoral head

Proximal osteotomy
parallel to chisel
Guide pin along
axis of neck

Chisel removed
Chisel placed 15°
off axis of neck
Distal osteotomy
perpendicular to
femoral shaft
Leg adducted and
medially rotated

E and F, The femoral head is centered concentrically in the G, The chisel for the blade plate is placed at an angle that
acetabulum by abducting and medially rotating the hip, and is determined as follows: if the chisel paralleled the guide
its position is checked with an image intensifier. Immedi- pin, the 90-degree blade plate would produce a 90-degree
ately distal to the apophyseal growth plate of the greater neck–shaft angle. In this case, we sought to produce a neck–
trochanter, a 3-mm Steinmann pin is inserted through the shaft angle of 105 degrees. Thus a chisel placed 15 degrees
lateral cortex of the femoral shaft parallel to the floor of off of the guide pin’s axis adds 15 degrees to a 90-degree
the operating room and at a right angle to the median plane neck–shaft angle, thereby resulting in a 105-degree final
of the patient. The pin is drilled medially along the longi- angle.
tudinal axis of the femoral neck and stops short of the H, The osteotomy cuts are made while the chisel is in
capital femoral physis. This position of the proximal femur place. The proximal osteotomy is parallel to the chisel,
can be reproduced at any time during the operation by and the distal osteotomy is perpendicular to the femoral
placing the Steinmann pin horizontally parallel to the floor shaft.
and at 90 degrees to the longitudinal axis of the patient.
This is a very dependable and simple method for properly
orienting the proximal femur.

Descargado para Alejandro Dávila Chávez (alejandro.davilac@my.uvm.edu.mx) en University of the Valley of Mexico - Tlalpan Campus de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en
agosto 08, 2023. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
PROCEDURE 5 Intertrochanteric Varus Osteotomy and Internal Fixation With a Blade Plate 17

Medial Screw fixation

of distal

Blade plate inserted

Closure of vastus
lateralis muscle

I, After the osteotomized triangle is removed, the chisel is K, The vastus lateralis and fascia lata are closed with running
removed, and the blade plate is inserted. Careful control of sutures. Subcutaneous and skin closure with absorbable
the proximal fragment and clear visualization of the entry sutures completes the procedure.
site of the chisel facilitate the placement of the blade.
J, The blade plate is fully seated and secured with screws
Postoperative Care
that are drilled and tapped. The angulation of the plate
produces medial displacement of the femoral shaft, which The osteotomy is stable when the bone is of normal strength.
is extremely important to the biomechanics of the hip. In reliable patients, cast immobilization is not necessary. For
Failure to displace the distal fragments medially results in less reliable children, those with osteopenic bone, and
the lateral prominence of the plate and the widening of the always when an open reduction has been performed, 6
groin. weeks in a spica cast are required.

Descargado para Alejandro Dávila Chávez (alejandro.davilac@my.uvm.edu.mx) en University of the Valley of Mexico - Tlalpan Campus de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en
agosto 08, 2023. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

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