Policy Proposal Scoring Guide

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3/16/23, 7:32 PM Policy Proposal Scoring Guide

Policy Proposal Scoring Guide


Explain and Does not explain the Explains the rationale Explains the need Explains the need for
interpret for rationale for a policy for a policy and for creating a policy creating a policy and
stakeholders the and practice practice guidelines and practice practice guidelines to
need for creating a guidelines addressing guidelines to address a shortfall in
policy and practice addressing benchmark address a shortfall meeting a benchmark
guidelines to benchmark underperformance, in meeting a metric prescribed by
address a shortfall underperformance. irrespective of a benchmark metric local, state, or federal
in meeting a particular need. prescribed by local, health care policies or
benchmark metric state, or federal laws. Clearly
prescribed by local, health care policies articulates the effects
state, or federal or laws, but does of benchmark
health care policies not relate to underperformance and
or laws. stakeholders. draws sound
conclusions about the
repercussions of
inaction, based on
credible evidence and
relates information to
stakeholder group.
Summarize a Does not summarize Provides a summary Summarizes a Succinctly summarizes
proposed a proposed that paints an unclear proposed a proposed
organizational organizational policy picture of a proposed organizational organizational policy
policy or practice and practice organizational policy policy and practice and practice
change guideline guidelines or identify and practice guidelines. guidelines. Analyzes
and analyze the environmental guidelines or does not Analyzes the the potential effects of
potential effects of factors that can expand on potential effects of environmental factors
environmental affect recommended environmental factors environmental on recommended
factors on practice guidelines. that can affect factors on practice guidelines.
recommended recommended recommended Identifies clear cause-
practice guidelines. practice guidelines. practice guidelines. and-effect
relationships and the
influence of those
factors on specific
Explain how ethical, Does not Recommends Recommends Recommends ethical,
evidence-based recommend practice practice guidelines to ethical, evidence- evidence-based
practice guidelines guidelines to improve targeted based practice practice guidelines to
to improve targeted improve targeted benchmark guidelines to improve targeted
benchmark benchmark performance that will improve targeted benchmark
performance will performance or affect the stakeholder benchmark performance. Provides
impact a identify how it will group’s work. performance. an honest and
stakeholder group affect the Explains how a accurate assessment
needed for stakeholder group’s proposed policy and of practice changes
successful work. practice guidelines and their precise
implementation of will affect how a impact on
the policy or stakeholder group stakeholders. Provides
practice change. does its work. clear and compelling
substantiated by
credible evidence.
Explain why Does not explain Identifies Explains why Provides a perceptive
particular why particular stakeholders and particular and succinct
stakeholders and stakeholders and groups who are not stakeholders and explanation of why
groups must be groups must be the most logical groups must be particular stakeholders
involved in further involved in further choices to be involved in further and groups must be
development and development and involved in further development and involved in further
implementation of a implementation of a development and implementation of a development and
proposed policy or proposed policy or implementation of a proposed policy and implementation of a
practice change to practice change to proposed policy and practice guidelines proposed policy and

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3/16/23, 7:32 PM Policy Proposal Scoring Guide


improve quality and improve quality and practice guidelines change to improve practice guidelines.
outcomes. outcomes. and implementation quality and Offers clear and
of a proposed policy outcomes. convincing rationale
or practice change to for stakeholder and
improve quality and group engagement
outcomes. and how it strengthens
policy and facilitates
changes in practice to
improve quality
Present strategies Does not present Presents stakeholder Presents strategies Presents strategies for
for collaborating strategies for collaboration for collaborating collaborating with a
with a stakeholder collaborating with a strategies for with a stakeholder stakeholder group to
group to implement stakeholder group to implementing a group to implement implement a proposed
a proposed policy implement a proposed policy and a proposed policy policy and practice
and practice proposed policy and practice guidelines and practice guidelines. Makes a
guidelines. practice guidelines. that lack clear guidelines. compelling case for
relevance or insight the importance of
into the positions and stakeholder
perspectives of the collaboration and
stakeholder group. considers stakeholder
perspectives by
addressing possible
Organize content so Does not organize Organizes content Organizes content Organizes content so
ideas flow logically content for ideas to with some logical flow so ideas flow clarity is enhanced and
with smooth flow logically with and smooth logically with all ideas flow logically
transitions. smooth transitions. transitions. smooth transitions. with smooth
Support main Does not support Sources lack Supports main Supports main points,
points, assertions, main points, relevance or points, assertions, assertions, arguments,
arguments, assertions, credibility, or the arguments, conclusions, or
conclusions, or arguments, evidence is not conclusions, or recommendations with
recommendations conclusions, or persuasive or recommendations relevant, credible, and
with relevant and recommendations explicitly supportive of with relevant and convincing evidence.
credible evidence. with relevant and main points, credible evidence. Skillfully combines
credible evidence. assertions, virtually error-free
arguments, source citations with a
conclusions, or perceptive and
recommendations. coherent synthesis of
the evidence.

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