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Transforming Hospital Emergency Department Workflow

and Patient Care
Eva K. Lee, Hany Y. Atallah, Michael D. Wright, Eleanor T. Post, Calvin Thomas IV, Daniel T.
Wu, Leon L. Haley Jr.

To cite this article:

Eva K. Lee, Hany Y. Atallah, Michael D. Wright, Eleanor T. Post, Calvin Thomas IV, Daniel T. Wu, Leon L. Haley Jr. (2015)
Transforming Hospital Emergency Department Workflow and Patient Care. Interfaces 45(1):58-82.

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Vol. 45, No. 1, January–February 2015, pp. 58–82
ISSN 0092-2102 (print) — ISSN 1526-551X (online)
© 2015 INFORMS


Achievement in Operations Research

Transforming Hospital Emergency Department

Workflow and Patient Care
Eva K. Lee
Center for Operations Research in Medicine and HealthCare, Atlanta, Georgia 30332;
NSF I/UCRC Center for Health Organization Transformation, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Atlanta, Georgia 30332; and
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332,

Hany Y. Atallah
Grady Health System, Atlanta, Georgia; and Department of Emergency Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine,
Atlanta, Georgia 30322

Michael D. Wright
Grady Health System, Atlanta, Georgia 30322

Eleanor T. Post
Rockdale Medical Center, Conyers, Georgia 30012

Calvin Thomas IV
Health Ivy Tech Community College, Indianapolis, Indiana 46208

Daniel T. Wu, Leon L. Haley Jr.

Grady Health System, Atlanta, Georgia; and Department of Emergency Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine,
Atlanta, Georgia 30322
When we encounter an unexpected critical health problem, a hospital’s emergency department (ED) becomes
our vital medical resource. Improving an ED’s timeliness of care, quality of care, and operational efficiency
while reducing avoidable readmissions, is fraught with difficulties, which arise from complexity and uncertainty.
In this paper, we describe an ED decision support system that couples machine learning, simulation, and
optimization to address these improvement goals. The system allows healthcare administrators to globally
optimize workflow, taking into account the uncertainties of incoming patient injuries and diseases and their
associated care, thereby significantly reducing patient length of stay. This is achieved without changing physical
layout, focusing instead on process consolidation, operations tracking, and staffing. First implemented at Grady
Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia, the system helped reduce length of stay at Grady by roughly 33 percent.
By repurposing existing resources, the hospital established a clinical decision unit that resulted in a 28 percent
reduction in ED readmissions. Insights gained from the implementation also led to an investment in a walk-
in center that eliminated more than 32 percent of the nonurgent-care cases from the ED. As a result of these
improvements, the hospital enhanced its financial standing and achieved its target goal of an average ED
length of stay of close to seven hours. ED and trauma efficiencies improved throughput by over 16 percent
and reduced the number of patients who left without being seen by more than 30 percent. The annual revenue
realized plus savings generated are approximately $190 million, a large amount relative to the hospital’s $1.5
billion annual economic impact. The underlying model, which we generalized, has been tested and implemented
successfully at 10 other EDs and in other hospital units. The system offers significant advantages in that it
permits a comprehensive analysis of the entire patient flow from registration to discharge, enables a decision
maker to understand the complexities and interdependencies of individual steps in the process sequence, and
ultimately allows the users to perform system optimization.
Keywords: systems transformation; systems optimization; machine learning; multiple-resource allocation;
mixed-integer program; simulation; decision support; emergency department; acuity level; length of stay;
readmission; operations efficiency.

Lee et al.: Transforming Hospital Emergency Department Workflow and Patient Care
Interfaces 45(1), pp. 58–82, © 2015 INFORMS 59

O ver the past two decades, emergency depart-

ment (ED) crowding and delays have become
serious issues for hospitals and health systems in
service. Its ED receives more than 125,000 patient vis-
its per year, more than 20,000 of whom are trauma
patients. Grady provides critical services to Georgia’s
the United States. ED visits have increased by more health system. It is home to Georgia’s only poison
than 2 million per year, characterized by patients who control center, the area’s first primary stroke cen-
were older and sicker, and thus required more com- ter, and Georgia’s first cancer center for excellence.
plex, time-consuming workups (i.e., complete medi- Its extended trauma facilities include surgical suites,
cal examinations, including medical history, physical burn units, the LifeFlight and AngelFlight air med-
exam, laboratory tests, X-rays, and analysis) and treat- ical transport programs, Angel II neonatal transport
ments, and by nonurgent patients who use the ED in units, and an emergency medical service ambulance
place of primary care facilities. The National Hospi- program.
tal Ambulatory Medical Care survey (Centers for Dis- Grady serves a large population of uninsured pa-
ease Control 2010) reported 130 million ED visits in tients and diverse socioeconomic groups. Of more
2010. Despite increased demand, 19 hospitals closed than 621,000 annual patient visits, only eight percent
in 2011. In 2012, hospitals reported that more than 40 of these patients are privately insured (versus 50 per-
percent of ED patient visits were for nonurgent care, cent nationally). In 2007, Grady “was in desperate
contributing to long waiting times, decreased quality need of more than $200 million to remain solvent.
and timeliness of care, and decreased patient satisfac- Grady’s financial collapse has serious consequences
tion. Numerous reports have questioned the ability of not just for metro Atlanta—its crisis could reverberate
U.S. EDs to handle this increasing demand for emer- across the state 0 0 0 Experts say its inefficient customer
gency services (Richardson and Hwang 2001; Lewin service and general administration have created this
Group 2002; Derlet 2002; Derlet et al. 2001; Derlet and financial crisis of epic proportions” (de Moura 2007).
Richards 2000, 2002; Taylor 2001). In the midst of this financial crisis, a new man-
Our project showcases the transformation that can agement team came on board to rescue the hospi-
happen when operations research (OR) is applied tal and transform its operations. The new leadership
to improve a hospital’s ED operations. Working was committed to serious ED system transformation
with Grady Memorial Hospital (also referred to as and initiated a joint collaboration with our team of
Grady Hospital or Grady), our operations researchers operations researchers. Through extensive data collec-
devised a customizable model and decision support tion and vigorous OR analytical advances and recom-
system that couples machine learning, simulation, mendations, Grady adopted the transformative steps,
and optimization to help hospitals improve effective- which included addressing readmissions, quality, and
ness in their EDs. Part of the Grady Health System, efficiency of care before the Affordable Care Act and
Grady Hospital is the fifth-largest safety net hospital its associated penalties were put in place.
in the United States; these hospitals provide a dispro- The ED crisis is being experienced across the nation.
portionate amount of care to vulnerable populations In January 2014, the American College of Emergency
(United States Department of Health and Human Ser- Physicians ranked [nationwide] ED access as D+ to
vices 2014). Grady implemented our decision support reflect “that hospitals are not getting the necessary
system with beneficial results, such as reduced length support in order to provide effective and efficient
of stay (LOS), patient waiting times, and readmissions emergency care” (American College of Emergency
(i.e., repeat admissions related to an initial admis- Physicians 2014). Grady feels a more-than-average
sion), and improved efficiencies and throughput, all burden; it treats all patients, regardless if they have
without investing additional funds or resources. Sub- insurance. For each service that it provides, it incurs
sequently, 10 other hospitals implemented our system costs for which it will be reimbursed only a small por-
and also achieved beneficial results. tion. In addition, many critically ill patients (including
Grady’s ED, which is a Level I trauma center, oper- referrals from other EDs) are routed to Grady because
ates the country’s largest hospital-based ambulance of the excellent specialty care that it provides.
Lee et al.: Transforming Hospital Emergency Department Workflow and Patient Care
60 Interfaces 45(1), pp. 58–82, © 2015 INFORMS

The novelty of our OR work has five main aspects. advanced triage, physician and (or) practitioner at
To the best of our knowledge, these have not been triage, and dedicated fast-track service lines, all of
incorporated in previous methods or studies: which are considered potential solutions to streamline
1. We optimize within the ED system simulation, the front-end processing of ED patients. Ashby et al.
rather than relying on a scenario-based method, so (2008) optimized patient flow throughout the inpa-
that the results more closely approach global opti- tient units, while modeling and observing the impacts
mization. The global solution involves aligning and on other interdependent parts of the hospital, such as
consolidating operations, optimizing staffing, and the ED and operating rooms. Kolker (2008) tried to
optimizing processes. establish a quantitative relationship between ED per-
2. We dynamically and stochastically incorporate formance characteristics, such as percentage of time
treatment patterns and patient characteristics within on ambulance diversion and the number of patients
an agent-based simulation, while focusing on ED in queue in the waiting room, and the upper limits
operations and quality improvement. of patient LOS. Moskop et al. (2009) identified and
3. We model ED readmissions using data that described operational and financial barriers to resolv-
simultaneously encompass demographics, socioeco- ing the crisis of ED crowding; they also proposed
nomic status, clinical information, hospital opera- a variety of institutional and public policy strate-
tions, and disease behavioral patterns. gies to overcome those barriers. Nugus et al. (2011)
4. We explicitly model the interdependencies to and used an ethnographic approach that involves direct
from the ED with numerous other hospital depart- observation of on-the-ground behaviors, observing
ments, capturing inefficiencies in those processes. interactions among physicians and nurses, emergency
5. We integrate machine learning within the simu- clinicians, and clinicians from other hospital depart-
lation-optimization framework. ments to identify indicators of and responses to
We also note that in our work, all medical terms and pressure in the day-to-day ED work environment.
related metrics are defined as is customary in the DeFlitch et al. (2007) reported provider-directed queu-
medical community. ing for improving ED operations. McCarthy et al.
From a hospital’s perspective, healthcare leaders
(2009) used discrete-time survival analysis to deter-
have acknowledged that this work advances ED oper-
mine the effects of crowding on ED waiting room,
ations in several ways, which we describe in the
treatment, and boarding times (i.e., the time spent in
Benefits and Impacts section. From an OR perspec-
the ED after the decision has been made to admit the
tive, the collaboration this project engendered and
patient to the hospital) across multiple sites and acu-
the challenges it presented have led to both theoreti-
ity levels. Sturm et al. (2010) identified predictors that
cal and computational advances in optimization and
can influence nonurgent pediatric ED utilization.

Background Challenges and Objectives

Crowded ED conditions have sparked research on Although some of the ED advances have been suc-
several fronts. Eitel et al. (2010) discussed differ- cessful, the improvement is often not sustainable, or
ent methods for improving ED quality and flow, it redirects inefficiencies from one area of the ED to
including demand management, critical pathways, another, or to other hospital divisions. Poor results
process mapping, emergency severity-index triage, from these approaches are partly because the requisite
bedside registration, and Lean and Six Sigma man- data are very time consuming to collect, often resulting
agement methods (Bahensky et al. 2005). Popovich in poor data being entered into a model. In addition, a
et al. (2012) developed a volume-driven protocol and model may be flawed if important elements and sys-
implemented it through the use of published evi- tem dependencies are overlooked in its design.
dence, which focused on essential endpoints of mea- Readmissions are a key challenge in ED perfor-
surement. Wiler et al. (2010) evaluated interventions, mance. In particular, avoidable readmissions (i.e.,
such as immediate bedding, bedside registration, readmissions resulting from an adverse event that
Lee et al.: Transforming Hospital Emergency Department Workflow and Patient Care
Interfaces 45(1), pp. 58–82, © 2015 INFORMS 61

occurred during the initial admission or from inappro- The Affordable Care Act, its influence on Medicaid
priate care coordination following discharge) through and Medicare payments, the high cost of emergency
the ED have become a major burden on the U.S. health care, the persistent nonurgent visits, and the penalties
system; see Minott (2008). Recent research shows that imposed because of inappropriate readmissions and
nearly one in five patients are readmitted to the dis- hospital-related health problems demand transforma-
charging hospital within 30 days of discharge; these tion of ED patient care and workflow.
readmissions accounted for $17.8 billion in Medicare This project focuses on large-scale systems model-
spending in 2004 (Osei-Anto et al. 2010). ing and decision analytics for modeling and optimiz-
Numerous studies have been conducted to iden- ing the workflow for an ED. Specifically, we aim to
tify frequently readmitted patients’ characteristics and improve workflow, reduce wait time, improve qual-
construct patient profiles to aid hospitals in predicting ity and timeliness of care, and reduce the number
these patients. These studies have identified a number of avoidable readmissions. Although most studies
of demographic and clinical factors that are thought to incorporate simulation to model ED operations and
significantly correlate with readmission. Other factors perform scenario-based improvement (e.g., Medeiros
concerning hospital operations have also been inves- et al. 2008), we believe that our model is the first
tigated. Various statistical tools have been used to to intertwine machine learning, simulation, and opti-
identify patient factors that are associated with read- mization into one system in which (1) the ED patient
missions (Allaudeen et al. 2011a, Billings et al. 2006, characteristics are analyzed and patterns uncovered,
and (2) operations and workflow are modeled and
Hasan et al. 2010, Kirby et al. 2010). Westert et al.
resources optimized within the system to achieve the
(2002) conducted an international study, including
best performance outcome.
three U.S. states and three countries, to find patterns
Grady began an ED process transformation with our
in the profiles of readmitted patients. The findings
OR team in 2008. At that time, the average patient
are divided into demographic and social factors, clin-
LOS in its ED exceeded 10 hours. LOS represents the
ical factors (Billings et al. 2006, Southern et al. 2004),
time between a patient’s arrival at the ED and the time
and hospital operations factors (Benbassat and Taragin
that patient is discharged from the ED or admitted to
2000, Davidson et al. 2007, Joynt et al. 2011, Scuteri
the hospital. Thus, LOS includes the door-to-provider
et al. 2011, VanSuch et al. 2006, Westert et al. 2002).
time, the time the patient waits for the service and
A study of 26 readmission risk-prediction models con-
receives care, and the boarding time. Hence, LOS is
cluded that after reviewing 7,843 citations, none of often dominated by long stretches of nonservice times.
the models analyzed could suitably predict future hos- Grady’s goal was to achieve a LOS of close to seven
pital readmissions (Kansagara et al. 2011). Allaudeen hours and reduce its readmissions rate by 25 percent.
et al. (2011b) noted that healthcare personnel could We refer to the period from the beginning of the study
not accurately predict the readmission of patients dis- in 2008 to the time of the sustained improved perfor-
charged from their own hospitals; however, conclu- mance (July 2011) as Phase I. As a result of the Phase I
sions from these studies may be premature, given improvements, the hospital was able to use sponsored
that much of the analyses were performed via logis- funds to open a walk-in center for low-acuity patients,
tic regression on only subsets of data. We recently further driving down costs and LOS (Williams 2011).
published a readmission study in which, for the first In addition, the implementation of an electronic med-
time, a predictive model can incorporate comprehen- ical record (EMR) system in October 2010 has enabled
sive factors related to demographics and socioeco- the administration to better track hospital operations.
nomic status, clinical and hospital resources, opera- Because of the alternative care options and the addi-
tions and utilization, and patient complaints and risk tion of a new dedicated 15-bed trauma center, the
factors for global prediction (Lee et al. 2012a). Our dynamics of ED patient visits have changed. Phase
approach empowers healthcare providers with good II captures the period of ED advances from 2011 to
predictive capability, which we generalized for this the time of this writing. This paper summarizes the
Grady study. OR analytic, system-driven advances in the ED and
Lee et al.: Transforming Hospital Emergency Department Workflow and Patient Care
62 Interfaces 45(1), pp. 58–82, © 2015 INFORMS

their associated performance outcomes during these behavior and care characteristics, provider decision
two phases. By design, the two phases overlap. and process workflow, facility layout design, and
staffing, where resource allocation, cognitive human
Methods and Design of Study behavior, and care patterns are optimized globally for
best outcomes, as measured by LOS and readmissions.
The study involves seven major steps, as follows:
Uncovering patterns in patient care helps to appro-
1. Process mapping of ED patient and service work-
priately align resources with demands, and enables
flow via structured interviews and objective process
providers to better anticipate needs. Exploring facility
design provides decision makers with the envisioned
2. Time-motion studies of patient arrival, service
improvement before they embark on an expensive lay-
processes, and analysis of hospital data.
out redesign effort.
3. Development of a machine-learning predictive
analytic framework to process data and predict patient ED Workflow and Services
characteristics, complaint types, and admission and Patients who visit the ED for care are evaluated first
readmission patterns. at the triage area to determine the severity of their
4. Development of a computerized simulation- injuries and (or) conditions. They are assigned an
optimization system. acuity level based on the emergency severity index
5. System optimization and comparison of optimal (ESI), a five-level index for prioritizing ED patients
system performance with existing operations. for care, ranging from level 1 (emergent and requir-
6. Determination of actionable recommendations ing multiple resources) to level 5 (nonurgent and least
for implementation. resource intensive). The ESI is unique among triage
7. Evaluation of system improvements. tools, because it categorizes ED patients by both acuity
Figure 1 highlights the study schema and the inter- and resource needs.
dependencies of our methods. The human-centered At Grady, the blue zone is used to treat high-acuity
computational modeling environment comprises data patients (levels 1 and 2) and all prisoners, except
analytics served by innovative OR predictive decision those with significant trauma. (Note that a detention
tools. We simultaneously explore patterns of patient area for prisoners is located inside the blue zone and

Procedural and
Observational Synthesize actionable
recommendations recommendations

Big-Data Analytic Framework

ED: Stakeholders'
characteristics and Electronic Machine learning,
objectives; medical records predictive
arrival rates; Simulation-optimization
service pdfs; decision framework
workflow; Hospital (i) Validation
resources; historical data (ii) Systems optimization
Establish process
decision process;
and systems
OUTSIDE UNITS: Process maps, interdependencies OR-Predictive Analytic
IN AND OUT OF ED time-motion study Decision Framework

Implement and
Refine, next document Prioritize and
phase obtain buy-in

Figure 1: (Color online) This figure shows the study schema and interdependencies of the analytic framework
that we use. These interdependencies are crucial to achieving a valid description of the actual processes.
Lee et al.: Transforming Hospital Emergency Department Workflow and Patient Care
Interfaces 45(1), pp. 58–82, © 2015 INFORMS 63

prisoner patients are registered in the blue-zone treat- Patients arriving in an ambulance or other vehi-
ment area). A major resuscitation room anchors this cle enter the ED through the ambulance arrival area,
area, which also includes eight critical care rooms, which is separate from the walk-in area. Here, patients
seven respiratory isolation rooms, and several general- determined to be ESI level 1 or 2 will be triaged and
patient-care areas. The red zone is used to treat general sent directly to the blue or red zone. Level 3 and 4
patients. This area has general-care rooms, an ortho- patients are triaged, sent to the ED waiting room, and
pedic room, a gynecology evaluation room, and an enter the same queue as the patients in the walk-in
eye, ear, nose, and throat room. All rooms in the blue area to wait for a bed in either zone. Walk-in patients,
and red zones are capable of cardiac monitoring. In some of whom may not be assigned an acuity level, are
2010, based on our Phase I results, Grady added a clin- treated by the walk-in triage physician and discharged
ical decision unit. This unit provides an alternative to from there.
admission to the main hospital by providing obser- Table 1 summarizes the ED patient care and re-
vation services for those patients who have already sources, excluding the walk-in. Figures 2(a)–2(d) show
received treatment in the ED. All patients in the clin- the workflow process maps at the start of our study.
ical decision unit are evaluated by a case manager Data Collection and Time-Motion Studies
who helps coordinate care, provide education, and In this section, we discuss the two phases of our study.
ensure appropriate follow-up. A patient who is not Phase I. From August 2008 through February 2009,
improving is sent to the hospital’s main building for multiple trained observers collected ED data by
admission. reviewing files and charts and conducting interviews
The mission of the patient ambulatory care express and time-motion studies related to services at various
area (PACe) is to treat patients with relatively minor stations, as guided by the process maps. The data col-
conditions. The PACe facility operates 24 hours a day, lected in this manner contain 45,983 data fields cov-
seven days a week, and is staffed primarily by nurse ering 2,509 patients. In addition, the hospital main-
practitioners and physician assistants. The trauma tained vital statistics, including acuity level, LOS, and
center is designed to treat patients with trauma lev- discharge data. Grady also provided readmission sta-
els 1, 2, and 3, as categorized by the American Trauma tus for 42,456 patients. Furthermore, we received more
Society (2014). Trauma operating rooms are staffed than 40,000 individual service times for laboratory
24 hours a day year-round. turnaround—the amount of time between the time a

Space/beds Worker type

Patient type 2008 2010 Attending physicians Mid-level providers Nurses

Triage All Yes Nurse practitioners, Yes

physician assistants
Blue zone High-acuity patients and all prisoners without 34 37 Yes Residents Yes
(acuity levels 1 and 2) significant trauma
Red zone General patients 25 21 Yes Residents Yes
(acuity levels 2 and 3)
Clinical decision unit Treated ED patients who need observation 0 7 Yes No Yes
PACe Patients with relatively minor conditions 8 8 No Nurse practitioners, Yes
(acuity levels 4 and 5) physician assistants
Trauma center Patients who meet either trauma level 1, 2, 3 4 15 Yes Residents Yes
criteria in addition to any child involved in
a traumatic accident, any patient arriving on a
backboard, all gunshot and stab victims, and
patients with complex extremity injuries or burns

Table 1: The table shows zones, patient and worker types, and resource availability.
BLUE BED BLUE Mid BLUE Doctor BLUE More CDU Admit or CDU Bed
BLUE Lab? CDU or not CDU CDU Discharge CDU Disposal
Assignment Assessment Evaluation 1 Lab? Discharge Cleansing

CDU Admittance
Order 1 Wait 1 Order 2 Wait 2 Evaluation 2
BLUE Admit or BLUE Bed
BLUE Recovery BLUE Discharge BLUE Disposal
Discharge Cleansing

BLUE Admittance
BLUE Admittance

Figure 2(a): The flowchart shows the workflow process map for the blue zone.

RED BED RED Mid RED Docter RED More RED Admit or RED Bed
RED Lab? RED Recovery RED Discharge RED Disposal
Assignment Assessment Evaluation 1 Lab? Discharge Cleansing

RED Lab Order 1 RED Lab Wait 1 RED Lab Wait 2 RED Docter RED Admittance
RED Lab Order 2 RED Admittance
Evaluation 2 Disposal

Figure 2(b): The flowchart shows the workflow process map for the red zone.


PACE Lab? PACE Discharge PACE Disposal
Assignment Assessment Evaluation 1 Cleansing


Order 1 Wait 1

Figure 2(c): The flowchart shows the workflow process map for the PACe.

MTC BED MTC Mid MTC Doctor MTC More MTC Admit or MTC Recovery MTC Discharge MTC Bed MTC Disposal
MTC Lab?
Assignment Assessment Evaluation Lab? Discharge Cleansing

MTC Doctor MTC Admittance

MTC Lab Order 1 MTC Lab Wait 1 MTC Lab Order 2 MTC Lab Wait 2 MTC Admittance
Evaluation 2 Disposal

Figure 2(d): The flowchart shows the workflow process map for the trauma center.
Interfaces 45(1), pp. 58–82, © 2015 INFORMS
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Interfaces 45(1), pp. 58–82, © 2015 INFORMS 65

laboratory receives a specimen and the time the results the attribute-selection algorithm searches through the
are available. space of attribute subsets using the cross-validation
Phase II. In Phase II, data from 16,217 patient vis- accuracy from the classification module as a measure
its from October 28, 2010 to December 31, 2010 of goodness. The small subset of attributes returned
were pulled from the EMR system. For each visit, from the machine-learning analysis can be viewed as
data include patient information, ED admission time, critical patient and clinical and (or) hospital variables
hospital discharge time, acuity level, ED zones, diag- that drive service characteristics. This provides feed-
nosis, and insurance type. The EMRs also include back to clinical decision makers for prioritization and
time stamps for relevant events, including registra- intervention of patients and tasks.
tion, triage, laboratory orders and results, doctor In the ED study, entities correspond to patients.
assessment, observation, and discharge. We supple- The input attributes for each patient include com-
mented the EMR ED data with observations and time- prehensive demographics, socioeconomic status, clin-
motion studies at the triage and registration areas, and ical information, hospital resources and utilization,
sampled treatment and wait times inside the rooms by and disease behavioral patterns. The machine learning
shadowing various care providers. uncovers patient disease patterns, associated resource
By identifying the responsibilities of each type of needs, and factors influencing treatment characteris-
worker via shadowing in the ED and reviewing the tics and outcome. For readmission, there are two sta-
EMR system patient timeline, we found variability tuses for patients: they come back to the hospital
and randomness in arrival and treatment processes for visits (return group), or they do not come back
and workers’ responsibilities. The variability emerges (nonreturn group). The classification aims to uncover
from the delivery practices of the nurses, mid-level from the set of all attributes a set of discriminatory
practitioners, and attending physicians. Our model attributes that can classify each patient into the return
may not describe each case in the ED; however, it rep-
or nonreturn group. We seek to identify the rule that
resents more than 93 percent of the cases.
offers the best predictive capability.
Machine Learning for Predicting Patient In this supervised classification approach, the sta-
Characteristics and Return Patterns tus of each patient in the training set is known. The
Armed with comprehensive data, we first devel- training set consists of a group of patients extracted
oped machine-learning techniques to uncover patient from the hospital database whose status (e.g., returned
characteristics, including resource needs, treatment within 72 hours after the first visit or within 30 days
outcome, LOS, and readmission patterns, and to estab- after the first visit) is known. The training data are
lish predictive rules. A significant contribution of our input into the machine-learning framework. Through
work is that it is the first study in which demo- the attribute-selection algorithm, a subset of attributes
graphics, socioeconomic status, clinical information, is selected to form a classification rule. This rule is then
hospital operations, and disease behavioral patterns used to perform 10-fold cross-validation on the train-
are employed simultaneously as attributes within a ing set to obtain an unbiased estimate.
machine-learning framework. In 10-fold cross-validation, the training set is ran-
The computational design of our machine-learning domly partitioned into 10 roughly equal subsets. Of
framework utilizes a wrapper approach; specifically, the 10 subsets, one subset is retained as the valida-
we apply pattern recognition based on our recent tion data for testing the model, and the remaining nine
advances on text mining for unstructured clinical subsets are used as training data. The cross-validation
notes to the input attributes (Hagen et al. 2013). process is then repeated 10 times (the folds), with each
Next, we couple a combinatorial attribute-selection of the 10 subsets used exactly once as the validation
algorithm with a discriminate analysis via a mixed- data. The 10 results from the folds can then be aver-
integer program (DAMIP) learning and classifica- aged to produce an unbiased estimation. The advan-
tion module. The attribute selection, classification, tage of this method over repeated random subsam-
and cross-validation procedures are wrapped so that pling is that all observations are used for both training
Lee et al.: Transforming Hospital Emergency Department Workflow and Patient Care
66 Interfaces 45(1), pp. 58–82, © 2015 INFORMS

and validation, and each observation is used exactly method are consistently lower than with other clas-
once for validation. sification approaches when tested on both simulated
To gauge the predictive power of the rule, we and real-world data; (3) the DAMIP classification
perform blind prediction on an independent set of rules appear to be insensitive to the specification of
patients; these patients have never been used in prior probabilities, yet capable of reducing misclas-
attribute selection. We run each patient through the sification rates when the number of training enti-
rule, which returns a status. We then give the hospital ties from each group is different; and (4) the DAMIP
personnel the predicted status of each patient, which model generates stable and robust classification rules
they check against the patient’s actual status. Hence, regardless of the proportions of training entities from
we always compare our prediction with the actual out- each group (Brooks and Lee 2010, 2014; Lee 2007;
come in measuring predictive accuracy. Lee and Wu 2007; Lee et al. 2003; Hagen et al. 2013;
Koczor et al. 2013).
Once our machine-learning system sends a trigger
Note that, mathematically, DAMIP is proven to
that a particular patient is highly likely to return, an
be NP-complete (Brooks and Lee 2010, 2014). We
expert human (usually a nurse) places this patient
solved the instances for this ED study using advances
on a to-observe list. That our predictions are not 100
in hypergraphic theory (Lee and Maheshwary 2013,
percent accurate is understandable; however, the first
Lee et al. 2014). Based on previous studies, the
pass is critical because it narrows down the return to
DAMIP approach generally works better than other
a very small subset of patients, allowing the human machine-learning methods for unbalanced and het-
expert to focus on them to determine which patients erogeneous data, as we encountered in this project
in this selected set should be observed in the clinical (Lee et al. 2012a).
decision unit. Learning is continuous because human
experts may identify attributes that they will use in The Computerized ED System Workflow Model
their second pass of selection. These attributes will To establish a framework for modeling and optimizing
then be incorporated into our system for learning and the ED workflow, including ED processes and depen-
refinement. Lee et al. (2003), Lee (2007), Lee and Wu dencies on other hospital divisions when discharging
(2007), Brooks and Lee (2010), and (2014) detail the patients from the ED, we use the RealOpt© simulation-
DAMIP modeling and its theoretical and computa- optimization decision support environment (Lee et al.
tional contributions. We include a mathematical for- 2006a, b, 2009, 2011, 2012b, 2013a; RealOpt 2012).
mulation in the appendix. Briefly, DAMIP employs a RealOpt was developed at Georgia Tech for the
purpose of optimizing operations, throughput, and
0-1 variable to denote if an entity is classified correctly.
resource allocation for public health resources, in par-
The model includes features that do not simultane-
ticular for emergency response and public health med-
ously exist in other classification models: (1) a mathe-
ical preparedness. It includes easy-to-use drawing
matical expression that transforms the high-dimension
tools to permit users to enter the workflow via mouse
attribute space into the group space to describe the
clicks and keystrokes. It also allows incorporation of
group to which an entity will be classified; (2) a re-
the stochastic nature of human behavior (both the
served-judgment region that handles entities whose servers and patients) in workflows and processes, and
group status is difficult to determine correctly to avoid provides a method to model fatigue and stress fac-
overtraining and facilitate multistage classification; tors. In the background, it translates the workflow into
and (3) constraints on the percentage of misclassifica- a computerized simulation model in which resources
tions in each group. The model seeks to maximize the can be optimized to achieve the best throughput and
number of correct classifications. system performance. Figure 3(a) shows the (simpli-
DAMIP’s special characteristics include the follow- fied) clinic workflow and service zones for Grady’s
ing: (1) the resulting classification rule is strongly ED, as entered into RealOpt via its graph-drawing
universally consistent, given that the Bayes opti- panel.
mal rule for classification is known (Brooks and Lee Figure 3(b) shows the average total time to admit a
2010); (2) the misclassification rates using the DAMIP patient from the ED to different units of the hospital.
Lee et al.: Transforming Hospital Emergency Department Workflow and Patient Care
Interfaces 45(1), pp. 58–82, © 2015 INFORMS 67

RED Disposal

BLUE Disposal
CDU Disposal
ED disposition to departure (Oct 1 31, 2009)




BLUE Admittance
RED Admittance
RED Discharge

CDU Admittance

BLUE Discharge


CDU Discharge

MTC Disposal

RED Admittance
RED Recovery

BLUE Recovery
CDU Admit or


RED Admit or


BLUE Admit or
Evaluation 2
RED Doctor

PACE Disposal


Figure 3(b): (Color online) The figure shows discharge destinations for
BLUE Doctor
RED Lab Wait 2

Evaluation 2
MTC Admitance

CDU or not
MTC Discharge


October 2009 ED patients and the time taken from ED disposition to actual

departure for each destination. Destinations are the telemedicine sign-

up, intensive care unit, floor (normally staffed inpatient unit), isolation
Wait 2
RED More

unit, and the stepdown unit (provides intermediate care between the ICU
PACE Discharge

Order 2
MTC Admitance

MTC Recovery

and floor).
Walkin Disposal


Order 2
Evaluation 1
RED Doctor

Note that until the patient is admitted elsewhere, ED

Evaluation 2

Wait 1
MTC Doctor

PACE Doctor
Evaluation 1

Wait 1
MTC Admit or

resources (in particular, the patient’s bed) are not free


Walkin Bed

BLUE Doctor
Evaluation 1

Wait 1

to assign to a new patient. This information forms part

RED Lab?

Order 1

Wait 2


of our RealOpt model for systems optimization.

Order 1
Walkin Discharge


Within RealOpt, optimization can be performed to

Order 1
MTC More



ensure the best operations and system performance

Order 2


(e.g., throughput, wait time, queue length, utilization).

Walkin Doctor
MTC Lab Wait 1
MTC Doctor

The resource allocation is modeled via a nonlinear


Figure 3(a): This RealOpt flowchart represents a simplified ED workflow at Grady.



mixed-integer program (NMIP). Resource examples


include labor, equipment, and beds. Constraints in the

MTC Lab Order

RED Bed Delay

MTC Lab?

model include (1) maximum limits on wait time and

Zone or


queue length, which are dictated by the capacity of the


waiting room in most EDs, and the desire to quickly



service patients; (2) range of utilization desired at

Walkink Triage


each station; (3) for each resource group, assignabil-




ity and availability of resource types at each station

(i.e., the skill set and the numbers of skilled personnel
MTC Bed Delay

available); and (4) maximum limit on the cycle time


of the individual (i.e., ED LOS). The system param-

eters in the simulation (i.e., queues, wait time, uti-


lization, cycle time, and throughput) are performance


variables in the optimization. Because some functions


in the objective and constraints are not necessarily


expressible in closed form, the problem is intractable


by commercial systems. RealOpt is designed to over-


come such computational bottlenecks by interweaving



rapid system simulation and optimization (Lee et al.

2013a, b). The appendix includes further details on


the model.
Lee et al.: Transforming Hospital Emergency Department Workflow and Patient Care
68 Interfaces 45(1), pp. 58–82, © 2015 INFORMS

As we describe previously, machine learning is used in the ED workflow. The optimization component con-
to identify discriminatory attributes that can predict nects the multiple-resource allocation, as we describe
whether a patient will return to the ED. Within the earlier, with process and operations optimization over
simulation, an individual patient is simulated thor- the entire ED process network. The multiple-objective
oughly, including medical conditions, arrival times, function values are evaluated through the simulation
zones visited, and treatments received. Hence, in addi- process.
tion to modeling the hospital operations, it also char-
Model Validation
acterizes each individual by disease type, risk fac-
Using the data collected, we simulated the hospital
tors, demographics, and payer types—knowledge that
environment and operations, and validated the sim-
the machine-learning analysis uncovers. Upon com-
ulation results against an independent set of three
pletion of a patient’s treatment and before discharge,
months of hospital data. The model returned ED LOS,
the machine-learning classification rule is used within
throughput, wait time, queue length, and other sys-
the simulation environment to predict whether that
tem statistics that are useful for performance measure-
patient will return. If it predicts that the patient will
ment and comparison. For brevity, Table 2 includes
return, it triggers an alarm; a nurse then determines if
only LOS and throughput comparisons. The simula-
the patient should be sent to the clinical decision unit
tion results accurately reflect the existing ED system
for observation.
performance, with outcome metrics and performance
The novelty herein is the incorporation of patient statistics consistent with their actual hospital values.
characteristics and care patterns that the machine- The average characteristics of Grady’s ED patients
learning framework uncovers within the RealOpt differ markedly from national averages, especially
simulation-optimization environment. Hence, agents because so few have private insurance. In 2009 at
(representing patients) within the simulation present Grady, only eight percent of the ED patients had
disease symptoms that challenge the care providers. private insurance; more than 50 percent self-paid
They mimic the behavior of returning patients for for the service, and Medicaid and Medicare paid
whom certain symptoms may not have been diag- for 36 percent. In contrast, nationally, approximately
nosed properly during previous ED visits. Further, the 50 percent of ED patients have private insurance.
model captures more than 200 processes, including ED Moreover, Grady is burdened by return visits from
connected environments (e.g., discharge destinations uninsured individuals who use the ED as their pri-
and factors external to ED), which contribute to delays mary care facility. Table 3(a) shows Grady’s ED

Phase I: Train: Aug. 2008–Feb. 2009 Phase II: Train: Oct.–Dec. 2010
Validate: March–May 2009 Validate: Jan.–March 2011

Hospital statistics Simulated values Hospital statistics Simulated values

LOS Patient LOS Patient LOS Patient LOS Patient

ED zone (hours) volume∗ (hours) volume (hours) volume (hours) volume

Overall 10059 8,274 10049 8,446 7097 8,421 8002 8,398

Blue zone 14054 2,141 13090 2,137 11040 2,107 11078 2,126
Red zone 12054 2,097 11096 2,140 8098 2,083 8037 2,133
Trauma center∗∗ 7085 271 7098 251 6080 268 6086 259
Detention 13085 437 12093 407 10090 441 10053 432
PACe 7090 2,037 8060 1,983 5010 1,920 5060 1,983
Walk-in 3020 990 3030 992 2050 950 2088 940

Table 2: This table shows actual and simulated 30-day average LOS and throughput at Grady Hospital.
Note. Remainder patients: ∗ 301 of the patients in this column include those who left before being seen,
transferred to another facility, or provided no information. ∗∗ These are airlift level 1 trauma patients. Grady
treats roughly 1,542 trauma patients per month; many enter through the ED and are treated in the blue zone.
Lee et al.: Transforming Hospital Emergency Department Workflow and Patient Care
Interfaces 45(1), pp. 58–82, © 2015 INFORMS 69

Nov.–Dec. 2009 72-hour return 30-day return gauge the predictive accuracies. Table 3(b) summa-
No. of No. of Percentage No. of Percentage rizes the results. We select those results in which
Acuity level visits revisits of revisits revisits revisits both the specificity and sensitivity are above 70 per-
cent. Note that for self-pay and Medicaid patients,
Total 15,168 824 5043 31 279 21062 the accuracy is below 70 percent. We also observe
1: Immediate 367 17 4063 56 15026
that predicting insured individuals yields the high-
2: Emergent 2,793 157 5062 651 23031
3: Urgent 6,595 385 5084 11 531 23021 est accuracy, because insured individuals use the ED
4: Less urgent 3,310 147 4044 651 19067 only when necessary. Obtaining high prediction accu-
5: Nonurgent 1,531 90 5088 294 19020 racy for patients who are not privately insured (e.g.,
None—missing 572 28 4090 96 16078
self-pay, Medicaid, Medicare) is difficult. We also note
Table 3(a): ED readmission statistics for the period from November to that for 72-hour returns, prediction accuracy is high-
December 2009 are shown. est for acuity-level 1 patients, because their symp-
toms and conditions are generally more conspicuous;
72-hour return 30-day return
in addition, 72-hour returns and 30-day returns show
10-fold Blind- 10-fold Blind- variations.
cross- prediction cross- prediction
Acuity level validation (%) accuracy (%) validation (%) accuracy (%)
Computational Results,
1: Immediate 8309 8207 7803 7504 Implementation, and ED
2: Emergent 7000 7000 7907 7900
3: Urgent 7001 7005 7805 7805
Performance Comparison
4: Less urgent 7101 7001 8002 8000
5: Nonurgent 7005 7005 7700 7805 Phase I: Results
None—missing 7503 7407 8908 9101 We performed systems optimization of the overall ED
Overall 7100 7101 7903 7807 processes. In addition to the ED processes, the sys-
Payment type tem model included other units in which ED patients
Private 8605 8509 8407 8408 are being discharged, for example, the ICU, stepdown,
floor, isolation unit, and telemedicine sign-up. In
Self-pay 6701 6703 7609 7606
Medicare 7001 7009 7705 7709 Table 4(a), we summarize the operational performance
Medicaid 6601 6704 7605 7607 according to improvement options using LOS and
throughput. When we optimized over the existing ED
Table 3(b): The table illustrates 10-fold cross-validation results and
blind-prediction accuracy for 72-hour and 30-day returns. The percent-
layout, the system returned a global solution, which
age represents the percentage of patients with correct predictions. comprises Options 1–4. When we relaxed the layout
restriction and optimized, it returned Options 1, 2,
readmission statistics for November to December and 5 as the solution. Although these global solu-
2009, which were close to the national average. tions include a collection of changes and recommenda-
Our goal in predicting readmissions is twofold: tions that together result in the best overall operations
(1) capture the characteristics of the disease and improvement, we split the solution into individual
treatment patterns of readmitted patients to incorpo- options and individually simulated the effects of these
rate their behavior within the simulation-optimization changes to allow for prioritization and selection by
environment; and (2) provide real-time guidance to hospital management for implementation.
ED providers to identify individuals (for observation) Specifically, we separated the global solution into
before discharge to mitigate the number of avoidable five options according to change potential, and ana-
readmissions. Reducing the number of readmissions lyzed the anticipated ED operations improvement.
improves quality of care and provides financial and Next, we describe the five options and their predicted
resource savings. impact.
We apply the machine-learning framework using Option 1. Combining registration and triage de-
a training set of 42,456 patients, and blind pre- creases the LOS of blue- and red-zone patients by more
dict using an independent set of 18,464 patients to than one hour, with more significant gains by the most
Lee et al.: Transforming Hospital Emergency Department Workflow and Patient Care
70 Interfaces 45(1), pp. 58–82, © 2015 INFORMS

Actual hospital
operations Simulation systems performance

March–May 2009 Systems improvement

Simulation Option 2: Option 3: Option 4: Option 5:

output Option 1: Reduce Optimize Optimize Combine
Actual (using Aug.–Dec. System Combine lab/X-ray staffing in staffing in blue and red zones
hospital 2008 observed solution registration turnaround blue and red triage, walk in, with optimized
statistics data for training) (Options 1–4) and triage (−15 min) zones and PACe staffing

Patient volume 8,274 8,446 8,413 8,433 8,324 8,392 8,401 8,331
LOS (h) 10059 10049 7033 10002 9022 9084 9049 7068
Average total wait time (h) 4051 4034 1039 3095 2050 3087 3064 1076
Blue zone
Patient volume 2,141 2,137 2,135 2,138 2,139 2,145 2,139 4,273
LOS (h) 14054 1309 11008 12089 11083 13038 14000 8070
Red zone
Patient volume 2,097 2,140 2,129 2,142 2,137 2,145 2,140 See above
LOS (h) 12054 11096 8064 11034 10034 10062 12001 See above
Patient volume 271 251 251 250 249 251 251 271
LOS (h) 7085 7098 6094 7051 7049 7074 7098 7070
Patient volume 437 407 410 411 410 408 411 401
LOS (h) 13085 12093 10017 13095 11036 12046 13095 9016
Patient volume 2,037 1,983 1,970 1,988 1,966 2,001 1,979 1,989
LOS (h) 7090 8060 3064 8060 7095 7074 4003 6063
Walk in
Patient volume 990 992 989 997 996 990 998 971
LOS (h) 3020 3030 109 3031 2086 302 2049 2094

Table 4(a): The table shows ED LOS and throughput comparisons for various systems improvement strategies.

severe (i.e., blue zone) patients. Detention patients more than one hour, with more significant reductions
are registered separately; thus, they do not benefit observed by red-zone patients, because nurses origi-
from the change. We find no change in how trauma nally operated at about 80 percent capacity in the blue
patients are admitted, and marginal improvement for zone and at 91 percent in the red zone. Detention-
less urgent patients. patient LOS also decreases because of using blue-zone
Option 2. Reducing laboratory and X-ray turn- resources.
around time (by 15 minutes) drastically reduces blue- Option 4. Optimizing staffing in triage, walk-in, and
zone, red-zone, and detention patients’ LOS by more PACe areas reduces LOS by about 30 minutes for blue-
than two hours. These savings are realized because and red-zone patients; as expected, it has a major
59 percent of these patients require one laboratory impact on PACe and walk-in patients, reducing LOS
order and 40 percent require two orders. The gain is by 3.8 hours (−49 percent) and 42 minutes (−22 per-
also realized for trauma patients, although to a lesser cent), respectively.
extent. PACe and walk-in patients seldom require Option 5. Combining blue- and red-zone layouts
laboratory or X-ray orders. The time reduction is with optimized staffing offers substantial operational
achieved via bin-tracking on orders and improved efficiency. Before the ESI was introduced, patients
scheduled pickup and delivery between the ED and were sent to each color zone for similar complaints
the laboratory. and (or) severity, as set forth by hospital personnel,
Option 3. Optimizing staffing in blue and red zones to streamline the treatment process, to be assigned
reduces the LOS of blue- and red-zone patients by to appropriate providers, or to anticipate complexity
Lee et al.: Transforming Hospital Emergency Department Workflow and Patient Care
Interfaces 45(1), pp. 58–82, © 2015 INFORMS 71

of treatment. This also made revisits easier because for whom extra time is required to determine dis-
patients would recall their previously assigned color charge or hospital admission. The repurposed seven
zone. With the establishment of the ESI and sophisti- beds increase Grady’s ED observation capacity.
cated triage, patients are assigned an acuity level to Option 10. Redirect nonurgent or walk-in patients to
assist in the treatment process. The color zones no an alternative care facility.
longer serve their original purpose, although the hos-
pital retains them (and appropriately uses them to Phase I: Adoption and Implementation
accommodate the ESI). At Grady, the blue and red Grady management adopted Options 1–4, 7, and 8
zones are adjacent to each other and share the same for implementation, but made a minor alteration to
labor resources. Providers spend a good part of each Option 1—it combined the registration and triage only
day walking back and forth between these two zones at the ambulance arrival area. These changes, which
tending to patients. Our combined layout with opti- required no extra resources, were implemented by
mized staffing provides operational efficiency, because July 2009.
it reduces LOS by more than five and three hours At that time, Option 9 was under discussion for
for the blue and red zones, respectively, and reduces implementation because we recommended reallocat-
more than 40 percent of blue-zone LOS and 30 percent ing or reoptimizing existing resources (i.e., labor,
of red-zone LOS. Detention patients use blue-zone space, equipment). Option 10 was under consideration
resources and achieve a LOS reduction of about 26 per- to raise funds to help pay for establishing the alterna-
cent. As expected, LOS for trauma patients improves tive care facility.
only slightly. Subsequently, based on follow-up time-motion
In addition to the systems optimization, our time- studies and independent best-practice benchmarking
motion studies and machine-learning analysis also led tools that Grady employs (e.g., CMS core measures,
us to make the following recommendation to hospital National Association of Public Hospitals (NAPH)
management. quality indicators, Press Ganey, and Leapfrog qual-
Option 6. Allocate a separate area for walk-in ity indicators), the changes implemented by July 2009
patients to be assigned a bed instead of at the ambu- led to a LOS reduction of about three hours (from
lance triage area. more than 10 hours to slightly more than seven hours),
Option 7. Eliminate batching patients from the as Table 4(b) shows for the Phase I adoption and
walk-in area to a zone or PACe. Instead of accumulat- implementation. In January 2011, the hospital imple-
ing enough patients and taking a group of them to a mented the recommended clinical decision unit for
zone or PACe, service each patient based on his (her) observation, using the machine-learning prediction to
arrival time. trigger the targeted treated ED patients for observa-
Option 8. Eliminate batch discharges. Discharge tion. Figure 4 shows the actual reduction of 72-hour
paperwork is performed for each patient whenever and 30-day return patients. For acuity levels 1 and 2,
that patient is ready for discharge, rather than dis- 72-hour returns decreased by more than 30 percent
charging them in groups. and 7 percent, respectively. For 30-day returns, the
Option 9. Create a clinical decision unit to observe reductions for these two levels were 24 percent and
patients before formal discharge to reduce avoidable 9 percent, respectively. Our Grady ED transformation
readmissions as a result of insufficient care, discrepan- was timely. As a result of requirements in the Afford-
cies in diagnosis, or premature discharge. This option able Care Act, the hospital does not receive payment
arises from the machine-learning analysis that pre- for return visits; in addition, it must pay a penalty.
dicts patients who would be readmitted; providers Hence, reducing avoidable readmissions represents
then observe them to mitigate the readmission prob- improved care quality and provides financial savings.
ability. This area is created by system optimization, These improvements raised confidence in our rec-
which repurposes three beds from the blue zone and ommendations, and prompted the hospital to use $1
four beds from the red zone. Since 2003, Grady had an million of a donation from Kaiser Permanente to act
observation unit with six beds to manage ED patients on Option 10 of our recommendations—to open an
Lee et al.: Transforming Hospital Emergency Department Workflow and Patient Care
72 Interfaces 45(1), pp. 58–82, © 2015 INFORMS

Phase I: Comparison of ED performance (actual hospital monthly statistics)

Implementation of recommendations

Options 1–4, 7–9 Options 1–4, 7–10

(clinical decision unit (redirect nonurgent visits
Original Options 1–4, 7, 8 for observation) to walk-in center)

March–May 2009 July 2009–Dec. 2010 Jan.–Aug. 2011 Sept.–Dec. 2011

Patient Reduction in Patient Reduction in Patient Reduction in Patient

ED zone LOS (l ∗ 5 (h) volume LOS (l − l ∗ 5 (h) volume LOS (l − l ∗ 5 (h) volume LOS (l − l ∗ 5 (h) volume

Overall 10059 8,274 −3000 8,395 −2086 8,421 −2029 8,364

Blue zone 14054 2,141 −3026 2,525 −3014 2,317 −3022 2,603a
Red zone 12054 2,097 −3078 2,109 −3080 2,230 −3060 2,254
Trauma center 7085 271 −1001 252 −1019 283 −1022 305a
Detention 13085 437 −3012 420 −2095 446 −3001 445
PACe 7090 2,037 −3002 2,104 −3018 2,098 −3060 2,083
Walk-in 3020 990 −100 945 −0085 970 −102 510b

Table 4(b): The table shows 30-day average LOS and throughput performance following the initial Phase I
The new trauma center was opened in November 2011.
A significant number of nonurgent ED patients have been redirected to the new walk-in center since
August 19, 2011, thus resulting in a significant decrease in ED walk-in patients.

alternative care facility, a walk-in center for low-acuity improved ED efficiency, our study recommended only
patients. This facility opened in August 2011 (Williams one additional attending physician.
2011). With confidence in improved ED efficiency, in
October 2011, Grady also unveiled the Marcus Trauma Phase II Results
Center, which increases the number of trauma beds In conjunction with the walk-in-center option and the
from four to 15 (PRNewswire 2014). Based on the increase of beds in the trauma center from four to 15,
the hospital gained an attending physician; however,
the ED demand also increased. The hospital observed
  HOUR RETURN   DAY RETURN a slight increase in LOS from 7.9 hours to more than 8
  HOUR RETURN   DAY RETURN hours. Understanding that system improvement is an
on-going effort in aligning demand with resources, the
team embarked on Phase II of the system optimization
20.0 effort using existing resources.

In the following summary, we omit the performance

15.0 report for the PACe and walk-in, because the system
output from the various strategies offers only marginal
10.0 LOS differences compared to the larger improvements
observed from Phase I.
5.0 Table 5(a) summarizes the anticipated results based
on simulation and optimization. Specifically, globally
0.0 optimizing the system resulted in an overall LOS
reduction of 90 minutes. This entails global resource
allocation and changes in ED layout. The improve-
Figure 4: (Color online) The graph compares the percentage of ED revisits
ment is considerable, with major LOS reductions in
in 2010 and 2011. Note the significant reduction in 72-hour and 30-day the blue and red zones (44 percent and 30 percent,
returns following the installation of the clinical decision unit in 2011. respectively). Although the trauma center significantly
Lee et al.: Transforming Hospital Emergency Department Workflow and Patient Care
Interfaces 45(1), pp. 58–82, © 2015 INFORMS 73

Simulation systems performance

Actual hospital Global strategy: Option 11: Option 12:

operations System optimization Optimize worker Combine blue and
Aug.–Dec. 2011 (resource + layout) allocation red zones

Overall LOS (hours) 8030 6.79 (−1051) 7.21 (−1009) 6.94 (−1036)
Blue zone (hours) 11032 6.24 (−5008) 6.66 (−4066) 6.61 (−4071)
Red zone (hours) 8094 6.24 (−2070) 6.19 (−2075) 6.61 (−2033)
Trauma center (hours) 6063 6.46 (−0017) 6.16 (−0047) 6.47 (−0016)

Table 5(a): Phase II comparisons of potential ED performance show efficiency improvements using different

Phase II: Comparison of ED performance (actual hospital monthly statistics)

Implementation of Phase II recommendations

Original (from Phase I improvement) Option 11 (optimizing overall ED staffing)

Sept.–Dec. 2011 2012 Jan.–Dec. 2013

ED Zone LOS (l ∗∗ 5 Reduction in LOS (l − l ∗∗ 5 Reduction in LOS (l − l ∗∗ 5

Patient volume 8,364 8,920 9,060

Overall LOS 8030 h −1000 h −1016 h
Blue zone 11032 h −3095 h −4005 h (−36%)
Red zone 8094 h −2070 h −2052 h (−30%)
Trauma center 6063 h −0035 h −0030 h (−5%)

Table 5(b): The 30-day average LOS and throughput performance improved as a result of the Phase II

increased its bed capability, it added only one attend- blue zone) is substantial and could translate to better
ing physician. As a result, trauma LOS improved by quality of care and outcomes. Even minor improve-
only about 10 minutes, because the new facility had a ments in timeliness of care for trauma patients could
significant increase in trauma patients. Nevertheless, make a difference between life and death, and have a
for trauma patients, particularly those who suffer from significant impact on quality of life for these patients.
traumatic brain injury, 10 minutes can have a tremen-
Combining blue and red zones is viable because all
dous impact on outcome (e.g., survival, disablement,
patients entering either zone require a consultation
death), and is vital to the survival and quality of life
and generally require multiple resources or extensive
of these patients.
Splitting the global strategies into Option 11 (opti- diagnostic testing. However, such layout redesign may
mal staffing) and Option 12 (optimal layout) resulted not be desirable, because commingling patients with
in similar minor LOS improvements in trauma different acuity levels may have detrimental effects
patients. However, blue- and red-zone patients contin- on the treatment process; for example, care providers
ued to enjoy significant LOS reductions. may not be as focused. The net gain of combining the
zones, even with optimizing resource usage across all
Phase II: Adoption and Implementation
areas, is less substantial for trauma patients. The hos-
Table 5(b) contrasts the ED performance before and
after the Phase II Option 11 implementation. Using pital executives carefully weighed this option, and are
existing resources and facility layout, Grady gained now confident that combining the zones will have an
efficiency and timeliness of care by simply globally overall positive impact. At the time of this writing, the
optimizing resources across the ED. The net LOS hospital has received $77 million of sponsored funding
reduction of four hours for high-severity patients (i.e., and has embarked on the ED facility layout redesign.
Lee et al.: Transforming Hospital Emergency Department Workflow and Patient Care
74 Interfaces 45(1), pp. 58–82, © 2015 INFORMS

7.00 25.00 2010 2012

2010 2012 2011
72-hour return 2013
6.00 2011 2013 30-day return

4.00 15.00



0.00 0.00
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Figure 5: (Color online) The graphs compare the percentage of ED revisits in 2010 (no intervention), 2011
(Phase I), and 2012–2013 (Phase II). Note the significant drop in 72-hour and 30-day returns following the
Phase I implementation. The machine-learning tool learns from revisit patterns and improves progressively
as it adapts through the years. The level 4 and 5 patients who use the ED as their primary care service (i.e.,
super utilizers) remain a challenge, especially for 72-hour returns.

To monitor the performance of the clinical decision space and labor resources were repurposed for the
unit, Figure 5 contrasts the 72-hour and 30-day return clinical decision unit. In September 2011, the alter-
performance for 2010–2013. Between Phase I and II, native walk-in center was opened, drastically reduc-
the 30-day return reduction shows substantial gain, ing LOS for ED walk-in patients (fourth bar). The
especially among severe-acuity patients. Nonurgent difference in LOS across other zones was marginal;
patients (level 5) return to EDs at high rates because it however, overall LOS increased slightly because the
is often their only means of access to healthcare. Such
nonurgent readmission is unavoidable because some
patients come in with unrelated health complaints. In 

contrast, although level 1 patients demand the most  -XO\'HF

urgent care, their diagnosis is typically very specific; -DQ$XJ

upon discharge, they are well counseled with regard 2012

to follow-up care with their primary care providers, 2013
resulting in lower returns to the ED. Mid-level acuity %OXH5HG3ACH
patients have higher rates of return because of the less-  7UDXPD
specific nature of their complaints and (or) diagnosis. 
Figure 6 shows LOS trends for the ED zones through 
the various stages of implementation. Specifically, 
adoption of the initial optimization of overall staffing ]RQH ]RQH
and process consolidation significantly reduced LOS
across all zones (from the first to the second bar). This Figure 6: (Color online) The graph compares LOS from 2009 to the
implementation did not require additional resources present. Grady has sustained a steady ED LOS since the 2009 system
improvement implementation. The graph shows: March–May 2009 (orig-
or financial investment. When the clinical decision inal performance, first bar), July 2009–Dec. 2010 (after Phase I imple-
unit was established in 2011, Grady experienced a mentation, second bar), Jan.–Aug. 2011 (after implementation of the
marginal increase in LOS across all zones, because clinical decision unit for observation, third bar), Sept.–Dec. 2011 (after
implementation of the walk-in center to redirect nonurgent patients,
some patients were selected for observation to reduce
and expansion of the trauma center, fourth bar), and 2012–2013 (after
potential returns (third bar). This also very slightly Phase II implementation, fifth and sixth bars). The overall average LOS
affected the LOS of the blue and red zones, because in 2013 was 7.14 hours.
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Interfaces 45(1), pp. 58–82, © 2015 INFORMS 75

number of walk-in patients decreased significantly. the overall average LOS decreased by 33 percent
Although the throughput in the ED and trauma cen- (10.59 hours to 7.14 hours), while average total wait-
ter increased steadily over the years (by approximately ing time decreased by 70 percent. This contrasts with
16.2 percent), the LOS from 2012 to the present stayed an ED LOS of 8 to 11 hours in comparable safety
close to constant, indicating that the earlier improve- net hospitals (see Table 6). The reductions are most
ment was being sustained. The clinical decision unit significant for high-acuity patients: LOS decreased
reduced potential avoidable returns, thus helping to by more than 50 percent for both the blue and
save hospital resources, reduce penalties, and improve red zones (−7027 hours and −6028 hours, respec-
the quality of patient care. Since November 2013, the tively); the LOS in the trauma zone decreased by
unit has expanded to 15 beds. The walk-in center 20 percent (−1052 hours). Next, we list quantitative
has helped to relieve Grady’s large healthcare bur- improvements.
den of Medicaid and Medicare patients. By redirecting
Improved Efficiency of Emergency Care. Facili-
nonurgent ED patients, the hospital saved valuable
tated by the creation of the walk-in center, the im-
resources and reduced the costs needed to unnecessar-
provements allowed Grady to increase its ED annual
ily treat these patients in the ED. This has also reduced
throughput (i.e., number of patients treated) by more
the number of patients who leave without being seen
than 7.8 percent (+81114), its trauma volume by
by more than 32 percent.
8.4 percent (+11664), and its volume of severe trauma
cases (i.e., patients facing life-and-death situations) by
Benefits and Impacts 14 percent (+417), and reduce the number of patients
This OR analytical work and the subsequent imple- who leave without being seen by more than 30 per-
mentation and successes are extremely important to cent (−51553). Moreover, it made these improvements
Grady. As a safety net healthcare provider, Grady without increasing its ED staff or facilities. The use of
must make transformative changes to improve effi- the clinical decision unit decreased avoidable 72-hour
ciencies and reduce expenses so that it can continue and 30-day readmissions among the acuity-levels 1–3
to provide care to a significant segment of the pop- patients by 28 percent (−602). This produced direct
ulation that is underserved medically. The goal of financial and resource savings for the hospital and
our work is to significantly improve the efficiency had a positive impact on patient-care quality mea-
and timely delivery of quality care to Grady’s ED sures. The alternative walk-in center serviced more
patients. In the opinion of Grady executives and med- than 32 percent of the nonurgent ED cases outside the
ical staff members, our OR analytical work made ED treatment area, thus reducing the hospital’s finan-
possible and substantially facilitated the benefits and cial burden (by treating these patients in a lower-cost
impacts listed next. area) and ensuring proper ED resource usage.

Quantitative Benefits Annual Financial Savings and Revenues. From

Our work has improved the timeliness of emergency 2008 to 2012, the reduction in revisits resulted in $7.5
care. From the beginning of Phase I to the present, million of savings in penalties. The walk-in center for

LOS for ED patients LOS for ED patients

Hospital discharged to hospital (hrs) discharged home (hrs) Average ED LOS

LAC/USC (Los Angeles) 1708 607 
Cook County (Chicago) 1500 600 8–11 hrs
Parkland (Dallas) 1101 503

Grady (2014) 903 607 7.1 hrs
Grady (2008) before improvement 1305 1000 10.6 hrs

Table 6: In this table, we compare the LOS in major safety net hospitals (
Lee et al.: Transforming Hospital Emergency Department Workflow and Patient Care
76 Interfaces 45(1), pp. 58–82, © 2015 INFORMS

nonurgent conditions reduced ED costs by $21.6 mil- patients move from the ED and receive appropri-
lion and resulted in $12.5 million in additional rev- ate care in the appropriate setting in a timelier man-
enue. ED and trauma efficiency increased the revenue ner. For high-acuity patients, quicker response dur-
by $96.6 million. Expansion of trauma care resulted in ing the golden hour of treatment (i.e., a period of
$51.8 million in revenue. For a critical safety net hos- about one hour following traumatic injury) during
pital with $1.5 billion of annual economic impact, only which prompt medical treatment will likely prevent
eight percent of which is paid by private insurance, the death can mean the difference between life and death,
$190 million financial gains have a tremendous impact disability, or returning to a normal life. Faster door-
on maintaining Grady’s financial health. to-computerized-tomography (CT) scan and door-to-
The ED, often called the front door to a hospital, tissue-plasminogen-activator (a clot-dissolving drug)
serves as a source of hospital inpatient admissions, administration for stroke patients, and faster door-
which on average generate more revenue than ED- to-antibiotics for pneumonia patients have decreased
only admissions. For Grady Hospital, the ED provides long-term disability and death. More acute trauma
about 75 percent of inpatient admissions. Thus, the patients can be treated, saving more lives. Improved
ED’s increased throughput and other improvements timeliness and service quality directly translate to
played a major role in the significant revenue increases improved quality of life for patients and decreased
shown in Grady’s annual financial reports. morbidity and mortality, and make a difference in
Encouragement of External Sponsorship. In part, whether a patient is treated and released, or is admit-
as a result of the rigorous OR-driven recommenda- ted to the hospital (see Table 7).
tions, Grady has been able to document success in
Health Cost Reductions. ED timeliness and effi-
timeliness of care and operational efficiencies, thus
ciency of care have a broad impact on patient qual-
facilitating increased philanthropic donations. The
ity of life and healthcare spending. Timeliness and
Kaiser Foundation contributed $1 million (Williams
improved quality of care improve outcomes, and con-
2011) to establish an alternative care site (walk-in
sequently lead to indirect savings of hundreds of mil-
center) for low-acuity patients. A $20 million gift from
lions of dollars in ongoing care and management
the Marcus Foundation (PRNewswire 2014) enabled
of patients. In addition, reducing disability allows
Grady to create a world-class stroke and neuroscience
patients to lead normal lives. The estimate of the value
center and a state-of-the-art trauma center. The OR
of one life in the United States is $50,000–$100,000 per
advances and subsequent ED transformation give
investors confidence in sponsoring projects that will year of life saved (Owens 1998). We emphasize that
benefit the hospital and its patients. although quality and systems efficiency have been our
focus, the monetary savings (for both the providers
Qualitative Benefits and the patients) are real and critical to our national
Our work has saved lives and reduced morbidity healthcare system. This is especially true for safety net
and disabilities. Efficient ED operations allow the hospitals such as Grady, which feel the burden more
ED to more quickly treat patients with time-sensitive acutely than other hospitals, given that many of its
conditions. The shortened LOS demonstrates that service costs are not reimbursed.

ED service 2013 volume Increase in volume Reduced death and disability

Airlift trauma patients 3,395 patients 417 patients (+14%) All need immediate care
for life-and-death situations
Trauma patients 15,992 1,665 (+804%) Death ∼ 56
Disability ∼ 160
Comprehensive care 39,059 2,001 (+5052%) Disability ∼ 390
Extended care 29,645 902 (+209%) Disability ∼ 296

Table 7: These estimates of potential death and disability reductions resulted from increasing patient volumes
at Grady in 2013. Volume increases shown compare 2013 and 2012.
Lee et al.: Transforming Hospital Emergency Department Workflow and Patient Care
Interfaces 45(1), pp. 58–82, © 2015 INFORMS 77

Continuous Improvement and Adaptive Advances. Hospital Care Delivery Advances. The new system
The hospital has been able to achieve its targeted couples machine learning, and simulation and opti-
goal of ED LOS of seven hours and sustain overall mization decision support to improve the efficiency
improvement for over five years. With ED demand and timeliness of care in the ED, while reducing avoid-
continuing to grow, maintaining a culture of con- able readmissions. The model allows a hospital to
tinuous improvement is key to sustaining good globally optimize its ED workflow, taking into account
performance. the uncertainty of human disease characteristics and
care patterns, to drive the patient LOS and wait time to
Improved Quality of Care in Other Facilities. The
a minimum. It provides a comprehensive analysis of
model can be generalized and has been tested and
the entire patient flow from registration to discharge,
successfully implemented in 10 other EDs. The bene-
and enables a decision maker to understand the com-
fits across these EDs are consistent with the substan-
plexities and interdependencies of individual steps in
tial benefits Grady achieved. The ED volumes at these
the process sequence; ultimately, it allows a hospital
10 sites range from 30,000 to 80,000 patients per year.
to perform systems optimization to achieve the most
Upon implementation, they have experienced a total
optimum performance.
throughput increase from 15 to 35 percent, a reduction
The model focuses on system optimization that
of revisits of severe acute patients from 19 to 41 per-
results in improvements in LOS and waiting time
cent, a LOS reduction from 15 to 38 percent, and a
through resource allocation, system consolidation, and
reduction in the number of patients who leave without
operations optimization without attempting to change
being treated from 35 to 50 percent.
the behavior of healthcare providers or patients.
Grady has applied the technology in other units,
Rather, the system captures the human behavior and
including medication error analysis for the pharmacy
optimizes the workflow process to achieve optimal
and hospital-acquired conditions (HACs) in the ED,
results. Although changing human behavior can result
operating room, and intensive care units. HAC is
in significant gains, we understand that such changes
one of the 10 major causes of death in the United
may be more costly in terms of training and alter-
States. Our surgical site infection (SSI) study at Grady
ing habits; this is particularly true for teaching hos-
involved reducing mediastinitis after cardiac surgery.
pitals at which rotations of residents and healthcare
Nationwide, the 700,000 open-heart surgeries per- trainees are common. The potential to introduce new
formed each year result in infection rates of 0.5–5 per- errors also exists. Thus, we accept the variability in
cent. Of those infected, the mortality rate is 40 percent. human behavior and services and incorporate these
On average, an additional 30 days of hospital LOS elements into our model to reflect workflow and
and (or) one extra surgical procedure are required. human characteristics.
The SSI rate at Grady was 23 percent in 2010. The
team implemented transformative changes, including OR Advances. The novelty of our OR-driven
strategic preoperative procedures for both inpatients analytical work includes performing systems opti-
and outpatients and optimal timing and dosing of pre- mization within the ED simulation environment;
operative antibiotics in July 2011. The infection rate incorporating treatment patterns and patient char-
decreased to 1.5 percent between July 2011 and Jan- acteristics dynamically and stochastically within the
uary 2012, and has been zero percent since Febru- ED operations and quality-improvement framework;
ary 2012. The team is now conducting a study on joint modeling ED readmission using—simultaneously—
surgeries, bloodstream infection, and catheter-induced demographics, socioeconomic status, clinical infor-
mation, hospital operations, and disease behavioral
urinary-tract infection.
patterns; modeling ED interdependencies involving
other hospital units; and integrating a machine-
Scientific Advances learning framework within the simulation-optimiza-
The collaborative effort between hospital researchers tion environment.
and OR scientists resulted in scientific advances on We acknowledge the computational challenges of
two fronts, as follows. such large-scale complex models in data collection for
Lee et al.: Transforming Hospital Emergency Department Workflow and Patient Care
78 Interfaces 45(1), pp. 58–82, © 2015 INFORMS

model validation, parameter estimation, and global its survival as an essential safety net hospital serving
system optimization. The machine-learning frame- the Atlanta community and beyond.
work and the DAMIP model have been proven Related photos, presentations, hospital-insider
to be NP-hard (Brooks and Lee 2014); hence, they notes, and an Institute of Medicine/National Acad-
require both theoretical and computational break- emy of Engineering letter concerning the significance
throughs (Brooks and Lee 2010, 2014; Lee 2007; Lee of the work are available at http://www2.isye.gatech
and Maheshwary 2013; Lee and Wu 2007; Lee et al. .edu/medicalor/EDadvances.
2003, 2014). However, once the predictive rule has
been established, it can analyze and predict patient
This study is partially supported by funding from the
return patterns in nanoseconds, opening up real- National Science Foundation to the first author [Grants
time target patient intervention. We derived poly- IIP-0832390 and IIP-1361532]. The authors would like to
hedral theory and applied it to the solution strate- thank C. Allen, C. Girard, S. Lahlou, D. Meagh, J. Phillips,
gies for DAMIP (Brooks and Lee 2010, 2014; Lee and A. Widmaier, R. L. Zhou, and H. Z. Zhang from Georgia
Tech for performing the time-motion study on this project.
Maheshwary 2013; Lee et al. 2014). Special thanks go to Grady’s caretakers: Deborah Western,
Because of the complexity of simultaneously sim- Manuel Patterson, Nadia Ralliford, Jill Cuestas, and all the
ulating dynamic system behavior and optimizing nurses for their support of this project and for helping with
operational performance, solving within our simula- data collection and interviews.
tion-optimization framework remains a challenge. We
caution that our solutions, although obtained rapidly,
Optimization-Based Classifier: Discriminant Analysis via
are not proven to be optimal. Nevertheless, our
Mixed-Integer Program
investigations indicate that the solutions are close to In this section, we briefly describe DAMIP. Suppose we have
optimal. n entities (e.g., patients) from K groups (e.g., returning or
nonreturning) with m features. Let G = 811 21 0 0 0 1 K9 be the
group index set, O = 811 21 0 0 0 1 n9 be the entity index set, and
Future Plans F = 811 21 0 0 0 1 m9 be the feature index set. Also, let Ok , k ∈ G
We acknowledge the proactive attitude of our health- and Ok ⊆ O, be the entity set that belongs to group k. More-
over, let Fj , j ∈ F, be the domain of feature j, which could
care collaborators who worked tirelessly to learn our be the space of real, integer, or binary values. The ith entity,
system advances and present our recommendations to i ∈ O, is represented as 4yi 1 xi 5 = 4yi 1 xi1 1 0 0 0 1 xim 5 ∈ G × F1 ×
key stakeholders for change transformation to make · · ·×Fm , where yi is the group to which entity i belongs, and
this project a success. Challenges remain: the team will 4xi1 1 0 0 0 1 xim 5 is the feature vector of entity i. The classifica-
tion model finds a function ë : 4F1 × · · · × Fm 5 → G to clas-
closely monitor the facility-layout redesign, and mea-
sify entities into groups based on a selected set of features.
sure important outcome metrics to gauge its impact Let k be the prior probability of a randomly chosen
on overall performance and patient care. In addition, entity being in group k and fk 4x5 be the group condi-
important regulatory compliances and critical and del- tional probability density function for the entity x ∈ m of
icate issues related to mental health treatment must group k, k ∈ G. Also let nh denote the number of entities
from group h1 and hk ∈ 401 15, h1 k ∈ G, h 6= k1 be the upper
be addressed. We will also address the super utilizers, bound for the misclassification percentage that group h enti-
those underinsured patients who utilize the ED with ties are misclassified into group k. DAMIP seeks a parti-
up to 33 visits per month. Further, beyond the day- tion 8P0 1 P1 1 0 0 0 1 PK 9 of K , where Pk , k ∈ G is the region for
to-day operations, we will carry out strategic plan- group k, and P0 is the reserved-judgment region with enti-
ties for which group assignment are reserved (for potential
ning. The system developed allows healthcare man-
further exploration).
agers to adapt the model as the ED environment and Let uki be the binary variable to denote if entity i is classi-
operations evolve. Moreover, work is underway to fied to group k. Mathematically, DAMIP can be formulated
apply the system to improve efficiency and quality in as (DAMIP) (Lee 2007, Lee et al. 2003).
other units. Such a dynamic and flexible computer-
max uyi i (D1)
ized system is critical for sustained continuous opera- i∈O
tional improvement. It will help Grady adapt quickly s.t. Lki = k fk 4xi 5 − fh 4xi 5‹hk 1
h∈G1 h6=k
to changes in the healthcare environment, and ensure ∀ i ∈ O1 k ∈ G1 (D2)
Lee et al.: Transforming Hospital Emergency Department Workflow and Patient Care
Interfaces 45(1), pp. 58–82, © 2015 INFORMS 79

1 if k = arg max801 Lhi 2 h ∈ G91 resident involved, primary nurse, time when the patient
uki = received an ED bed to time until first medical doctor
0 otherwise1
arrived. Using this rule, blind prediction of whether a new
∀ i ∈ O1 k ∈ 809 ∪ G1 (D3) patient will return to the ED can be performed in real time.
X One can use alternative objectives, for example, by plac-
uki = 11 ∀ i ∈ O1 (D4)
ing different weights on each group. In Lee (2007), we dis-
X cuss various alternative objectives that take into account dif-
uki ≤ hk nh 1 ∀ h1 k ∈ G1 h 6= k1 (D5) ferences in the relative cost of different types of classification
i2 i∈Oh errors. We tested these alternatives on hospital readmission
uki ∈ 801 191 ∀ i ∈ O1 k ∈ 809 ∪ G1 studies (Lee et al. 2012a). For the paper herein, we report
the best combination when applied to the Grady data.
Lki unrestricted in sign1 ∀ i ∈ O1 k ∈ G1
‹hk ≥ 01 ∀ h1 k ∈ G1 h 6= k0 Nonlinear Mixed-Integer Program for
Multiple-Resource Allocation
The objective function (D1) maximizes the number of
The nonlinear mixed-integer program (MIP) used in allo-
entities classified into the correct group. Constraints (D2)
cating resources was built on top of the nonlinear MIP
and (D3) govern the placement of an entity into each of
formulated in Lee et al. (2009) and solved using the simula-
the groups in G or the reserved-judgment region. Thus, the
tion-optimization framework described in Lee et al. (2013a).
variables Lki and ‹hk provide the shape of the partition of
In all three papers (including this work), an initial solution
the groups in the G space. Constraint (D4) ensures that
is obtained via a fluid model as a warm start to a resource
an entity is assigned to exactly one group. Constraint (D5)
optimization model; the results of the optimization are
allows the users to preset the desirable misclassification lev-
entered into a simulation model that estimates the system’s
els, which can be specified as overall errors for each group,
pairwise errors, or overall errors for all groups together. average wait time, queue length, and utilization. If the solu-
With the reserved judgment in place, the mathematical sys- tion satisfies all the input ranges, this solution is returned.
tem ensures that a solution that satisfies the preset errors Otherwise, the system looks for violated constraints (from
always exists. among wait time, queue length, and cycle time), and deter-
Mathematically, we have proven that DAMIP is NP-hard mines violated service blocks. Service blocks are all the ser-
and that the resulting classification rule is strongly univer- vices and (or) processes that a patient might undergo in
sally consistent, given that the Bayes optimal rule for clas- an ED visit, including triage, registration, PACe examina-
sification is known (Brooks and Lee 2010, 2014). Compu- tion, walk-in, and laboratory tests. Once these blocks are
tationally, DAMIP is the first multiple-group classification identified, optimization will be performed on them. This
model that includes a reserved judgment and the ability to time, however, the objective is to minimize a total violation
constrain the misclassification rates simultaneously within penalty. The process continues until convergence.
the model. Furthermore, we have demonstrated in real- There are two key distinctions between this work and
world applications that DAMIP works well by using a the earlier work by Lee (e.g., Lee et al. 2012b, 2013a).
uniform prior probability and a normal group conditional First, machine learning that predicts patient pattern and
probability density function. They serve to transform the treatment characteristics is integrated into the simulation-
attributes from their original space to the group space optimization decision framework. Second, this work models
(Brooks and Lee 2010, 2014; Koczor et al. 2013; Lee 2007; multiple resource groups at each station. The optimization
Lee and Wu 2007; Lee et al. 2003, 2012a; Nakaya et al. 2011; within each simulation step maximizes throughput with-
Sturm et al. 2010). In Brooks and Lee (2010, 2014), we have out exceeding the existing resources, and includes weights
shown that DAMIP is difficult to solve, and we applied the on how to use staff skills. For example, if a nurse and a
hypergraphic structures that Lee and Maheshwary (2013) physician can both perform a specific task, it may be more
and Lee et al. (2014) derived to efficiently solve these expensive to use a physician than a nurse (or vice versa).
instances. Empirically, DAMIP can handle imbalanced data The user ranks them in the input, and we use these ranks
well; thus, it is suitable for the ED readmission analysis, as weights in the optimization process.
when compared against other classification approaches (Lee
et al. 2012a).
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Aronsky D (2009) Crowding delays treatment and lengthens core measures reflect better care? Quality Safety Health Care
emergency department length of stay, even among high-acuity 15(5):414–417.
patients. Ann. Emergency Medicine 54(4):492–503, e4. Westert GP, Lagoe RJ, Keskimäki I, Leyland A, Murphy M (2002)
Medeiros DJ, Swenson E, DeFlitch C (2008) Improving patient flow An international study of hospital readmissions and related
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MG, Fite D (2010) Optimizing emergency department front-
Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Washington, DC), 1526–
end operation. Ann. Emergency Medicine 5(2):142–160.
Williams M (2011) Grady to open ER alternative offering lower
Minott J (2008) Reducing hospital readmissions. Accessed Octo-
costs. Accessed October 1, 2014,
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Moskop JC, Sklar DP, Geiderman JM, Schears RM, Bookman KJ
(2009) Emergency department crowding, part 2—Barriers to
reform and strategies to overcome them. Ann. Emergency
Eva K. Lee is a professor in the H. Milton Stewart
Medicine 53(5):612–617. School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Georgia
Nakaya HI, Wrammert J, Lee EK, Racioppi L, Marie-Kunze S, Institute of Technology, and director of the Center for
Haining WN, Means AR, et al. (2011) Systems biology of Operations Research in Medicine and HealthCare, a cen-
seasonal influenza vaccination in humans. Nature Immunology ter established through funds from the National Science
12(8):786–795. Foundation (NSF) and the Whitaker Foundation. The cen-
Nugus P, Holdgate A, Fry M, Forero R, McCarthy S, Braithwarte J ter focuses on biomedicine, public health, and defense,
(2011) Work pressure and patient flow management in the advancing domains from basic science to translational med-
emergency department: Findings from an ethnographic study.
ical research; intelligent, quality, and cost-effective deliv-
Academic Emerging Medicine 18(10):1045–1052.
Osei-Anto A, Joshi M, Audet AM, Berman A, Jencks S (2010)
ery; and medical preparedness and protection of critical
Health care leader action guide to reduce avoidable readmis- infrastructures. She is also the co-director of the Center
sions. Accessed October 1, 2014, for Health Organization Transformation, an NSF Indus-
projects/resources/readmissions_cp.pdf. try/University Cooperative Research Center. Lee partners
Owens DK (1998) Interpretation of cost-effectiveness analyses. with hospital leaders to develop novel transformational
J. General Internal Medicine 13(10):716–717. strategies in delivery, quality, safety, operations efficiency,
Popovich MA, Boyd C, Dachenhaus T, Kusler D (2012) Improv- information management, change management, and orga-
ing stable patient flow through the emergency department nizational learning. She is a distinguished scholar in health
by utilizing evidence-based practice: One hospital’s journey.
systems at the Health System Institute, a joint research insti-
J. Emergency Nursing 38(5):474–478.
PRNewswire (2014) The Marcus foundation gives $20 million
tute between Georgia Tech and Emory University School
to Grady Health System. Accessed October 1, 2014, http:// of Medicine. Lee earned a PhD at Rice University in the Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics,
gives-20-million-to-grady-health-system-61849312.html. and received her undergraduate degree in mathematics from
RealOpt (2012) RealOpt user manual. Accessed December 1, 2012, Hong Kong Baptist University, where she graduated with highest distinction. Her research focuses on mathematical
Richardson LD, Hwang U (2001) America’s health care safety programming, information technology, and computational
net: Intact or unraveling? Academic Emergency Medicine 8(11): algorithms for risk assessment, decision making, predictive
analytics and knowledge discovery, and systems optimiza-
Scuteri J, Fodero L, Pearse J (2011) Determining a threshold hos-
pital size for the application of activity-based funding. BMC
tion. She has made major contributions in advances to med-
Health Services Res. 10(Supp.1):A10. ical care and procedures, emergency response and medical
Southern DA, Quan HG, William A (2004) Comparison of the Elix- preparedness, healthcare operations, and business opera-
hauser and Charlson/Deyo methods of comorbidity measure- tions transformation.
ment in administrative data. Medical Care 42(4):355–360. Hany Y. Atallah is the chief of service for emergency
Sturm JJ, Hirsh DA, Lee EK, Massey R, Weselman B, Simon HK medicine at Grady Health System. He is an assistant pro-
(2010) Practice characteristics that influence nonurgent pedi- fessor in the Department of Emergency Medicine at Emory
atric emergency department utilization. Academic Pediatrics University School of Medicine. He manages the operations
of the North Georgia’s premier level 1 trauma center, which
Taylor TB (2001) Threats to the health care safety net. Academic
Emergency Medicine 8(11):1080–1087.
includes the largest emergency department in the south-
United States Department of Health and Human Services (2014) east. He is responsible for all clinical, graduate medical
A policy framework for targeting financially vulnerable safety education and administrative activities occurring within
net hospitals. Accessed August 18, 2014, the service. His primary responsibility is for clinical ser-
health/reports/02/dsh/ch2.htm. vice performance—inclusive of clinical outcomes, physician
Lee et al.: Transforming Hospital Emergency Department Workflow and Patient Care
82 Interfaces 45(1), pp. 58–82, © 2015 INFORMS

performance and professionalism. Dr. Atallah holds degrees in education, Thomas has been a successful senior health-
from Washington University in St. Louis and a medical care executive in hospitals in four states (California, Florida,
degree from New York Medical College. He is a member Georgia, and Missouri). In his various roles as a hos-
of the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma, the pital executive, he has been responsible for the devel-
Society for Simulation in Healthcare, and is a fellow of the opment of a $22 million orthopedic & spine institute, a
American College of Emergency Physicians. full-service Hospitalist program, the onboarding electronic
Michael D. Wright is a senior healthcare executive with a health record from a paper process, and in one health-
reputation for exceptional vision and operational leadership care system has grown shrinking revenue to as much as
in academic medical centers, teaching hospitals, faith-based $500 million. He served as senior vice president of opera-
and community health systems. Wright served as senior vice tions at Grady Health System from 2008 to 2010. Thomas
president of operations at Grady Health System from 2010 received his Bachelor of Science degree from Harris-
to 2013. Previously, Wright has served as chief operating Stowe State University in healthcare management and a
officer of Provena Saint Joseph Hospital, a 200-bed commu- master’s degree in healthcare leadership from Dartmouth
nity hospital in Elgin, Illinois; vice president of operations College.
at WakeMed Health and Hospitals, a 550-bed teaching hos- Daniel T. Wu is the chief medical information officer
pital in Raleigh, North Carolina; and regional director of of the Grady Health System and also serves as the asso-
operations with Johns Hopkins Community Physicians, a ciate medical director of the Grady Emergency Department.
division of Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland. He is an associate professor in the Department of Emer-
He is currently the president of a consulting firm specializ- gency Medicine at Emory University School of Medicine.
ing in hospital operations consulting and interim leadership He has been instrumental in Grady’s recent transformation
management. Wright received a bachelor’s degree in health from a paper-based patient record to an integrated electronic
science and policy from the University of Maryland Balti- health record for which the institution has achieved HIMSS
more, and a master’s in business administration from the Stage 6. He also assists with the daily operations of north
University of Baltimore. He is a fellow in the American Col- Georgia’s premier level 1 trauma center, which includes one
lege of Healthcare Executives, and an active member of the of the largest emergency departments in the southeast. Wu
National Association of Health Services Executives. graduated from the University of Chicago and obtained his
Eleanor T. Post is a chief nursing officer at the Rock- medical degree from Columbia University College of Physi-
dale Medical Center in Conyers, Georgia. Prior to joining cians and Surgeons. He completed an internship in internal
Rockdale, she was the vice president of emergency depart- medicine at St. Vincent’s Hospital in New York City and his
ment and trauma at Grady Memorial Hospital from 2009– emergency medicine residency at Cook County Hospital in
2013. She has over 20 years of experience in leadership and Chicago.
director roles in healthcare, leading units including patient Leon L. Haley Jr. is the Emory executive associate dean,
care services, critical care and trauma, adult services, nurs- clinical services at Grady and chief medical officer of the
ing, quality assurance, and clinical services. In these roles, Emory Medical Care Foundation. He is an associate pro-
she manages the strategic planning, development and oper- fessor in the Department of Emergency Medicine at Emory
ations of the units and the overall workflow. At Grady, and formerly served as deputy senior vice president of
she was instrumental in the successful implementation of medical affairs, chief of emergency medicine for the Grady
an electronic medical record and tracking system. She has Health System, and vice chairman of the Emory Depart-
increased core measures in pneumonia, improved charge ment of Emergency Medicine. Dr. Haley holds degrees
capture in ED, decreased door-to-door time, decreased the from Brown University and the Universities of Pittsburgh
median length of stay, reduced employee turnover, and and Michigan. Dr. Haley is board certified in emergency
improved customer satisfaction. Post received her master’s medicine and a fellow of the American College of Emer-
degree in nursing from New York University, and her bach- gency Physicians. He is a member of the American College
elor’s in nursing from Wagner College in Staten Island, of Emergency Physicians, American College of Healthcare
New York. Executives, and American College of Physician Executives.
Calvin Thomas IV is vice president of the Health Divi- He was a member of the IOM Committee on Health and
sion at Ivy Tech Community College in Indianapolis, Indi- Insurance Status. Dr. Haley has received research funding
ana, the largest community college in the country with 31 from DoD, SAMSA, RWJ, and the Healthcare Foundation of
campuses and over 200,000 students. Prior to his position Georgia.

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