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Value creation is one of the essential components of every business. Moreover, our products,
services, and workplaces can create value for our business. For example, customers want
products and services that satisfy their demands and are worth the money. These will affect
our entrepreneurship by gaining many customers and higher profits. One example is a farmer
who decided to create value by turning seeds into a crop. As he cared for and watered it daily,
he created a value. When the time comes that it reaches the floor, there will be customers that
want his crop and are ready to pay for the value that he makes, which guarantees higher profit
to his business. As we continue to create value, we gain many opportunities, such as more
customers, more branches of our business from different places, and more opportunities for
our employees. We can findd ourselves. That is why we need to learn that when we create
value for our business, we give something valuable to our customers that will satisfy their
demands. According to CFO Perspective, a business's purpose is to serve its values as the
owner. Therefore, its purpose is value creation for the owner. Every entrepreneur has a
definition of jusvalue. Furthermore, every one of us has the freedom to define the value to
create value for our market, products, and services. Our business will only succeed if we
provide the value they deserve to our customers and employees. I really want to have a
business in the future, and I aspire to have a business that creates value for our society rather
than making value for shareholders because big businesses often get a bad reputation when it
comes to creating value for society. We saw on Television or social media that some
companies are polluting the air and ocean and using too much plastic. It is very alarming that
our environment will be destroyed if this does not stop. According to CFO Perspective, by
creating products or services that tackle humanitarian or environmental issues, companies are
not just donating the money they make by any means possible, but they also create value for
society. While businesses can still support societal or environmental concerns, their only duty
is still to maximize profits for shareholders. Nevertheless, eventually, businesses can create
value for society while simultaneously making a profit. One example of a company that
creates value for society is the Alibaba Group, one of the best-known e-commerce sites in the
world. Because of its massive platform to connect buyers to sellers, this company is working
on adding value to society through an advance in its popular map service, AutoNavi. Alibaba
improved the service this year with a feature designed to persuade customers to visit
economically struggling areas. The "poverty alleviation map" draws attention to various
destinations, such as cafes, gas stations, and shops, encouraging visitors to stop in small
towns in the countryside. As a result, it creates an opportunity for economic growth in remote
villages, which may have otherwise been overlooked. Another example is Weight Watchers.
This company helps people who want to lose weight to become holistic partners in fostering
health and wellness. Their purpose has been re-evaluated as "We inspire healthy habits for
real life." With this new strategy, it works now in the community,
and Weight Watchers is deliberately expanding the business while having a more significant
positive influence on people's lives. Overall, we should remember that when we create value
for our business, we not only focus on our satisfaction with higher profit, but we also think
about our society. Investors have gone beyond to impact investing and want more than just
income from their investment. Isn’t it just profitability? It might be for shareholders or
investors of large businesses, but we can also give value to society. A shareholder of a large
business may only care about profits. It is a component in their investment portfolio, and its
only role is to enlarge their wealth. It is easy to link value to when we see the cash and only
think about our business alone. It is easy to confuse activities that produce revenues as
creating the bulk of the value. Moreover, we always look for new ways to benefit our clients,
employees, and society. If we create value for our business for society, we earn higher profits
and help our people and our environment. That is why I aspire to be a successful entrepreneur
in the future who creates value not only for my own satisfaction and my business profit but
also because I want to help other people to value themselves, such as being healthy, caring
about the environment, and caring for other poor people. Entrepreneurs create value for short
they are heroes. Helping society to make all things easier is important.

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