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Let us review what you have learned in JHS by

answering the following questions on your own.

What are the particles that make up an atom?

How is the atomic number determined?

How is the atomic mass determined?

How can the number of neutrons be determined?

How do we write the atomic number and atomic mass of
an element?
Below are two twin celebrities. Do you know them? Do
they have something that would distinguish them from
one another?

Recognize common isotopes and
their uses
Are atoms of the same element that have the same number
of protons but different in the number of neutrons.
Activity 1
Complete the table below. Write your answer on your notebook.
Relative Atomic Mass

To calculate the atomic mass of an element, you

have to multiply the atomic mass unit of each isotope
by its percentage abundance in decimal form.
Then, add these amounts together to find the relative
atomic mass.
Chlorine-35 makes up 75.77 percent of all the chlorine in nature, and
Chlorine-37 makes up the other 24.23 percent. The relative atomic mass of
chlorine is calculated as follows:

Isotope Mass Number Atomic Mass Percentage Relative

Unit (AMU) Abundance (PA) Atomic Mass
Chlorine-35 35 34.969 75.77%
Chlorine-37 37 36.966 24.23%

(AMU of Cl-35 x PA of Cl-35) + (AMU of Cl-37 x PA of Cl-37) = RAM

(34.969x75.77%)+(36.966x24.23%) = 35.453
Activity 2
Read and analyze each problem. Write your answer on a yellow paper. Show your
complete solution.

1. Boron has two isotopes, Boron-10 and Boron-11, whose percentage abundances
are 19.8% and 80.2% respectively. The atomic masses of Boron-10 and Boron-11 are
10.0129 amu and 11.0093 amu respectively. Write the symbols for the two isotopes
of boron and determine the relative atomic mass.
2. Oxygen has three isotopes, oxygen-16, oxygen-17 and oxygen-18, whose
percentage abundances are 99.759%, 0.037% and 0.204% respectively. The atomic
masses of oxygen-16, oxygen-17 and oxygen-18 are 15.995 amu, 16.995 amu and
17.999 amu respectively. Write the symbols for the three isotopes of oxygen and
determine the relative atomic mass.
Some Isotopes and their Uses
Isotope Uses
Sodium-24 Injected into limb to detect blood clot
Cobalt-60 Detect and treat cancer, use to kill bacteria
Iodine-131 Detect functions of thyroid gland
Phosphorus-32 Added to fertilizer to study plant process
Nitrogen-15 Added to fertilizer to study plant process
Cesium-137 Use to kill bacteria
Fluorine-18 Use for diagnosis and treatment of diseases
Gallium-67 Use for diagnosis and treatment of diseases
Carbon-14 Carbon dating process
Isotopes are often
related to nuclear
energy which is being
used in many industries.
This is because the
nuclear energy usually
comes from
radioisotopes- a kind of
isotopes that is
Many of the food
products in the market
were subjected to
radiation that comes
from radioisotopes. Only
few people knew this
because the industries
are aware that people
are sensitive to the use
of nuclear energy.
Nuclear radiation can be used to
kill cancerous cells.
Have you ever wondered how did
archeologists and paleontologists
determined the age of fossils?
In archeology and paleontology,
carbon-14 is used to study and
estimate the age of ancient artifacts
for up to 60000 years in a process
known as carbon dating. For fossils
with more than 60000 years, they use
other radioisotopes such as
uranium-238 and potassium-40.
Performance Task
1. Make a brochure of one example of an isotope.
2. The brochure should have three sections in a landscape
3. It depends on you on how you will design and make an outline
of the brochure.
4. Deadline of submission will be on September 22, 2023.

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