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Written by :
Nova Yuliasari (2223018)
Wita Aryanti (2223015)

Nurul Afifah, M.Pd.



With all the praise and thanks to God the almighty, who has given love and mercy so that
this paper entiled “ Memory Strategies” can finish well. the paper is stuctured to meet one of the
tasks of the Sociolinguistic

On this occasion, we would like to thank profusely to all those who have helped us in
completing the writing of this paper to Nurul Afifah, M.Pd. as Lecturer language learning strategy
for the support and motivation and also to our friends who have contributed their ideas and
motivation for writing this paper.

We are fully aware that many flaws in the writing of this paper, in terms of material,
technical and presentation material. Therefore, we expect criticism and contructive suggestions to
further refine the writing of this paper. Finally, we hope that the writing of this paper can be useful
for readers.

Baturaja, August 22th 2023

The Group 4


PREFACE.................................................................................................................................................... 2
TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTHER I INRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 4
A. Background ....................................................................................................................................... 4
B. Formulate Of The Problem ............................................................................................................... 4
C. Purposes ............................................................................................................................................ 4
CHAPTHER II THEORITICAL STUDY ................................................................................................ 5
A. Defenition of Memory ...................................................................................................................... 5
B. Types of Memory .............................................................................................................................. 6
C. The Strategies to Improve Our Memory .......................................................................................... 7
CHAPTHER III CLOSING ....................................................................................................................... 8
A. Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................ 8
B. Sugestion ........................................................................................................................................... 8
BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................................................................... 9



A. Background
Have you ever spent hours studying ony to have difficulity remembering
information during the exams? This is a common occurrence among students., and it is
caused by study habits that fail to transfer information into long-term memory. The
information processing model shows that remembering is hard work., with work being the
key word. In order to be able to remember what you must use strategies that help you
actively “work on” the material, e.g. organizing, repeating information, and quizzing
yourself. This is the most efficient way to transfer information into your long-term memory
in an organized way so that if can be retrieved during an exam.

B. Formulate of the Problem

1. What is memory ?
2. What are types of memory ?
3. What are strategies to improve our memory?

C. Purposes
1. Describe what is memory in general
2. Explain types of memory
3. Explain the strategies to improve our memory



A. Definition of Memory
Memory refers to the psyhcological processes of acquiring, storing, retaining, and
later retrieving information. Human memory involves the abiliti to both preserve and
recover informatio. However, this is not a flawless process. Sometimes people forget or
misremember things, that’s why we should have a strategeis to keep our memory. Memory
strategies are techniques to improve memory performance. This strategy is included in one
of the direct strategies. Memory problems are often relatively minor annoyances, like
forgetting birthdays. However, they can also be a sign of serious conditions such as
Alzheimer's disease and other kinds of dementia. These conditions affect quality of life and
ability to function.
Forgetting is a surprisingly common event. Just consider how easy it is to forget
someone’s name or overlook an important appointment. Why do people so often forget
information they have learned in the past?
There are four basic explanations for why forgetting occurs:
 Faliure to store a memory
 Interference
 Motivated forgetting
 Retievel faliure

B. Types of Memory
1. Sensory Memory
Sensory memory is the earliest stage of memory. During this stage, sensory
information from the environment is stored for a very brief period of time, generally
for no longer than a half-second for visual information and three or four seconds for
auditory information.

2. Short-Term Memory
Short-term memory, also known as active memory, is the information we are
currently aware of thinking about. In Freudoan psychology, this memory would be
referred to as the conscious-mind. This memory also called memory for new things that
took place a fewminutes, hours or days ago, such as what you had for breakfast or what
you did yesterday.
3. Long-Term Memory
Long-term memory refers to the continuing storage of information. In Freudian
psychology, long-term memory would be called the preconscious and unconscious.
Long-term memory or memory for old, well-learned information that has been
rehearsed (used) over time, such as the name of a childhood pet, memories of vacations,
or where you went to high school.

4. Working Memory
Working memory is an executive function that play a big role in how we process,
use and remember information on daily basis, such as a phone number you look up,
directions someone just gave you, or keeping track of numbers in your head when you
add or subtract.

C. The Strategies to Improve Our Memory

There are 2 main types of strategies to improve our memory: internal reminders and
external remainders.

 Internal reminders
Internal reminders are cues or prompts that come from whithin an individual’s
mind. For example linking a new word to a familiar word already stored in memory
can serve as internal reminder when trying to recall the new word.
 Rehearsal: retelling yourself information you just learned, or restating it out loud in
your own words.
 Repetition: saying the same information over and over, either silently or out loud.
 Clarification: asking others to repeat or rephrase information.
 Chunking: grouping items to reduce the number of items to remember, such as
grouping 7-digit phone numbers into 2 chunks, one with 3 numbers and the other
with 4 numbers.
 Rhyming: making a rhyme out of important information.
 Acronyms or alphabet cueing: creating a letter for each word you want to
remember, or vice versa. One example is using the sentence “Every Good Boy Does
Fine” to remember that the notes E, G, B, D, and F are on the lines of a treble staff
in music.
 Imagery (also called visualization): creating pictures of the information in your
 Association: linking old information or habits with the new, such as taking your
medicine at the same time that you brush your teeth.

 Personal meaning: making the new information meaningful or emotionally
important to you in some way.

 External Reminders
External reminder are cues or prompts that come from the external environment.
For example, setting a reminder on a smartphone or leaving a sticky note on the
refrigerator can serve as an external remainders for important appointment or tasks.
 Using a paper or electronic calendar or day planner.
 Setting timers or alarms to remind you to do something.
 Using written reminders such as to-do lists, shopping lists, and project outlines.
 Recording new information with a voice recorder.
 Using a medicine organizing tool, such as a MediSet.
 Creating specific, permanent places for important items. One example is putting
your keys, wallet, and cell phone in the same place every time you get home.


A. Conclusion
Memory strategies are techniques used to improve memory performance and can
help individuals remember and recall information more efficiently. There are 2 main types
of strategies to improve our memory: internal reminders and external remainders.

B. Sugestion
Similary, we can describe the material that the subject of this paper. Of course,
there are still have many shortcomings and weaknesses, because it lacks of the knowledge
and the reference. We hope the readers can providing constructive criticism and
suggestions of the perfect paper in the next opportunities. hopefully this paper is useful
and also inspire for readers.


Bjork, R. A. 1988. Your memory: How it works and how to improve it: Prentice Hall.
Haris, J. L, & Qualls, C, D. 2000. The association of elaborative or maintance rehaersal with
age, reading comprehension,, and verbal working memory performance. Aphasiology, 14,
Levin, J. R. 1994. Memory strategies and classroom learning: A twenty-year report card. The
Elementary School Journal, 94, 235-244.
Schater DL. 2007. The Seven Sins of Memory How the mind forgets and remember. 1 ed. London:
Souvenir Press.

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