H2302-0121110 English Listening Exam Instructions 2

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English Compulsory Paper I

on for
Transcript of English Listening Exam Instructions

Welcome to the 2023 English Paper I of Aga Khan University Examination Board, HSSC Part II

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We will begin the paper with a 25-minute listening comprehension section.
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You will hear recording of two passages. Each passage will be played two times.
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On each passage, you will answer questions written on your Paper I booklet.
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Listen carefully to the first passage. Then, open Paper I booklet and read questions 1 to 10. You will get
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two minutes for reading.

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The passage will be played one more time. You can make notes on your question paper.

When the recording has finished, enter your answers on the separate answer sheet provided to you. You
will have three minutes to pencil in your answers.

Follow the instructions on the front page of Paper I to show which of the options, A, B, C, or D, you
have selected for each question.
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Do not turn over the page until you are told.


Now, please listen to the passage.


Listening Passage 1: Why Plastic Bags Should Be Banned? (first recording)

Read questions 1 to 10. You will have two minutes’ time for reading.

Two-minute Pause

Listen to the recording again. While listening, you may keep the question booklet open in front of you.
You can also make notes on your question paper.

Listening Passage 1: Why Plastic Bags Should Be Banned? (second recording)

Now record the answers to the questions in the multiple choice answer sheet. You will have three
minutes to record your answers.

H2302-0121110-English Compulsory Listening Exam Instructions

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Three-minute Pause

Now we will play another passage. This will also be played two times.

Listening Passage 2: Why Is Diversity Important? (first recording)

Now read questions 11 to 20. You will have two minutes’ time for reading.

Do not turn over the page until you are told.

Two-minute pause

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Listen to the passage again. While listening, you may keep the question booklet open in front of you.
You can also make notes of the passage on your question paper.

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Listening Passage 2: Why Is Diversity Important? (second recording)
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Now record the answers to the questions in the multiple choice answer sheet. You will have three
minutes to record your answers.
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Three-minute pause
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You should now go on to the next section of Paper I, which is reading comprehension. You will have 30
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minutes for that section.

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Thank you and good luck.

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H2302-0121110-English Compulsory Listening Exam Instructions

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