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MBA ASSIGNMENT 2rd fear Courxe Codes - MBA-MkL Cows Title ~ Markeding Assiprmnante No- MBP ~mk1/ 2623 Eye Llane No - CRI 24 21244 Semis GH. Ore any of these a pure tangible product on purt intangible eee? One. The concepte mentioned cartitr in the contert of working capital management ane not themselyee tangible products on purt intangible ervices. Anettad, they art principlie, procteste, and. financial management considtnatione that apply to a wide range Of busines arrcee Varioue indwetrite, urhether they deat with tangible producten intangible servicte, on a combination of both. Herve hour they relate to both types of offerings: |. Working Capital Management? Wonbing capital manazrment ie not a product on wie but rather a financial management practice. ht applite to all typts of businesete, whether they primarily offer tangible producte cndangible WWittty OV A combination of both. wt focuses on managing the balance betwten a companys currtnt acette (which may include inuntory for tangible products and accounte receivable por sewices) and current Wabilitiee to erenre short-term liquidity. 2. Lnvrentory Management: Snventory management involves ovrnsering the lvls of tangible producte a company hotde. ht ie relevant to husinecsee that manupactints dictribute, or lh phycicat qoode. Efpective inventory management tneurte that the night quantity of products ic available to mett customer demand without tactasive overetorking. 5. Occounte Receivable and Payable Management? Oeeounte rectivable managtment deale with the process of managing outeanding invoicte owrtd to a company hy ite customers. wht is relevant to businesses that provide intangible wruicte ac wilt aa thoee eulling tangible producte on credit terme. Occounte payable management focuses on managing the company's obligations to eupplitre and creditors. 4. Cask Flour Management: Cask plow management applite to alk busintscten negardlice of whether they of ger tangible products on intangible trvicte. Mt invotves monitoring the inflow and. cutplowr of cash to eneur there ie enough liquidity to meet financial obligations and spport ongoing. optratione. These financial management principlir and practices art eeetntial componente of running a auceterful huscintes, negardltce of the nature of the producte on etrvices the busines provides. The «pecipic application and rategite rebated to wonking capital, inventory managimeit, accounts nectivable, accounte payable, and cash plow management may vary based on the industry and huscintse model but are fundamental to cound financial managiment in any contet. G5. Nesenibe the componente of physical widence in cave of railways and hanks. Obeo dtacaibe the rote of «ervice ptrconnel in these onganinations. Hour can customers influence other cuctomere in theee eerwice organisation? One. Phyaicat idence and erwice personnel play significant notte in both raitwaye and banken contributing to the ovina etwice Lxprritnce. Kets explore the componente of physical unrdence, the rote of «eric ptreonnel, and how customere can inpluence tack other in these two typte of service enganiyctiona: Raitwaye: Componente of Physical Evidence: |. Stations and Facilitive: Railway ctatione ate as a cnitical component of phywical widence. Their cleantintee, accteuibility, signage, and amenitite impact the ovirall perception of the ewice. 2. Thaine and Rolling tock! The appearance, cleanliness, and condition of traine, ae well ae the comport of

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