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FROM : GM (HR), COE, Mauda TO :  ALL HOHR

REF : 01:HR-ER:23: CC :  ALL RHOHR
 ED (HR), CC
–for kind information please
DATE : 09.01.2023
Subject: Skill Upgradation Programme for Contractors’ Workers in NTPC

The Power Sector today, is witnessing fast paced change and accordingly, NTPC’s Operation
Practices are also constantly being kept aligned to keep pace with the changes. For ensuring
reliable power to the nation, it is imperative that our power plants sustain unhindered and safe
operation with optimum man and machine utilization.

In the above backdrop, it has been decided that we may organize skill development
programmes for the Contractors’ workers engaged in NTPC’s plants so as to impart them
adequate skill sets necessary for ensuring optimum and safe working in their respective work

Salient features / Modalities of the Skilling programme are as given below:

1. The skill development programmes shall be designed by NTPC and organised through
internal faculty, so as to cater to the practical requirement of NTPC’s O&M practice.
2. In order to bring better buy-in for the participants, at the end of the programme, they
shall be subject to assessment by Power Sector Skill Council (PSSC) and successful
participants shall be awarded certificates by PSSC, which is an agency promoted by Govt
bodies of power sector and also supported by National Skill Development Corporation
as part of Skill India Campaign.
3. General Manager, RLI Solapur shall be the Nodal Authority for overall coordination of
skill development programme and also provide the course curriculum for the skill
trainings to be conducted by site EDCs through their in-house faculties.
4. Power Sector Skill Council (PSSC) shall conduct the assessment through its approved
agencies at NTPC sites and carry out the certification for a fee of Rs. 800/- per
5. Individual site EDC/HR shall take necessary administrative approval for getting the skill
assessment and certification process through PSSC and award contracts/POs as per
their respective site requirements.
6. The EDC in-charge (in absence, an executive nominated by HOHR) shall be the nodal
officer for the site for carrying out training & certification programme.

Proper record of such trainings/programmes is to be maintained. Necessary provision to

capture the skilling data is available in CLIMS and the same may be maintained for better

This may please be treated as important.

(A K Jadli)
Training Contractors Employees – Function and Trade Specific

 The objective of program is to prepare our contractors employees for certification as per
directions of MoP.

• The mode of training is by internal faculty of respective department/plant. Assessment and

certification will be done by M/s Power Sector skill development council at the price of Rs
800.00 per participant. Proposal was approved by competent authority and same was
communicated to M/s PSSC. Question bank will be prepared by EDC of respective stations and
M/s PSSC to conduct assessment and certification through questions drawn from question
bank and certify.

• RLI Solapur shall act as nodal agency from NTPC as a whole. EDCs of respective stations act as
coordinator for training program. Payment to M/s PSSC is to be done by respective stations.

• Area specific training material is developed in the areas of Operation, BMD, C&I, AHP, FM,
Chemistry, Gas stations etc.

• Trade specific course content is developed with function specific training modules as given

 Fitter.
 Rigger.
 Welder.
 Electrician
 Instrument mechanic in C&I.
 Chemistry worker.
 Each program is designed with min 25 to 30 Hrs class room cum site visit. Last one or two
sessions are envisaged for providing department specific inputs.
 Venue for training, training calendar for 25 to 30 Hrs of training is to be decided by respective
 Honorarium will be paid to faculty as per NTPC Honorarium policy. Tea and snacks are to be
provided to participants and verified bills are to be sent to local RLI/EDC for payment.
 EDC/RLI has to spearhead the program and compile training reports and submit to RLI Solapur.
EDC/RLI to coordinate with HoDs and prepare training calendar and seek required approvals
from competent authority and administer the programs. EDC/RLI has to prepare required
formats for MIS as per guide lines given by RLI Solapur and in consultation with HoD. Formats
are to be filled and submitted by respective department representative to RLI/EDC. EDC/RLI
has to coordinate with certification agency and complete certification process in coordination
with HoD & certification agency.
 The duration of program is designed for covering said topics in course content. However HoDs
are free to include more relevant topics and increase the duration as per feasibility at their
end. However certification will be done with respect to given content and assessment.
 Course content with duration, training material both plant related and trade specific (Hindi)
are uploaded in Solapur intranet in RLI Web page under “RLI Training program study material”.
Training material is being translated in respective regional languages by RLI Simhadri, Kaniha
and EDC Darlipally.
a. Common content is designed with brief about Safety and information about
Equipment specific to their locations (Part A).
b. The course content designed for Electrical maintenance include trade specific
(Electrician) and function specific.
c. The Course content designed for C&I Maintenance workers include subjects those are
required for their function.
d. Course content for Mechanical Maintenance technicians is designed for
Fitters/technicians mainly. Trade specific training to riggers is covered in Job Specific
training programs being done by Safety department. Welder certification is being
taken up by FQA.
e. For covering department related knowledge/skill, Part C is added to schedule which
is department specific.
 For any clarification, one can contact Sri E. Nanda Kishore, GM(RLI), 9440918060,

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